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SLAMpeg 1100: Josie vs Taylor Made

An offered handshake is rejected, some biceps are flexed and each lady thinks that they're in charge of things. When they've locked up and exchanged a few moves, things still look pretty even.

Taylor applies some epic Headlocks, grinding Josie to a frazzle. Josie ducks out for a breather.
Taylor attempts to get the match going again, but Josie shows her veteran's knowledge and is soon dominating things in a big way.

You want a match that will keep you guessing, this is the one!

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13 min. 389 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1098: Malia Hosaka vs Lexie Fyfe
Previously available as DVD SLAM 121.

With every partnership comes a little animosity. Lexie and Malia have tagged well together as The Experience for a few years but there have been no gold belts and tensions are building. The partners meet in the ring and air a little dirty laundry. The result is an exchange of face slaps and a Best of 7 Falls Submission Only Challenge from Lexie that Malia is more than happy to accept.

What ensues is a wrestling marathon between two women who know each other’s moves nearly as well as they know their own.
From a prolonged opening test of strength through double Bearhugs, the pair battle to a stalemate during the early going with neither wrestler able to gain an advantage. Finally Malia is able to take control, dominating Lexie and blitzing through three straight submissions via Camel Clutch, Surfboard and Bearhug. She goes for a decisive fourth with a Figure Four, but Lexie regroups and reverses, scoring a submission of her own.

Now it’s Lexie on the offensive and Malia who finds herself on the wrong end of the next 2 falls.
Exhausted and drained both women fight on, desperate to prove they’re not the ‘weak link’ in this wrestling partnership as they go into the final round.

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29 min. 875 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1097: Erica D'Erico vs Kristin Astara

Special guest ref Angela kicks this one off-a 3 falls match between 2 veterans.
Kristin is 'feline' pretty sassy and does enough talking for herself and Erica at the start of this one. After much mouthin' and dancin' around, these two ladies don't hold back and really go at it. Kristin on the attack with all kinds of leg and back work, really working over her opponent--some legal, some not so much. Erica suffers through stomps, ropework, Surfboards, and more until a cross-arm Camel Clutch is too much for her and she submits, giving Kristin the first fall.

Erica may be down, but not out and roars back to life, working Kristin all over the mat, ropes, corners, etc. Angela spends a good amount of time in this fall counting to 5 as Erica's attack is relentless and shows no sign of stopping. She evens the falls with a Sidewalk Slam and a very secure Grapevine pin.
The last fall could be any wrestler's game as both ladies show exhaustion. It's not over until one combatant finds herself in a tight Sleeper/Waistscissor combo and ends up out cold.

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22 min. 663 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$20 for non-members
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$17 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1096: Angela vs Su Yung

Angela. Su. Submissions Only. Best of 5. What else do you need to know?
The first fall is all Su. She locks on a tight bodyscissors and rolls Angela around the ring like a tumbleweed. By the time she's finished, Angela is completely disoriented. The move is made all the more painful by the chickenwing hold that Su has on her arms. Having mustered no offense, Angela has no choice but to tap out to Su's expertly applied Mutalock. Angela makes sure that the second fall is the opposite of the first. She imposes her will on Su with some impressive powermoves, including a Suplex, Bearhug and a reverse Atomic Drop. The back work is capped off by a Camel Clutch followed by a Bow & Arrow stretch that ties the score at one apiece.

Over the next 2 falls, these women find a to bend, stretch and twist every part of the human body. Su chops away at Angela's throat and chest, softening Angela up for an Abdominal Stretch and stomach claw. Angela lays into Su with kicks and a huge turnbuckle Clothesline before nearly scoring another point with a standing Surfboard and a mesmerizing Mexican Ceiling Hold. Su wins another fall with a suffocating Dragon Sleeper, but Angela evens it up again by tying Su into a pretzel!
Both ladies spend the last fall trying to choke the other one out. They are end up into a death grip, leading to a thrilling knockout that will leave fans clamoring for a rematch.

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30+ min. 912 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1095: Kristin Astara vs Lorelei Lee

They start by comparing muscle tone as a means of intimidation. Really solid chain wrestling by both ladies as neither can seem to get the advantage. That is, until Lorelei starts to prove to be a little too strong for Ms Astara. Kristin gets ground into the mat with Hammerlocks, nelsons, Kiester Bumps and more. But she still refuses to give.

So Lorelei gets a little more technical and locks in Kristin's favorite hold: the Figure Four. But still no submission. Lorelei is forced to go a more brutal route, throwing Kristin all over the ring (and outside of it!) with blows, stomps, and Dropkicks. One thing's for certain: neither of these ladies are willing to quit and stay down for the 3, so it's a very tight bodyscissor/Sleeper combo that puts one lady out of the fight.

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13+ min. 406 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1094: Angel Williams vs Lacey

It doesn’t take Lacey and Angel long to notice that there’s no referee for their match. Apparently nobody was fool enough to volunteer for that thankless job and from Lacey’s opening hair pull Angel’s eye gouge to counter you can tell both wrestlers intend to take full advantage of going rule free in this one.
Chokes, finger rakes, hairpulling (even hair-choking!) and eyegouging all come into play as these two pull out all the stops.

Both women are accomplished wrestlers and there’s plenty of legit wrestling to enjoy here. Angel nails Lacey with running shoulderblocks to her midsection and a stunning jawbreaker that nearly does her in. Lacey counters with a tight Full Nelson, deep Boston Crab and a brutal Lungblower.
The action goes back and forth until one exhausted wrestler gets hauled up into a Pendulum Hold and is forced to call out her submission, leaving the gloating victor with a picture perfect victory pose.

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14+ min. 441 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1093: Amber O'Neal vs Rain

We're kicking it old school with a straight up wrestling contest. No pinfalls, submissions only.
After shaking hands like sportswomen, the action begins and it doesn't take long for Amber to assert herself with a series of armwringers. High level grappling is on display here as both wrestlers are constantly looking to reverse and jockey for position. Amber slows Rain down with a double-toed leglock and a Guillotine choke, but Rain isn't even close to being finished. She fights out of a bodyscissors before applying a leglock of her own and putting Amber down with a headlock takeover. With as many wars as these two have had, it's no surprise that they're so evenly matched!

Amber regains control with a Headscissors, but Rain counters into a leg spreader. Then Rain's Front Headlock gets turned into an armbar for Amber! The attacks and reversals come at a dizzying pace and it looks like it could end at any moment. Rain's knee and back are tortured by a single Crab and she has to reach deep down to survive. A bridging Chinlock proves to be too much for one competitor, putting an end to a spirited match.

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10 min. 299 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1092: Jayme Jameson vs Chasyn Rance

Some light trash talking to kick off this intergender match and it's not long before Chasyn is in control and Jayme is making declarations of his strength-and following them up with a low blow.
And so it goes, back and forth with no ref to keep it legal, or even civil. Bearhugs, low blows, Suplexes, choking and some REALLY painful rope and corner work.

Neither one of these wrestlers is walking away with the sportsmanship award, but something tells us they don't care.
This one doesn't end until one warrior is choked with a golf club, fouled and pinned for a 10 count!

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12+ min. 370 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1091: Kimberly vs Madison Eagles

This 1 Fall match opens with as good an example of chain wrestling and submission grappling as you are ever likely to see. Both women match each other hold for hold and pin attempt for pin attempt as they battle for ascendancy.
Such is the technical ability of both wrestlers, the ref’s role is largely that of an observer as Kimberly and Madison prefer to use their own skill over any potential shortcuts. As the match progresses, Madison slowly starts to take control and is soon adding slams, Suplexes and legdrops to her offense.

Kimberly is never completely out of it though and as the match nears its conclusion, she battles back with a flurry of offense.
Will it be enough to turn the tide in her favor or is she still bound for defeat?

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12+ min. 384 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1090: Portia Perez vs Angel Williams, April Hunter & Jessie Belle

Portia begins this one feeling a little lonesome, trying to talk the referee into letting her back out of wrestling or finding her new partners. Apparently her tag partners are AWOL, but her 3 disturbingly eager opponents are right on time. Portia’s pleas (“One of you can be my partner”) and mockery (“you talk too much!”) are ignored by the 3 implacable wrestlers who would not get paid if the match didn’t happen. Appealing to Portia’s ego, they finally get her to wrestle. This turns out to be a bad decision on Portia's part.

Portia begins promisingly with a tight neckscissors on April, but this turns out to be pretty much the only offense she busts out during this match. The cruel trio goes to town on her with every kind of assault. Power moves? They dish out a Tree of Woe, Sidewalk Slams and even a spectacular upside down Bearhug from April! Dirty fighting? Underhanded kicks, punches, chokes, eyegouging. Body-bending submissions? Check.
A huge splash from April puts an end to Portia’s theoretical resistance, leaving her a whimpering wreck on the mat as her tormentors taunt her and celebrate their victory.

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24 min. 722 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1089: Kellie Skater vs Rhia O'Reilly

Kellie gets off to a confident start in this match, taking on Rhia, firing off quips about her opponent’s last name and nationality. However, she immediately realizes that the Irishwoman is all business, leading to a lot more screams than wisecracks. The two athletes take each other’s measure with a virtuoso sequence of chain wrestling, flowing between Full Nelsons, armbars, Waistlocks and more. In a testament to their matching levels of skill, neither can get a clear advantage over the other.

Soon, the match ramps up into more high impact mode while remaining back-and-forth. It is everything referee Angela can do to keep up with the action. Neither wrestler can settle into a groove in this frenetic contest–just as Rhia thinks she’s got the upper hand with a Sidewalk Slam and chokehold, Kellie flips things round with a spine-bending Camel Clutch. The longer each one fails to secure a victory, the more hot tempered they get–escalating the hostilities with vicious kicks, punches and powermoves.
Finally, one quick neck-snapping move steals the victory for one athlete, leaving her national pride intact and her opponent’s in tatters.

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14+ min. 440 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1088: Jessie McKay vs Santana

What starts out as a demonstration of technical wrestling know-how quickly degenerates in a vicious beatdown. You see, the usually nice and friendly Jessie McKay apparently has a bad day. "Everyone's favorite girlfriend" shows us she has a sadistic side as well, raking the eyes of her opponent and mercilessly attacking Santana's legs.

There's not much guest ref Kellie Skater can do about the violence. Fortunately, Santana is no pushover. She stuns Jessie with a flurry of offensive maneuvers, but Jessie counters that. The advantage shifts continuously, with Jessie nearly taking the win with a Spinebuster. She follows that up with a temper tantrum that matches perfectly with her schoolgirl outfit. This opens the door for Santana to score with 3 consecutive modified DDT's.
In the end, an injury prevents one grappler from hitting her signature move, which costs her the match.

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13 min. 385 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1087: Britani Knight vs Su Yung

Strap yourself in for a fast paced slugfest.
Su starts out in a karate stance that confuses Britani just enough for Su to nail a quick kick to the midsection. Su capitalizes with a flurry of kicks and chops that Britani has little defense for. Britani finally displays some of that Norwich pub wrestling style as she brawls her way back into the match and has Su on the run.

The action goes back and forth in a frenzy of kicks, forearm smashes, stomps and chest slaps with neither wrestler willing to give an inch to her opponent. Britani puts the hurt on Su with a brutal DDT and works over Yung with knee slams, a single-leg Boston Crab and a tight Bow & Arrow hold. Su counters with vicious kicks, Headbutts and a deep Boston Crab of her own.
One wrestler finally makes a fatal mistake and misses a diving Spear in the corner that takes its toll on her shoulder. Her opponent makes her pay dearly, working over the arm and building up to an inescapable tuning fork armlock that earns a desperate tap out finish.

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13 min. 387 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1086: Divina vs Kimberly

Fists wrapped in tape, Divina and Kimberly are dressed to impress and to kick some butt. Even though they're fighting for the World Taped Fist Championship, they start by comparing "assets" and engaging in some offensive language. Words might hurt, but not as much as some of the moves these two put on each other.

Kimberly dominates most of the action, using Divina's hair to flip her around the ring and add extra pain to a Full Nelson. Divina is tested by a fishhook Camel Clutch, but doesn't submit. The orange clad grappler adds insult to injury by spanking Divina's booty after rolling her up. Divina starts to turn the match around with a back-bending Boston Crab, but Kimberly powers out.
The match nears its end as both wrestlers start to exchange hard punches. A big overhand right knocks one lady out and she's forced to suffer multiple DDTs before being pinned. The loser is tossed out of the ring and stomped on for good measure.

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16+ min. 503 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1085: Sara Del Rey vs Saraya

Two veterans of the wrestling business meet up for the first time in this 1 Fall match-up.
If you're expecting counters, reversals and technical wrestling you want be disappointed. They both know their way around a ring and it seems like they both feel they have something to prove. Lots of submission holds as they try to make the other give up the fight.

There are also plenty of pin attempts- backslides, rollups, DDT. This is very much a back-and-forth match. You won't be able to guess the winner until the final pinfall but you can believe that neither wrestler left the match feeling healthy!

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13+ min. 404 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1084: Rain vs Bad Seed & Shawn Spears

Rain needs to be at her most radiant in this match as she faces not one, but 2 Shawns-Spears and ‘Bad Seed’ Osborne-in this 2 out of 3 Falls Handicap Bout. Amy Love is also in the ring, but despite an offer from Rain to be her tag partner, Love’s role is that of referee.

For the opening few minutes of the match, Rain is able to hold her own, and indeed dominate her two opponents. Inevitably though, the two Shawn’s soon begin to take control of proceedings, although not without a little corner cutting and doubleteaming of their outnumbered opponent.

Unfortunately for Rain, even with victory just an easy pin away, the duo decide to prolong Rain’s suffering a little longer as she endures slams, Suplexes, Piledrivers, submission holds and as many illegal moves as the men can get away with.

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15+ min. 459 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1083: Alexxis Nevaeh vs Danny DeManto

Alexxis is clearly at a disadvantage, but her wits and quickness prove to be the story of this match. What follows is a cat and mouse game with Alexxis having to stay one step ahead of the dangerous Danny. She's out to prove that the bigger they are, the harder they fall.
The large Danny is surprised by the vicious Alexxis, who repeatedly stomps on his toes. She applies a twisting Anklelock that has him desperately reaching for the ropes! Between the attacks on his feet and Alexxis' schoolboy attempts, Danny doesn't have a second to get his bearings. He manages to connect with a back elbow and Alexxis shows her toughness, taking some loud chops.

Back on the defensive, a stumbling Danny traps himself in the ropes where Alexxis is free to punch his belly and wrap her hands around his throat. If that wasn't enough, she starts to slap his ample posterior. Danny jumps around like he just sat on a hot poker! A leaping cutter levels Alexxis out of nowhere and Danny gets his chance to dish out some punishment. A hard Clothesline followed by a Camel Clutch break Alexxis down, but she breaks free setting up an explosive finish.

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13+ min. 402 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1082: Jessie Belle vs LeiLani Kai

Don't these young blood competitors know not to tell their heroes how much they want to be like them? It only seems to fuel their more experienced combatants rage and that is certainly true in this match.
LeiLani immediately goes for Jessie's hair, ignoring all the praise Jessie Belle was sending her way. Jessie Belle is like a ragdoll as LeiLani wipes the ring with her, really focusing on her luscious locks. Leilani hasn't forgotten her skill set, though and still tortures Ms Belle with waistlocks, chokes and ropework.

Not much more to say another than we have a classic case of an up and comer learning a very painful lesson at the hands of a merciless professional.
This one ends with a very definitive submission elicited by a very brutal hold.

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12 min. 359 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1081: April Hunter vs Kristin Astara

April and Kristin have faced each other numerous times in the past and it shows in the early stages of this 2 out of 3 Falls match. Both grapplers exchange armbars and Headlocks with great proficiency, but it's April who grabs the early advantage when she starts targeting Kristin's leg. She traps her blonde opponent in leglocks and anklelocks to soften her up, then hooks a picture-perfect Sharpshooter straight from Calgary for the first fall.

Kristin is in considerable pain, but with some healing from above (really, it works!) she manages to regain the offensive. Kristin obviously does not shy away from some illegal rope use and at one point locks in a cross armbreaker. April barely hangs on, but when Astara switches to an excruciating STF it's tapout time!

The third and deciding fall is dominated by one of these ladies. You'll see a Northern Lights Suplex, Sidewalk Slam, and Slingshot among others, before a vicious Hangman's Neckbreaker spells the end for one fighting competitor.

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14+ min. 427 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1080: Ariel vs Shawn Spears

Shawn towers over Ariel and doesn’t pull any punches as he lays into her with hard kneelifts, stomps and brutal kicks to Ariel’s midsection. Overwhelmed by Shawn’s early offense, Ariel spends the better part of the match on the defensive as he target’s her arms with vicious finger stomps, twisting armwringers and a debilitating single arm straightjacket that nearly takes her limb from its socket.

Sean gets cocky with his early success leading to a few lazy covers and underhanded shortcuts with eye rakes, boot scrapes and hair stands that keep him in control of the match. Ariel finally shows signs of life with a desperate Jawbreaker that rocks Shawn’s chiseled chin.
Ariel does her best to make a match of it and the waning moments of the battle turn into a fierce back and forth frenzy until a devastating cutter out of nowhere puts one wrestler down for the 3 count.

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11 min. 332 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1079: Tenille vs Chris Gray

2 out of 3 Falls.
Fall 1 commences with some very tricky maneuvering and outmaneuvering. Things are dead even until a surprising rollup puts one wrestler up in the stats.

The angry Chris works on the back of Tenille to prove his loss was a fluke. Camel Clutch, Backbreakers and just general spinal torture. Tenille endures an incredible beating, eventually weakened and pinned.

The pained Tenille gamely continues, but cruel Chris has no mercy for her or the ref as he deals out a pair of Piledrivers before this one is over.

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15+ min. 458 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1078: Lorelei Lee vs Sara Del Rey

The ladies kick off this match comparing their respective flowing tresses. Sara is nervous that her newly cut and conditioned mane would be mussed up by the in-ring action. Lorelei tries to bring things back on point by reminding her that this is a wrestling ring, leading to some further mutual boasting about who can perform big moves and submissions and who can’t. Apparently, Lorelei’s statements about how to behave in a wrestling ring do not take root–the match stays hair-focused throughout.

The two wrestlers almost never let go of each other’s hair. An initial handshake turns into a hairpulling contest. The few wrestling moves we see are always augmented with hair yanking–apparently everything from chokeholds to Camel Clutches is better with a handful of hair! Ring geography is used cannily by each wrestler–corners and ropes are used judiciously to perform what might be termed scalp-baring techniques. Even a brush is brought in at one point to enhance the pain.
One wrestler wins her victory with a pinfall locked in with the aid of–you guessed it–her opponent’s hair.

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20+ min. 609 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$20 for non-members
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$20 through Paypal

$17 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1077: Miss Rachel vs Titan

They don't come much meaner than the massive Titan, but he may have met his match with Miss Rachel.
She's got a nasty side and she loves showing it off. A sneaky low blow stuns Titan, leaving him open for a Seated Senton that knocks the wind out of him. The match could be over already, but Rachel decides to dish out some more punishment. Time and time again, the British Bombshell drops her backside on Titan, nearly caving his chest in. You will be astonished at how this giant is completely dominated.

After stretching him with a Camel Clutch, Rachel goes after Titan's arm. She looks like she might rip it off and beat him over the head with it! With his arms weakened, he nearly gets squashed attempting to Bodyslam Rachel. She flattens him with a running legdrop and a corner splash, before turning her backside to him. Not only is she in complete control, she just has to *ahem*, "rub it in" Titan's face.
One final Banzai Drop gives Rachel an extended pinfall victory.

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9 min. 270 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1076: Christina Von Eerie vs Fantasia

Fantasia and Christina seem to rub each other the wrong way from the start. Christina takes a shot to the gut after being powered into the corner by Fantasia, but sets the tone by returning the favor and delivering a hard shoulderblock of her own. The one-upmanship continues until both wrestlers are exchanging hairpulls, face rakes, eyegouges, nose pulls and vicious bites to get every advantage they can.

The referee counts to 4 more often than Elmo from Sesame Street as both wrestlers skate on the edge of disqualification throughout the match. Fantasia brings her power game, nailing Christina with forearm smashes, harsh boot stomps and a deep Boston Crab. Von Eerie counters with Headbutts, a devastating sit-out face slam and flirts with disaster as she eyerakes her way out of a Bodyslam while held in midair!
A Piledriver finish puts a decisive end to one of the most mean spirited matches you’ll see.

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10+ min. 319 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1075: Fire vs Malia Hosaka

These vets of the ring are all business right from the get-go with Malia taking charge via Fire's hair! Headscissors, choking and Snapmares, all with some generous helping of Fire's blonde locks. With no ref to break this up, Malia thrives in what appears to be her element.

Despite being tied in the ropes by her hair, Fire refuses to give up. Malia really gives her opponent a lesson in illegal wrestling moves. She stands on her hair, gives her a hair-assisted Camel Clutch and constantly demanding Fire plead for mercy.
One final predicament proves too much for Fire and she finds herself screaming her submission to Malia.

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13+ min. 409 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1074: Hailey Hatred vs Kimberly

“Blondes have much, much more fun,” Hailey Hatred proclaims midway through her match-up with Kimberly. Of course, the reason why Kimberly is having no fun is that Hailey is constantly grabbing handfuls of her brunette locks and using them to torture her opponent mercilessly.

Kimberly is barely able to mount any offense in this 1 Fall match. Instead, she is forced to endure Hailey’s hair-aided attacks, including head slams to the mat, Camel Clutches and tosses across the ring. Even when choking Kimberly across the ropes, Hailey grabs and pulls her opponent’s hair for good measure. Hailey continues to torture her opponent, lifting Kimberly’s shoulders off the mat to deny several pinfalls. And adding insult to injury, Hailey places her foe atop the turnbuckles, then wrenches Kimberly’s leg back and wraps it up in Kimberly’s hair.

The match ends with a Camel Clutch and one of the most unique (and painful) straightjacket holds you’ll ever see.

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12 min. 358 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1073: Leva vs Nemesis

Leva, in her Joker gear, might be a little tough for some opponents to take seriously, but a near fall sobers up everyone. Leva takes it right to Big Mama and has her in trouble until Nemesis takes control in a big way.

Her mean streak has the light-hearted grappler in real pain from a Stepover Toehold, rope choking and some severe leg punishment.

Nemesis' raw power is on display when she captures Leva in a devastating Bearhug, but the game grapplerette is far from done!

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14 min. 425 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1072: Rachel Summerlyn vs Stiro
Previously available as part of DVD 157.

The epitome of professional wrestling in every sense of the word ‘professional’. A masterclass in action-reaction chain wrestling, it is all action and very little talk, leaving referee Amy Love to call the action amidst little more than the yells and wheezes of two athletes pushing themselves to their limits.

As it turns out, Stiro’s confidence seems justified as he lays into Rachel from the beginning with Hiptosses, Full Nelsons, armbars and even a combination leglock-Surfboard. The tough, experienced Rachel occasionally manages to give as good as she gets with some thunderous Clotheslines and a tight Neckscissors, but Stiro controls the majority of the match, overpowering Rachel quite decisively. After punishing her neck in the final act of the match with some chokes on the rope, submissions and one final devastating Neckbreaker that nearly wins him the victory, the frustrated Stiro tries to take a shortcut by bringing in a chair from the outside.
Will the devious Stiro clinch the victory or does Rachel manage to tap one last reserve of energy?

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6 min. 177 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

Instant Access

$5 through Paypal

SLAMpeg 1071: Candi Divine vs Taryn Shay

Few wrestlers are as experienced as Candi. Few are as dangerous, too. Taryn learns this the hard way, as she is subjected to more than 10 minutes of non-stop torment and torture at the hands of the vicious veteran is this 1 Fall match-up.
Whether through legal maneuvers (Snapmares, Camel Clutch, belly claw, Surfboard, Rear Naked Choke, Bodyscissors) or not-quite-as-legal tricks (hairpulls, choking on the ropes, stepping on her throat), Candi beats up and wears down her foe mercilessly throughout this match.

Whether she’s working over Taryn against the turnbuckles or whipping her off the ropes into Clotheslines or double axe-handle chops, Candi delivers her punishment with glee. And when Candi finally decides her helpless opponent has had enough, a Bearhug followed by a Rear Naked Choke may be enough to put Taryn out for the count.

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10+ min. 319 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1070: Amy Love vs Nikki Roxx

Wrestling, like life, is a game of give and take. When it comes to one-sided beatings, Amy Love has done more than her fair share of taking. She’s about to turn that around at the expense of Nikki Roxx.
Amy comes out angry with a little pre-match shoving before putting Nikki on her backside with a couple of hard shoulderblocks. Nikki will spend a lot of time on the canvas in this one as Amy nails her with repeated Bodyslams, bone-rattling Snap Suplexes and face slams galore.

Amy wears a wide grin as she carries Nikki like a trophy before hitting Sidewalk Slam after Sidewalk Slam. Nikki’s back takes the worst of Amy’s onslaught from slams, Surfboards, Camel Clutch and a prolonged Hangman Chinlock that drains the fight out of her.
After mercilessly putting Nikki through the grinder with legal and illegal tactics, Amy finally puts Nikki out of her misery with an over-the-knee Backbreaker and follow-up Torture Rack that has Roxx screaming her submission.

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30 min. 900 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$25 through Paypal

$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1069: Betsy vs Lacey

We open on the Lovely Lacey addressing her many fans across the multiverse. Lacey is discussing her favorite subject–herself–when she is interrupted by a less than adoring Betsy. An incident with a water bottle leads to a swift beatdown and a challenge from Betsy to meet in the ring.

With neither wrestler known for their strict adherence to the rules, and with no referee, the contest between the two women is an uncompromising one. Hair is pulled, backs are raked and eyes are poked in a battle of illegal moves. A sudden pin scores a surprise victory for one wrestler, but it soon turns out to be a hollow victory.

The match might be over, but one wrestler is far from finished. She unleashes an assault on the match winner, that culminates in a number of trays being utilized for something a lot more brutal than serving tea.

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14+ min. 433 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1068: Amy Love & Rain vs Nooie Lee & Sinn Bodhi

It’s a tag team battle of the sexes.
The action begins before the opening bell, as the men attack the ladies, but The Ravishing One and The Supermodel quickly turn the tables. Once things settle down, the men trap Amy in the ring. The speedy Lee attacks with rapid-fire kicks and stomps, a side Russian Leg Sweep and as the occasional hairpull takedown, while the always unpredictable Bodhi tries to rip Amy’s nose off (you read that correctly), rakes her stomach and digs in with a double pressure point nerve pinch.

After taking a long beating, Amy finally finds an opening and tags in Rain, who cleans house with Dropkicks to both of the men, a reverse Atomic Drop to Lee and an Atomic Drop to Bodhi. Rain and Amy then go back and forth delivering forearms blows to Bodhi before doubling up to attempt a Suplex.
With one team on the verge of victory, their opponents steal it with a sneaky move from the outside of the ring, plus a small package to gain the pinfall and the surprise victory.

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12 min. 364 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1067: Su Yung vs Ryan Howe

It's Ryan's size and strength advantage versus Su's finesse and determination in this one. This becomes all the more apparent when Ryan wins the early test of strength, but Su gets the better of the chain wrestling exchange. Ryan still manages to regain the advantage though and proceeds to pummel Su all over the ring.

Howe traps Su in a Camel Clutch and bodyscissors, but can't get the submission. He squashes his opponent in the corner and tells us that's "Howe" it's done. That's pretty clever, but Su just keeps kicking out of every pinfall attempt. Howe gets more and more obnoxious and takes plenty of shortcuts throughout the contest. He manages to anger special referee Jessie Belle. That might just prove to be a mistake in the end...can Su Yung capitalize on her adversary's overconfidence?

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14+ min. 434 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1066: Little Jeanne vs Mercedes Martinez

A competitive match where there is no room for mistakes. Jeanne talks a big game, but she backs it up by taking it to Mercedes early. Mercedes is stuck to the mat as she endures a rear Chinlock, bodyscissors and a Full Nelson. A Keister Bounce loosens up her defenses and Jeanne capitalizes with an armbar attempt that Mercedes narrowly escapes. Jeanne keeps up the pressure with a beautiful toehold/Chinlock combination.

The action is fast and furious in this match and before you know it, the tables have turned. Mercedes locks on a Rocking Horse stretch looking for a submission. When that doesn't work, she continues to score with stomps, punches and powerful lariats that lift Jeanne off of her feet. It's striking vs. grappling as Jeanne works a variety of holds, including an anklelock and Figure Four Leglock. On the other side, Mercedes shows off a back elbow and an athletic Dropkick.
It's almost too close to call until an airtight roll-up leads to an inescapable 3 count.

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14+ min. 427 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1065: Angel Williams vs Ashley Lane

The Radiant Rain becomes the radiant referee for this 1 Fall Match. It begins cautiously, with both women familiar with each other’s ability in the ring. Angel soon takes control with a test of strength, but Ashley quickly counters with just a little hairpulling and choking.

Of course, it takes more than a little of anything to put Angel down and she is quick to respond with an Atomic Drop. It proves to be first of many, at first being exchanged between the two women, but as the match progresses, Angel begins to take control and soon Ashley is learning that it really is better to give than to receive.

Rain’s impartiality is called into question at one point in proceedings, but she does redress the balance-and then pays the price for her actions. Eventually, a blitz of Atomic Drops and a prolonged bodyscissor leaves one wrestler unable to beat the 3 count and an inevitable defeat.
Great action, but light-hearted.

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20+ min. 617 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$20 for non-members
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$20 through Paypal

$17 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1064: Portia Perez vs Tenille

Portia and Tenille meet once again to continue their rivalry from SLAMpegs 733 and 895. And with no referee in the ring, it would appear that the odds are in Portia’s favor.
True to form, the Canadian soon starts to dominate the action, largely due to cutting corners whenever she can. Tenille’s hair is pulled and she is repeatedly choked on the ropes as Portia looks to score a quick victory. The contest is not a one-way street however and Tenille repeatedly battles back into the match.

Growing increasingly frustrated with Portia’s attitude, Tenille unleashes a flurry of strikes and a quick Suplex. With Portia down, Tenille attempts to lock on a Bridging Indian Deathlock for the submission victory. An eyerake allows Portia a temporary respite, but Tenille soon has the hold applied again. The question is-is there a twist in this match...or just in Portia’s tangled legs?

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10+ min. 312 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1063: Sara Del Rey vs Kevin Matthews & Titan

A rematch from SLAMpeg 897.
One might think that a female wrestler must be crazy to go up against two much larger male wrestlers but the "Queen of Wrestling" Sara Del Rey is confident that she can hold her own. As this 20 minute time limit, handicap Ironperson match begins, Sara gets some nice shots in but the "cheater" team of Titan and Kevin seems too much to overcome.

They distract the ref at every opportunity and keep Sara trapped in their corner for long periods of time. Sara suffers through Bodyslams, chokes, submission holds that lift her off her feet, Tree of Woe (with choking) and much, much more.
Before you think this is a straight beat down, Sara does get in some shots of own and manages to pin Titan!

The final score is 4 falls to two but who comes up with the most?!?

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21+ min. 655 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$20 for non-members
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$20 through Paypal

$17 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1062: Angel Williams vs Angela

A 1 Fall contest. And although their names may only be separated by a single ‘a', it’s an A for Attitude that separates them in the ring in this one-sided contest. With her ‘fans’ in attendance, Angel seems determined to put on a show. Unfortunately for Angela, that means Angel is at her most dominant.

Headlocks, Waistlocks, chokes, a Camel Clutch and a Boston Crab are just some of the moves Angela has to endure as Angel takes any opportunity to simultaneously torture her opponent, whilst still putting on a show for her fans.
And if you think that Angela being knocked out means that the match is over, apparently nobody told Angel that. There is still time for one more DDT to underline an emphatic victory, before a ten (yes, 10!) count brings the action to a close.

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12+ min. 379 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1061: Athena vs Santana

Right from the start, Athena seems determined to pull out all of Santana's hair by the roots! She flings poor Santana all around the ring and even manages to choke her with her own hair. When a desperate Santana asks Athena why she is doing this, the response is frighteningly simple: "Because I can".

Athena absolutely pummels Santana throughout the entire contest. It's hairpulling to the extreme here, as Athena demolishes her adversary with hair-assisted Neckbreakers, Camel Clutches and more. Yet after all the abuse, Santana amazingly manages to kick out of a pin attempt! This of course infuriates Athena, who traps her foe in a Dragon Sleeper (with added hairpull for good measure).
Will this be enough to make tough Santana submit?

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10+ min. 311 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1060: Amber O'Neal vs Sara Del Rey

Amber's got her Baywatch suit on, but any time you get in the ring with Sara Del Rey, it's never going to be a day at the beach.
The first half of this match is dominated by Sara. Sara removes her shirt and ambushes Amber with it, choking her down to the mat. The veteran O'Neal is assaulted with a double-toed leglock, armwringers and chops to the throat. A Bodyslam takes the wind out of her sails, leaving her vulnerable to a Sleeperhold that comes close to ending the match.

Maybe Amber was playing possum, because she suddenly turns into a ball of fire, bouncing Sara around the ring. Amber turns up the heat with a flurry of Snapmares, Neckbreakers and corner Clotheslines. She lands a jumping facebuster that knocks Sara out, but she's too hurt to complete the cover. Sara powers out of an Abdominal Stretch, lifting Amber off of her feet and slamming her into the turnbuckle!
Incredible back and forth action from Amber and Sara!

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10+ min. 322 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1059: Hailey Hatred vs Su Yung

Hailey doesn't seem amused by the "very springy" Su as special guest ref Cat Power gets the two off and running. Hailey gets wind of taking the offensive and runs with it. She barrages Su with kicks, stomps, cornerwork, tests of strength, Headbutts, and cocky pin attempts. When Su won't stay down, Hailey works her arm with every trick in the book. Stomps, ropework, several Armbars and even an over-the-knee Cobra Clutch.

Su is resilient, though and seems to fuel Hailey's fire. Hailey never lets too much time pass without a hairpull or a splash or a kick to the shoulder. Su spends most of this match reeling, but finally gains some offensive steam later in the match.
This one comes down to a series of brutal powermoves, including a Hammerlock Sit-Out Slam that puts one lady down for the 1-2-3.

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13+ min. 395 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1058: Courtney Rush vs Saraya

Courtney is very happy to get to wrestle the SHIMMER Champion. Sweet Saraya on the other hand isn't all that thrilled to meet Ms Rush. She attacks her eager opponent with a barrage of chokes, hairpulls and other unfair tactics. When Courtney mentions that her foot's on the ropes, Saraya fires back that it won't matter because she already beat up the ref!

Saraya stretches Courtney to her very limits with a plethora of submission maneuvers-some legal, some not so much. Finally, a beaten and bruised Courtney is trapped in a leg nelson with no escape possible. Left with no alternative, a teary submission is the only way out.

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13 min. 385 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1057: Angela vs April Hunter

Angela and April begin this one-fall match cautiously, exchanging Armbars and Chickenwings while trying to gain the upper hand. April locks on a Stepover Toehold then stomps on Angela’s leg, but Angela reverses the ensuing Irish Whip and slams April in the corner with a Clothesline. April hits a Bodyslam and Camel Clutch (with a bit of a hairpull for good measure), then tosses Angela outside the ring where the action continues.
April stomps on Angela on the floor, but the feisty Angela reverses an Irish Whip and it’s April who goes face-first into the ring post, then into the ring apron. The two make it back into the ring before the referee can count them out.

Angela begins to take control, hitting April with elbows, forearms, fists and foot chokes. She introduces April’s face to 3 turnbuckles, then whips her into the opposite corner and flattens April with a Clothesline. April doesn’t stay down for long. A Clothesline quickly turns the tide, then she locks in a Dragon Sleeper and an arm stretch submission that has to be seen to be believed.
The end of the match comes quickly as one wrestler reverses a submission hold and flattens her opponent with a DDT to gain the hard-fought 3 count in this highly competitive battle.

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13+ min. 413 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1056: Cat Power vs Luscious Latasha

The action is back and forth in this 1 Fall contest. Although giving up some height to her feline opponent, Latasha gives as good as she gets here, and more!

The two wrestlers exchange hard strikes and painful submissions holds, with neither woman able to gain a solid advantage. Whenever it looks as though Cat may be in the ascendancy, Latasha fights back hard with both women scoring 2 count pins as each come tantalizingly close to victory.

In the end, the match is settled not with a 1-2-3, but instead with a 4--A Figure Four Leglock, to be precise!

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13+ min. 405 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1055: Christina Von Eerie vs Jayme Jameson

Jayme takes a crash course at Von Eerie’s school of beauty with special emphasis on hairstyling techniques. The young brunette’s follicles will never be the same.
Von Eerie starts the match with a hairpull and keeps control by consistently yanking on Jayme’s long locks as she puts her through a salon nightmare. Jayme suffers through devastating mat slams, knee drivers and a Cobra Clutch that gradually take the fight out of her all while having her hair torn out at the roots.

Von Eerie ratchets up the pressure of her constant hairpulling by getting leverage any way she can. Jayme screams her way through double-booted hair stands, a Tree of Woe hanging hairpull and even hair chokes as Christina dominates the action. Christina toys with her victim until a final rope-assisted hairpull is all poor Jayme can take before finally screaming her submission.

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12 min. 361 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1054: Angel Williams vs Rain

Two seasoned veterans are no-nonsense at the start of this contest of wills, staring each other down, neither backing an inch. At least, not until Rain takes one step back...just to kick Angel in her enviably toned midsection.
What follows is a showcase of all the agony-inducing tricks Rain has built into her arsenal over the years. She keeps Angel breathless and off her feet with combination chokes and bodyscissors, squeezing her neck and her ribs with equal abandon. She elicits screams of pain from the blonde with creative submission combinations–Boston Crabs, Camel Clutches, Leglocks and even a Sharpshooter. And, just to show she can do the brawling too, the cerebral submissions are interspersed with nasty kicks, chokes and the occasional hairpull or stomp on the fingers.

One final extended Camel Clutch forces Angel to give, bending her neck backwards in an angle it was simple not meant to bend in, leaving her unable to say a word as Rain gloats over her prostrate form.

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11 min. 325 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1053: Hardcore Heather Owens vs Kimberly

Guest referee Rain oversees the action here with Kimberly building to a slight advantage after a chain wrestling exchange with Heather. Kimberly manages to work Hardcore's leg for a while, locking on anklelocks and leglocks in an attempt to steal the win. Owens will have none of that though, and quickly regains control of the match with an unfair eyerake. From there on out, Heather gains momentum when she slingshots, Snapmares, Surfboards and Bearhugs Kimberly to the breaking point.

A devastating over-the-shoulder Backbreaker and modified Sleeperhold almost earn Hardcore the win, but Kimberly suddenly counters with a Russian Leg Sweep and an offensive flurry of elbows, Clotheslines and Dropkicks.
In the end, a missed legdrop proves costly when one grappler has to tap out to an excruciating Texas Cloverleaf.

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14 min. 416 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1052: Jessie McKay vs Rhia O'Reilly

Rhia is all sarcasm at the beginning of this match, throwing out a challenge to a distinctly reluctant Jessie. Rhia proposes a 30 Minute Ironwoman Match to the skeptical McKay who starts off on the wrong foot, complaining about her sore back. After quite a bit of nationality-related mockery (both the Irish and the Australians take hits), the ladies finally lock up. After some exploratory Full Nelsons, armlocks and Headlocks, Rhia uses brute strength to take control, hitting Jessie with vicious elbows and kicks.

From this point onward, Rhia is surgical with her attacks, spending long periods focusing on specific body parts. Jessie is hobbled by a sustained attack upon her knee with excruciating submissions (not to mention many instances of having her leg simply smashed into the mat). Later, that sore back takes a beating with a Snap Suplex and Sidewalk Slam. Her abs get squished by legdrops and crushing tackles into the corner. Sleeperholds and chokes deprive her of air.
A final bodyscissors/Sleeper combo knocks Jessie right out, putting an end to this one-sided onslaught.

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28+ min. 848 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$25 through Paypal

$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1051: Jessie Belle vs Caleb Konley

Jessie Belle is as much wiles as she is physicality in this hard-fought contest against CK.
She starts the match with a bit of psychological warfare, casting aspersions on Caleb's, er, endowment, no doubt throwing him off his rhythm a bit. The chipper girl-next-door-attitude belies a cold readiness to cheat as she misdirects the referee repeatedly while taking cheap potshots at Caleb. Each time Caleb gets the upper hand, a rake to the eyes or painful low blow reverses things. Ultimately Caleb, sick of these tactics, starts being less-than-chivalrous, making fun of Jessie Belle's southern accent and yanking on her hair.

As a result, this is a back-and-forth match, each wrestler trying to hold on to the upper hand with underhanded methods. In between the kicks, punches and insults, however, is some legitimately great wrestling. Jessie Belle keeps ring geography in mind, keeping Caleb close to the mat with Headlocks and submissions or tying him up in corners, choking him on the ropes. Caleb, on the other hand, uses brute strength to break out of his predicaments, tossing out Backbreakers, Spinebusters and an elevated Surfboard.
Eventually one wrestler ends the match with an excruciating combination submission that leaves the defeated opponent comatose and moaning on the mat.

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13+ min. 389 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1050: LeiLani Kai vs Su Yung

Quick history lesson folks: when LeiLani Kai defended the Women's Title at the inaugural Wrestlemania, her present-day opponent Su wasn't even born yet. This gap in experience becomes painfully visible when the legendary grappler dominates Su from the opening bell. It's obvious that LeiLani is playing by her own set of rules and since there's no ref to stop her that means one thing: Su Yung is in big trouble.

To her credit, Su tries to hang in there against the vicious assault that is unleashed upon her, but LeiLani's violence simply overwhelms the young competitor. Chokeholds, illegal use of the ring ropes and above all lots of hairpulls. LeiLani just about yanks all of Su's hair out...and she gets creative with it too!
Then Yung makes the big mistake of telling LeiLani to stop pulling on her hair. She should have known better than to tell Ms Kai what to do!

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12+ min. 370 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1049: Amy Love vs Shantelle Taylor

On the runway, Shantelle might have no chance against Supermodel Amy, but in the squared circle it's a whole other story.
Amy looks to make a mockery of her shorter opponent, forcing Shantelle to dance along with her as she fakes a test of strength. The test ends in a stalemate, but the intensity ramps up after a hard shove puts Amy on her keister. Getting serious, Amy runs her nails down Shantelle's back and stretches her out with a Camel Clutch, fishhooking the mouth for good measure. Then it's Shantelle's turn as she trips Amy to the mat and traps her legs before bending her in half with a Chinlock.

There are submissions aplenty here and both wrestlers are able to back up their talk with crisp wrestling. Holds are constantly being reversed, with neither Amy or Shantelle giving the other a second to relax. The action starts to focus on Amy's gorgeous gams as they make for a great weapon and target. Amy puts the squeeze on Shantelle with suffocating scissorholds while Shantelle tugs away with a half Crab and a joint snapping Figure Four variation. The reversals aren't always technical and the ladies unleash their claws to escape some tricky situations. At times, they look more like two alley cats as opposed to two skilled grapplers. The action is back and forth to the very end, where one high-impact maneuver gets the pinfall for one worn out warrior.

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24+ min. 733 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$25 through Paypal

$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1048: Daffney vs Leva

Leva starts off this Best of 3 Falls Match by offering a friendly handshake, but takes a boot to the midsection from the unpredictable Daffney. Leva takes hard hits from kicks, turnbuckle smashes, shoulderblocks and chest-reddening slaps. Without a ref, Daffney keeps up her offensive and adds her fair share of choking, hairpulling and finger-raking to stay in control.

After stretching poor Leva in a rope-assisted Surfboard, Daffney takes the first fall with a harsh mat slam and follow-up Cobra Clutch! Leva’s down but never out and she comes back strong, giving Daffney a taste of her own medicine with open hand chest slaps, boots to the throat and powerful kicks to the midsection. Leva clamps on a tight Sleeper and wraps Daffney up in a bodyscissors to take the second fall via knockout!
The final fall is a back and forth battle with each wrestler desperate to put her opponent away until an unbreakable juji gatame Headscissors combo puts one wrestler out for good.

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11+ min. 345 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1047: Mickie Knuckles vs LT Falk

LT seems to think that Mickie should leave the ring since it's a man's business and he wants to work out. Mickie takes offense and sets out to teach him a lesson.
With the reputation of these two wrestlers, you would expect a hard-hitting and smack-talking match and you would not be disappointed. Mickie tries to play some mind games at first, but once they lock up it's on. Both wrestlers are well-versed at chain wrestling and exchange a lot of counters and reversals along with a bunch of pain.

LT gets really angry at himself when Mickie gets the best of the exchange and turns up the cheating factor. Hairpulling and choking take some of the fight out of Mickie but she won't give up easily. He uses stomps, Surfboards, cornerwork and more to try to keep her down. Mickie stays in the fight with kicks, strikes and Suplexes of her own. A banana split hold has one wrestler yelling their submission in this one.

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13+ min. 410 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1046: Mercedes Martinez vs Matt Classic

It’s power vs speed as Martinez takes on Mr Matt Classic in this 1 Fall bout. Mercedes is never intimidated by an opponent, even one with a significant size advantage and this match is no different. Whilst Matt might have the edge when it comes to raw strength, Mercedes has the speed and ability to balance things out.
The opening minutes of the match sees both wrestlers looking to take control. Whilst Matt is able to dominate much of the action, Mercedes proves more than capable of going toe to toe and hold for hold with him. Chops, armlocks, chokes, blatant punches and more are exchanged as the two battle for supremacy.

Finally, Matt is able to lock Mercedes into a seemingly inescapable Sleeper. All seems over as the ref drops Mercedes’ limp hand, once.. twice..
Does the match end in a KO for Mercedes or will this contest be settled by a different 1-2-3 count?

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13+ min. 403 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1045: Brandi Wine vs Little Jeanne

A Best of 3 Falls Match. Special stipulations mean the loss of a fall and the wrestler loses her boots and the winner of the match gets to take her opponent’s boots home with her.
Despite the high stakes the action is clean from handshake to handshake. Brandi and Jeanne wrestle a classic and grueling match with lots of close to the mat, body on body action. Neither wrestler can maintain an advantage for long as they exchange prolonged body and headscissors. Brandi hits a devastating jawbreaker and jumping Clothesline, but Little Jeanne counters with double legdrops to the midsection and a wicked Camel Clutch. A small package and backslide pin leave both wrestlers in their socks, knotted at 1 fall apiece.

The grinding battle wages on until a bridging German Suplex plants one wrestler on her head and puts her down for the 3 count. A final handshake ends the war as the winner claims her prize.

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15 min. 448 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1044: Kimberly vs Cedric Alexander

Kimberly does not seem a bit intimidated by her opponent's larger size and wastes no time getting to it. Some initial locking, posing, and preening as each vie for control to start. Neither wants to budge as both combatants show a talent for wrapping their opponent up in pretzel-like holds.

Kimberly goes to work on the leg and throws a couple Sleepers Cedric's way, while Cedric gains the upperhand with less than chivalrous tactics. When Kimberly won't stay down, he focuses on her back. Slams, Chinlocks and biting have Kimberly struggling, but she's got too much to prove and just won't roll over.
In the end, after both athletes try and fail to get the win with Sharpshooters, it's cocky and fast pin that has the bell ringing and one wrestler in protest and disbelief.

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13 min. 392 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1043: April Hunter vs Leva

A Best of 3 Sleeperhold match-up.
April takes to the offensive early, locking on side Headlocks, Surfboards and legscissors in an attempt to wear down Leva. Clad in her Blue Lantern shirt and power ring, Leva takes the first fall when she turns an Irish Whip into a Sleeper and puts April down for the count.

April works Leva over in the corner during the second fall, raining punches, stomps and a foot choke with Leva trapped against the turnbuckles. A choke, punch to the gut and a Sleeperhold later, and each lady has 1 fall.
Leva gains the advantage in the third fall, pushing April back to the ropes and unleashing with punches and chokes. A reverse of an Irish Whip allows one warrior to lock on the deciding Sleeperhold to end the match. Does Leva have the power to put April down or is it April who turns the power–and lights out on Leva?

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15+ min. 462 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1042: Malia Hosaka vs Su Yung

Malia, proudly displaying her Asian Championship Belt, has a few choice words for Su, who is working out nearby. Malia tells Su that her efforts have ensured that “little twerps like you” can have a career. Malia demands respect from Su. Then she goes about beating it into her, telling Su that the punishment will only end when Su screams “I Quit” not once, but twice.

Malia hits Su with everything but the kitchen sink, making her suffer through a Camel Clutch, double reverse Chickenwing, armbars, a Stepover Toehold and a Surfboard before locking in bridging Bow & Arrow hold that forces Su to say those two little words, “I Quit.”
Malia breaks out the big guns next, hitting Su with Headbutts, stomps, punches, whips into the turnbuckles, a grinding double Wristlock and a back claw. Su eventually quits for the second time while trapped in a Boston Crab, but even that doesn’t satisfy Malia. She inflicts a little post-match humiliation courtesy of Su’s workout band and a tube of lipstick to make sure Su never forgets this encounter.

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11 min. 327 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1041: Amazing Kong vs Rain

It's The Radiant Rain, pulling a name out of the hat for her next competitor when we find it's to be Awesome Kong. Ref Joey Machete assures her there's no going back and she has to face her much larger opponent down. Kong takes charge from pretty much the beginning, going right to work on Rain's abs and putting her through the ringer. The Radiant One finds herself in the ropes, being ab clawed and twisted into a pretzel in just minutes.

Rain is laid out in the corner, bent over Kong's knee, and basically plastered to the mat. Stomps, rakes, stretches... Rain's poor abs must endure all at the gloved hands of the mighty Kong. Rain won't give though, and finds herself in painful after painful predicament. Tree of Woe, blow after blow, grinding elbows and a brutal Camel Clutch designed to make Rain's abs sore tomorrow...
Kong takes great delight in taking her smaller opponent to pain school. One big splash finally ends this match with a merciful 1-2-3!

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13+ min. 412 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1040: Santana vs Chasyn Rance

Fans of high-flying maneuvers and fast-paced action are in for a treat in this intergender battle.
The constant reversals, acrobatic escapes and back-and-forth action keeps guest referee Leva plenty busy during this 1 Fall match-up. Both wrestlers break out high-impact moves such as Fireman’s Carry takedowns, Hiptosses, shoulderblocks, a side Russian Leg Sweep, a jawbreaker and a Monkey Flip. Santana’s creative work along the ropes results in a Headscissors on Chasyn while Santana is inverted and on the outside of the ropes. While outside of the ring, Santana sweeps the leg, then leaps back into the ring and catches Chasyn in a pinning predicament.

During one thrilling sequence, Santana goes old school and uses knee drops, a Small Package and Sunset Flip while Chasyn delivers a Backbreaker and Bodyslam with each wrestler racking up numerous 2 counts but unable to keep their opponent down. As the match nears its conclusion, Santana walks into a Superkick and Chasyn climbs to the top rope with the intent of delivering a match-ending splash. The match is all but over when he lands-but who takes the brunt of the impact and who has enough left to secure the 3 count?

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13+ min. 410 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1039: Kristin Astara vs Shawn Spears

Both wrestlers seem pretty confident in their abilities and after a hard lock-up, exchange some Headlocks and Armwringers. Shawn finds himself frustrated that Kristin is getting the better of him and decides he has taken it too easy on her. No more Mr Nice Guy.

Shoulders in the corner, hairpulling, Headbutts to the stomach and Kristin is wincing in pain. Kristin is bringing her A game though and still manages to make some comebacks. After an over-the-knee Backbreaker and some pounding to the back, a Camel Clutch might just mean the end for the blond. Shawn adds in some eye raking and the end looks near. Kristin was playing possum though and follows up with some kicks and hairpulling of her own to get back on top.
You'll see a Neckbreaker, a Sleeperhold with Scissors, chops, a DDT, a Bulldog and more before this one is done. A submission ends this one but both wrestlers leave the ring a little worse for wear.

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12 min. 363 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1038: Amy Love vs Tenille

Amy begins this one-sided assault on poor Tenille with verbal punishment–getting plenty of mileage out of the latter's Australian heritage and accent. But things soon get physical as Amy unleashes some serious sadism on her hapless opponent. She takes control early with brutal smashes to the back, tossing Tenille across the ring by her hair. The focus on hair soon becomes an apparent motif here as she chokes Tenille with her blonde locks, using them for leverage to Snapmare her around and generally stepping and pulling on them whenever a chance presents itself.

While the one-sidedness of the fighting does not change, the tactics do switch up now and again as Amy takes a break from hair-related devastation. A spectacular Bodyslam knocks the wind out of Tenille and shows off Amy's strength as she keeps the Australian struggling up in the air for way longer than required. She spends a good amount of time choking Tenille. Sometimes it's a combination of hairpulling and traditional wrestling as with a vicious Camel Clutch on Tenille using the hair for leverage.
But, eventually, the focus always returns exclusively to hair as Tenille is humiliated continuously via her tresses, even walked around the ring by them at one point. A final modified DDT puts an end to poor Tenille's suffering, leaving her barely conscious on the mat amidst, undoubtedly, yanked out handfuls of her hair.

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11 min. 325 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1037: Holly Blossom vs Taryn Shay

A 4 Corners Match.
Both combatants split their time between vying for control in the center of the ring and reaching for the desired corner posts. Takedowns, scissors and legwork are in play as each lady tries to take that victorious trip around the ring. Each constantly has their plans foiled by the other by various painful methods.

Whether it be elbow drops, being tossed out of the ring, or choking... neither lady makes it out unscathed. It's not until one lady drops the other on her chin does she make that fateful trip to all 4 corners and claim the victory for herself.
And even then, it's just by an inch.

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12+ min. 364 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1036: Rain & Santana vs Chasyn Rance & Chris Gray

Su Yung is wearing the stripes for this intergender contest. The ladies start the match well, but a willingness to take shortcuts and a few ‘creative’ tags soon put the men in control.

Before long, Rain is isolated in the ring and must endure an onslaught from Rance and Gray. They work her over methodically with armlocks, sleepers, over-the-knee Backbreakers, slams, stomach claws and more. And they are quick to jump on any opportunity they get to double-team Rain whenever Su is distracted.

However, for all their punishment, Rain endures and she is finally rewarded with the chance to tag her partner in. But will Santana fall prey to the same tactics as her partner? Or can she pull out the win, in spectacular style?

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14+ min. 433 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1035: Jetta vs Lacey

Leva draws the short straw and gets the thankless task of mediating between two of the mouthiest wrestlers to ever step foot in a ring. Lacey has a cold, but it doesn’t seem to affect her voice and Jetta wants her germs declared an illegal weapon. Once they lock up Jetta proves herself to be an accomplished ring tactician, expertly manipulating Lacey to the mat with a variety of leverage holds.

Jetta targets Lacey’s arm and puts her through a grueling torture test with prolonged armbars, grinding Hammerlocks, armwringers and stretches as she transitions seamlessly to ever more painful holds. She manages to get in more than a little hairpulling, choking and biting behind the referee’s back and Lacey can only scream in agony as Jetta works on hyper-extending her elbow. Despite her weakened state and Jetta’s punishing offense, Lacey is a dangerous wrestler who can take plenty of punishment (although not quietly) before unleashing some of her own.
A grueling match ends with a devastating Lung Blower followed by a riding straightjacket Chinlock that leaves one wrestler screaming "I quit!"

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20+ min. 617 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$20 for non-members
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$20 through Paypal

$17 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1034: Madison Eagles vs Ryan Eagles

You would think that being in a relationship outside the ring, these two would be easier on each other in the ring. In this case, it works the opposite. They are both very competitive and not afraid to inflict a little (well, a lot) of pain.
Ryan is not above pulling some hair to try to gain an advantage. Madison seems to have the technical expertise to finish off Ryan early with grinding Headlocks and takeovers but he is also not above biting to get himself out of tough submission holds. Stomach claws, rope chokes, head claws and more are used but Madison won't give up.

Plenty of pinfall attempts, backslides, rollups, schoolboys, Crufixes all keep the ref busy. Madison makes good use out of her long legs with kicks that will make you wince. A Camel Clutch has Ryan almost giving up but again he takes a shortcut to escape. A Chokeslam, a Stunner fail to get a 3 count and it's anyone's game to the end.

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12+ min. 368 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1033: Leva vs Reyna Pink

It's Reyna Pink versus The Green Leva! Once Pink is convinced that Leva's super powers have been "deactivated", the match can begin. Showing off her considerable might, Leva forces Pink to her knees. Pink responds with a kick to the stomach. This doesn't slow Leva down for long as the emerald heroine jets around the ring, flipping Pink into some early pin attempts. The two exchange Armdrags, but Leva keeps a slight advantage. Pink can't get off the mat as Leva stays in control with grinding Armlocks. A frustrated Pink complains to the ref, to no avail.

When Pink finally manages to slow Leva down, she connects with a powerful Suplex that grounds Leva. She follows with a crushing Bearhug, putting pressure on Leva's aching midsection. It takes all of Leva's willpower (and teeth) to find a way out of the submission. Leva starts to zip around again, nearly stealing the match with a Sunset Flip. Her aggressive side starts to take over and Pink is reeling after eating a Clothesline and an elbow. Pink is wrapped up in a straightjacket choke, but she battles back again.
Can she find out Leva's secret weakness or will the ring-slinging diva come out on top?

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14+ min. 441 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1032: Ashley Lane vs Kristin Astara

Angel Williams is the guest referee for this 2 out of 3 Falls contest.
As the match begins, the banter proves to be as fast paced as the action, not only between the two wrestlers but with the referee too.

Ashley and Kristin exchange Armlocks, Headlocks, Sleepers and more as both strive to score the first fall. In the end, it is a Neckbreaker from Kristin that gives her the early lead. However, if she was expecting a whitewash, Ashley has other ideas and after another back and forth round, Ashley is able to put Kristin’s shoulders down for the 3 count to even the score.

With all to fight for in the last round, the match is anybody’s, until a sudden finisher gives one wrestler the final victory.

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15+ min. 459 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1031: Kimberly vs Tina San Antonio

The powerful San Antonio faces off against athletic Kimberly in a test of up and coming stars.
Kimberly takes an early advantage and tries to drain Tina’s power with multiple Armlocks, stretches and throws. Tina weathers the storm and counters with thunderous kneelifts that drive the wind out of Kimberly. Once Tina gains control she does her best to keep it, hitting Kimberly hard with turnbuckle smashes, running legdrops, hard Bodyslams and a side Russian Leg Sweep.

Tina pummels Kimberly with a brawling style, laying repeated kicks and kneedrops into the poor brunette’s back and midsection. Kimberly refuses to give and finally musters a rally with a jumping shoulder block that both wrestlers struggle to recover from. The pace goes frantic as Kimberly unleashes a bulldog, running Clothesline and Dropkick, forcing her way back into the match. It’s anybody’s fight to win with surprises and reversals galore until a tightly locked Guillotine choke hold has one wrestler desperately tapping out.

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12+ min. 357 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1029: LeiLani Kai vs Rain

By any standard Rain is a true wrestling veteran who knows every trick in the book. LeiLani Kai on the other hand is a wrestling legend who knows more than a few tricks that were never even written down.
LeiLani starts out targeting the legs, wearing down the smaller and quicker Rain with brutal blows to the hamstrings, ankle twists and grinding double toeholds. Kai was never one to follow the rules and she makes no exceptions here as she treats Rain to a full helping of chokes, hairpulling and back rakes. Rain weathers the storm and counters with Hammerlocks, Full Nelsons and a straightjacket Surfboard as she targets the legend’s arms and drains her strength.

Neither wrestler is willing to give an inch as they continue to blast their opponent with legal and illegal tactics.

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12+ min. 379 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1028: Angela vs Rhia O'Reilly

We open with Rhia challenging the lithe Angela to a 30 Minute Ironwoman Match. One stipulation: if one wrestler knocks the other out, the match ends early. Angela's initial confidence proves to be a mistake as Rhia takes immediate control with a vicious kick to the solar plexus and never relinquishes throughout the match.

Angela is put through the wringer. At first Rhia works her over close to the mat, clamping her powerful legs around Angela's waist while practically wrenching her arms out of their sockets. Later, she mixes it up a little with a devastating Sidewalk Slam, chokes (using Angela's own arms!) and a Snap Suplex. The rest of the match is a virtual catalog of close-to-the-ground submissions as Rhia takes turns punishing the hapless Angela's back, arms, neck and legs. Needless to say, the match doesn't go 30 minutes.

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13+ min. 396 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1027: Cat Power vs Hailey Hatred

Two strong athletes clash in this meeting of the muscles.
Cat and Hailey are all business, locking up immediately after a brief exchange with referee Courtney Rush over thorough checking for foreign objects. The action goes back and forth for the first stretch, a combination of brute force and intricate chain wrestling. One moment, they're tying each other up in knots with Armbars and Headlocks, bending each other's limbs in unnatural angles and the next, it's choking on the ropes and crushing each other against the turnbuckles!

A third of the way through, Cat starts taking control, busting out Sidewalk Slams and Snap Suplexes, accompanied by much kicking, punching and choking. Hailey takes her by surprise a few times–there is a near fall via sudden rollup–but this just infuriates Cat more. Yet somehow, she just can't put Hailey away, leading to Cat launching into a screaming fit!
Will Hailey find a second wind or will Cat keep her initial advantage? Either way, one wrestler taps in agony, suffering a backbreaking mat submission.

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13 min. 387 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1026: Kellie Skater vs Danny DeManto & Titan

Kellie opens this match with what might be the most self-assured open challenge yet. Boasting about her incredible abilities and comics-worthy muscles, she asserts that she'd be happy to take on anyone on our roster-Two people even. And who steps up but Danny DeManto and Titan. We see a flash of uncertainty on Skater's face but she accepts–doing pushups and anticipating pressing the guys out of the ring.

Unfortunately for Skater, it doesn't quite work out that way. Her massive opponents toss her around every which way, using their far superior size and strength to throw her off cheerfully each time she tries to mount an offense. Tree of Woe, Sidewalk Slams, elevated chokes, Powerslams, kicks, stomps, punches–they take turns punishing Kellie relentlessly. She puts up very little offense and what there is, is shrugged off with a laugh. Finally, a thunderous Chokeslam puts her down for the count as the guys celebrate over their crushed opponent.
Fans of one-sided squashes rejoice!

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16 min. 479 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1025: Lorelei Lee vs Chris Gray

Gray enters the ring showing off his Premiere Wrestling Federation Middleweight Championship belt and declaring that, “You have to be a man to be a champion.” So, his challenger Lorelei convinces him to put that title on the line, since a woman like her couldn’t possibly defeat him. Big mistake on Chris’s part.

The high-energy Lorelei unloads on Chris throughout the match, beating him down with a slam to the mat, Full Nelson, a Hurricanrana, a Monkey Flip, and a leaping body press in the turnbuckles followed by a quick Bulldog.
Chris is unable to find an answer to Lorelei’s unrelenting attack. When he manages to land a punch or Full Nelson, his foe has little trouble in reversing or escaping his attack. Lorelei puts Chris out of his misery when she ducks under a Clothesline and slaps on a Sleeper combined with a bodyscissors that puts him right on the verge of losing that title belt.
Who gets it?!?

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17+ min. 517 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1024: Kimberly vs Veda Scott

What begins as a promising technical battle quickly devolves once Veda realizes there’s no referee to stop her from grabbing and pulling Kimberly’s hair. And that’s when the fun really starts-for Veda, at least.
Veda uses Kimberly’s hair to aid Snapmares, Headlocks, tosses across the ring and slams to the mat. Veda gets creative with Kimberly’s hair, using it to add the pain and pressure to Neckbreakers and bridging Headscissors. And to add insult to injury, Veda chokes Kimberly with her own hair and occasionally grabs and attempts to yank her hair out from the roots.

Kimberly is unable to mount much offense during the match-up and Veda also uses the ropes to her advantage with choke-outs and eyerakes. Veda goes back to technical wrestling toward the end of the match, hitting Kimberly with a Bulldog after a whip into the turnbuckles, then locking on a Full Nelson/Camel Clutch combo.

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13+ min. 407 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1023: Jessie McKay & Madison Eagles vs Rain & Sara Del Rey

2 out of 3 Falls tag match.
Rain and Jessie trade holds to start and Madison tags in to get her share of the action. When Sara tags in she begins to dominate , but Jessie is resourceful gives back all that she gets. Less than legal doubleteaming quickly breaks out on all sides, leading to one team capturing a fall.

Round 2 and Sara & Rain work over Madison, prevent Jessie from tagging and cause general mayhem. The Pink Ladies take a real pounding-Bearhug, Ab Stretch, Royal Butterfly-until things get evened up and it's time for the deciding round.

The heels try just about everything to get the final fall-Will they succeed?

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30 min. 902 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$25 through Paypal

$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1022: Fire vs Jayme Jameson

It’s been said that blondes have more fun. That was certainly the case in this match-up, where the blonde Fire takes on and takes down brunette Jayme in a hair-raising (at least in Jayme’s case) bout.
Fire wastes no time targeting Jayme’s hair and, with no referee to be found, grabs a handful right from the opening lock-up. After locking on a Full Nelson with hairpull and yanking Jayme’s hair around the top rope, Fire decides to make things easier for herself by braiding Jayme’s hair while she’s trapped in a bodyscissors. With an easier grip for Fire, Jayme is forced to endure Snapmares, Headscissors, eyerakes along the top rope and whips into the corners.

Later in the match, Fire gives Jayme a pair of ponytails and proceeds to stomp on them while pulling on Jayme’s arms. She later applies a Rear Naked Choke with the aid of a hair choke.

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11+ min. 346 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1021: Barbie vs Luscious Latasha

Newcomers Barbie and Luscious Latasha put on one heck of an impressive debut in this one-fall match filled with high-impact moves, devastating submission holds and plenty of back-and-forth action.
Even though Barbie holds a serious size advantage and shows a propensity for using Latasha’s hair as a weapon, Latasha takes everything Barbie sends her way and comes back swinging. In addition to her creative hair-work, Barbie attacks Latasha with kneelifts, a Pumphandle Slam, a Samoan Drop and a vicious Boston Crab with an added hairpull for extra pain. And she’s not above resorting to foot chokes, eye rakes along the top rope and hair chokes. Latasha takes a lot of punishment in this battle, but she’s not above a little bending of the rules as well. Latasha uses hair-assisted Snapmares, Backbreakers while wrapped up in the ropes, hair tosses across the ring, and even a two-handed choke on the mat. One wrestler begins to take control as the match wears on, nailing her opponent with punches, clubs to the back, stomps and heart punches. A fatal mistake allows her opponent to perform a reverse X-Factor faceplant (with the aid of a hairpull, of course) to earn the hard-fought 3 count.

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12+ min. 383 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1020: Shantelle Taylor vs Nooie Lee

Nooie suggests that his match with Shantelle should be decided by the first wrestler to score 3 submissions. Shantelle agrees, although could regret her decision after Nooie hits a quick Atomic Drop that leaves Shantelle easy prey for the first quick submission of the bout.
Any indication that Nooie might dominate this match is soon dispelled when Shantelle nails Nooie with a low blow that leads to a reverse Bearhug which quickly has Nooie tapping out to even the score. And from that point on, the match becomes as much about the shortcuts as it does the submissions, as both wrestlers take advantage of the absence of a referee.

More low blows, as well as eyerakes and stamping on toes are all used as each wrestler looks to gain the advantage and a subsequent submission. The match is finally decided with a debilitating Bearhug that leaves one wrestler with no choice but to tapout. However, the winning wrestler does not get the last laugh. In fact, after one last move, they are in no condition to laugh at all.

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8+ min. 252 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1019: Jazz vs Sara Del Rey

A first time meeting of two modern day wrestling legends. The two trade off some very impressive chain wrestling with both ladies on the receiving end of some limb-wrenching technique. Jazz seems to fixate on Sara's knee, while Sara seems very drawn to hurting Jazz' elbow. Great back and forth as both ladies dish out the pain with textbook maneuvers and neither seems to want to stay down for a pin.

The action is grueling, impactful, and non-stop. With so much focus on armwork from both parties, it'd be a surprise if they had any feeling left in their limbs. Eventually, it's a misstep on one combatant's part that leaves her shoulders down long enough for a 1-2-3.

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13+ min. 401 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1018: Jessie McKay vs Portia Perez

Two international stars lock up in a hotly contested no nonsense battle that features a little bit of everything.
Jessie and Portia are both superior athletes and they hit the ropes with vigor, setting a torrid pace and nailing each other with running kneelifts, Dropkicks, catapults and Monkey Flips that send bodies flying all over the ring. The wrestling is clean and action packed as the wrestlers crash the mat with Bodyslams, Atomic Drops, DDTs, Swinging Neckbreakers, and a devastating Flapjack.

The tempo slows as Jessie switches tactics and tortures Portia with an elevated Surfboard and Indian Deathlock variation. The Canadian responds by working toward a submission with a Figure Four Leglock and a kneeling Abdominal Stretch that pushes Jessie to the breaking point. As the match wears on the pin attempts become more desperate and the pace quickens until a controversial ending that is certain to have true wrestling fans begging for a rematch.

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16 min. 482 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1017: Erica D'Erico vs Titan

Not sure what Ms. D'Erico had in mind when she signed on for this match, but the chips fall just about how you think they would. Not 30 seconds in and Erica is already reeling from Titan's abdominal attack. Cornerwork and choking swiftly follow, coupled with some nerve pinches and Backbreakers. Titan seems to have a checklist of rules to break, as he chokes, claws, and ropeworks his way down it, much to Erica's dismay. Hairpulling! Biting! It's a carnival sideshow of dirty tactics.

Erica doesn't have time to catch her breath in between Titan's offensive maneuvers and is on the receiving end of MORE Backbreakers, Atomic Drops and even finds herself tied around the ringpost like a rubber band.
Erica has much more to endure before this one's over: wrenching submission holds, foreign objects, every kind of claw imaginable and a brutal Piledriver that spells the end of her misery.

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20+ min. 611 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$20 for non-members
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$20 through Paypal

$17 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1016: Courtney Rush vs Santana

We open on a friendly discussion about their previous match, which Santana apparently dominated. Courtney gives her excuses and Santana doesn't pretend to sympathize. The two agree to have another "fair" fight and they're off. It's not long before Santana smells blood and focuses on Courtney's weaknesses. Ms. Rush seems especially sensitive regarding her long, flowing locks as well as her mid-section. But Santana's not picky and is willing to work both areas of interest.

Santana tosses her opponent around the ring like a ragdoll, feeling out her strategy. It's not long before she has Rush in a must-see Waistscissor/Stomach Claw in the ropes. Santana declares her mission "to destroy" Courtney and nothing so silly as sportsmanship is gonna stand in her way. Not much finesse in Santana's approach as she takes Courtney apart inside and outside of the ring.
Santana shows no sign of stopping or letting her opponent "escape". She tests (and finds) Ms. Rush' pain threshold with various submissions, all the while commenting on how much fun she's having. In what must feel like a lifetime for Courtney, she's forced to endure Santana's creative stretch holds, multiple Atomic Drops, countless Baby Swing submissions and endless taunting.

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30+ min. 918 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1015: April Hunter vs Brandi Wine

Prior to the match, we join April in the ring for a quick promo. April has picked Brandi as her opponent in this match, as she believes that Brandi is in an awesome wrestler. But April won’t be happy with simply winning this match. She wants to humiliate Brandi too.

With no referee to control the action, April soon takes control we are witness to the rare sight of seeing Brandi completely dominated by an opponent. Brandi is repeatedly Bodyslammed, choked, and more as April demands a humbling show of respect from her opponent. However, Brandi will not go down without a fight and manages to turn the tables on the flame-haired Amazon.
In control, Brandi looks for the submission or pinfall that will end the match. Does she have what it takes to put down such a powerful wrestler? Or will April get what she wants, by any means necessary?

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10+ min. 706 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1014: Marti Belle vs Mercedes Martinez

Sara Del Rey wears the stripes for this 1 Fall battle.
From the outset, Mercedes is the more aggressive wrestler, sometimes excessively so. However, this is no squash and Marti proves more than able to give as good as she gets and more. As the match progresses, both wrestlers begin to target a specific body part on her opponent. Mercedes focuses many of her attacks on Marti’s legs, whilst Marti takes every opportunity to punish Mercedes' arms. As a result, armlocks and leglocks are frequently utilized by both wrestlers, along with scissors, stomps, strikes and the occasional less than legal tactic from Mercedes.

The final move requires the winning wrestler to use the body part that has suffered so much punishment in the moments beforehand. But she proves able to find the strength to execute her finisher and score the 1-2-3.

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13+ min. 396 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1013: Alexxis Nevaeh & Su Yung vs Sara Del Rey

Alexxis and Su team up to take on Sara in this handicap match, but before the match has even begun, Su Yung is attacked by a masked assailant who injures her leg. Despite the pain, she agrees to go ahead with the match.
Alexxis starts the match and manages to hold her own, even dominate Del Rey. With Sara seemingly weakened, Su is eager to join the action and Alexxis reluctantly tags her in. Unfortunately, a missed Dropkick re-injures Su’s leg and she seems unable to continue. Anyone who thinks this information might stop Del Rey probably doesn’t know her very well. Sara focuses on the injured leg, quickly scoring the submission that eliminates Su.

With Sara now focused on Alexxis, it is not long before there are two injured wrestlers in the ring along with an angry Del Rey and a number of chairs. A combination that scares even the referee from the ring. From that point on, the tag team, and their legs, are at the mercy of Del Rey. And that’s no mercy at all.

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12 min. 357 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1012: Malia Hosaka vs Monkey
Previously available as DVD 29.

Entering the ring in ceremonial robe and face paint, seconded by Lexie Fyfe, Malia demands bows of respect from opponent Monkey and the ref.
A rake of the eyes and it's the beginning of one long beating for poor Monkey. Malia is screaming hysterical war cries as she inflicts chokes, chops, Suplexes and any other kind of punishment she feels like. This persona doesn't seem to understand as the ref pleads with her to break her holds or to stop the dirty tactics.

Monkey takes the beating of his young career but won't stay down (or sometimes can't stay down as Malia breaks the pincount to inflict more damage!). Foreign substances to the eyes and doubleteams, body-ripping stretches, low Headbutts, choking with a robe sash--Malia'a making her own rules in this one!

When Monkey gets a miraculous second wind and dons her robe to mock her, that signals time for Malia and Lexie to demolish the youngster in fatal fashion. Foreign objects, Stomach Claw...they even take the brace off his already injured hand and mangle it unmercifully!
Finally after they feel that they've humiliated him almost as much as they can or want they force the beaten Monkey to ingest...something that makes him foam at the mouth!

This one's not for the faint of heart!!

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35+ min. 574 MBs WMV Format, 640 x 480

$25 for non-members
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$25 through Paypal

$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1011: Amber O'Neal vs Lacey & Rain
Also available on DVD 135.

Poor Amber just wants to practice her dance moves, but Lacey & Rain just have to make fun of her. An impromptu dance competition turns into a brawl and the outnumbered Amber discovers that she won't be able to shake and shimmy her way out of this fight.
Hailing from the mean streets of Minnesota, Lacey & Rain show no mercy for the ghetto-fabulous Amber. You know things are getting out of hand when two wrestlers actually start making death threats. The dastardly duo trap Amber in the corner, putting the boots to her. Throughout the course of the match, they stomp and kick and kick and stomp and generally make Amber's life miserable. The one thing they can't seem to do is shut Amber up as she keeps a steady stream of trash talk flowing despite her circumstances.

Amber is taken to the school of hard knocks here, suffering Lariats, Dropkicks, back rakes and doubleteam moves. After being tenderized with a kick to her "money maker", Amber is forced to endure a single leg crab/Camel Clutch combo and an innovative tag team Boston Crab. A DDT and reverse DDT end any chances of Amber making a comeback. The only stars she'll be dancing with anytime soon are the ones swirling above her head.

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16+ min. 271 MBs WMV Format, 640 x 480

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1010: Leva vs Chasyn Rance

Dressed in the colours of the good ol' U.S. of A., Leva proudly declares herself, "the Diva of America". Chasyn is less than impressed and what follows is a back and forth match featuring solid, hard-hitting action!
Chasyn scores the first points with a firm shoulderblock, but the bout breaks down into a slugfest as the 2 exchange forearm shots and kicks. A Snapmare leads to the first pin attempt by Leva, but Chasyn is quick to reverse it. Leva starts to wear him down with speedy maneuvers, including a flying Lariat that puts the cocky Chasyn down hard. He is tossed out of the ring, but he catches an overeager Leva with a Backbreaker. A second Backbreaker weakens Leva and she is rolled back onto the mat where Chasyn connects with an elbow drop leading to another near fall.

Leva has to pull out all the stops, including a face buster, DDT and even a shot from her prop shield! Nothing seems to keep the man down and it looks like trouble for Leva as she is set up for a finishing slam. Can our patriotic heroine escape or will the dastardly villain triumph?

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9 min. 269 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1009: Amy Love vs Jetta

There's no question who has the better tan here, but that's the only advantage that Amy has over the savage Jetta. The British bully makes it clear early on that she doesn't want to just win, she wants to hurt the lovely Ms Love.
Jetta uses every part of the ring to choke the life out of Amy, while at the same time pulling the hair out of her head. Every move she does is punctuated with a handful of Amy's scalp. Knee to the back? Pull the hair. Rear Chinlock? Pull the hair. Stretched over the top rope? Pull the hair. There's nobody around to save Amy, so Jetta is free to ignore rope breaks and mangle that blonde mane until she decides to stop.

Amy has plenty of chances to tap, but she battles on. Jetta continues to find new and interesting ways to rearrange Amy's 'do and the battered bombshell puts up no resistance. At one point, Jetta grabs her head and runs around the ring until Amy is so disoriented that she can't even stand. Insult is added to injury as Jetta uses Amy's face to mop the canvas. A single-arm choke combined with (you guessed it) a hairpull finally leaves Amy with no choice but to tapout.

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12+ min. 383 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1008: Christina Von Eerie vs Saraya

Saraya might be from jolly ol' England, but there's nothing jolly about this encounter with Christina Von Eerie. If Christina is the welcoming committee, she has a heck of a way of treating her guests.
After a modest collar & elbow tie-up, Saraya eats a high knee and it's all Christina from that point on. With a striking red dye job, Saraya's hair is a tempting target and Christina goes right for it. She seems determined to rip the color right out of Saraya's head! Whether it's over the turnbuckle, through the ropes or while she hangs off Saraya with a unique bodyscissors variation, Christina never seems to stray from her goal: Pull on the hair until her opponent is begging for mercy.

Saraya's head is trapped between Christina's legs and she is driven face first onto the mat. In one humiliating sequence, Saraya is lead around the ring so that Christina can smash her noggin into the 4 corners. The ordeal continues as Christina uses a Chickenwing to choke Saraya with her own hair and follows that up with a Cobra Clutch (with added biting, naturally). A neck-wrenching Dragon Sleeper saps what's left of Saray's strength, leaving her easy pickings for a hair-assisted double-toed leglock that forces her to tapout.

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14 min. 421 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1007: Christie Ricci vs Hannah Blossom

This one is a Last Woman Standing Match. As brutal as it gets, the objective is to incapacitate one's opponent to the point where she can no longer answer the referee's 10 count.
After exchanging some scientific wrestling holds, both grapplers seem to realize that's not going to earn them the win in this one. That's when the kicking, stomping and pounding sets in. Hannah catches Christie with a reverse elbow and Christie drops Hannah with a Bodyslam, but it's only enough for 3 seconds instead of 10.

Christie soon changes tactics, switching to a leg-based assault. Her logic is flawless: if you can't walk, you can't get up. She catches her foe in a Figure Four Leglock, but soon Hannah decides she likes Christie's game plan and starts using it herself. Back and forth action during endgame, but finally one grappler stuns her opponent with a DDT. The impact coupled with the leg injuries make that the victim can't answer the 10 count!

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14+ min. 428 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1006: Jessie Belle vs Jake Manning

Jessie Belle doesn't seem too impressed with Mr Manning, stating she's wrestled pigs bigger than him. Jessie Belle starts off well enough, stunning Jake with a series of rollups and near falls. When both grapplers start chain wrestling, Jessie Belle holds her own and even manages to Suplex Manning!

When Jake focuses his offense on his opponent's leg, it's downhill for Jessie Belle. Manning bends Jessie like a pretzel, trapping her in a Figure Four Leglock, Boston Crab, Indian Deathlock and all sorts of leglocks. Although Jessie Belle tries to find all sorts of, ahem, "creative" ways to escape the holds, it seems like it's only a matter of time before she'll have to submit.

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14+ min. 442 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1005: Divina vs Rain

This is a 2 out of 3 Falls Match, with Divina taking the early advantage by working Rain's arm and messing up The Radiant One's hair (which bugs her even more). It's all Divina in the early stages of the match, as she dominates Rain with chokeholds and a slingshot off the ropes before securing the first fall with a Dragon Sleeper.

Rain has something to prove in the second fall and does just that. She targets Divina's legs and lower back and goes to town on them! After enduring a modified Camel Clutch, Texas Cloverleaf, Surfboard and more, Divina is no longer able to kick out of a pin attempt, which ties the score at 1 fall apiece.
The third and deciding fall can go either way, with both grapplers exchanging Boston Crabs, Surfboards, bodyscissors and leglocks before inexplicably targeting the referee! It's not over yet though!

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15+ min. 465 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1004: Fantasia vs Kimberly

Kimberly is obviously a big fan of Fantasia, but when she tells the powerhouse, "As soon as I beat you, my career's gonna skyrocket," it's oil on the fire! Fantasia steamrolls her opponent with a Bodyslam, Bearhug and Torture Rack.
Kimberly momentarily gains some momentum when she ducks under a Clothesline and starts working on Fantasia's leg, but Fantasia quickly turns the tables again, taking off Kimberly's shoe and focusing her attack on the left foot, bending, biting, and even tickling it.

When a desperate Kimberly asks Fantasia what she wants from her, a determined Fantasia answers, "A broken ankle." Well, what better way to end this squash than with an excruciating Anklelock?

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12+ min. 368 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1003: Angel Williams vs Barbie

Powerful Barbie has the strength advantage here, but out-wrestling the veteran will be harder than finding an ounce of fat on Angel’s rock hard abs. Barbie goes right after those tight abdominals, driving in hard running shoulderblocks that blast the wind from Williams. Angel tries to wear Barbie down by clamping on a grinding Side Headlock and refusing to let go, but a series of running turnbuckle smashes leaves Angel hanging on the ropes like a broken doll.

Barbie unloads on the blonde with Surfboards, a Boston Crab and prolonged Abdominal Stretch that continues to punish Angel’s sore abs. Angel is in serious jeopardy of being dominated, suffering through body stretches, chokes and eyerakes as the confident Barbie imposes her will on the veteran. Angel finally rebounds and the tempo starts to boil as the wrestlers battle back and forth through rapid attacks and counters.

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13+ min. 418 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1002: Josie vs Miss Rachel

Two familiar faces square off in the ring with neither lady seemingly wanting to give an inch. Miss Rachel tries to overpower Josie, while Josie works on being quicker than her opponent. Some great back and forth action to start with both ladies working Hammerlocks and Headlocks. Miss Rachel gets Josie in a corner first and gets to work. Josie finds herself on the wrong end of Surfboard and a brutal Dropkick. Josie uses her speed to turn the tables and soon it's Miss Rachel conceding the first fall, tapping to an excruciating armbar.

Miss Rachel is quick to recover, however, and Josie may not like the fire she awakened in her opponent. Fall 2 is all Miss Rachel and eventually we see Josie submitting frantically to a Texas Cloverleaf.
Fall 3 is anyone's game as both ladies are sore and tired. We see some dirty tactics, some tight scissors and high-impact maneuvers. Eventually, one tired fighter has to tap to back-breaking Boston Crab.

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13+ min. 415 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 1001: Angela vs Erica D'Erico

Early in the match and with a double handful of Erica’s hair, Angela explains that she hates blondes. It might have saved her a world of hurt and more than a few hair follicles is she’d just explained that she’s not really blonde. Angela never gives her the chance, blitzing Erica with a kick to the midsection, hair slam and a Side Russian Leg Sweep. She quickly tosses the rules (no ref, no foul) with open chokes, face scrapes and gratuitous hairpulling.

Erica is tortured through Surfboards, Sleeper and full leg Nelson all while having her hair pulled out at the roots. Erica knows what it’s like to get your hair caught in an electric mixer as Angela grabs 2 handfuls of Erica’s hair and spins herself around until the blonde is begging for mercy.

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13+ min. 404 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

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