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SLAMpeg 900: Angela vs Lorelei Lee

Lorelei Lee mocks Angela’s perky demeanor and luxurious hair as she cops a bad attitude from the get go. Lorelei digs into her bag of dirty tricks to get an edge by gouging, choking, using the ropes and bailing out of the ring when things don’t go her way. She lures Angela to the outside where she delivers a series of game-changing shoulderblocks to Angela against the corner post. Once back in the ring Lorelei takes ownership of the match and targets Angela’s abs with more shoulderblocks, kneelifts and grinding boots to the midsection.

Lorelei signature handspring back elbow in the corner tops it off and leaves Angela dazed and dangling on the ropes. Desperate kickouts frustrate Lorelei until the brunette beauty finally mounts a furious comeback.
Angela lands numerous rapid-fire kicks, Dropkicks and a running Clothesline, but Lorelei has an answer and the pair battle back-and-forth until a falling reverse DDT puts one exhausted fighter down for the 3 count.

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14+ min. 432 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 899: Kellie Skater vs Saraya

International stars and colossal attitudes collide as the no nonsense Saraya and the all nonsense Skater clash in a fast-paced Best of 3 Falls Match.
Saraya doesn’t take kindly to the young Aussie and after complaining of phantom hairpulls, Saraya uses Kellie’s own wavy locks to take control. An angry Saraya pounds Kellie with Bodyslams, Sidewalk Slam and Implant DDT, softening her up for a devastating Crucifix Armbar that takes the First Fall. Saraya deboots Kellie, but Skater mounts an impressive comeback, blasting Saraya with kneelifts, vicious chops and a draining seated Abdominal Stretch before executing a tight bridging Suplex that gets the equalizing fall. Kellie equalizes the boot count as well by claiming Saraya’s shoes.

The Third Fall is a wild back-and-forth battle. Kellie and Saraya exchange Anklelocks, bodyscissors, Boston Crabs and Surfboards as each tries to wear the other down. Even referee Angel Orsini suffers a debooting before one wrestler takes advantage of the distraction to clamp on a straightjacket Headscissor combination that takes the final fall!

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17 min. 514 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 898: Kimberly vs Derrick Drexl

Drexl tells Kimberly that this will be a "wrestling lesson" at the start of this 1 Fall intergender contest. However, it isn't immediately clear whether Drexl's role will be teacher or student, as Kimberly quickly takes him to the canvas with swift Armdrag.
This sets the scene for the early stages of the match, as Kimberly takes control. And despite Drexl's protests to the ref, Kimberly does not need to break the rules to gain the advantage. That's more than can be said for Drexl who seizes his first opportunity to fight back by choking Kimberly on the ropes and grabbing generous amounts of her hair.

A Suplex and a Clothesline from Drexl give him the momentum he needs to begin to dominate the match. Kimberly finds herself on the wrong end of a barrage of strikes, slams and submission holds as Drexl seems more interested in hurting his opponent than actually scoring the win.
But does that aggressive attitude ultimately prove to be his downfall?

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9+ min. 289 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 897: Madison Eagles & Sara Del Rey vs Kevin Matthews & Titan

This is a 30 Minute Iron Man Match that goes right down to the wire. The ladies know that it will take brains and brawn to overcome these monsters and they wisely gang up on the enormous Titan. He still proves to be too much and despite some solid teamwork, it's Sara who ends up getting isolated. She's held in place, punched in the ribs and flattened by an elbowdrop. After having her head scrambled by a turnbuckle, a torturous Boston Crab forces her to give up the First Fall.

The Second Fall is closely contested, but Madison gets her time to shine. She withstands the attacks of her larger foes and eventually manages to turn the tables on Kevin who quickly goes from cocky to cowardly. They were not prepared for Madison's wrath! A flurry of mounted punches softens Kevin up for a Camel Clutch that evens up the score.
Back-and-forth the teams go with neither team managing to pull away. The men punish the women with Backbreakers, Bearhugs and a Powerbomb. The women come back even stronger with Surfboard stretches, big boots and an incredible Bodyslam of Titan that has to be seen to be believed! These 4 go all out to win: Titan toys with his opponents like ragdolls, Madison does a flying splash to the outside, Kevin fires off Muay Thai knees and Sara twists limbs like they were putty. The outcome is unclear until the final minutes when one pair uses some impressive tag team maneuvers to score the deciding points in this amazing contest.

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30+ min. 918 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$22 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 896: Britani Knight vs Mercedes Martinez

Right from the outset the typically dominant Mercedes seems a bit off her game. Britani is only too happy to take advantage and kicks things off with some brutal kicks and low blows. Slams, stomps and elbowdrops are merely leading into more brutal techniques like the Boston Crab, Armbar, Surfboard and the Camel Clutch for Britani to torture her bewildered opponent and eventually force a submission.

Mercedes begins to mount a bit of offense against the wily Britani and even gets her to tap to a painful leghold. Not to be outdone, Britani fires back almost immediately, getting Mercedes to concede to a brutal Bow & Arrow. Mercedes' concession only seems to inspire Britani, who introduces some very methodical leg work.
At the end of the day it's one wrestler trapped in a tight Sleeper and another with her arm raised in victory.

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11+ min. 354 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 895: Portia Perez vs Tenille

Angela is on duty as referee and introduces this international 1 Fall Match.
Before the opening bell, Portia asks Tenille if she is ready. Although the Australian wrestler answers 'yes', Portia questions that response when she catches Tenille by surprise with a big knee to the stomach. The strike gives Portia the early advantage, and she is soon dominating Tenille with an Abdominal Stretch, a Camel Clutch, a Boston Crab and more. Tenille endures one punishing hold after another, but refuses to submit. And when a quick small package almost secures her a shock victory, Tenille takes immediate advantage of Portia's lapse in concentration.

Tenille singles out Portia's legs as her target and relentlessly assaults the limbs with leg bars, Stepover Toeholds, an agonizing Figure Four Leglock and more! Portia endures as best she can, but with increasingly weakened legs, and facing a wrestler well-known for her Indian Deathlock finisher, the odds are clearly not in Portia's favor.

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12 min. 356 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 894: Angel Williams vs Kevin Matthews

During the initial chain wrestling sequence (that Angel gets the better of) both Love and special referee Kristin Astara are grossed out at how sweaty Kevin Matthews is. Angel girds herself to continue wrestling anyway, dropping Kevin with Snapmares, Armdrags, Monkey Flip and flying Crossbody from the second rope. However, the roles are reversed when Angel misses a Dropkick.

Unfortunately for Angel (who keeps telling us how disgusting Matthews is), Kevin "beats women for a living" and "doesn't believe in showering because he's a real man"...poor Angel. Kevin puts Angel through lots of abuse, torturing her with Bodyscissors, a Camel Clutch, Full Nelson and Backbreaker. But when he sets Angel up for a Piledriver, Williams gets help from an unlikely source-the ref!
The blonde bombshells even towel Matthews off before doubleteaming him, Suplexing him and locking in a Figure Four/armlock combo.

Will it be enough to finish off their stronger opponent? You'll have to see for yourself, but let's just say that there are some Piledrivers and Tombstones to be seen before this one is over!

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18 min. 542 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 893: Diane Von Hoffman vs Josie

Wrestlers don't come much tougher or nastier than Josie … unless that wrestler is Diane Von Hoffman. And Diane holds nothing back during this 2 out of 3 Falls match-up.
Diane takes the early advantage, using punches, knee lifts, rope chokes and the classic eye rake along the ropes to keep Josie off-balance. Diane follows up with foot chokes, more chokes and eyerakes along the ropes, kicks and punches before ending the First Fall with a Sleeperhold. Diane picks up where she left off in the second fall, hitting Josie with an Irish Whip into the corner, elbow slams, punches, a Camel Clutch, and a little bit of biting. But she takes her eye off the prize for a split second, and it's enough for Josie to roll her up for the 3 count to even the match at 1 fall each.

The third fall doesn't last long at all. Diane levels Josie with a forearm smash and a Clothesline before locking on a combination one-legged Boston Crab with a claw on Josie's bent leg. We won't tell you if that was enough to make Josie tap out … all we'll say is that Diane leaves the ring with one message: "Next time you want this old lady, make sure you're ready for her."

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10+ min. 325 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 892: Jayme Jameson vs Kristin Astara

In the absence of a referee for this contest, Jayme has to rely on Kristin's sense of fair play. Unsurprisingly, that lasts for little more than 30 seconds, until the moment that Kristin sneak attacks Jayme from behind.
Dominating the early action, Kristin Snapmares and Irish Whips Jayme around the ring, as well as punishing her with elbow drops, Surfboards, Chinlocks and more. A sudden bodyscissor/Sleeper combo seems to spell the end for Jayme as Kirsten tightens her grip to score an apparent KO. However, Jayme stirs before Kirsten can finish a 10 count and all bets are now off as to who will win this match.

A renewed Jayme is able to turn the tide and has soon locked on a scissor/Sleeper of her own on Kristin. Another close-but-no-cigar 9 count sees both tired women struggling to find the reserves needed to take the win. Indeed, a final finishing move almost finishes BOTH wrestlers, as the victor has barely enough energy remaining to count the decisive 1-2-3.

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13 min. 391 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 891: Mickie Knuckles vs Miss Rachel

Right off the bat, the two jockey for position, flowing from Headlocks to Hammerlocks to Wristlocks. This match has more locks than a penitentiary! No kicking, no punching, just good ol' fashioned wrasslin' between two wrestlers who get it done right.

Rachel escapes a Sleeperhold by flipping Mickie over her head before clamping on her own noggin-numbing Headscissors. Mickie counters into a Headlock, which Rachel then turns into another Hammerlock. None of the holds stick as these ladies wrestle like they're made of Teflon. Mickie mixes her submission moves with some pin attempts that nearly steal the match. Miss Rachel works hard to earn the tap out, using an arm stretch, reverse Headscissors and a tight Anklelock that has Mickie holding onto the ropes for dear life.

Mickie and Miss Rachel work to get in each other's heads too, taking advantage of the fact that that there's no referee by barely acknowledging rope breaks. Eventually, one wrestler gets the advantage on the mat, executing a Mutalock that forces the reluctant submission.

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13+ min. 400 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 890: Amy Love & Tenille vs Leva & Rain

Cocky tag champions Rain and Leva take on willowy challengers Amy Love and Tenille in this grueling (and loud!) 2 out of 3 Falls contest. The action takes off immediately–surprising given the infamous orators on view–as Rain and Leva take turns clamping Side Headlocks onto Amy but the tide soon turns with a well-placed Neckscissors and it is back and forth from there.

An extended session of double-teaming brutality gets the first fall for the arrogant champions as Tenille is left sore on the mat from a flurry of kicks and punches topped off by a devastating double Dropkick. The second fall is also back-and-forth: the champions are not above bending rules to overwhelm their opponents, but Leva is finally made to submit to Amy's agonizing Figure Four Leglock, busted out in response to a painful Camel Clutch.
The final fall could go either way–both sides pull out all stops, taking the action in and out of the ring before one lady yields to a knee-destroying, scream-inducing submission.

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13+ min. 407 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 889: Jennifer Blake vs Bad Seed

Bad Seed attacks Blake before the bell and sets the tone for a one-sided Best of 5 Falls massacre.
From the get go Seed staggers Jen with stunning elbows to the head, Headbutts, and brutal closed fist punches to the face. With Jen reeling Seed unloads the heavy artillery, devastating the beautiful blonde with Sidewalk Slams, Torture Racks, elbow drops, and effortless one armed Bodyslams. Even Jen’s best moves only get her in more trouble as Seed converts her desperate crossbody block into a bone-rattling Powerslam. No one seems more surprised than Jen as she gamely kicks out of pin attempt after pin attempt, but the beat down takes its toll and she’s soon facing a two fall hole with little hope of a comeback.

The final fall has Jen trying to turn the tide, but Bad Seed’s domination will not be stopped, culminating in a powerful Vertical Suplex that leaves a thoroughly defeated and dazed Jen blinking into the lights for the final 3 count.

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14+ min. 436 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 888: Team Blossom vs Christie Ricci

Ricci has the size and experience to match up against either one of the Blossoms, but can she outlast the younger Holly and Hannah combined in a handicap match? Christie holds her own one on one, but there’s always a spare Blossom to break up pins and submissions and referee Taryn Shay has her hands full as Hannah and Holly go after Christie with vicious doubleteams. The twins take turns nailing guillotine legdrops, a double flying Hammerlock and doubleteam Suplex on the veteran.

Taryn loses all control as the Blossoms drain the powerful Christie with double Dragon Sleepers followed by a Headscissors and Figure Four Leglock combination. Even the pin attempts are doubleteams!
Finally Christie ducks a double running Clothesline and the Blossoms wind up taking each other out giving Christie a chance to unload with rapid fire slams and Suplexes on the Brits. Can Christie overcome the devious youngsters or will their numbers finally catch up to her?

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20 min. 597 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$20 for non-members
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$20 through Paypal

$17 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 887: Brandi Wine vs Santana

Sometimes you need a little something extra when facing a seasoned pro like Brandi. For the upstart Santana, that something extra would be a handful of Brandi's hair--quite often.
Santana grabs a bunch of Brandi's blonde locks during the very first collar and elbow tie-up. It gives her an advantage she never relinquishes. And she goes back to the illegal tactic throughout this one-sided, 1 Fall affair.

Santana stands on Brandi's hair, uses it to toss her across the ring and slam her face-first into turnbuckles and adds it to make for a very uncomfortable Rear Naked Chokehold. Santana also mixes in some illegal foot chokes and rope chokes to keep on top of Brandi. But the youngster doesn't do it all in an underhanded manner. Santana also uses Snapmares, Dropkicks, Headscissors and a Camel Clutch. An X-Factor faceplant sets Brandi up as Santana locks in an insanely creative (and tortuous) submission hold that combines a bridging Chickenwing, an armscissors and, naturally, some good old-fashioned hairpulling.

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13+ min. 414 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 886: Portia Perez vs Chris Gray

The quicksilver Perez takes on sardonic Gray (“nervous?” he asks, tauntingly) in this 30 minute marathon, refereed by Rain.
No point dancing around it–this is not the sort of match where spoilers or even the final decision matters. Rain rules controversially–in favor of Portia–based on technicalities, but the real victor here is Chris Gray who inflicts 35 minutes of devastation on Perez in what has to be one of the most extended takedowns we have ever filmed.

Gray takes advantage of his greater strength and Portia's small stature by laying into her with a barrage of continuous power moves–TKOs, Bearhugs, Piledrivers, Backbreakers. He punctuates this with some plain old-fashioned brutality with choking on the ropes, hairpulling and liberal amounts of kicks and punches.
Poor Portia spends most of this one semi-conscious and entirely unable to resist.

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36 min. 1085 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$22 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 885: Nemesis vs Rain

The Radiant Rain faces Nemesis in this match, officiated by LT Falk. And there is a lot of officiating to do, as neither wrestler seems too concerned with trivialities like rules as they look for any advantage over one another.
Both women are more than happy to use the ropes, each other's hair or any other shortcut they can find to take control of this hard hitting contest. And even when they do play by the rules, the action is no less brutal, as they exchange Bodyscissors, Camel Clutches, chokeholds, stomps, slams, kicks and more.

The conclusion of the match is equally uncompromising, as one wrestler finishes her opponent with a stunning DDT that leaves the final 3 count little more than a formality.

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12 min. 361 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 884: Lacey vs Chasyn Rance

Lacey, visibly perturbed by the appearance of Chasyn in "her ring", graciously proposes an I Quit Match in which the winner gets to knock out the loser.
From the outset it's clear that Lacey has no interest in a clean match up. Starting with an eye rake and a low blow, Lacey takes charge. Stomps, Suplexes, biting and choking are her method of choice, yet Chasyn refuses to give. Lacey's not afraid to use the ropes or run her mouth in this one. A reverse Dragon Sleeper, a single-leg Boston Crab and a series of Atomic Drops have Chasyn wishing he was somewhere else.

The action even temporarily spills outside the ring where Lacey introduces her poor opponent to some foreign objects and the ring post… several times. Finally, a Bearhug brings this one to a merciful close in which the loser must beg the winner to "please knock them out," to which the winner responds with a low blow and a 10 count pin.
A very bad day for one of these competitors.

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15 min. 446 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 883: Leva vs Malia Hosaka

Who ya gonna call? Leva never needs an excuse to dress up and she looks ready to "bust" some tail. Malia is no "ghost", but her wrestling skills are definitely something to be afraid of.
Leva starts off strong, almost scoring with a schoolboy attempt. It isn't long before Malia has her down on the mat and twisted in knots with a Boston Crab and a Japanese-style stretch. Hair whips send the youngster flying around the ring the hard way. The referee can't count fast enough as Malia corners Leva and chokes her with her boot.

Leva gets up again and again, but Malia cuts her off and drains her strength with paralyzing nerve claws. Just when it looks like the match is over, Leva finds a way to fight back. Malia repeatedly traps Leva against the turnbuckles and unloads on her with kicks in an impromptu martial arts exhibition. Despite being in control, Malia can't finish the spirited Leva off even after applying a ripping stomach claw and connecting with a Snap Suplex. Finally, a crossbody out of nowhere gives Leva a chance. Can she capitalize?
A sudden Sleeper leads to a knockout ending.

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12+ min. 382 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 882: Fire vs Taryn Shay

It's clear from the start that Fire is not actually interested in a regular match with Taryn. Instead, she seems hell-bent on inventing new and creative ways of pulling out Shay's long brown hair. Taryn can't find an opening to mount some offense, and Fire steamrolls over her with hair-assisted Headlocks, Snapmares and STFs.

Needless to say, there's no ref in sight to keep Fire from trapping her opponent in the ropes or choking her with her boot. Still, most of Taryn's suffering comes from Fire's vicious hairpulling techniques. A nasty Full Nelson/hairpull finally pushes Taryn to the point of submission.
By the end of the "match", Taryn is left in a heap and Fire...well, she seems pleased with her work to say the least.

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13 min. 386 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 881: Amy Love & Kristin Astara vs Christina Von Eerie & Santana

Best out of 5 Boot Match with Diane Von Hoffman officiating.
Some complicated introductions in this one due to some divas. Amy and Christina kick it off with some standard locking up/armwork. One lady eventually takes charge and the First Fall with a convincing rollup. The loser is forced to give up her boots for the match.

Kristin comes out swinging against Christina, determined to show off her leg strength via scissors. One takes the fall (and boots) with a solid DDT. Enter Santana for her team against a mouthy Kristin. Despite all the bouncing around the ring, one lady eventually gets pinned after "Eating Defeat". Santana stays on for a round with Amy Love. Amy shows no mercy and dominates the round start to finish. Amy's tactics are certainly not all above board, but eventually she has Santana tapping frantically to a powerful Headscissor.

One round left to settle it all with all 4 combatants showing up to grapple. After a tiring back and forth, we see one tag team caught in a simultaneous double Boston Crab and desperate tapping.
A spirited showing all four wrestlers should be proud of.

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26+ min. 804 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$25 through Paypal

$22 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 880: Madison Eagles vs Santana

Jessie McKay starts this one off as special guest ref and lets us know that this is a special No Submissions Match.
Madison wastes not time in assuring us that she will be the heel in this contest. Demanding her choice in corner, showing off her strength and going right to work on her opponent pretty much tip us off right off the bat. Santana finds herself in a Porch Swing hold and outside of the ring on her back in moments. She quickly finds her wits and Madison finds herself on the wrong end of some high-flying antics.

Neckscissors off the top rope, back handspring elbows and some impressive backflipping have Madison reeling. Santana is unable to secure the all-important pin however and Madison finds her way back on top with a brutal Powerbomb. Madison decides it's time to hurt Santana and "not with dropkicks." She starts the pain gauntlet with an over-the-knee Backbreaker, boots, Clotheslines, Spears, a double-toed Leglock/Surfboard combination, a Camel Clutch, a choke on the ropes, an over-the-shoulder Backbreaker (with a hairpull), but still Santana refuses to lay down.

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13+ min. 405 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 879: Christina Von Eerie vs Pink

The early back and forth features both wrestlers putting on a technical show with quick armlocks, takedowns, Headscissors, Suplexes and covers as they battle to a stalemate. Christina takes control, countering a tight Sleeper by Pink with a bone-jarring jawbreaker and punishing her opponent with a Cobra Clutch, double-knee face breaker and a Pedigree.

Somehow Pink manages to weather the storm, refusing to submit and kicking out of multiple pin attempts as Christina pummels her with forearms, turnbuckle smashes, headbutts and a grinding Camel Clutch. Pink counters with a devastating sidewalk slam and Camel Clutch of her own before targeting Christina’s knee with stomps, elbow drops, and leglocks.
The action is fast paced as the pair battle back and forth to a final submission.

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12+ min. 373 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 878: Alexxis Nevaeh vs Courtney Rush

A 1 Fall match-up with fast and furious action and near-pinfalls aplenty.
Alexxis opens the match using Hiptoss and Armdrag takedowns to get Courtney off her feet and applying Side Headlocks, Armbars, Rear Naked Chokes, double Chickenwings and reverse Dragon Sleepers to keep her down. Courtney goes for the more impact moves, escaping a Front Facelock by nailing Alexxis with a chinbuster, and later connecting on Clotheslines in the corner, head slams to the mat, a big splash and numerous turnbuckle slams.

Despite the technical proficiency of both grapplers, neither are above the occasional hairpull, closed fist, choke or illegal use of the ropes. Back and forth the two wrestlers go for close to 15 minutes of leg sweeps, rollups, takedowns and reversals, until one wrestler gets caught in an over-the-shoulder Backbreaker and has no choice but to scream her submission.

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15 min. 454 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 877: Lacey vs Rain
Previously available on DVD 53 from SLAMminLadies.com

A Submissions Only contest.
The action is back and forth as each wrestler tries to grind a little shine off her opponents’ brilliant metallic ring gear with tight Waistlocks, Bodyscissors, neck cranks and Headlocks. Rain targets Lacey’s legs and has the brunette screaming in pain with agonizing leg spreads, Spinning Toeholds, knee slams and anklelocks. Lacey takes her punishment but does plenty of her own with body bending Boston Crabs and Surfboards.

Both wrestlers trap their opponent in devastating Camel Clutches and each take pleasure in cranking up the pain with face rakes, nose pulls and hairpulling.
As the match rages back and forth, Lacey and Rain do plenty of damage to each other but neither can keep the pressure on long enough to get a submission. Finally one wrestler clamps on a tight Scorpion leglock to her exhausted opponent that has her tapping the canvas in agony.

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12 min. 362 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 876: Amber O'Neal vs Angel Williams

Amber knows full well that Angel is just about the best in the business, and she's determined to show she can go toe to toe with the best.
The two blondes search for an advantage in the early stages of the match, locking up with the traditional collar-and-elbow tie-up as well as a test of strength, and the two lock on Armbars, Waistlocks and Headlocks only to see their opponent quickly reverse them, occasionally into pin attempts.

Amber begins to take over as the match progresses, trapping Angel in a Camel Clutch, a Surfboard variation and slams to the mat. After an Irish Whip off the ropes, Amber nails Angel with a DDT for a 2 count and Amber can smell victory. But there's a reason why Angel is the best in the business.

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14 min. 423 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 875: Brandi Wine vs Malia Hosaka

An old rivalry is resumed in this 1 Fall Match. As one would expect from two such experienced wrestlers, this bout is a true showcase for two of the very best women in professional wrestling today.
The action is fast and furious as both women fight for control of the match. The women are well matched, move for move, hold for hold, as both take any opportunity they can to dominate. Armlocks, Surfboards, Boston Crabs, Leglocks, Headlocks, scissors and much more are utilized in this epic battle.

Brandi's will to win even goes so far as to remove her own boot, to use it as a weapon, despite then having to fight the rest of the match with just one booted foot. As the battle rages on and the referee does his best to maintain control, the winning fall comes out of nowhere and one wrestler scores a satisfying win over her long time rival.

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13 min. 394 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 874: Angela vs Kristin Astara

A Submission Rules Only contest. It so happens that Angela has arrived wearing just a somewhat rearranged version of infamous diva Kristin's outfit. The words of resentment exchanged are simply a verbal indication of the physical viciousness that is to follow.

The athletes both go straight for the same tactic: target your opponent's legs, which is convenient given that they entered the ring in just their socks (even referee Leva keeps them company in their shoelessness). In no time at all, both ladies' legs are being bent in angles they were not meant to go. In between them, they break out every leg-related assault you can think of – Anklelocks, Figure Four Leglocks, Boston Crabs? Check. Less legitimate methods like kicks to the knee or bending the limb in question around ring ropes? Check.
A final pretzel-like submission is so agonizing that the victim can barely squeak out her admission of defeat. Neither wrestler shall be doing any running for the next few days.

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13+ min. 407 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 873: Jessie McKay vs Kristin Astara

Under the watchful eye of guest ref Portia Perez these two grapplers exchange Headlocks before Kristin firmly grabs the advantage. Jessie can't seem to get out of the blocks as Kristin stuns her victim with Bodyslams, Backbreakers and Snapmares. She doesn't stop there, locking in some painful submission maneuvers as well. McKay endures Bodyscissors, a Dragon Sleeper, over-the-shoulder Backbreaker and Bearhug, among others.

To her credit, the tough Aussie doesn't tap. In fact, halfway through the match she suddenly starts building some momentum of her own when she surprises Astara with a flying Headscissors takedown. From there, Jessie seems determined to dish out some serious pain as well.
She twists Kristin in ways nature never intended and all of a sudden it's Astara who's screaming as a result of a Bow and Arrow submission, Rings of Saturn and the rarely seen Octopus Stretch.

In the end, one final Surfboard variation turns out to be too much to handle for one fighting competitor, as this bout ends with a submission.

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14+ min. 430 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 872: Christina Von Eerie vs Lorelei Lee

There are some things you just shouldn't do--Run with scissors, stand under a tree in a lightning storm or ask Christina Von Eerie to stay out of your hair during a match. Like the proverbial red rag, Lorelei's blonde locks prove too tempting a target for Christina during this 1 Fall Match.

Lorelei is not helped in the ensuing hair-fest by the absence of a referee, so there is no one on hand to administer a 5 count every time Christina grabs a handful of hair to use to her advantage. Lorelei's hair is pulled, wrapped around her throat, tangled in the ropes, stepped on and much more as Christina dominates the action.

A submission hold ends the match and it will come as little surprise that it involves the generous use of one wrestler's hair to illicit the winning fall. However, the losing wrestler does still manage to have the last 'hair-raising' word...

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15 min. 449 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 871: Betsy vs Jayme Jameson

Before locking up, Betsy asks Jayme if she thinks she's going to win. Jayme's confident reply is that, "Anything's possible".
Longtime wrestling fans will probably remember announcers telling us that Virgil could very well win the Royal Rumble because "anything can happen". Well, we're sorry to say that Virgil never had a snowball's chance in hell of winning the Royal Rumble, and Jayme Jameson doesn't stand a chance against the ruthless Betsy.

Betsy uses her size and strength advantage to womanhandle Jayme, whose punches do little more than anger her opponent. After Chokeslamming, Suplexing, Powerbombing and Powerslamming her overmatched adversary, Betsy cheerfully informs us this is now a 2 out of 3 falls match thus prolonging Jayme's misery.
By the time Betsy is done with her Camel Clutches, Bearhugs and chokeholds, Jayme is left an unconscious mess on the canvas.

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30+ min. 917 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$25 through Paypal

$22 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 870: Amber O'Neal vs Leva

Before the match even starts, Amber says she feels like hurting and stretching someone beyond their limits. A word of advice to Leva: next time Amber says something like that, turn around and run!
Amber and Leva bet on the number of times Amber can make Leva submit. Leva says once at most, while O'Neal leaves it at "more than once" without giving a specific number. It quickly becomes painfully obvious that Amber's mission statement is to break Leva's back and legs.

The assault is vicious and unrelenting, the punishment is cruel. In between devastating Backbreakers, Leva submits numerous times to Boston Crabs and all sorts of torturous leglocks.
We're not going to tell you how many times O'Neal pushes Leva to the point of surrender, but let's just say that "more than once" is a pretty accurate guess...

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13 min. 386 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 869: Jessie Belle vs Kimberly

Both approach this match as if they have something to prove and neither wrestler is willing to go down easy. Kimberly takes early control with expert technique as she transitions Jessie Belle’s Headscissors into an agonizing Scorpion leglock. A frustrated Jessie Belle brings things back in her favor by playing dirty and using blatant chokes, face rakes, and hairpulling to gain an edge.

Jessie Belle is aggressive and rocks Kimberly with hair slams, Chinlocks, guillotine legdrops and a humiliating Bronco Buster. The speedy Kimberly counters with devastating Russian leg sweeps, Dropkicks and Monkey Flips.
After a grueling back and forth battle a textbook Fishermanbuster Suplex secures a 3 count and puts a decisive end to this close contest.

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10+ min. 322 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 868: Mercedes Martinez vs MsChif

This United States Championship Wrestling match showcases these two going hard from the beginning and the intensity never lets up. Early on, Mercedes tosses MsChif to the mat before pummeling her in the corner and laying into her with heavy hands.

MsChif answers with a series of hip tosses that force Mercedes to retreat to the outside. The action continues at ringside where Mercedes gets the upper hand with a loud chop before tossing MsChif back into the ring like a sack of potatoes. MsChif is well known for her ear shattering scream, but it's hard to make a sound when Mercedes is crushing her throat. Boots, knees and elbows are all used to soften up MsChif's windpipe.

The match almost comes to a surprising end when a hard charging Mercedes falls prey to a quick (and flexible) pin attempt. An enraged Mercedes flattens MsChif with a Neckbreaker and a Suplex, but it's still not enough to keep the green haired grappler down. The tables turn and the relentless MsChif scores with a spinning elbow drop and a DDT. It's not enough to end the match and Mercedes eventually lands a Superkick that nearly knocks MsChif out of her boots! Still, the fight continues and these two obviously think the ring is optional because they just can't seem to stay inside of it.

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13+ min. 407 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 867: Jennifer Blake vs Rain
Previously available as DVD 147 from SLAMminLadies.com

A fast paced Best 2 out of 3 Falls Match.
After an early back and forth exchange of holds, Rain wraps Jen in a tight Sleeper and holds on with a death grip as the blonde does her best to squirm out of the draining hold. Blake finally frees herself and rocks Rain with a series of Clotheslines before driving her face first to the mat with a running Bulldog. Rain rebounds and Jen hangs tough against a chinlock Surfboard, Camel Clutch and harsh neck cranks, but a crushing Rain Drop DDT sets up a brutal Crossface as Rain takes the first fall.

Rain capitalizes with a vicious attack to start the second. Finger rakes, eyegouges, and devastating corner work leave Jen dazed but not defeated. After biting her way out of a Chinlock and Bodyscissors combination Blake takes the fight to Rain and throws the brunette’s tactics right back at her. The deceitful Rain begs to ‘talk this out’ and just when Rain seems poised to make a comeback Jen puts her lights out with a Superkick that evens the falls.

The furious pace of this match is amazing and continues into the final fall with both pros battling to absolute exhaustion. Both women give it their all through multiple near falls and it takes a running cutter, Lungblower and Dragon Sleeper all in succession before one poor wrestler finally gives up this fight.

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30 min. 910 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$25 through Paypal

$22 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 866: Shantelle Taylor vs Sinn Bodhi

You get the feeling that Sinn might not be taking this match seriously, but then again, he never takes anything seriously. It's a struggle for Shantelle to even touch her opponent after he spits on his hands before they lock up. Sinn doesn't even politely ask his opponent for a dance as he waltzes Shantelle around the ring before leveling her with a knee to the stomach. More belly blows follow and Shantelle starts to realize that a match with Sinn is not all fun and games.

The wild man always has a smile on his face even as her pinches her nose while squeezing her in a Bearhug. The tiny Taylor manages to fight out of it, but her comeback is cut short by more face gouging from the maniacal Sinn. The Chinlock he applies is the least of her worries as he takes the opportunity to pick Shantelle's nose. Gross!

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6+ min. 196 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$5 through Paypal

SLAMpeg 865: Candi Divine vs Diane Von Hoffman

Two veterans meet in the ring in this Best of 3 encounter. Today's generation of talent is represented by referee Joey Knight, who is kept busy in the match in the presence of two women who don't just know all the tricks in the book, but who probably wrote a few of them too!

Although Diane starts the match the more aggressive wrestler, Candi is certainly not intimidated by her larger opponent. After an exchange of Headlocks, scissors and Armlocks, it is Candi's quick thinking that scores her an opportunistic first fall. Unfortunately, this only serves to anger Diana and the second round soon sees Candi trapped in the clutches of Diana's dreaded Claw! An inevitable submission quickly follows and the women going into the 3rd with the match tied.

With everything at stake in the final round, one wrestler proves there are no lengths that she would not go to in order to win a match, but with Joey taking a firm stand against any rule-breaking, it could be that one wrestler's overwhelming desire to win ultimately proves to be her downfall.

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12+ min. 381 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 864: April Hunter vs Kristin Astara

Fans of brutal, one-sided squash matches-Kristin is about to sacrifice herself once again for your entertainment! April destroys the hapless blonde in 18 minutes of wall-to-wall destruction with nary a shred of resistance showed by the latter. As a barely conscious Kristin writhes on the mat at the end of it all, Hunter claims “she is completely dominate-able whereas I am indomitable.” A neat summation of how this match goes.

The match is a non-stop showcase of Hunter's gym-enhanced strength. She tosses the slender blonde from pillar to post with powermoves galore. The 'battle' begins with a thunderous Bodyslam and ends with an even more thunderous Powerbomb and in between Kristin is put through a litany of punishments.
Kicks, punches, chokes, Sleeperholds, Full Nelsons, a spectacular elevated Hangman, Backbreakers–the pain just doesn't stop.

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17+ min. 526 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 863: Jetta vs Kimberly

Jetta and Kimberly start this match off with some clean chain wrestling, but it doesn't take long before the Waistlocks, Armwringers, Hammerlocks and Armbars make place for some rather brutal punishment. Unfortunately, Kimberly is the one taking all of it.

You see, Jetta has apparently finished a book called '1001 creative ways of hairpulling' and she seems determined to try them all! In between stomps, chokes, and illegal use of the ropes Jetta finds enough time to toss Kimberly around the ring by her hair. Worst of all, there's no ref! This means one thing: there's no one who can stop Jetta from trying to pull out several handfuls of Kimberly's dark hair.
Eventually, a hairpull-assisted Camel Clutch spells the end for one beaten and bruised competitor.

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11 min. 332 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 862: Portia Perez vs ?

Special guest ref Amy Love introduces our competitors before the opening bell, but the masked man offers Portia $100 "just to go away" because he doesn't want to wrestle "some floozy." Portia takes it in stride and tries to jump our villain. Big mistake.
It's not long before Portia is down for a 1-2-3 after a brutal slam. The masked grappler is unrelenting in throwing poor Portia from corner to corner, choking her on the ropes, working her midsection, giving her some mean elbows and fists and some textbook Suplexes. A powerful Choke Slam spells the end for Ms Perez in Round 2.

She fairs no better in Round 3 and is forced to endure a Camel Clutch, humiliating pin attempts, an over-the-knee Backbreaker, elbow drops and even more choking/corner work. The masked madman delivers a debilitating Powerbomb and gets his $100 back from Portia's boot, but continues the punishment! Not her day...

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14 min. 426 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 861: Britani Knight vs Jessie McKay

Unfortunately for Jessie, it's just not her day and Britani dominates her from start to finish.
Jessie laughs when Britani accuses her of having fake hair, but after some of the moves in this match she might wish it was true! Hair whips and hairpulls are used to add extra insult to Britani's attacks. She traps Jessie against the ringposts and brutalizes her with kicks, shoulder charges and a flying butt splash. As Jessie fights to survive, she is concussed by Headbutts straight from the mean streets of England. When Jessie's brain isn't getting rattled, Britani goes to work on her back, bending her in a Boston Crab and slamming knees into her spine. She even uses the ropes to add extra pressure to her submissions.

Britani also uses the ropes to choke Jessie in addition to poking her in the eyes and biting her fingers. It doesn't seem to be enough to just beat her rival-she is out to humiliate. She throws a few punches, but for the most part Jessie is at the mercy of her sinister opponent. Britani goes from a Camel Clutch into just trying to force Jessie's face into the mat. She takes equal pleasure in stretching Jessie out in Surfboards and Bow & Arrows to flattening her with a Fisherman's Suplex and an elbow drop.

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14 min. 426 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 860: Brandi Wine vs Rain

Pins won't do the job in this 2 out of 3 Falls bout, as each fall can only be won by submission. Unfortunately for Brandi, this stipulation slips her mind in the heat of the action and after she takes the early advantage, a futile pin attempt gives Rain the opening she needs to take control. After taking a little time to weaken Brandi's arm, Rain takes the first fall with a juji gatame Armlock.

Determined not to make the same mistake twice, Brandi starts the second round much more aggressively, trapping Rain in hold after hold as she seeks out the equalizing fall. A double-toed leglock, Surfboard, leg nelson and bodyscissors all keep Rain under control and in considerable pain. Brandi also takes every opportunity she can to punish Rain's back, setting her up for an eventual Boston Crab that sees the radiant one tapping out almost immediately.

Although weakened from the previous fall, Rain battles back in the final round and quickly traps Brandi in a bodyscissors/Chickenwing combo. Brandi escapes but Rain is relentless, again focusing on Brandi's arms in an effort to seal the win.

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15+ min. 462 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 859: Amy Love vs Nikki Roxx

Nikki takes an early lead with ringing Suplexes and a gut-squishing Waistscissors, but Amy gives as good as she gets with a tightly cinched Boston Crab and agonizing Abdominal Stretch. Unfortunately for Amy, accomplished bodybuilder Nikki turns out to be the stronger one; exhibiting this strength by breaking out of several of the moves Amy puts her in. The canny Amy adjusts with a series of Neckbreakers and Bulldogs, the cumulative effect of which is Amy winning First Fall.

Nikki reacts by going into technical mode, bending Amy like a pretzel in various ways until a particularly neck-snapping submission wins her the Second Fall. The final fall is the culmination of a titanic struggle as Amy targets Nikki's knee with numerous leglocks while Nikki shows off her power with shoulder and backbreakers galore.

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26 min. 788 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$25 through Paypal

$22 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 858: Erica D'Erico vs Bad Seed & Shawn Spears
Previously avaiable as DVD 132 from SLAMminLadies.com

It’s handicap rules to the extreme as Erica takes on a pair of wrestlers who are each nearly twice her size and without even a referee to keep them honest. Despite the odds Erica stuns her opponents with hard forearms, punches and face slaps that surprise the powerful pair, but it’s only a matter of time before the odds catch up with the her and her opponents’ power and numbers advantage begin to take their toll.

Erica suffers through powerful shoulderblocks, stomps, elbow drops and a devastating inverted cutter along with liberal doubleteaming and chokes. Erica gets in a few satisfying shots and nearly turns the tide courtesy of a ringside baseball bat, but the double onslaught is just too much. Erica’s back is a frequent target with Boston Crabs, Crossface and a Camel Clutch alongside multiple Suplexes and hard slams.
Battered and exhausted, a prolonged over the knee Backbreaker finally puts Erica out, leaving the sadistic duo to celebrate over their kayoed victim.

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30+ min. 910 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$25 through Paypal

$22 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 857: Leva vs Su Yung

Special guest ref Candi Divine introduces our contenders and the ladies are off without hesitation... Well, that is not until Su makes Candi check Leva's gloves. THEN the combatants go at it. Leva starts strong and really works Su's arm, looking for that early submission. Su refuses to give it up, despite Leva's best efforts. Su's arm, wrist, and elbow are twisted, bent, and contorted in every conceivable position, but she always manages to find the ropes.

Leva then decides to go the pin route, but Su refuses to stay down. Although appearing the initial underdog, Su's mean side starts to show when she turns the tide of the match with a well-timed eyerake. Bulldogs and Headlocks are Su's method of deconstructing her opponent and there's little Leva can do about it. Su feigns concern for Leva, asking her if she's okay after a brutal Neckbreaker. Su apologizes, then promptly delivers another!

Su decides it's time and assures Leva that the camera won't wanna miss what she has planned.

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10+ min. 310 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 856: Hardcore Heather Owens vs Su Yung

After guest ref Rain informs us that this is a 2 out of 3 Falls Match, 'Hardcore' Heather and Su lock-up. Showing off their expertise in technical wrestling, both ladies exchange Headlocks, Armbars and Headscissors. Heather takes the First Fall out of nowhere with a 'perfect' Fisherman's Suplex. The Second Fall starts with a test of strength and a slightly more vicious Heather and Su. The latter works her adversary's leg for a good while, culminating in a torturous Boston Crab that forces Heather to relinquish the Second Fall to Su.

The third and deciding fall is anyone's ballgame. Both wrestlers have their chances of victory, but only one of them is able to lock in an inescapable Sleeperhold for the win!

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14+ min. 436 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 855: April Hunter vs Divina

April towers over her opponent in both size and ring experience, but the diminutive Divina is eager to take the big redhead down. Hunter never gives her the chance.
From the opening bell April takes the fight to Divina with brutal chokes, gratuitous hairpulling and vicious biting. Hunter overwhelms the newcomer and completely controls the action, easily brushing off any offense Divina can muster. April punishes Divina with Surfboards and straightjackets while grabbing two handfuls of the brunette’s thick hair as she ratchets up the pain.

Not satisfied with just dominating her opponent, April humiliates her by singing and ‘Vogue’ posing for the camera with Divina’s anguished face. Tiring of Divina’s refusals to submit, April uses a body-breaking Surfboard stretch. April grabs two handfuls of hair for good measure, twisting and tightening the hair pull until Divina is forced to whimper a final submission.

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16 min. 477 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 854: Angela vs Shantelle Taylor

Announced as a grudge match, both competitors talk about breaking jaws and/or teeth before the match even starts! The Headlocks, Wristlocks and Armbars quickly make way for hard punches and vicious chokes, and it's obvious these two competitors have a very intense hatred for each other.

Angela executes a Hiptoss, while Shantelle pulls off a Northern Lights Suplex and reverses a Surfboard into one of her own. After trading unsuccessful pinning combinations, it's time for a slugfest. No one is pulling punches here, no doubt leaving both ladies battered and bruised for days after the match. Eventually one grappler is able to lock her nemesis in a bridging variation of an STF, wrenching back long and hard enough to gain a verbal submission. Not only that, the trapped victim is forced to say the winner is more beautiful and a better wrestler. Talk about humiliating...

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13+ min. 408 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 853: Britani Knight vs Fantasia

Britani shows up late to the match and Fantasia is MAD. The young lady from the UK thinks there might have been some translation problem, but Fantasia has never been the most understanding person. One thing she does understand is how to kick butt and she's more than happy to share that with the brash Britani. Without a chance to get her boots on, Britani goes down as her toes are stomped by the nasty blonde. Fantasia stands over the fallen youngster and stretches out the knee in a standing toehold.

Whatever communication problems Britani was having before, she definitely learns the language of pain when Fantasia turns her over into a Boston Crab. The leg work continues as Fantasia stomps her knee cap into the canvas. Britani won't submit, but a powerful Anklelock has her thinking about it especially after Fantasia takes a bite out of her foot! More leg torture causes Britani to stamp her socks in agony.
Unable to make Britani submit, Fantasia lets out her frustrations on referee Rain, putting her in a Boston Crab!
Britani takes advantage of the distraction, but is it enough to capture the match (or some boots)?

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10+ min. 310 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 852: April Hunter vs Tina San Antonio

April thinks that Tina is just another blonde bimbo who doesn't belong in the ring and she taunts the shorter wrestler as much as she can before engaging in a test of strength. These ladies refuse to give an inch and the contest takes them all around the ring. They show great pride in their wrestling skills and in their, er, "upper regions". A knee to the stomach doubles Tina over and April follows up with a foot choke and a double-toed Leglock.

The action goes back and forth with neither woman able to gain a solid advantage. One second, the cocky April is getting floored by jawbreaker and worked over in a Surfboard stretch; the next, it's Tina who is judo tossed to the ground and struggling to fight off an arm bar submission. There are no Barbie dolls in this video! Tina builds momentum with a Handspring Elbow, but that's cut short by a low blow. A chop, Clothesline and Bodyslam hurt the blonde, but she manages get back up even with April sitting on her chest.
A surprising Sleeper hold gives one wrestler the victory and the other a well-deserved nap.

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13+ min. 413 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 851: Candi Divine vs Hannah Blossom

Stepping into the ring against Candi Divine without a referee is probably on a par with going skydiving without a parachute... as Hannah Blossom quickly discovers in this 1 Fall Match. In a matter of seconds, Candi has Hannah by the hair AND tied up in the ropes. And things don't get any easier for Hannah as the match progresses.

Candi maintains her grip on Hannah's hair for most of the match. Even when actually applying legitimate holds such as Headlocks or scissors, Candi's relentless grip on Hannah's hair is always adding to the British wrestler's discomfort. And Hannah's suffering does not end there, as she also finds herself choked on the ropes on more than one occasion.

The winning pin comes from a hair-assisted facebuster that sees one wrestler victorious and her opponent perhaps contemplating wearing a crash helmet for future bouts!

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13+ min. 396 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 850: Angel Orsini & Fantasia vs Kimberly & Lorelei Lee

An early sneak attack by Angel and Fantasia goes nowhere as Kimberly and Lorelei clean the ring with double Dropkicks. The subsequent test of strength between powerhouses Lorelei and Angel ends up undecided, but when Kimberly tags in the devious duo of Angel and Fantasia gain a somewhat unfair advantage over their opponents. Kimberly is isolated from her partner and endures a prolonged beatdown.

After taking a Bodyslam, belly to belly Suplex, Boston Crab and loads of other punishment, Kimberly is finally able to tag in her teammate. Lorelei comes in a house afire and unloads with a flurry of offense.
In the ensuing chaos, one team earns a tainted victory, which begs for a rematch.

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15 min. 453 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 849: Jayme Jameson vs Lacey

The ‘Lovely’ Lacey takes on the vivacious Jameson in a Last Woman Standing Match.
Lacey wastes no time in going right after Jayme with a brutal kneelift and rapid fire forearm smashes as she literally beats the beautiful brunette into the mat. Jayme takes a pounding but fights her way back, nailing the overconfident Lacey with a pair of huge Suplexes that put an end to her dominance and any chance of this match devolving into a one-sided beatdown.

From there the pair fight through a back and forth war of attrition featuring Camel Clutches, Bodyslams, devastating Neckbreakers and energy-sapping Sleepers. The wrestling is top notch and as the battle wages on both women come perilously close to failing to make referee Kristen Astara’s 10 count before scraping themselves off the mat to continue the battle.
After a tough battle, a concussive implant DDT sends one wrestler to La La Land for good as the winner celebrates her hard fought victory.

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18 min. 536 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$18 for non-members
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$18 through Paypal

$15 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 848: Courtney Rush vs Kristin Astara

After a short moment of meditation to prepare herself, Kristin is ready for her Best out of 3 Falls Match with Courtney. An exchange of Armlocks opens the encounter with both women evenly matched - until an Atomic Drop from Courtney leaves Kristin susceptible to a straightjacket choke that scores the First Fall.

With her inner-peace clearly rattled, it is a much more aggressive Kristin who quickly takes charge in Round 2. Referee Leva has to use the eyes in the front AND the back of her head to be keep the angry Kristin in check. Kristin targets Courtney's legs repeatedly, eventually setting her up for a Figure Four Leglock that has Courtney desperately tapping out... although Kristin is a little slow in releasing the hold.

With the match level, it's all to play for in the final round. Still weak from Kristin's earlier onslaught, it looks to be all over for Courtney after Kristin sends her across the ring with a Monkey Flip and then puts her in a painful Babyswing. But in any wrestling match... one should never Rush to conclusions!

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14 min. 425 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 847: Holly Blossom vs Nemesis

From the opening kick to the midsection and subsequent hair-ripping mat slam it becomes clear that Holly has bitten off way more than she can chew in the powerful Nemesis. Holly is in for a long, punishing match and she suffers through Camel Clutches, turnbuckle smashes, mat slams and a sit-out Facebuster as Nemesis has her way with the beautiful Brit. To make matters worse, Nemesis continuously rips and pulls at Holly's long hair throughout the match, cranking up the pain with each hold and keeping up the suffering with Hairmares, hair stands and hair tosses.

Holly would stand a better chance of getting her hair out of a wood chipper than escaping Nemesis’ powerful grip. To her credit, the over-matched Holly kicks out of every pin attempt and refuses to submit as Nemesis taunts her to give her the ‘right answer’ as she continues her torture. Finally Nemesis hauls Holly up into an elevated double hairpull. Beaten, broken and with no way out Holly gives her tormentor the humiliating answer she’s been waiting for.

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13 min. 390 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 846: Jessie McKay vs Tenille

Genial Australian colleagues McKay and Tenille clash in this most professional of wrestling matches. There is no undue taunting between the two friends but neither is there any sign of quarter to be given. The result is an energetic contest between perfectly matched athletes familiar with each other's repertoires, a showcase of well-oiled back and forth wrestling.

We open with the ladies feeling each other out–tentative tie-ups soon turn to Armlocks and Front Facelocks. The ladies start getting their blood up and before we know it, the action's escalated to vicious Bodyslams and neck-cracking Camel Clutches with the potential to put a chiropractor's kids through college. Tenille takes the lion's share of the punishment in the first half of the match, but this ends when the ladies take a time-out to compare toned biceps in a cocky flex-off that leads to (what else?!) a long test of strength.
The action is back and forth from there as the battered fighters get more and more desperate as they feel their energy ebbing. Elbows to the throat and back, punches, chokes in the corner – whatever it takes to get the other wrestler down. A final faceplanting move puts one lady down for the count at the end of this very sportsmanlike bout between mutually respectful friends.

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13 min. 395 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 845: Lacey vs Veda Scott

With no referee in sight, Lacey takes over the job of introducing the participants, proclaiming herself "the best wrestler in the multiverse," while announcing her opponent as "some girl and I'm going to beat her. That's all you need to know."
But as cocky as The Lovely One can be, she's also got the skills to back it up. And when there's no ref around, Lacey can and will be more than happy to break the rules early and often.

That's exactly what happens in this 1 Fall match-up, as Lacey repeatedly chokes Veda on the ropes and with Veda's own hair and introduces a hairpulling element into numerous moves such as Snapmares, Camel Clutches and Surfboards, as well as the traditional face slams to the mat. After wearing down and toying with her foe, Lacey puts away Veda with a patented Lungblower (aided by a hairpull, naturally), then finds herself a trustworthy referee to get the 3 count in a most unique and fitting manner.

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12+ min. 381 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 844: Kimberly & Rain vs Los All-Nighters

The ref barely gets the introductions out while these 2 teams jaw back and forth to start off the intergender tag match. Joey and Kimberly start this one off with an oddly spastic and agile (?) circle. Kimberly holds her own against her larger male opponent and he eventually tags out in exasperation. Rain appears to be too quick for Ben as she locks him into a tight Dragon Sleeper and other various takedowns.

After a little bit of doubleteaming, Kimberly comes in to continue dominating the match. Even the best laid plans go awry and soon Kimberly finds herself on the receiving of some very unsportmanslike doubleteaming. This is not Kimberly's day as she is forced to endure a Crossface, an Armbar, and many other painful maneuvers.
Will Kimberly mount any offense before it's all said and done? Will she make a much needed tag to her fresh partner? You'll have to see this wild end to believe it and even then, you may have to run it back a few times to really get a clear picture of how this wild melee resolves.

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14+ min. 438 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$135 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 843: Malia Hosaka vs Ben Dejo

Dejo barely mounts a single offensive maneuver as Malia easily picks up the First Fall. First working over his arms with armbars and knee and elbow strikes, Malia locks in a double reverse Hammerlock. Then she gets nasty, hitting Ben with Headbutts, Bodyslams and Dropkicks, then gets Ben to scream his submission while trapped in an Octopus Hold.

Malia continues the assault in the Second Fall, taunting Ben while hitting him with Anklelocks, leg sweep takedowns, Surfboards, Step-over Toeholds and legscissors. Malia sets Ben up with a powerful Suplex, then wraps on a Figure Four Leglock for the submission and the Second Fall.

Thinking the match is over, Ben vents his frustration by telling Malia how he feels about her. Unfortunately, his mouth has just written a check his backside can't cash and Malia picks him apart in a Third Fall that leaves Ben out cold on the mat after taking a Bulldog, Pedigree and Sleeperhold.
Maybe next time, Ben will be more gracious in defeat.

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17 min. 510 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 842: Amber O'Neal vs Saraya

Saraya wants Amber to shut up because this match can only end in a verbal submission and that's all she wants to hear. She should have been nicer because it's Amber who dominates the action, tying Saraya into all kinds of uncomfortable positions. Saraya seems to actually be enjoying some of these holds and Amber is definitely having fun applying them. Multiple Surfboard variations, a Mutalock and a reverse Figure Four are just a few of the moves that Amber employs. Saraya is content to endure the holds, but how long will that toughness last?

Her stubborn opponent forces Amber to think fast. She flows from Chinlocks to toeholds to Hammerlocks, but none of it seems enough to put the battling Brit away. A traditional Figure Four Leglock wears Saraya down and a leglock nelson nearly puts her away for good but it still isn't enough. Sweet Saraya is pushed to her limits by a bodyscissors/Full Nelson and a Dragon Sleeper puts the finishing touches on a fine showcase of Amber's technical skills.

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9 min. 270 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 841: Amy Love vs Betsy Ruth

While Supermodel Amy is once again arguing with the referee, the baseball bat-wielding and always menacing Betsy calls out the 'Superbimbo' for a fight.
From the opening bell, Amy keeps evading a charging Betsy (can you blame her?) and eventually even manages to get her powerful foe down to the mat. From there, the talented Supermodel attacks Betsy's arm with kneedrops, cross armbreakers and more. However, she then makes the mistake of trying to bring in a steel chair in full view of guest ref Jessie McKay...

Enter Betsy's baseball bat. A swift blow to the ankle later, Amy is injured and rolling around on the canvas. Betsy goes straight to work on the injured body part!
After some devastating attacks, the match ends with an inevitable tapout. There's more punishment to come though, as Betsy pushes aside the ref after the match and decides to again bring in the chair and the bat. Amy is in for lots of trouble here...

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13+ min. 415 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 840: Leva vs Rain

Two gifted and skilled grapplers square off in this Submissions Only match-up.
Leva immediately goes to work on The Radiant One's arm, but quick and clever reversals keep both grapplers from gaining much momentum. While Rain looks to apply submission hold after submission hold, utilizing a seated double-arm underhook, Surfboard, Texas Cloverleaf and bodyscissors, Leva continues to work on Rain's arm, using Armbars and reverse Chickenwings and wears her down in multiple head and bodyscissors. Leva nearly picks up the win when she hits a bridging reverse Hammerlock on Rain's weakened arm, but Rain manages to escape.

Back and forth the two wrestlers go, looking for that one maneuver that will get the other to tap out. It comes quickly, when one grappler reverses out of an Armbar, delivers a quick leg sweep takedown and locks on an armscissors that forces her opponent to slap the mat in submission.

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10+ min. 318 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 839: Santana vs Titan

You can put a mask on him, but there’s no mistaking Titan as he towers over the doomed Santana. Santana tries to keep out of his clutches but there’s nowhere to hide in the ring and with Titan’s wingspan Santana is soon feeling the sledgehammer blows of his forearms, punches and stomps. Titan’s destruction of Santana is thorough and brutal. Santana’s exposed midsection takes the worst of it from diving headbutts, stomach claws, kneedrops, stomach-breaker drops, shoulderblocks and roundhouse gut punches that blast the poor brunette off her feet.

Santana’s back fares little better as Titan rocks her spine with forearm shots, over-the-knee Backbreaker drops and repeated inverted body vices. The methodical Titan certainly doesn’t need to rake eyes, bite, or choke Santana to win, but he delights in it anyway and when Santana desperately attempts to flee the ring, Titan gives chase and throws her back like a javelin between the second and third ropes.
After having her athletic body pummeled and broken a ragdoll Santana finally taps to a Crossface, but just because his opponent’s had enough doesn’t mean Titan has!

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29+ min. 893 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$25 through Paypal

$22 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 838: Jennifer Blake vs Tracy Taylor

Jennifer Blake jumps out early in this 1-on-1 match-up with a Headlock Takedown, but doesn't have the advantage long. Tracy won't have any of it and begins to work over her opponent with some hairpulling and rope chokes, not to mention some actually legal holds like the Dragon Sleeper and an over-the-knee Backbreaker. Jennifer starts looking a little sluggish as Tracy takes it to her with a Surfboard, a Waistscissor and 3 consecutive Suplexes. Anyone who's seen Jen wrestle knows she just won't stay down.

Tracy continues to dominate and really focus on Jennifer's back. A Bearhug in the middle of the ring has Jennifer on the edge of submission, but she manages to hang on. Tracy's frustration visibly mounts as she becomes more and more violent, demanding that Jen submit. A really tough Surfboard has Jennifer wailing in pain and Tracy fully extended for maximum leverage. Power moves abound, yet Jennifer refuses to stay down for the 1-2-3.
Eventually, it's a tough Waistscissor/Sleeper combo that has one wrestler tapping the mat and her foe demanding her to tap it harder.

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14+ min. 431 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 837: Kellie Skater vs Malia Hosaka

It's no surprise that Malia's mind games begin even before the bell. Is she giving Kellie a hard time for her ring nickname or does the veteran have a genuine interest in the young Aussie upstart?
The action is almost impossible to follow as our two ladies vie for the upper hand with lightning-fast holds and reversals. Just when you think one combatant might pull ahead, the other takes off in the opposite direction with a new surge offense. That is, until, Malia locks in a definitive and tight Figure Four Leglock. Kellie eventually finds the ropes, but Malia milks the count for maximum damage and has now found her opponent's weakness. Soon, Kellie finds herself in Malia's tight Double Toehold/Chinlock Combo, but simply refuses to concede.

It's fairly even from here on out with lots of off-the-ropes-action and some brutal blows. A Camel Clutch sneaks its way in there, as well as what looks to be a match-ending Dragon Sleeper. Looks can be deceiving, however and it isn't until one tough lady finds herself on the receiving end of a deciding Glam Slam and staring up the lights for the 1-2-3.

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11+ min. 340 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 836: Miss Rachel vs LT Falk

We open on an angry LT who has a number of issues about women in wrestling. Eager to prove a point, he issues an open challenge to any woman to face him in the ring--A challenge that is answered by Miss Rachel.
As confident as LT claims to be, he doesn't take any chances by actually fighting fairly. LT immediately resorts to a rake to the eyes to gain the advantage, followed by a quickly applied Sleeper that leaves Miss Rachel helpless and it is not long before she is out cold. But LT is not done yet and continues to abuse his already defeated and barely conscious opponent. Stomps, chokes and yet more Sleepers keep Miss Rachel on the canvas as LT strives to prove his point.

Even the late arrival of referee Shawn Spears to try and bring proceedings to a merciful halt does not deter LT from getting a final few shots in.

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9+ min. 286 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 835: Erica D'Erico vs Portia Perez

Lorelei Lee is wearing the stripes for this 1 Fall Match. Erica's long legs prove the advantage at the start of the bout as she takes control with a barrage of kicks. Erica's legs continue to call the shots as she traps Portia in a bodyscissors, Headscissors and a Lotus Lock, as well as dishing out a Keister Bounce or two.

Unfortunately for Erica, what initially proves an advantage is suddenly turned against her when Portia is able to turn the tide of the battle. Now Erica's legs prove a tempting target for Portia who punishes Erica with a variety of leglocks, including Stepover Toeholds, legbars, double-toed leglocks and more. Portia even takes a few moments to illustrate the difference between a legal hold and an illiegal one for the benefit of Lorelei.
Will Erica's long legs prove to be her not very secret weapon? Or has Portia found Erica's Achilles heel. And calf. And knee. And thigh.

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17+ min. 525 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 834: Christie Ricci vs Taryn Shay

The invasion of the newcomers continues in this stripped-down face-off between the fresh-faced Taryn and veteran Ricci. No fancy gimmicks, long setup or flashy production; this is some raw action replete with screams, thuds and the creaks of ring ropes straining under the impact of battered bodies.

The match begins with Christie taking an unhealthy (for Taryn!) interest in her opponent's hair. Taryn is slung around the ring by her hair several times, her neck is bent back over Christie's knee using (you guessed it) her hair for leverage. Christie almost doesn't let go of Taryn's tresses for the first couple minutes of the match. This is the veteran at her dirtiest–extended chokes, elbows, knees, cheap shots, it's all there.

This is not to say that we don't get any of Christie's trademarked old-style roughhousing. She busts out Bodyslams and an array of submissions – Backbreakers, Figure Four Leglock, Full Nelsons and bodyscissors all figure into Taryn's punishment-only this time, they generally involve the added agony of Christie yanking on poor Taryn's hair during the execution of each move.
One neck-crushing submission finally causes Taryn to tap at the tail end of a hair-raising and one-sided smackdown.

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13+ min. 405 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 833: Angel Williams vs Shawn Spears

Two confident wrestlers face off in this 1 Fall match-up.
Both are good looking, talented and more than willing to play dirty. Apparently the rules against hairpulling don't apply to them as the early parts of the match see both competitors trying to give the other a free trim without scissors. Shawn gets tired of horsing around and uses the ropes to leverage a painful Chinlock. A missed elbow drop puts the game back in Angel's hands and she goes to work torturing Shawn's arm and chest. Shawn even has to check himself for claw marks!

With the violence escalating, Shawn pounds Angel's world famous abs with a belly punch followed by a thunderous stomp to the midsection. Angel steals the momentum with a series of counters that lead to pinfall attempts. Back on their feet, Shawn is rocked by Angel's forearms and now it's the angelic one's turn to choke Shawn with the ropes and her boots. Shawn delivers a devastating Backbreaker, but Angel fights back with flying lariats, a DDT and a Neckbreaker of her own. More dirty tactics follow and it's a low blow leading to a schoolboy pin that leaves one loser hurt and humiliated.

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13+ min. 398 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 832: Marti Belle vs Sara Del Rey

Guest ref Mercedes Martinez (her first time reffing!) has her work cut out for her as Sara bends the rules to the breaking point-using ropes, stomps and plenty of fair but punishing tactics as well. Belle is bent every which-way, but stays in and even scores some near falls.

Both ladies execute some great moves, never missing a chance to grab and arm or leg to inflict some pain. Sara escapes with some questionable shortcuts, but Marti succeeds in keeping it clean and getting repeated chances at grabbing the win.
One ladies' arm is stretched to the breaking point and eventually must concede the contest, but they were both no doubt sore the following day!

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14 min. 424 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 831: Christie Ricci vs Nemesis

Cautious circling quickly becomes jockeying for position in some tests to see who can power the other one down. Each tries to intimidate the other with her power, but both are also determined and willing to put it all on the line.

Nemesis targets the leg of Christie and captures a Figure Four. Christie goes for a Surfboard and a quick pin-and gets punched in the chest (accident?). A Sleeper is effective, but Nemesis is soon back to damaging the leg of Ricci.

Back and forth with hard hits and damage inflicted until one sudden move brings things to a close for one sore battler.

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13+ min. 414 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 830: Angel Williams vs Divina

Angel gives Divina a choice of matches at the start of this contest. After Angel's proclamation that a No DQ Match would be "really good for me, but really bad for you," Divina agrees to a 2 out of 3 Falls Match and it initially seems a good choice. After punishing Angel with a number of armlocks and leglocks, Divina is able to secure a Boston Crab on her already weakened opponent. Angel's submission and the first fall of the match follow quickly afterwards.

Into the second round, and this time Angel wastes no time in gaining control of the bout. A tight, debilitating Headlock on Divina is then converted into a bodyscissor/Sleeper combination. Divina does her best to resist, but with escape from Angel's clutches inevitable and with a KO looming, Divina submits to level the score at 1-1.

With just one fall to decide the match, Divina does her best to avoid Angel's Sleeper for a second time. And in the end, it is not a Sleeper that wins the match but a Headscissors that KOs one determined wrestler.

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12 min. 358 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 829: Leva vs Rachel Summerlyn

A 2 out of 3 Falls Match for Summerlyn's championship belt.
Leva uses her speed to her advantage in the first fall, hitting Summerlyn with numerous Dropkicks. But she goes to the well one too many times and Summerlyn avoids a Dropkick and locks on a Texas Cloverleaf that forces Leva to tapout.

Summerlyn takes control in the Second Fall, hitting Leva with power moves such as a Suplex, Sidewalk Slam and belly-to-belly Suplex, but Leva escapes from a potentially devastating Fisherman's and hits Summerlyn with a DDT. A Sunset Flip secures the second fall for the challenger.
The two battle through the final fall with Summerlyn firing away with elbows and forearm smashes, and Leva coming back with reverse Hammerlocks and a clever near fall with a schoolboy pin rollup. Leva gains control and connects with 3 Clotheslines that leave Summerlyn dazed.
Who takes that all-important 3rd Fall?!

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14 min. 425 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 828: Amy Love vs Little Jeanne

Despite her self-proclaimed status as a Supermodel, in the ring, Amy is first and foremost a wrestler-A fact that Jeanne is quickly reminded of when she makes the mistake of turning her back on her opponent.
From the outset, Amy dominates this contest. Caught off guard by Amy's initial sneak attack, Jeanne can do nothing to halt the onslaught of offense from Amy. Bodyscissors, Boston Crab, Figure Four Headscissors, chokes, Figure Four Leglock, Camel Clutch-Amy is relentless. And when she isn't torturing Jeanne, Amy scores numerous 2 counts in her quest for victory.

Unfortunately, Jeanne's defiance only serves to prolong her suffering as Amy continues to dominate the action. Despite the one-sided nature of the match, it comes down to one wrestler's quick thinking that decides this contest.

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15+ min. 460 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 827: Jayme Jameson vs Su Yung

Jayme Jameson debuts here against Su Yung, and opens the match showing some skill as the two grapplers reverse each others' Side Headlocks and reverse Hammerlocks and armbars. Su gains the upper-hand using some questionable tactics-including hairpulls and rope chokes-and attacks Jayme with painful Reverse Chinlocks, Anklelocks, a Spinning Toehold, a belly claw and a nerve pinch.

Jayme won't stay down, and she shows her ring-smarts with some smart reverses, including a near pinfall when she blocks a Suplex and turns it into a small package rollup. Su goes to work on Jayme's legs next, keeping her on the mat with numerous leg sweeps, kicks to the thigh and a Figure Four Leglock, which Jayme manages to reverse. Jayme looks for her opening, and finds one when she whips Su into the turnbuckle, then slams her into an over-the-knee Backbreaker. Jayme fires away with knee drops, Snapmares, a Surfboard, an over-the-shoulder Backbreaker and several reverse Chickenwing submissions.

The match ends when one grappler connects with a leg sweep that is immediately turned into a Boston Crab. And then, there's nothing for her opponent to do but tapout.

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16 min. 476 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 826: April Hunter vs Jack Bonza

We start this mixed challenge with a pose-off by both wrestlers. It's not long before April less-than-honestly takes control and has Jack on the mat and in trouble. April takes it right to her opponent with Toeholds, Surfboards, Bodyslams, and an impressive Bearhug. April has Jack begging for mercy almost immediately, but she really wants to teach him a lesson. One painful leg stretch has Jack repeating every thing April says, just for the chance she might show some mercy and let him go.

Bow & Arrow stretches, Stomach Claws, single-leg (and full) Boston Crabs, cornerwork and some really brutal kicks have Jack seeing stars.
April's not finished till she's finished though... and has Jack kissing her boots and making some weighty promises just to get April to leave him alone.

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17+ min. 529 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$18 for non-members
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$18 through Paypal

$15 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 825: Angela vs Malia Hosaka

A submissions match-up where the winner claims the Asian Women's Championship!
The two square off move for move until Malia gets the upper hand with a hip toss leading to the first submission attempt, an arm-stretching Surfboard. It isn't long before the hold is reversed and Malia gets a taste of her own medicine. Neither lady is close to giving up and the action continues as the wrestlers trade Headlocks and Headscissors. There isn't a moment to rest as the holds are reversed as quickly as they're applied.

An Armbar, Camel Clutch and toehold push Malia to the limit, but this isn't her first rodeo and she withstands Angela's onslaught. The Legend turns things around, pounding Angela's leg and softening her up for a heelhook. Angela escapes only to be trapped in an excruciating Bow & Arrow hold.
Both wrestlers show a lot of heart but a ferocious Figure Four Leglock causes one warrior to verbally submit.

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10+ min. 311 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 824: Hannah Blossom vs Holly Blossom

Sisters Hannah and Holly like to team up, but on this day they're on opposite sides of the squared circle.
The Blossom sisters not only look alike, they think alike as well. The result is a highly entertaining match where each identical twin has to go to great lengths to surprise the other. These ladies know each other so well that that is not an easy task, and it shows in the opening stages of the match. An early test of strength ends in a stalemate and some excellent chain wrestling doesn't lead to a clear advantage either.

Eventually the Headlocks and pinning combinations make place for prolonged Bearhugs, Headscissors, Suplexes, and Figure Four leglocks. Both wrestlers are eager to prove to the other that they're the one who carries the team, so things get pretty heated in the end.
A questionable ending leaves several questions unanswered, and leaves us asking for a rematch!

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13+ min. 400 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 823: Nikki Roxx vs Shantelle Taylor

Referee April Hunter has her hands full as these two grind it out across 3 Falls with bites, chokes and finger rakes thrown in for good measure. These ladies are experts at inflicting maximum punishment with great technique, fully displayed here as Nikki suffers in Surfboards, Crucifix Armbars, Figure Four Leglocks and a Mexican Ceiling Hold before succumbing to a tight Sleeper that gives Shantelle the First Fall.
Roxx counters with bodyscissors, Surfboards, anklelocks, Boston Crabs and a Sleeper of her own as she sets Shantelle up for a devastating Barbie Crusher that evens the falls.

All bets are off heading into the Final Fall and the back and forth battle continues until that dreaded Sleeper puts one of these exhausted fighters out for good. Despite the tough battle the winner has enough left to pick a fight with the referee who winds up on the wrong end of yet another Sleeper!
The two KOed victims are helpless to prevent the victor from indulging in a little lipstick graffiti humiliation on her foes.

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27 min. 827 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$25 through Paypal

$22 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 822: Mercedes Martinez vs Danny DeManto

DeManto is accustomed to tossing opponents half his size around the ring but the no-nonsense Martinez has taken down bigger foes than him.
Danny starts strong, using his superior size and strength as he tortures Mercedes in various fingerlocks. Martinez has enough and delivers a vicious mule kick to escape a straightjacket before unloading on the behemoth with a barrage of stiff punches, forearms, kicks and stomps as she brawls her way back into the match.

What ensues is a donnybrook of high impact action. Both wrestlers dominate at times as they battle back-and-forth and neither wrestler is above using chokes, face rakes, ear yanks and hairpulls to maintain control of the action. Danny brutalizes Mercedes with devastating kneelifts, Camel Clutch, Stunner and a Shattered Dreams kick. Mercedes gives as good as she gets with corner splashes, running Bulldog, Clotheslines and Crossbodies, but comes up just short of a 3 count again and again.
After battling to exhaustion a stunning Samoan Drop finally secures the win for one wrestler after a harrowing fight.

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14 min. 422 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 821: Madison Eagles vs Brad Attitude

Although neither Madison nor Brad shies away from cheating to some degree in this match, both grapplers start off with some clean chain wrestling. Waistlocks, Armbars and Headlocks are applied and countered, but it's Madison who gains the first clear advantage over her opponent when she Snapmares Brad and punishes him with a stiff kick. Make no mistake about it, Brad Attitude is a talented competitor, but at points he seems overwhelmed by Madison's offense. Besides more conventional holds like Surfboards, Full Nelsons and Dragon Sleepers, it's Madison's innovative ways of stretching adversaries to the breaking point that really take their toll on Brad.

That doesn't mean he takes the punishment lying down. On the contrary, he manages to trap Madison in a Camel Clutch and a painful Bow & Arrow hold.
The big question is whether it is enough for the win. A vicious Clothesline, Suplex and Boston Crab later we finally get the answer.

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15+ min. 458 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 820: Lorelei Lee vs Rain

An unusual Ironwoman Schoolgirl Pins Match.
Rain thinks her pigtails and skirt make her well-prepared for this schoolgirl contest, but the barefoot blonde beauty takes the fight right to her with harsh armlocks and draining bodyscissors before hitting Rain with a corner splash. The dazed brunette is easy pickings for a quick rollup into the first schoolgirl pin.

Rain vows revenge, but catching Lorelei in a schoolgirl is like trying to catch water with your bare hands and the blonde slips through Rain’s fingers by powering out of a Boston Crab into another pin! Lorelei has her way with Rain and gets away with a blatant choke to score yet another schoolgirl as she goes up 3 falls.
Even Rain’s best moves seem to leave her on her back kicking and screaming as Lee scores pinfall after pinfall.

No one gets frustrated and furious like Rain and she has plenty to be upset about as she gets schooled in this one!

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13 min. 385 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 819: Josie vs Sucio

It's not clear what's more distracting-Sucio's ego or his pants, but Josie looks to be a step slow in the early going. As Josie is pressed against the ropes and flipped to the mat, Sucio continues to pose and preen. Sucio overwhelms Josie in a test of strength before driving her into the canvas with a Bodyslam. Josie tries to take advantage of his cocky attitude, but Sucio loses his cool and shoves her face-first into the turnbuckle! Showing a mean streak, Sucio brutalizes Josie's arm and stomps on her fingers.

Josie does her best to survive, but looks defeated after taking a running kick to the jaw. Sucio refuses to pin her and Josie makes him pay with a flying Crossbody. It's not enough to end the match and a big boot puts her down again. Just when you think it's over, a series of Sucio flubs puts Josie back in the driver's seat.
Does she have enough left to complete the comeback or does Sucio prevail?

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12+ min. 368 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 818: Angela vs Courtney Rush

While Angela is chatting with the ref for her upcoming match, a very angry Courtney barges in. Courtney accuses Angela of being a little too friendly with the official, thus gaining an unfair advantage. The match starts anyway, with Angela injuring her ankle early on in a freak accident.

Like a shark smelling blood, Courtney begins a relentless attack on the damaged body part. Taking advantage of her essentially one-legged opponent, Rush is brutal in her assault. She kicks, stomps and twists Angela around to the point where the ring is almost like a torture chamber. Amazingly, Angela tries to mount an offense several times. Unfortunately Courtney cuts her off each and every time, finally dropping Angela with a hard Powerslam and trapping her in an Anklelock.
The contest ends as you would expect it to, but the pain doesn't stop there...in short, not a good day to be Angela.

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12+ min. 367 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 817: Brandi Wine vs Kimberly

The match begins on an ominous note for Kimberly even before she has a chance to show up as we open with Brandi carefully lacing up her shiny black boots, simultaneously admiring them and anticipating their imminent introduction to Kimberly's face. The action hasn't even begun but Wine's fixation on putting her 'pretty boots' to her opponent's noggin borders on the unhealthy!

The in-ring action kicks off a little painfully for Kimberly as she is on the receiving end of two separate Neckscissors that bring her up close and personal with Brandi Wine's footwear. It turns out, however, that the veteran may have underestimated the feisty youngster. Kimberly shows surprising strength by breaking out a Suplex, a Backbreaker and a Bodyslam at various points. The agony just keeps coming for Brandi as Kimberly locks on a rib-crushing Bodyscissors next. In the end, a well-executed Fisherman's Suplex sets one lady up for the 1-2-3.

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14+ min. 433 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 816: Alexxis Nevaeh vs Diane Von Hoffman

Diane is an undisputed legend but there's always a young gun looking to knock her from her perch and this time it's the electrifying Alexxis! Diane might be older, but she was main eventing before Alexxis was even born.

Alexxis is clearly proud of her long locks and Diane is more than happy to help her showcase them. Whether they're being wrapped around the ropes, whipped through the air or stomped into the mat, Alexxis' hair proves to be her biggest downfall. Diane can't help herself as she straddles the poor woman and rips at her roots. Alexxis is dragged around the ring like a dog on a leash.

A tight Sleeper is followed by an innovative "hairclaw" worthy of the Von Erich family. A second Sleeper (with one hand on the scalp, of course) removes any fight Alexxis has left. Diane isn't satisfied until she gets one last yank and Alexxis is helpless to stop her. After this match, Alexxis might want to spend more time at the gym and less time at the salon.

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13+ min. 412 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 815: Sin-D vs Bad Seed

Bad Seed certainly shows no hesitation when it comes to attacking the opposite sex when they are entered into athletic contests. He knows the rules and walks the line to punish, injure, but still keep the match going--so that he can continue punishing and injuring!

Sin-D endure, punches, kicks, Suplexes, moves that attack the back and legs like a Camel Clutch and the Boston Crab. Sin-D's attempts at fighting back just seem to infuriate the Bad Seed even further, driving to new heights (or depths!) of viciousness both verbally and physically.

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12 min. 362 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 814: Tina San Antonio vs Veda Scott

A 1 Fall contest with special guest ref Leva.
These ladies waste no time in mixing it up. Just as soon as Veda catches Tina in a takedown Headlock, Tina turns it into a Headscissor/armbar combo, and so on. Tina spends some time twisting Veda's arm, but the spunky newcomer won't give. Veda's got some twisting of her own to do and soon has Tina in a painful Mutalock.

It's some rough back-and-forth action through and through until Tina senses a weakness in Veda's back. Veda must endure Tina's vast repertoire of holds like the Porchswing, Surfboards, and... ahem... choking on the ropes. To Veda's credit, she refuses to give in to Tina's assault and manages to mount some offense near the end, but maybe it's Tina's slightly meaner edge or loose definition of the rules that give her the upper hand in this one.

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12+ min. 371 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 813: Jessie McKay vs Rain

What more could you ask for? A couple of veterans squaring off for a good ol' fashioned I Quit Match. And as usual, it's about 2 seconds before Rain taunts her opponent in the introduction.
Jessie's a good sport though and saves her retaliation for after the bell. Rain takes an early advantage and soon has Jessie screaming in a painful Texas Cloverleaf. But that's just the first of many nasty holds. The ladies trade back-and-forth, filling the ring with screams of pain from the likes of the Porchswing, modified Camel Clutch, Abdominal Stretch, a pretzel hold and more. The collective threshold for pain in this match up has to be seen to be believed, as these combatants twist, pull, and stretch each other, looking for those 2 magic words.

The Crossface, the Sharpshooter, the Figure Four, and the Boston Crab all make appearances. None of them are enough to make either of our combatants quit. It's not until one tired lady finds herself belly-up over her opponent's knees that the end finally comes. A great, spirited match with two very knowledgeable wrestlers.

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16+ min. 501 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 812: Amber O'Neal vs Josie

After taking a moment to admire Amber's ring attire, Josie wastes little time in taking charge of this 1 Fall contest. After weakening Amber with a Sidewalk Slam, Josie targets her opponents legs and Amber is soon suffering in a Stepover Toehold and a double-toed leglock, not to mention a painful Camel Clutch.

If Josie was expecting an easy match though, Amber has other ideas. She battles back against the tide and quickly repays Josie with a Sharpshooter. Unfortunately, a comeback is only as good as it lasts and Josie is soon back in control with more punishing holds on Amber's legs, arms and back.

Amber refuses to submit and even gains the ascendancy on a few occasions but it is never long before Josie's power puts her back in the driving seat. A final, ring-shaking slam leaves one wrestler down for the 1-2-3. And the losing fighter's ordeal is still not quite over, as the winner decides one of the turnbuckles needs a little added... 'decoration'.

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11+ min. 340 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 811: Niya vs Chris Gray

A high-intensity, action-packed intergender match-up.
The action starts early and never lets up with Niya and Gray both twisting, turning and flipping their way out of Armbars, Chickenwings and Headscissors-two particularly impressive sequences feature Niya turning a Boston Crab into a pin attempt, and bridging out of a Headscissors and turning it into a Bow & Arrow submission.

Back and forth they go. Gray isn't above a little hairpulling or rope choking and he attempts to wear down the rookie with Backbreakers, reverse Chinlocks and a brutal Gory Special Backbreaker hold. But Niya refuses to quit, battling out and reversing hold after hold. She hits a flying Clothesline in the corner, Armdrags, Snapmares, a Bulldog and an impressive swinging Headscissors takedown.
The match reaches a frenzy (especially for the poor referee) with a rapid sequence in which Niya and Gray continually reverse each others' pin attempts. But it ain't over yet!

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14 min. 424 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 810: Miss Rachel vs Tasha Simone

From the very beginning you can tell this one will be more of a fight than a wrestling contest. Nose to nose and soon rolling along the ropes and the mat, these ladies are challenging each other to get physical. Wicked armwringers, Headbutts to the crotch, stomach claw and some extreme leg punishment does damage to both.

With hard hits and near falls, the ref lets everything go, because surely these ladies want to settle things between them. It's anyone's match right up until the end.
You know the reputations of these 2 and they give you just what you expect!

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13 min. 384 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 809: Mercedes Martinez vs Su Yung

They begin by testing each other out and going for some quick pins. Mercedes forces a little space between them because Su just seems too "spunky". Soon the Latina Sensation is in charge with forearms and foot chokes, stomps and brutal corner work. Su finds herself in very real trouble as her arm becomes Martinez's main focus.

Su hangs tough with some surprise pins and a Suplex attempt. Mercedes takes back control, hanging the youngster in the ropes and keeping up her attacks.
In doubt until the very end, this match should satisfy anyone looking for a give and take contest between 2 determined ladies!

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14 min. 421 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 808: Britani Knight vs Kellie Skater

After a quick 'gun show' before the opening bell, Kellie and Britani are well-matched at the start of this 1 Fall contest. Jessie McKay is on referee duty, but there is no bias towards her fellow Australian during the bout. Indeed, it is Britani who keeps Jessie the busiest, occasionally venturing to the ropes to gain the advantage.

For the most part however, both wrestlers keep it clean and each get the opportunity to demonstrate their impressive talent in this back and forth encounter. Slams, armlocks, single leg Boston Crabs, DDT's and more are executed by both women as the advantage swings from one wrestler to the other.
Eventually, one woman does begin to take control and soon begins scoring 2 count after 2 count, in search of the winning pin. A Pedigree settles it and the winning wrestler treats us to an impromptu chorus of her own 'unique' anthem.

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10+ min. 319 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 807: Ariel vs Leva

We open with two promos from the ladies in this match. Leva expresses her determination to win, announcing that she is wrestling for her family. Ariel simply wants to win by any means necessary.
The Portuguese Princess lives up to that promise, attacking Leva before the opening bell. Guest Referee Angela does what she can to control Ariel's assault on Leva that includes repeated eyerakes and blatant chokes in just the opening moments of the match. A very brief comeback by Leva leads to nothing and it is not long before Ariel is back in total control, using every single short cut in the book from hairpulling to biting and even punches to Leva's throat!

Ariel's dominance is so complete she even lifts Leva from the canvas before Angela can complete a 3 count, with Ariel claiming that she's "not ready" yet. Such a moment would seem the appropriate time for Leva to make a rousing comeback. Unfortunately, Ariel is calling the shots here and when the winning pin finally comes, it is almost a mercy for one utterly destroyed wrestler.

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12+ min. 377 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 806: Amy Love vs Su Yung

It looks like Amy's big mouth has gotten her in trouble again. This time she mouths off to Su before the bell even rings, confusing her with someone who delivers Chinese food, talking some smack in what she obviously thinks might be Chinese, then asking her if she could do her nails and if her name is actually "eggroll."
Politically correct? Not really, so when Amy turns her back and struts her stuff, Su attacks. She introduces the Supermodel's face to all four turnbuckles and then chokes her on the ropes until Amy is out like a light!

Su decides to play along with Amy's pre-match verbal attacks, pretending to not understand the ref when he asks her to pin Amy and end the match. Su has some fun with Love's unconscious body, locking on some Headscissors and even a Sleeperhold. The ref tells Su that she really shouldn't put a Sleeper on someone who's already sleeping, but since Su doesn't understand (wink wink), she proceeds to put a limp Supermodel in a Full Nelson for good measure. Su eventually drops the act and pins Amy with just one finger. Let's hope Amy chooses her words more carefully next time around.

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12+ min. 370 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 805: Amazing Kong vs Jessie McKay

Jessie, Jessie, Jessie--have we not learned by now, that when Kong wants to work out in the ring... you GIVE Kong the ring?

We find Ms McKay meditating in the ring until Kong makes certain she's not in her "happy place" for too much longer. The "match" that follows is about as one-sided as things get.
Kong toys with Jessie, tosses her around the ring, stands on her hair and delivers blow after blow without holding back. Kong works both of Jessie's legs that has the Aussie crying "mercy". But did she really think she would get it?

Countless Bodyslams, splashes and "illegal" rope work have Jessie really wishing she had found a new happy place. Kong makes certain that Jessie verbally submits to a Surfboard and an intense armbar, but then informs the youngster that she doesn't care. Kong decides she's gotten her work out in after a Body Splash and 2 Awesome Powerbombs have Jessie out cold in the middle of the ring.

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11 min. 325 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 804: Kimberly vs Santana

The action starts immediately and never lets up during this 1 Fall match-up.
There are countless quick, creative reverses and momentum swings throughout this thrilling battle. Both grapplers look to keep their opponent off their feet, with Santana focusing on Kimberly's arm, locking in numerous wrenching Armbars and forcing Kimberly to the mat. Kimberly is the more devious, though and she uses an eyerake, then slams Santana to the mat by her hair. After a Camel Clutch, Kimberly again slams Santana face-first to the mat. Kimberly unloads with an elbow drop to the throat, repeated face slams to the mat and rope chokes. Kimberly works over her foe's leg with a knee slam to the mat, single-leg STF, Stepover Toehold, and Anklelock. Santana uses her other leg, however, to escape, as a well-placed knee to the head breaks the hold.

Santana fires back, mixing armbars and reverse Hammerlocks with Monkey Flips, Snapmares, armdrag takedowns, Hiptosses and a modified (and extremely painful-looking) Crossface. Back-and-forth they go, until a quick sequence with multiple reversals and escapes allows one exhausted wrestler to hit a bone-rattling Neckbreaker, followed by a hold that leaves one wrestler unable to do anything but scream her submission.

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14+ min. 429 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 803: Erica D'Erico vs Lacey

Given Lacey’s attitude at the beginning of the match–all talk and accusations of bias on the part of ref Christie Ricci–you’d think that she was one of those all bark no bite types. Unfortunately, Erica finds out otherwise during the course of this hard fought, back-and-forth contest.

The first several minutes of the match are a master class in old school wrestling as the ladies test each other’s abilities and weaknesses, each trying to wring the other’s arm out of its socket with Armbars and Armlocks. Erica has a screaming Lacey on the mat with submission moves reminiscent of MMA, stretching her arms and neck in angles they weren’t built to go. Finally Lacey’s wiles save her as a rake to the eyes gives her a breathing space, allowing her to return the favor, busting out chokes, Neckbreakers, Headlocks and even an elevated Hangman submission.
Control shifts a couple more times but each lady focuses on the other’s neck using various creative moves included prolonged Camel Clutches and chokeholds. One exhausted athlete finally taps to an excruciating submission but both walk away with necks that will probably require the attention of a Chiropractor sometime soon!

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31 min. 933 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$25 through Paypal

$22 for SLAM members

SLAMpeg 802: Madison Eagles vs Nikki Roxx

Nikki comes to the ring full of attitude and ego, barking orders to the referee as she prepares to take on Aussie superstar Madison. Nikki slaps away Madison’s offer of a handshake before the bell and sets the tone for this heated contest.
Madison works within the rules as she lets the arrogant Nikki have it with grinding Headlocks, neck cranks and Surfboards before ringing Roxx’s bell with a crushing corner Clothlesline.

Nikki counters with pure rulebreaking, biting her way of trouble, raking Madison’s eyes, back and face, and using liberal amounts of hairpulling and chokes in between more legitimate holds. The referee has his hands full trying to control the action as these two wage war inside and outside the ring until one wrestler traps their opponent in an inescapable Indian Deathlock variation that lead to a screaming submission.
Don’t turn away at the final bell as there’s plenty of post-tapout animosity for these 2 to settle.

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13 min. 386 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 801: Kimberly vs Niya

Ref Rain demands a clean match from our two competitors, then calls for the bell. Kimberly and Niya waste no time and go at it hard, each vying for the advantage. Headlocks, Hiptosses, early pin attempts and Headscissors fill the top half of this match up, as each lady isn't afraid of taking some bumps.

Single Leg Boston Crabs, Legscissors and some very focused elbow drops are Kimberly's not-so-subtle way of telling Niya she's decided to focus on her leg. There's no give in Niya, though, and she returns the favor by showing Kimberly just how tough a full Boston Crab can be. A lot more brutality and unique holds before this one's over, folks (including one mutual leglock that has Rain confused as to who is supposed to submit). Neither lady is willing to give, however and it comes down to a very brutal powermove that would make even Lexie proud.

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13 min. 389 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAM members

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