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SLAMpeg 4300: Tesha Price vs Chasyn Rance

A heated standoff at the center of the ring has Tesha and Chasyn at each other’s throats over who’s the better wrestler. The enraged Tesha goes for a low blow kick, but Chasyn blocks it before ducking a wild right hand. Rance transitions from defense to offense with an effortless Gorilla Press into a brutal side breaker that leaves Tesha writhing on the canvas.

Chasyn is out to prove a point now, repeatedly hauling poor Tesha up and taunting her as she pleads to be let go, only to deliver slam after slam on the unforgiving canvas. In complete control, Rance executes a Gorilla Press into a Shoulder Breaker and tortures his victim with a hair stand and boot scrape before pulling her up into a Camel Clutch to deliver an ox pull and elbow strike to the bridge of her nose. Her body beaten and her ego broken, the overwhelmed Tesha is completely at the mercy of her opponent. Chasyn won’t stop until he proves his superiority, lifting Tesha up for a final Gorilla Press drop that leaves her thoroughly wrecked body flat on the canvas to end the match.

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5+ min. 225 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

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SLAMpeg 4299: Leva vs Chasyn Rance

After a brief discussion about the origin of Leva's top, we go straight to the action and it initially seems as though Leva has Chasyn's number today. However, he soon reads her playbook and beats Leva at her own game with a quick kick to the gut.

From this point onward, Chasyn controls the action and continues to target Leva's stomach for the bulk of his attacks, Stomps, claws, stretches, Chasyn is relentless in his demolition of Leva's belly. Mixing up the action a little, Leva also finds herself being racked over Chasyn's shoulder and suffering a unique rope-assisted Boston Crab.

A trio of big belly splashes leave Leva reeling and she is powerless when Chasyn hoists her upwards. A final huge Powerbomb puts Leva down for good and a victory posing Chasyn declares himself the winner.

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10 min. 356 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

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SLAMpeg 4298: Charli Evans & Clara Sinclaire vs Shazza McKenzie & Zoe Lucas

It’s a Best of 3 falls tagteam matchup.
The black hats doubleteam Zoe and Shazza from the opening bell, and once order is restored, Charli begins wearing down Shazza with Full Nelsons, Front Facelocks, Rear Naked Chokes, and some illegal chokeholds. Separating Shazza from her corner, and working her over with shady doubleteaming, Charli and Clara seem to be fully in control until Shazza rolls up Charli into a small package for the 3 count and the first fall.

With Zoe still unable to get into the action, Clara and Charli even the count at 1-1 just moments later with a nasty submission hold.
It leads to a thrilling third fall packed with everything that makes tagteam wrestling so much fun: fast-paced action, doubleteams (including a remarkable double split-legged leg drop), hot tags, and more near falls than you can count. Trading moves like DDTs, Swinging Neckbreakers, Camel Clutches and more. In the end, it’s a reverse DDT/split-legged leg drop combo that finally plants one wrestler’s shoulders down for the 3 count.

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28+ min. 1.42 GB MP4 1920 x 1080

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SLAMpeg 4297: Amber Nova vs Marina Tucker

Amber is pulling double duty here, finding time to flex her biceps for the fans while simultaneously informing everyone she'll beat up and belittle 'blondie' Marina! Truth be told, Amber does a good job and she has the upper hand from the opening stages of the match. She hurts Marina with a Boston Crab and seated ab stretch before bending the rules and choking away!

Come to think of it, there's no referee for this match. Which means Marina is in serious trouble, because without an official enforcing the rules, there's no telling what kind of damage Amber can do! After more illegal tactics, Nova looks to finish Tucker off. Is there any gas left in Marina's tank to mount a comeback?

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8 min. 343 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

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SLAMpeg 4296: Leva vs Santana

Santana and Leva exchange pre-match sass as they prepare to face off in a no DQ, Last Woman Standing match. Santana takes the last woman standing stipulation literally, dropping Leva to the canvas with a Savate Kick to the knee and following up with a series of kneedrops to the wounded joint. Santana’s tactics are as cruel as her newfound attitude as she wrenches Leva’s leg with an anklelock. Leva suffers repeated stomps, kicks, slams and even a foam roller beating on the outside at the hands of the headbanded one.

Santana is as relentless, rolling down Leva’s knee braces to expose the joint before slamming her leg on the ring apron and stretching it through the ropes. Leva desperately clings to the ropes to reach her feet to break another 10 count but the sadistic Santana just cranks up the pressure with a brutal Figure Four Leglock! With submissions meaningless in this match, Leva can only suffer at the mercy of Santana who finally releases the hold when her opponent lies in a broken heap. With Leva broken on the mat, Santana celebrates in her victory as Karlee counts Leva out.

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11 min. 474 MB MP4 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 4295: Maria Manic vs Violet Payne

Violet’s not in a good mood, dwelling on how she and her fellow “pretty petite wrestlers” are constantly being bullied by big, strong monster heels, and Maria certainly qualifies as one of those bullies. But Maria doesn’t quite realize just how hot the fire inside of Violet is and when she calls her a “shrimp” several times she’s just fanning the flames, until they consume her!

Not being able to win in a fair fight is little incentive for Violet to fight fair. Maria learns it doesn’t matter how big and jacked you are, when your eyes are poked you can’t see, when your legs are taken out, you aren’t tall and hairpulling hurts no matter who you are. No amount of apologizing will save Maria or her hair from Violet’s wrath, which thanks to the lack of a ref, is rarely legal. Eye rakes, back rakes, face first slams into the mat and a variety of creative ways to torment her hair. Violet even brings the ‘Paine” on the floor as Maria’s face meets the floor, apron, wall and ring post!

Violet enjoys every moment of being a poster child for her “pretty petite wrestler” sisters on how to bully a bully and after a hairpull-assisted half Crab, uses to Maria as a warning to any future bullies.

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9 min. 460 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

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SLAMpeg 4294: Amber O'Neal vs Jessie Belle

If there's a bad habit wrestlers are sometimes guilty of, it's putting ego before strategy. Take Jessie Belle, who is in the ring to celebrate her return from a career threatening knee injury. Unfortunately for Jessie, Amber hears every word and after attacking Jessie from behind, she goes straight to work on Jessie's knees.

From straight up stomping on Jessie's joints to wrapping them up in painful leglocks, Amber is relentless in her torture of Jessie's lower limbs. And after a lengthy period of sustained pressure, Amber finally moves on Jessie's legs - and goes to work on her arms.

Amber is mean, merciless and methodical as she wraps up Jessie's arms in numerous agonizing holds from double Hammerlocks to Surfboards to armbars. Even when Jessie tries to quit, her submission falls on deaf ears. Amber finishes the match when SHE decides it's over with a simple pin... and that's when things get a whole lot worse for Jessie.

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27+ min. 1.13 GB MP4 1920 x 1080

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SLAMpeg 4293: Luscious Latasha vs Tesha Price

We don't know what Tesha might have done to make Latasha mad here, but the Luscious lady has it in for Tesha and she spends this whole match trying to destroy her! Latasha's rocking rump is put to good use here as she drives it back into Tesha's stomach to knock the wind out of her and later flattens her with a pair of heavy thigh presses. Tesha hangs in as long as she can, but is reeling from the powerful forearm and shoulder strikes of Latasha. She straddles Tesha and jams her hands in her mouth, threatening to tear Tesha's jaw apart!

A big boot lays Tesha out and soon it's clear that her expressions of pain are only making Latasha more aggressive. She strikes Latasha with huge rights, but Tesha gradually starts showing signs of life. She fights back with punches of her own, only to be cut off by a big knee to the belly. Tesha's camouflage gear has her looking like she's prepared for war. The question is whether she falls to Latasha's relentless barrage or if she still has a desperation tactic up her sleeve to save her skin.

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11+ min. 513 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

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SLAMpeg 4292: Kiera Hogan vs MJ Jenkins

This match is introduced as Wrestling Roulette where a competitor picks a card which describes a hold and how long it can be applied or moves and the numbers of them allowed. If someone is pinned a point is awarded to the victor and the person with the most wins at the end of the match.

After a few rounds MJ is the first to tap to a 60 second Abdominal Stretch. More rounds pass until the final round where MJ gets 2 Headbutts on Kiera.
Will MJ tie it up or will Kiera prevail in this wrestling roulette contest?

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16 min. 686 MB MP4 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 4291: Lexie Fyfe vs Chico Adams

Lexie is nervous there is no ref, especially with Chico's reputation in the ring. He tries to put her mind at ease that is will be clean and that the best competitor will win. Lexie takes the early advantage with some underhanded tactics to start the match.

Eventually Chico explodes out of the corner with a Clothesline and take over in the contest including using shady tactics of his own to get back at Lexie. He continues to use those underhand tactics to keep the upper hand in the match.
One competitor finally taps to a Camel Clutch and after the match is choked out after the fact. Who wins between Lexie and Chico?

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14+ min. 512 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

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SLAMpeg 4290: Shazza McKenzie vs Chico Adams

Does Shazza owe you money? Did she borrow your car and bring it back with the gas tank empty? Are you, for any reason at all, angry at Shazza? If so, this is perfect for you. Short, sweet, and brutal, calling this a beatdown is an understatement, as Chico absolutely annihilates Shazza in this match.

In the ring in street clothes, Shazza immediately takes a knee to the gut, then goes face-first into the turnbuckles. Over the next 5+ minutes, Shazza is choked out, slammed from corner to corner, and eats numerous Piledrivers and DDTs.
After numerous near falls (only because Chico broke the count before 3), Chico scores a 3 count, then picks up a 5 count pinfall following a Powerbomb. And even though Shazza is unconscious and flat on her back, Chico still has a little more punishment in store before leaving Shazza in a heap on the mat.

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6- min. 239 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

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SLAMpeg 4289: Kiera Hogan vs Su Yung

At the start of this confrontation, Kiera sneaks up on Su from behind and nails her with a vicious low blow! Su soon returns the favor, and before long these two combatants are exchanging Atomic Drops. Both ladies give as good as they receive, and there's a number of Atomic Drops and countless low blows that follow.

After going back and forth with Shattered Dreams, each of these grapplers tries to doublecross their opponent, but it all backfires as each wrestler keeps going for low blows. Groins get headbutted or attacked with the ring ropes until finally both ladies seem exhausted and ready to make a deal with the other.
Who will walk away victorious? Will anyone walk out of the ring period?

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13- min. 565 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

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SLAMpeg 4288: Dynamite Didi vs Ivelisse

Ivelisse sets the tone by slapping away a handshake offer from Didi before punishing her in a tight Wristlock and soon counters her way into a brutal Dragon Sleeper. Didi digs deep, proving herself a fighter as she traps her opponent’s leg in a scissorhold and grinds her elbow into Ivelisse’s knee. She powers to her feet still trapped in a choking Chinlock with Ivelisse draped across her back before dumping the veteran to the canvas!

A stalemate of armlocks leaves Ivelisse frustrated and drained, taking more damage than she expected from the powerful Didi. Ivelisse realizes she has little choice but to grind it out with her foe and the pair battle in a body-to-body close to the mat style that clearly favors Didi. Both wrestlers give it their all, wrestling to sweaty exhaustion as the bodyscissors, facelocks and Full Nelsons take their toll on both women. After a prolonged struggle and with both women on the verge of collapse, one wrestler finally outflanks her opponent, trapping her in a body bending Rocking Horse that leaves the poor victim with no choice but to tap out.

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11+ min. 487 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

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SLAMpeg 4287: Amber Nova vs Jessica Troy vs Zoe Lucas

Amber, Jessica and Zoe come together for a Triple Threat 15 minute Ironwoman Match in which the winner of each pinfall/submission gains a point, while the wrestler who is pinned/submitted loses a point.

The action is fast and furious, the pinfalls and submissions are plentiful as the 3 wrestlers scramble to earn the most points. An Abdominal Stretch/armbar combo forces Zoe to submit to Amber, but Zoe’s small package pin on Jessica just moments later erases the Brit’s early deficit.

Chaos ensues throughout the battle, especially when two wrestlers force a doubleteam submission, or when one wrestler sneaks in and steals the pin (Zoe proves to be particularly adept at this). As the time limit nears, the desperation increases and the pinfalls pile up. Small packages, DDTs, even a little help from the referee for one of the competitors, leads to a definitive victor once the dust has settled on this wild, high-energy bout.

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17 min. 618 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

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SLAMpeg 4286: Amber O'Neal & Cindy Rogers vs GeeStar & Lorelei Lee
Previously available as a bonus on DVDs 100 and 105.

A vault classic.
Amber throws a sassy attitude at her opponents but GeeStar and Lorelei soon have her singing a different tune (loudly!), targeting her arm including an agonizing Fugiwara Armbar. Amber’s low blow and face rake get shrugged off by GeeStar who delivers a series of brutal forearms and a devastating Clothesline. A desperate eye gouge finally earns Amber the tag she needs, but Cindy rushes headlong into more of the same as GeeStar and Lorelei work together as the superior team.

Cindy finally buries a boot in Lorelei’s midsection to reverse the roles and Rogers and O’Neal dismantle poor Lorelei with double teams, chokes, hairpulling, biting and eyegouging. Despite a prolonged beatdown, Lee refuses to give up the fight before finally making a hot tag to GeeStar! Such a wild match deserves an equally wild finish and bodies fly with all 4 wrestlers in the ring.
The match climaxes with an inescapable submission leading to a desperate tap out that ends the match but certainly not the war between these 4.

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15 min. 632 MB MP4 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 4285: Cami Fields vs Kiera Hogan

Cami proves to be more than a challenge for Kiera, who enters this match as the champion. The taller Cami grounds Kiera early, nearly ending Kiera's reign in a flash with an armbar. They exchange tight Headlocks and Hammerlocks, with Cami seeming to get a little more of her money's worth with the holds. "The Girl on Fire" just can't get going and before she knows it, Cami is kicking her as she is inverted in a Tree of Woe.

Precise leg work keeps Kiera on her back, Cami doing everything she can to take a limb home with her. A Rocking Horse stretch has Kiera shaking her head as she tries to avoid submitting. This is looking like a total beatdown until Kiera finally fires up. She rocks Cami with some hard shots and then works a Chinlock... though she's soon extinguished again as Cami causes her to crash into the turnbuckles. Kiera is bent badly in a modified Hangman stretch and Cami is on the verge of becoming the new champion.
Does Kiera have what it takes to come back or will Cami's dominance leave Kiera with no choice but to give up her belt?

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8+ min. 374 MB MP4 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 4284: Cassandra Golden vs Miss Rachel

Miss Rachel and Cassandra meet in another installment of "Pick Your Poison" match. For those unfamiliar, each wrestler draws a card with the cheat/illegal maneuver they pick is now legal for them.
Miss Rachel draws choking while Cassandra gets thumb attacks. The match starts out with some chain wrestling until Rachel gets the upper hand and chokes Cassandra with her own hair. From there on out it's downhill for her.

Rachel attacks Cassandra arm and thumb to prevent her from using her poison. Some more choking from Rachel till she ends this match in a fitting way...with a Chokeslam. It's no doubt who used their poison best in this match.

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5+ min. 297 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

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SLAMpeg 4283: Devyn Nicole vs KC Warfield

Unlucky 7 rules apply to this contest. KC, the unlucky one, must endure a submission for a 7 count or submit, if she endures she has 7 seconds to recover before it all starts again. Devyn is the lucky one, she gets to apply the holds, with points if she is successful in getting KC to submit.

A top Wristlock and Full Nelson are easily endured by KC but then Devyn gets serious with a Bow & Arrow stretch followed by a Dragon Sleeper. KC’s still enduring but that 7 count to recover isn’t long enough. A tight armbar with a knee to the chin continues the wearing down process followed by another top Wristlock as that arm is targeted again. Surprisingly Devyn abandons the arm as KC is forced to endure a Boston Crab, and a half Crab. Frustrated by her endurance Devyn locks in a masterful Full Nelson but somehow KC holds on.
Devyn has one last chance to get KC submit, can the Queen of Hearts endure one last hold and claim victory?

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11+ min. 419 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

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SLAMpeg 4282: Lexie Fyfe vs Melissa Coates
Previously available as DVD CV-6 on lexiefyfe.com

Right off the bat, Lexie lets Melissa know that she isn't impressed by the blonde's big muscles, though that doesn't stop Melissa from shoving Lexie around. This one gets ugly fast with both women utilizing hairpulls, chokes, eyegouges, and illegal corner work to gain an advantage. When the action settles down, it's Melissa who starts to outwork Lexie, grinding her down with long holds, including a Hammerlock, Headlock, and Chinlock.
But don't count Lexie out just yet. After a slick trip, Lexie attacks Melissa's leg, keeping her on the mat where she's vulnerable to a Camel Clutch. Lexie is one step ahead now, dodging Melissa's attacks and making her pay with 10 punches on the top turnbuckle. She threatens with a few pins of her own, only to see the mighty Melissa power out of them.
This one is a dogfight to the end, with scissors, chokes, and more pins threatening to end the match. Can Melissa finish with a Figure Four? Will Lexie's facebuster do the trick? Or will it take something a little dirty to get the win? Regardless, it's the ref who ends up taking some post-match punishment.

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21- min. 881 MB MP4 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 4281: Angela vs Kimberly

Kimberly grabs Angela as she is entering the ring and doesn't let up.
Post to post, Camel Clutch, rope chokes shoulderblocks and Suplexes abound. Kimberly then turns her attention to taking out the legs of the already-damaged Angela, throwing on her Sharpshooter and other leg damaging moves.

Slammed and worn down, Angela gets in no offense and ends up sprawled out and in pain!

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6+ min. 268 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

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SLAMpeg 4280: Lexie Fyfe vs Leva & Zoe Lucas

Zoe and Leva are fairly confident they can take on Lexie and with good reason. After all, Lexie is past her prime (their words, not ours), they outnumber her. And they’ve got matching maroon suits. So they’re quick to accept Lexie’s offer of a handicap match.

It’s a move they regret almost immediately, as Lexie takes the fight to Zoe and Leva, targeting the legs of each of her foes. Lexie demonstrates her knowledge of submission holds throughout, catching Zoe and Leva in Cloverleafs, leglocks, numerous Figure Four variants, and in a move that must be seen to be believed, performs a double one-legged Boston Crab on both Zoe and Leva at the same time.

Lexie dishes out another jaw-dropper of a submission hold to end the matchup. Forcing Zoe to apply a modified Figure Four on Leva, Lexie then turns out Zoe’s lights with a Sleeperhold. Lexie walks away as Leva frantically taps out, but an unconscious Zoe is unable to release the pressure.

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15+ min. 548 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4279: Ivelisse vs Shazza McKenzie

Ivelisse and Shazza face off in a rarely-seen Heartcore match. For those of you unfamiliar with Heartcore rules: you have to say something nice to your opponent before you're allowed to beat her up. And once you've beaten her up, you have to apologize to your adversary. And in between saying nice things and saying sorry, basically anything goes!

Shazza clearly has previous experience with Heartcore rules and starts off strong, but Ivelisse is a fast learner and she soon takes over. She bashes McKenzie with a baseball bat, cookie sheet, rolling pin, traffic cone, and hockey stick among others. However, Shazza is a resilient one and she retaliates with a barrage of hard kicks.

Anyone's ballgame in the end, but the unusual Heartcore rules make sure the conclusion only comes after an unexpected turn of events!

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17 min. 713 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

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SLAMpeg 4278: Ivelisse vs Sofia Castillo

Ivelisse believes Sofia is under-dressed for their 1 fall matchup in her one-piece leotard and tennis shoes. She’s out to teach the newcomer a little respect.
Ivelisse takes Sofia down to the mat, introducing her face to the canvas before straddling Sofia and delivering several shots to the gut. Ivelisse lifts Sofia to her feet, then plants her with a nasty Belly-to-Belly Suplex. Sofia suffers a couple Atomic Drops, then finds herself ensnared in a seated Abdominal Stretch.

Ivelisse then digs deep in her playbook of submission holds, from double Chickenwings to Stretch Mufflers to modified Figure Fours to an elevated Bow and Arrow. But when Ivelisse sends Sofia from Boston (Crab) straight to Texas (Cloverleaf), it’s only a matter of time before Sofia has to tap out.
Consider this lesson learned … the hard way.

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9+ min. 398 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

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SLAMpeg 4277: Ivelisse vs Jayme Jameson

These two veterans agree to a 3-out-of-5 falls matchup. But don't expect it to last long, this is a fast-paced battle with Jayme at her most craven.

Jayme gets on the board first, not only taking advantage of the fact that there's no ref by ignoring rope breaks and pulling on Ivelisse's hair, but by issuing a fast count after putting Ivelisse down with a Sidewalk Slam. She proceeds to choke Ivelisse with her boot and then crush her with a Bearhug, reminding Ivelisse that she's a powerhouse.
Ivelisse is absolutely brutalized as Jayme takes great pleasure in tormenting her against the ropes. A sharp leglock has Ivelisse struggling to get off the mat and the chances of a comeback are rapidly fading. Jayme's infamous Camel Clutch leaves Ivelisse easy pickings for another fast 3 count and Jayme finishes her off with a mat-shaking Neckbreaker.

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9+ min. 400 MB MP4 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 4276: Leva vs Jayme Jameson & Rain

Whilst Rain is always happy to dish out a beating just for the fun of it, today she has the added benefit of doing it in the employ of Jayme. And when Leva's negotiating skills are found wanting, Rain quickly goes to work on Leva's hair.

If there's a way to pull hair, Rain executes it over the following few minutes. Leva spends much of that time tangled in the ropes as Rain seeks whichever angle of force will cause the most pain. And when a hair-assisted Texas Cloverleaf sees Leva desperately tapping out a submission, her situation only goes from bad worse with the arrival of Jayme.

More hair torture follows for Leva, this time at Jayme's hands, again using any means necessary to ensure maximum discomfort. After a sustained period of intense hairpulling pressure, poor Leva is out on her feet and is paraded before the camera by a cruel Jayme, before being cast aside, her punishment finally over.

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17 min. 727 MB MP4 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 4275: Amber Nova vs Aerial Monroe, Kimber Lee & Su Yung

As a wrestler, it's usually nice to be popular. For Amber though, being in demand can have its down side too, as she finds out here. Su Yung wants a piece of Amber first and despite Amber's protests that they don't have a match, Su wastes no time in dragging Amber to the ring and dishing out a vicious beatdown, the main focus of which is on Amber's hair.

A Bulldog onto a steel chair KO's Amber and Su exits the ring. Sadly for Amber, when she regains consciousness, Kimber has arrived and her punishment begins anew. Taking a leaf from Su's book, Kimber is all about Amber's already tortured hair and is quickly pulling, twisting and tangling Amber's long locks. A big Bodyslam finally puts Amber down for the pin and it's all over.

At least, it's over as far as Kimber is concerned. However, Amber now has Aerial to contend with and far be it from her to turn her back on a winning formula. Amber's hair suffers yet more relentless abuse until a crushing bodyscissors allows Aerial to give out some hair care advice to a thoroughly defeated Amber.

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24+ min. 1.01 GB MP4 1280 x 720

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$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4274: Ayoka & Marti Belle vs Miss Rachel

As far as numbers go, Miss Rachel seems to be at a disadvantage in this handicap match, with Ayoka and Marti being able to tag in and out if needed. But when Marti tries her luck first, she gets stretched in no time. Her attacks have little or no effect, while the imposing Miss Rachel only needs one high-impact maneuver to floor Marti.

Ayoka then tags in, but she doesn't fare much better. She initially manages to floor Rachel for a while, but all it takes is one huge shoulder tackle to switch the momentum back to Miss Rachel. After a while Rachel just decides to bring in both adversaries at the same time to show off her dominance. A double Dragon Sleeper has the tag team in trouble...they're going to have to be resourceful to even stand a chance against their mighty opponent!

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10 min. 427 MB MP4 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 4273: Aja Perera vs Miss Rachel

This 1 fall match starts out with chain wrestling between the two grapplers. Miss Rachel eventually gets the upper hand when Aja goes for a sportsmanship handshake. She takes control using a variety of holds to keep Aja down in the bout including waistscissors and armsbars.

Aja gains the momentum with a waist scissors of her own only for Rachel to gain control and lock in a Headscissors. She takes Aja to the corner and keeps here there for a bit.
She decides to go for a corner avalanche against Aja to bring her down. Will Aja dodge the corner splash or be crushed in the corner?

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10+ min. 451 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4272: Aja Perera, MJ Jenkins & Miss Rachel

At the end of a long hard shoot attrition has left only these 3 ladies standing and unfortunately for MJ that means no tag team partner for her!
A grueling back and forth with powerhouse Miss Rachel is indecisive but does wear both down a bit, but unfortunately for MJ, Miss Rachel has a partner to tag. Fresh Aja takes advantage of MJ’s fatigue & wears her down further with a Figure Four Headscissors, seated Bow & Arrow stretch & bodyscissors, but after taking a Bow & Arrow stretch herself she’s had enough and makes the tag.

Miss Rachel is in no hurry to let her out of the corner, but when she does MJ finds herself being worn down by a Surfboard and Full Nelson. But Miss Rachel might not have gotten enough of a rest as MJ is able to rally, albeit briefly as a DDT nearly ends her match. Fatigue continues to be a factor for both as they trade arm submissions & anklelocks before a game changing low Headbutt allows the very fresh Aja to tag back in. She apparently liked what she just saw and gives MJ plenty more of the same!
Will Aja ride this momentum all the way to victory or can a desperate MJ overcome the odds in what is a wild finish to a very long day.

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17+ min. 754 MB MP4 1280 x 720

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$15 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4271: Aja Perera vs MJ Jenkins

Looks of dread pass over Aja and MJ as Miss Rachel drops the bomb that they’ll be facing one another in a surprise 10 minute match.
Both women are reluctant at first, until Aja buries a boot in MJ’s midsection, Snapmares her to the canvas and clamps on a tight Sleeper. Aja releases the borderline choke hold and MJ capitalizes, catching her with a roundhouse kick to the gut and a smothering Front Facelock. Frustration takes hold and an eye poke exchange leaves both wrestlers flailing half-blind around the ring, nearly taking out the referee in the process.

Aja uses her head, delivering a headbutt to MJ’s midsection and noggin to send her to the canvas for a follow up abdominal claw. MJ counters with deadly roundhouse kicks, a straightjacket Surfboard, and seated Full Nelson. The battle flows back and forth until one wrestler clamps on a tight bodyscissored Sleeper that puts her opponent’s lights out for the knockout victory.

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9+ min. 408 MB MP4 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4270: Khloe Belle vs Su Yung

Su’s vendetta against upstart youngsters continues with Khloe Belle being today’s unlucky contestant. Unlucky might be an understatement as Su decimates the youngster on the floor with among other things a DDT on the floor, introducing her face to the wall and ring post and creative use of a steel chair!

By the time she rolls Khloe Belle into the ring for their “match” she’s little more than a play thing for Su’s amusement. Su toys with her foe, mostly pulling and tossing her around by her hair, but mixes in a Camel Clutch and stranglehold. Khloe Belle still manages several miraculous kick outs, not at all aided by Su pulling her up by her hair.
Despite all this Khloe Belle still makes the huge mistake of asking “this all you got?” and then she finds out!

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9 min. 318 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4269: Kay Lee Ray vs Santana

This 1 fall matchup features a real clash of attitudes as a calm, cool, and collected Kay Lee takes on a salty Santana. Whatever has Santana riled up seems to be working for her as she dominates the first half of this match with good wrestling and very, very bad cheating.

There will be no clean breaks from Santana on this day as she takes her sweet time pulling Kay Lee's hair and working her over in the ropes. Referee Jason Cade tries to take control, but he's met with an intense glare and insults from Santana. Kay Lee works to make the best of a bad situation, slipping in some sneaky pin attempts, but Santana shuts her down with a jawbreaker and a Russian Leg Sweep. However, as Santana becomes more frustrated, Kay Lee starts making progress and after a missed Shining Star Press, she finds an opening to take the fight to Santana, landing thudding forearms and a Superkick! A series of reversals leads to a definitive pin after one wrestler is dropped flat on her face by a powerful finisher.

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11+ min. 490 MB WMV 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 4268: Santana vs Tesha Price

Santana’s motto of “Peace, Love, and Headband of Power” is starkly contrasted by Tesha’s cockiness, aggressiveness and general disregard for the rules. Referee Mike Reed has his hands full from the get go admonishing Price for chokes, hairpulls, shots to the throat and a penitent for keeping Santana in the corners and pummeling her!

But this is Santana and between her resilience and Tesha’s overconfidence and occasional rookie mistake she does get her chances. Unfortunately the “Peace” part of her motto means going for inside cradles and schoolgirls instead of pressing her offense, and that plays right into Miss Price’s hands. But that pesky resilience does lead to frustration for Tesha as despite scoring with a Bulldog, corner splash, Camel Clutch she can’t put her away. Frustration then leads to cruelty as she creatively uses the ropes to punish Santana’s arm, throat and hair!
Opportunity knocks one last time for Santana and she answers it with a furious comeback but is it enough? A hard DDT finishes one wrestler leaving her seeing stars but is it the star or the rising star?

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8+ min. 364 MB WMV 1920 x 1080

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SLAMpeg 4267: Santana vs Mike Reed

Mike isn’t quite ready to face Santana just yet. He needs to finish pumping iron with some of the smallest dumbbells you’ve ever seen. But upon finishing his workout, he enters the ring, where Santana slaps the taste right out of his mouth, then delivers a low blow from behind.
Who’s the dumbbell now?

What follows is one of the most lopsided beatdowns you’ll ever see. From crescent kicks to rakes of the back, to elbow shots, to Santana’s patented headbutts, the veteran picks apart and wipes the ring with Reed.
In between the taunting and posing, Santana delivers nerve pinches, throat thrusts, Sleepers, and some hard-hitting assaults in the corners. By the time Reed is little more than a puddle on the mat, Santana has delivered more than 15 minutes of pain. She caps off her efforts with a Bulldog out of the corner followed by a Moonsault off the ropes, then nails the hapless Reed with not 1, not 2, not 3, but FOUR devastating pedigrees to earn quite possibly the easiest 3 count in the history of professional wrestling.

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18+ min. 849 MB WMV 1920 x 1080

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$15 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4266: Santana vs Zeda Zhang

Santana is none too pleased to see that her opponent in this 1 fall matchup is Zeda. “They couldn’t give me anything better than this?” Santana asks? She even offers to give Zeda a free first shot.
Zeda takes it and rocks Santana with a couple shots to the jaw, then backs Santana into the corner to continue the attack. A low blow from Santana turns the tide, and a Headbutt floors Zeda. Santana delivers another Headbutt, then rakes the back and nails Zeda with a throat thrust in the corner.

Santana works over her foe in the corner with shoulderblocks, a Shattered Dreams kick, and a Tree of Woe. But try as she might, Santana can’t keep Zeda’s shoulders down for the 3 count.
Santana continues to dominate the battle, but Zeda just might have a trick or two. Can the underdog pull off a shocker, or is it just a matter of time before Santana secures the win?

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7 min. 296 MB WMV 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 4265: Miss Rachel vs Santana

High flying Santana loses the shoes to maximize her agility as she takes on British powerhouse Miss Rachel in a 1 fall match.
Rachel unloads with a series of knees to the gut at the opening bell and a well-disguised throat strike that slows Santana down. Rachel plays by her own rules, seizing control of her opponent with brutal, twisting hairpulls before smothering poor Santana with a mouthful of her own thick locks. The British brute employs every flavor of choke featuring ropes, boots, shins and a devastating double standing choke in the corner to cut off Santana’s air. Santana does her best to hold on and fight back, but barely manages more than a few desperate strikes before Rachel puts her down with a stunning Headbutt or throat punch.

Santana has made a career of overcoming insurmountable odds but as the beating continues, her shot at a comeback fades. Completely ravaged after a thorough beating, the sputtering Santana can barely stand as Rachel clamps on a devastating trapezius nerve hold. Santana tries to fight on through the pain, but she can only last so long before she slumps to the canvas to tap out.

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10 min. 427 MB WMV 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 4264: Clara Sinclaire & Marti Belle vs Santana

Ivelisse announces this as a Triple Threat Over the Top Rope Elimination Match between these Clara, Marti and Santana. They each taunt, mock and pose before the bell rings though Marti gets confused and thinks Ivelisse, the ref, is in the fight. Some more antics ensure before they finally lockup in a test of strength. Marti and Clara put their differences aside and begin to double team Santana in this bout.

They take turns kicking her stomach, back and legs hoping to get her over the top rope. With Santana weak in the corner, Clara turns on Marti and tosses her over the top rope. She then turns her attention back to Santana and even asks her if she just wants to walk herself over the ropes to end the match before throwing her from corner to corner.
Can Santana withstand the onslaught or will Clara get her wish of tossing Santana over the top rope?

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11- min. 495 MB WMV 1920 x 1080

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SLAMpeg 4263: Jayme Jameson vs Karlee Perez

After effortlessly overpowering Karlee into the corner from the opening lock up Jayme’s feeling pretty cocky and Perez is looking for plan B. But trying to out wrestle Jayme doesn’t go much better as even her counters are countered and even while trapped in headscissors, Jameson seems one step ahead. She even flashes a sly smile after foiling yet another attempt at offense from Perez.

Perez’s frustration mounts as Jameson continues to toy with her and finally boils over when she snaps Jayme’s neck over the top rope, and that just makes her mad. Perez ends up on the wrong end of a slug fest and the business end of a Sleeper until a desperation DDT nearly steals her a win, or it might have if she had counted instead of grinding her elbow into Jayme’s forehead! Vengeance is swift with a sudden stunner and fast count that seemingly ends it.
Only it doesn’t because now Jayme is angry, and Karlee won’t like her when she’s angry!

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8 min. 347 MB WMV 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 4262: Ivelisse vs Su Yung

Let's just say Ivelisse is not walking out of this one unscathed. She doesn't seem to be taking Su seriously and that awakens the beast in Su, who makes it her mission to brutalize Ivelisse's legs. Su transitions beautifully from an Abdominal Stretch (with a thigh claw, of course) to a toehold before using a double-toed leglock to stretch Ivelisse out with a Mutalock and a Surfboard. Getting tied up in knots leaves Ivelisse limping and she's not even halfway through the match yet.

Su sits down on a half crab and then further twists Ivelisse's legs with a Figure Four Leglock. A feisty Ivelisse reverses, but that only delays the inevitable. Soon, she's being bent in a Boston Crab and her legs are later wrapped around the ring post. Su takes hold of Ivelisse's leg and drives it into the mat with a pair of DDTs, then sits Ivelisse on the turnbuckles so she can viciously kick her inner thighs. There's no hope for Ivelisse, and all she can do is cry out in pain as Su mercilessly claws at her leg until she can't take anymore.

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12 min. 358 MB WMV 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 4261: Miss Rachel vs Nicole Savoy

When Miss Rachel and Nicole face off for a Best of 3 match, Rachel quickly finds herself in unfamiliar territory. Accustomed to being the dominant wrestler in most of her matches, Rachel is overwhelmed by Nicole's technical expertise. Rachel struggles, but she no sooner escapes from one painful hold than Nicole has locked in another. A submission from Nicole inevitably secures the first fall.

In round 2, Rachel plays more to her own strengths, using her power to keep Nicole on the defensive. And with no match official on hand, Rachel can (and does) use whatever means necessary to maintain control, even if that includes eye raking and strikes the throat! Rachel levels the score with a submission of her own and we are all square.

Heading in to the final round, it becomes a battle of brawn vs technique. Can Rachel power herself to victory? Or will Nicole score the win with just a little leverage in the right place?

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28 min. 1.15 GB MP4 1920 x 1080

$25 for non-members
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$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4260: Aja Perera vs Kiera Hogan

This one's got a 10 minute time limit and the ladies waste no time time getting into and out of armwringers and headlocks. It's a seemingly clean affair until one lady catches fire and the other catches clotheslines and gut kicks. Soon Aja is back on the attack but gets derailed by gut shots and reverberating chop that infuriates rather then debilitates.

The ladies battle back and forth until an out-of-nowhere move puts one down for the count!

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10 min. 416 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

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SLAMpeg 4259: Rocky Radley vs Su Yung

2 Walls, a Ring Post, twice into the Floor, twice into a chair and the ring apron--those are the things Su introduces Rocky’s head to…in the first 90 seconds!
Rocky tries to plead that they don’t even have a match but Su isn’t looking for a match, she’s looking to send a message to all the newbies and she has volunteered Rocky to be her example!

Rocky endures countless shots to her throbbing head, choking, a Backbreaker, figure four headscissors and an abundance of frankly sadistic hairpulling as Su is determined to get to the root of the problem! The rookie shows some spunk kicking out but to be honest most of those are of the hair pull assisted type as Su wants to prolong the agony. Su rides a hair pull assisted Camel Clutch to not so much a victory but a slaughter and proclaims it’s only the first of many.
If you’re a newbie anywhere near the SLAM Shack, be afraid, be very afraid!

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10+ min. 526 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

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SLAMpeg 4258: Cassandra Golden vs Miss Rachel

Miss Rachel steps in front of the camera for this 1 fall contest. And Rachel wastes no time in going to work on her less experienced opponent. Big Bodyslams and a belly claw are just some of what Cassandra has to suffer in the first few minutes of the match.

Cassandra attempts to fight back but Rachel is always in control here, keeping Cassandra on the defensive with some powerful clubbing blows to the back and debilitating straightjacket choke.

Rachel wraps things up with test of strength that makes it perfectly clear just who is the powerhouse in this ring, leading to a unique pin and a quick victory for the British brawler.

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5+ min. 293 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

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SLAMpeg 4257: Kiera Hogan vs Stormie Lee

Stormie and Kiera are well-matched opponents for size and strength as they face off for this 1 fall contest.
The pair struggle for control early on, exchanging armlocks, Hammerlocks, Headlocks and Chinlocks to establish dominance. Stormie breaks through first, stunning Kiera and escaping a Chinlock with a devastating jawbreaker. Once in control she bombards Kiera with knee lifts and shoulderblocks before opening up her bag of tricks with finger stomps, bites and chokes to keep the momentum.

Kiera proves herself a tough competitor, willing to use her opponent’s tactics against her as she buries Stormie with boot and rope chokes of her own. The frenzy of battle rises as these two grow ever more desperate. Kicks, punches and elbows fly with wild abandon until one young battler is caught in a tight Dragon Sleeper. Like a fly caught in a tightening spider web, the victim struggles as best she can but eventually realizes her fate is sealed leading to a desperate tap out to end this close contest.

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9 min. 391 MB MP4 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4256: Su Yung vs Zoe Lucas

Zoe is feeling some big match jitters facing off with the well-established Su. But when Su shows up looking less extravagantly costumed than Zoe had expected, the young Brit sounds almost disappointed in the matchup. She soon comes to regret the decision to disregard Zoe, as Su is in full big sister mode here tossing Zoe around the ring.

Don't let Su's smile and kind words fool you, her actions speak loudest and every move she does in this match is designed to cause maximum pain. After grounding Zoe with some leg work, Su is free to wrap her up in a number of other submissions including a Chinlock, a Dragon Sleeper, and a wicked inverted Surfboard that has Zoe upside down in a precarious position.
Su batters Zoe with hard strikes too, including a running palm strike that almost leaves Zoe unconscious in the ropes. A Figure Four Leglock has Zoe wailing and she has to take a powder do escape. But there's no escaping Su. She smashes Zoe with an Atomic Drop, DDT, and a Pedigree, relishing her victim's plight after telling the ref not to count any pinfalls so she can focus on getting a submission or KO. By the time Su breaks out a sock to assist with a long series of mandible claws, it's too late for Zoe to do anything but swallow the bitter taste of defeat.

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17 min. 608 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4255: Tesha Price vs CJ O'Doyle

CJ interrupts Tesha as he is looking for his next opponent for his Camel Clutch Title defense. Tesha, annoyed by this, rolls him up and declares she would have been the new champ if this were a real match. This turns into just that and Tesha probably wishes it hadn’t because this is for the Camel Clutch Championship and the only way to win is with a Camel Clutch.

She goes for a Suplex for it only to be turned into a Shoulderbreaker and CJ promises to break each and every vertebrae in her back. This match is as one sided as it gets with CJ utilizing various Backbreakers, Torture Racks, a Crossface, a Bearhug, a Shoulderbreaker and of course Camel Cluthches.
He finally wrenches in one final camel clutch getting Tesha to tap but CJ isn’t through deciding to do some more damage to Tesha’s back after the contest is over.

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14+ min. 618 MB MP4 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4254: Chelsea Green vs Chasyn Rance

Chasyn is in the ring for a Tea Party, but Chelsea is ready for Dropkicks, not Darjeeling.
Chasyn sends Chelsea off the ropes after a lockup and shoulder blocks her down to the mat, then lifts her back up to her feet with a chokehold. Showing off his strength in a dominating performance, Chasyn lifts Chelsea up into numerous overhead Gorilla Presses, resulting in Bodyslams, Shoulderbreakers and Backbreakers.

Chasyn turns a final Gorilla Press into a nasty Piledriver. He locks on a match-ending Camel Clutch, then enjoys a peaceful cup of tea over Chelsea’s unconscious body.

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5 min. 220 MB MP4 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 4253: Amber Nova & Ivelisse vs Kaci Lennox

Kaci is upset about a missing belly button ring and she is not pleased when referee Ivelisse just so happens to have a similar piece of jewelry decorating her stomach. Ivelisse does not appreciate the ensuing accusation and before Kaci can say "Thief!" this has turned into a handicap tag match.

And a brutal match it is as all this tummy talk puts Amber and Ivelisse in the mood to administer some serious stomach punishment. Kaci'd opponents take turns stomping on her, then restraining her arms so that their partner can punch, kick, and chop away at her bare belly. Tag rules quickly go out the window as Amber and Ivelisse team up to DDT Kaci into the mat, break her back over their knees, and claw her midriff without mercy. Kaci is locked into a variety of submission holds-a Bow & Arrow, an Abdominal Stretch, a Surfboard stretch, a Figure Four, and a Rear Naked Choke, all to torture her while leaving her belly open to attacks.
She fights back, but after a while Kaci is left writhing on the mat, clutching her sides. The beatdown becomes increasingly creative as Amber and Ivelisse find new and interesting ways to use the ropes and turnbuckle to put Kaci through the wringer. Tandem body splashes decimate whatever is left of Kaci, putting an end to this absolute massacre.

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19+ min. 687 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

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SLAMpeg 4252: Ivelisse vs Marina Tucker

Dynamite Didi presides over this 30 minute time limit match (though Ivelisse believes it won’t go that long). The two go back and forth in the early going. After both feel each other out, Ivelisse begins to target Marina’s arm and shoulder while Marina tries to utilize her size and strength over Ivelisse using moves like the Bearhug.

They go back and forth exchanging a variety of offensive attacks including utilizing every corner of the ring against each other. In a final exchange of forearm strikes, one wrestler quickly ducks and rolls the other up, leveraging all their body weight on the exhausted wrestler for the 1, 2, 3.
Who wins between Ivelisse and Marina?

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18+ min. 773 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

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SLAMpeg 4251: Layne Rosario vs Sofia Castillo

An opening handshake leads to a sportsmanlike exchange of counters and near falls, with Sofia’s height advantage starting to play a role, so naturally Layne resorts to shortcuts to even the odds.
The Derby Doll scores with a couple of impressive elbows in the corners and a nasty victim kick. Sofia endures a grueling Surfboard but her counter attack is cut short by an X-Factor that almost cuts the match short. But instead of putting her away Layne decides to have a little fun with her photogenic opponent giving rise to a brief comeback.

Now it’s Sofia’s athleticism and speed that take center stage, not to mention flexibility as evidenced by a Scorpion Kick! A DDT wins it but it’s not over until it’s over, and even when it’s over it doesn’t really end because sometimes you win the battle but still lose the war, really, really badly.

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8 min. 342 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4250: Marti Belle vs Sin-D

This 2 part video is a showcase for the classic collar and elbow tie-up. Of course, when the cagey Sin-D is involved there's always a twist.
The first part is a warmup between the two wrestlers as they take turns locking up and muscling each other against the ropes. It's Marti who appears to be more adept at this game and as she pulls ahead on the unofficial scorecard, Sin-D grows more frustrated. Finally, she just kicks Marti in the stomach and pins her, much to Marti's confusion.

In Part 2, we learn more about the unique "push-comes-to-shove rules" that the ladies are competing under. The goal is to lock up and push your opponent back to one of the sides of the ring, with a point being rewarded every time their back touches the ropes. Sounds simple, right? Again, Marti fares well in the early going and again, Sin-D finds a way to not only gain an advantage, but dish out some extra punishment. She kicks and punches Marti, beats up her belly, and pulls her hair, all to get an advantage and to humiliate Marti. Each round, Marti gets weaker and weaker, and soon Sin-D is toying with her whenever she has Marti in the ropes.
What started as an exhibition for one of wrestling's fundamental holds becomes an exhibition of Sin-D's cruelty instead and in the end, a battered and bruised Marti is left to wonder just what the heck she got herself into!

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13+ min. 579 MB MP4 1280 x 720 in a Zip File

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SLAMpeg 4249: Camron Star vs Lexie Fyfe

Since their last encounter where Camron was able to defeat her, Lexie wants revenge. Knowing Fyfe's reputation, Star should be very careful here. Truth be told, Lexie keeps things clean and professional...initially. Which means that after trading armwringers and Hammerlocks, Lexie turns things around with hairpulls, nails across the back, eye rakes, and jabs to the throat. And the ref is not going to be much help for Camron, because Lexie has already threatened to sue him for harassment!

Still, Lexie nearly gets herself disqualified a couple of times for her rulebreaking. And that's basically the only chance of victory that Camron has in this very one-sided match!

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13+ min. 567 MB MP4 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 4248: Shazza McKenzie vs Sofia Castillo

Layne Rosario wears the stripes for this 1 fall match. Introductions are made and after a little friendly banter, we get into the action.
The name of the game here is transitions. Both women showcase their expertise in applying and escaping from holds in this friendly, often chatty, contest. Although the match is an even, well balanced affair, Shazza often has the edge for much of the bout.

Towards the end of the match, both women find themselves fighting for the upper hand in a fast succession of back and forth roll-up pins. The move leaves Shazza and Sofia a little dizzy until a Sunset Flip into a Matchbook Pin finally settles this amiable encounter.

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13 min. 545 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

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SLAMpeg 4247: Allysin Kay vs CJ O'Doyle & Mike Reed

A pumped up AK gives an open challenge to anyone that wants to take her on. Mike ducks through the ropes igniting a wild brawl until Allysin takes charge and stomps Reed down in the corner. Allysin doesn’t even have time to pull up her shorts before CJ hits the ring. O’Doyle opens up with an unforgiving series of head shots before Allysin’s eye rake turns the tide. Kay sends CJ hard into the recovering Reed, putting both men on the mat where they take turns eating roundhouse kicks from Allysin.

The numbers disadvantage finally catches up to Allysin but just when it seems AK is going to get her comeuppance, she unloads with a double Clothesline that swings the momentum back to her! The action is frantic as wild haymakers, knee lifts, Suplexes and slams have all three wrestlers fighting to exhaustion in and out of the ring.
It takes every bit of guile, strength and skill for Allysin to stay ahead of her opponents. Can she beat the numbers game and go ‘pinkies up,’ or will the combined power of Reed and O’Doyle prove too much for AK to overcome?

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9+ min. 447 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4246: Khloe Belle vs Samantha Heights

Ref Thunderkitty introduces the two wrestlers and immediately Samantha takes umbrage with the fact Khloe only has one name, like Cher, so she pokes her in the eye to start the match.

The two talk trash though Samantha is in control the whole match utilizing Hairmares and varies hair holds/submissions. Samantha even asks Khloe if she likes all the hair abuse at one point. Samantha stretches Khloe but she won’t submit so she knows one thing that will beat hear. A Heart Punch. Samantha delivers it and the 1, 2, 3 is inevitable.

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9- min. 314 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4245: Dynamite Didi vs Rocky Radley

Rocky has challenged Didi to a Backbreaker challenge, a best of 3 contest where points are scored by KO'ing your opponent with a Backbreaker. Didi is happy to accept the challenge and goes straight to work on Rocky's back with a Suplex, a Back Body Drop and even the steel ring post.
Didi soon secures the first fall and Rocky barely has to time to recover when Didi is on her again. Just as it seems like Didi might steal the match 2-0, Rocky fights back. More slams and a Belly-to-Belly Suplex take the wind out of Didi and Rocky evens the score.

With all to fight for in the final round, the action grows even more intense, with hairpulling and Atomic Drops being utilized in an effort to take the winning fall. Finally that fall comes for one wrestler - but as the winner is celebrating her apparent victory, it seems as though one of these women is still not quite ready to lose.

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15 min. 538 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4244: Mercedes Martinez vs Su Yung

Mercedes isn’t here just to win a wrestling match … she’s out to inflict some pain. And after overcoming a quick start from her opponent, Mercedes sweeps the leg and begins attacking Su’s left leg. Like a shark smelling blood in the water, Mercedes is relentless in her attack on Su’s leg, dropping elbows, kicking at her thigh, and slapping on a painful leglock. She places Su’s leg on the bottom rope and then jumps on the limb. Removing Su’s shoe, Mercedes rams her leg against the ring apron, wraps it around the ring post, and even brings a baseball bat and a steel chair into play.

When the referee disqualifies Mercedes and calls for the bell, Mercedes plants her with a DDT, then uses a Figure Four Leglock before bringing the steel chair back into business.
She may not have won the match, but Mercedes does manage to leave a trail of battered wrestlers in her wake.

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8 min. 245 MB WMV 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4243: Marina Tucker vs Chico Adams

This one is a 15 minute Ironwoman match where only 5 count pinfalls are allowed. Chasyn is your guest referee. Both competitors seem to be quite evenly matched in the opening minutes, and Chico shows good sportsmanship by offering rope breaks when the situation calls for it.

Chico is the first to score a pinfall with a small package, but Marina quickly ties the score by dropping Adams with a modified Pedigree in the second fall. With the score at 1-1, Tucker turns things up a notch starting from the third fall - and she's not offering fair rope breaks like her opponent did! Chico endures a barrage of kicks and several high-impact maneuvers. Can he weather Marina's offensive onslaught?

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15+ min. 657 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4242: Crazy Mary Dobson vs Saraya

Crazy Mary does her name justice when she starts her match with Saraya by asking out loud "Who's this old bat?". Before she even gets a chance to reflect on her choice of words, Saraya clubs her in the mouth and drops her like a bad habit!

Saraya proceeds the way she usually does: by systematically destroying her adversary, and torturing her unlucky victim along the way. Mary endures endless hard shots to the midsection along with numerous low blows. Saraya ties Mary up in the ring ropes and even in the dreaded Tree of Woe, opening the proverbial door for more devastating stomps. Mary finds herself struggling in an inverted Full Nelson and modified Bow & Arrow stretch, and it's just a matter of counting down the minutes before this "match" ends in submission.

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6 min. 186 MB WMV 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4241: Brandi Wine vs Miss Rachel

Brandi and Miss Rachel have wrestled countless times before so it’s only fitting that before the match begins, each get to pick a card with a “pick your poison” cheat on it. Whatever each grappler selects will be legal throughout the match. The ref can’t do a thing about it.

Rachel randomly picks hairpulling while Brandi gets choking. Rachel immediately takes advantage of her pick your poison grabbing Brandi’s hair in the opening grapple. When Brandi tries hair pulling she is denied so after a takedown she utilizes her choking poison with her hands and legs. The two do moves tied to their cheats going back and forth in the contest.
One of these competitors takes over utilizing their poison until their opponent submits to a bodyscissor. Who wins this chapter in the Brandi and Miss Rachel rivalry?

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12+ min. 534 MB MP4 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4240: Dynamite Didi vs Ivelisse

Ivelisse tries to enter the ring, but Didi unleashes a sneak attack before she even gets through the ropes! And since there's no referee in sight, Ivelisse is all alone in trying to stop Didi from doing more damage. Spoiler alert: that's not happening in this one. Didi is downright vicious in her assault, pulling hair as she goes along and delivering painful stomps and knees to the back.

Still, despite all the chokes, eye rakes and many others, Ivelisse kicks out of the pinfall attempt. Which is admirable and all, but it has the unfortunate side effect of further angering Dynamite Didi. Ivelisse tries to fire back occasionally, but it's not enough. Didi locks in a Camel Clutch followed by a single-leg Boston Crab to squeeze the submission out of her adversary in this squash match.

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10+ min. 427 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4239: Sin-D vs LT Falk

LT has been waiting to avenge a previous loss to Sin-D that almost cost him an eyeball while she is thoroughly unimpressed by his bravado. To set his mind at ease she offers to shake his hand with her eyes closed, then rocks his world with a low blow!

Maybe LT could win a fair fight with her, but that’s not much incentive for Sin D to fight fair now is it? Instead another low blow, strikes to the throat, hairpulling, chokes and because she just can’t resist, eye rakes, all have LT humbled quite quickly. Far from showing him mercy, this only makes Sin D even more ruthless. To make matters worse when LT makes the classic error of revealing a previous injury to his leg it’s like Christmas came early for Sin D and she cruelly goes to town on the injured appendage with no remorse whatsoever!
Inverted and regular Atomic Drops and a DDT put LT out of his considerable misery, at least until the next time he makes the mistake of getting into the ring with Sin-D!

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8+ min. 372 MB MP4 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4238: Jayme Jameson vs Kiera Hogan

‘Girl on Fire’ takes on the ‘Maiden of Muscle’ in a 1 fall submission or knockout only match.
Jayme asserts her power advantage from the get go, effortlessly bullying Keira around the ring before planting her in the canvas with a Bodyslam. Kiera fights back with a pair of low Dropkicks that take Jayme’s legs out from under her before clamping on a tight Full Nelson. Jameson simply powers to her feet with the diminutive Hogan on her back before rushing her backward into the corner turnbuckles! Jameson goes back to her methodical offense, tossing Kiera into the turnbuckles by the throat and delivering punishing vertical drops, forearm smashes and chokes.

With Keira mounted high on her shoulders, Jayme falls backwards to deliver a devastating electric chair suplex and grinds Hogan’s spine with a follow-up Boston Crab. Despite Jayme’s overwhelming power, Kiera refuses to submit. A frustrated Jayme backs Kiera up the corner turnbuckles with a fingerlock and dangles her in a Fireman’s Carry as she looks to finish the match.
Can Kiera fight her way out of trouble or will her fire sputter out against Jameson’s might?

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13+ min. 556 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4237: Jessica Troy vs Saraya

Upon seeing her opponent Sweet Saraya in the ring, Jessica immediately turns an about-face and tries to leave. A club to the back of the head stops Jessica in her tracks, and Saraya’s hand firmly grasping Jessica’s hair throughout most of the match ensures that she’s never far from a powerful Saraya strike or a creative and painful submission hold from the veteran grappler.

After suffering eye rakes, slaps to the head, and turnbuckle chokes, Jessica endures a seated Full Nelson with a bodyscissors on the mat, a Bow and Arrow hold, and a judo-style armbar. Even after humiliating Jessica and forcing her to declare, “Saraya, I love you,” the brutal Brit is not finished toying with her foe. She taps out Jessica, then puts an exclamation point on her victory by dragging Jessica by the hair out of the ring and out the door.

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9- min. 374 MB MP4 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4236: Ayoka vs Rapahel King

It's Ayoka and Raphael facing off in this best 2 out of 3 falls intergender match. Miss Rachel calls the shots from behind the camera and officiates a stipulation suggested by Raphael that if a wrestler can endure a hold for a designated count, then that hold will be released.

Raphael take the fight to Ayoka from the start and Ayoka has to endure a number of submissions, barely beating Raphael's count on each occasion. Finally she succumbs to a painful neck crank and the score is 1-0. Battling back, Ayoka draws level with a Texas Cloverleaf that Raphael can barely stand for a count of one!

With both wrestlers on even terms, Raphael hits the aggression button and proceeds to pummel Ayoka around the ring, throwing big forearms and dropping knees. The submission counting is now far from Raphael's thoughts as he goes for a more traditional pin. But will he end up the King of this ring? Or can Ayoka count on a surprise finish?

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18+ min. 783 MB MP4 1280 x 720

$18 for non-members
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$15 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4235: Amber O'Neal vs Lexie Fyfe

We open up the vault to find an irritated Lexie waiting impatiently as the bubbly Amber finally bounces into the ring. It’s a no disqualification contest and Lexie makes sure her ditzy opponent knows what that means.
Lexie takes out Amber’s knee with a chop block that drops her to the mat and reveals a preexisting knee injury for the blonde. Fyfe pours on the pain with stomps, elbow drops, knee drops and boot grinds to the wounded joint. She tortures Amber with Stepover Toeholds, leg bars and grinding double toeholds until O’Neal can’t stand without the aid of the ropes. Not satisfied, Fyfe slams Amber’s knee into the ring post before wrapping her legs around the unforgiving iron post in a modified Figure Four.

Stubborn Amber refuses to submit the match as Lexie smashes her leg into the canvas and cranks her joint with an anklelock. Lexie slips out of the ring to grab a metal folding chair as the referee pleads for Amber to submit. O’Neal doesn’t seem to know what’s best for her and Lexie is all too happy teach her a painful lesson in when to give up.

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11+ min. 486 MB MP4 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4234: Santana vs Tiana Ringer

Tiana owns the ring. She says so herself to an incredulous Santana at the outset of this match. So Santana suggests a Best of 3 Falls matchup to see who really owns the squared circle.
Santana kicks things off, literally, with a boot to the gut before the two trade strikes and submission holds. Santana escapes an Abdominal Stretch and lands a vicious kick to Tiana’s head, then locks on a Texas Cloverleaf to secure the first fall.

Santana keeps up the pressure in the second fall, deftly turning a leg sweep into a bridging reverse Chinlock. But Tiana finds an opening, and one Boston Crab later, each wrestler has won 1 fall.
Santana leads off the final fall with powerful strikes and Headbutts. Tiana responds by working over Santana in the corner. Santana hits a chinbreaker and Figure Four Leglock, but Tiana escapes again. It takes a big Superkick and submission hold to finally get one of these warriors to tap out and admit defeat.

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12 min. 500 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4233: Kimber Lee vs Chasyn Rance

Chasyn welcomes Kimber back to the SLAM Shack by attacking her from behind, then dropping her to the canvas with 3 consecutive Bodyslams. Kimber retaliates with a sudden DDT for a 2 count, but her comeback is short-lived when Chasyn slams her down from the top rope - not once, but twice!

Chasyn pushes the advantage with an impressive Fallaway Slam followed by a couple of side Backbreakers. After numerous high-impact slams Kimber Lee's back is hurt to the point where Rance's Bearhug proves too much to handle. The match might be over, but as it happens so often, the action continues after the bell as well!

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18 min. 751 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

$18 for non-members
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$15 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4232: Ivelisse vs Tesha Price

Ahead of their match, Tesha informs Ivelisse that she has injured her knee and won't be able to wrestle today. Ivelisse responds to this news in exactly the way you would expect.. and starts the match anyway with a kick to Tesha's injured knee!

This sets the tone for what follows. It would be hard to call it a 'match' in the traditional sense, not just because of the absence of a referee but also Ivelisse's insistence on continuing, despite the many, many times that Tesha is forced to tap out. Ivelisse applies all manner of leglocks to torture Tesha's knee, even using the ropes for added leverage on occasion.

A final Sharpshooter sees Tesha tapping out again and Ivelisse finally relents..although not without one final parting shot to Tesha for even trying to pull out of the match!

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9- min. 370 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4231: Jessica Troy vs Lexie Fyfe

Jessica’s really excited to be wrestling the site OG herself Lexie, so excited she’s not even that concerned about the lack of a Ref, she should be….she should be!
Lexie’s surprised by a quick go around into the least effective Waistlock ever, countered into a Full Nelson which becomes much worse thanks to Jessica’s very convenient pony tail being wrapped around her neck! Troy immediately regrets both the lack of a Ref and her pony tail, which is the gift that keeps on giving in Lexie’s expert hands! Jessica is choked, held wide open for ab shots and generally tossed around the ring by her hair. It even comes in handy while is a Camel Clutch, Bow and Arrow and half crab!

But if Jessica thought things were going bad in the ring that’s nothing compared to what happens outside it! Lexie has some special friends she wants Jessica to meet, namely both walls, the ring post and apron and the Special Guest is the ring bell hammer who helps with a new hairstyle for Jessica. Lexie rings the bell when she’s done but despite Jessica’s pleas it isn’t over till it’s over!
Much more classic Lexie fare awaits Miss Troy inside the ring including a Lex Factor and a climatic classic Figure Fyfe with a twist….of Jessica’s hair!

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9 min. 320 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4230: Tesha Price vs Thunderkitty

Tesha meets a wrestler from yesteryear in this 1 fall contest when she steps into the ring with Thunderkitty. As the match begins, honors are even in the early stages as the action flows back and forth.
Seeking an edge, it is Thunderkitty who first adopts a more aggressive style, as a poke to the eye and frequent use of the ropes to choke Tesha quickly demonstrate. Although the referee does his best to keep control, Tesha decides to fight fire with fire and cuts a few corners herself.

The pace of the match does not let up and both women score near fall after near fall. In the end, it's a big DDT that end this one. But is it a win for Tesha? Or dos she end up paying the price for tangling with Thunderkitty?

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13 min. 543 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4229: Rain vs Tesha Price

Tesha is in ring, discussing ending her ongoing battle with Rain because, “I’m better than her, prettier, my hair is long and beautiful.” Rain enters the ring ready to teach Tesha a painful lesson and offers a best of 3 falls matchup.
Tesha dominates the first fall, working over Rain on the mat and against the ropes, choking her on multiple occasions and nailing The Radiant One with fists, forearms and elbows galore. A running splash in the corner drops Rain, and a 3 count later, Tesha has the first fall in her back pocket.

Rain backs Tesha into the corner and nails her with multiple shoulder blocks to lead off the second fall. After hitting Tesha with multiple Headbutts/butt-to-head (yes, you read that right) combos, Rain applies a leglock followed by a Texas Cloverleaf. A Swinging Neckbreaker puts Tesha down for the 3 count as Rain evens the match and sets up the deciding fall.

The crafty veteran starts the third fall aggressively, with punches and face slams into the turnbuckles in three of the 4 corners. Taking Tesha to the canvas, Rain hits knee drops and a Rear Chinlock. When Tesha tries to fire back with a few forearms, Rain introduces her face to the mat. A running knee strike and running splash in the corner has Tesha ripe for the third fall. But does she have enough to put away Tesha for good?

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29 min. 1.18 GB MP4 1920 x 1080

$25 for non-members
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$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4228: Dynamite Didi vs Jessica Troy

Working on the farm or getting into a wrestling match? Looks like it'll be wrestling as the casually dressed combatants lock up and trade holds. Escapes, pins and chokes abound as both ladies take the lead back and forth from each other.

Didi's attack using ropes, corners and choking begins to wear Jessica down, but she's not done and Didi gets rocked and scissored.
An unusual tapout occurs and brings this fight to a surprise conclusion!

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10+ min. 371 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4227: Lexie Fyfe vs Lorelei Lee

Previously available on DVD SLAM 46.
Lorelei dodges Lexie twice in the opening stages of the match, laughing at her mentor - which is never a smart thing to do. Lexie pummels Lorelei to the mat and delivers several high impact slams before nailing a second rope elbow drop for a near fall.

Lorelei, who at this time was still a rookie, then shows us some of the nasty tactics she was taught under the learning tree. She stands on Lexie's hair, gauges her eyes, and chokes her on the ring ropes. She mixes illegal maneuvers with technical expertise to great effect, keeping Fyfe down with a Swinging Neckbreaker and Camel Clutch among others.

The match goes back and forth several times and we see lots of hard Bodyslams before the final bell rings. A devastating Powerbomb spells the end for one of these grapplers.

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15+ min. 657 MB MP4 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4226: Randi West & Thunderkitty vs Hoodfoot Mo Atlas

Hoodfoot makes kind of inauspicious debut against the combined thugness of Thunderkitty and Randi. Probably fearing what he might be able to do to them one-on-one, the ladies team up and assault Atlas before he realizes just what is going on.

Though the ref tries to keep the ladies to the rules, you won't be able to keep up woith the flagrant breakage as Mo is tossed, punched and locked into a variety of holds. Atlas does get a few shots in, but this one belongs to TK and West!

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6- min. 243 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4225: Allysin Kay vs Clara Sinclaire

Allysin and Clara have a tag match scheduled later on as partners, but before that happens the two meet in the ring to face each other. They agree upon a stipulation where Clara will need to beat Allysin for the tag match to even take place. But if Clara does indeed manage to defeat Allysin, Sinclare will get top billing and will be allowed to start the match for the team. Let's just say that the team, at least if it ever comes to that point, is off to a somewhat rocky start.

Clara opens with bodyscissors, but it's not long before Allysin counters into an anklelock and soon it's a battle of duelling leglocks. After that there's a test of strength, and at that point the gloves really come off. Kay and Sinclare exchange hard forearms and kicks before Allysin nearly takes the match with a Sleeperhold. Clara fights out and manages to put Allysin in a painful Boston Crab. Decision time for AK47: tapping out means having to reluctantly team up with Sinclare!

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11- min. 495 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4224: Members Matches 448-451

Another in our line of Members Match Compilations, these are matches previously only released to members of SLAMminLadies.com. 4 matches sent to you enveloped in a handy Zip file!

448) Kay Lee Ray vs Kellie Skater
449) Leva vs Su Yung
450) Rain vs Santana
451) Malia Hosaka vs Sin-D

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28+ min. 853 MB WMV 1280 x 720 delivered in a Zip file

$25 for non-members
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$25 through Paypal
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$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4223: Members Matches 403-406

Another in our line of Members Match Compilations, these are matches previously only released to members of SLAMminLadies.com. 4 matches sent to you enveloped in a handy Zip file!

403) Malia Hosaka vs Solo Darling
404) April Hunter vs Kimberly
405) Ivelisse vs Kathy the Kitten
406) Jetta vs Lacey

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33 min. 977 MB WMV 1280 x 720 delivered in a Zip file

$25 for non-members
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$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4222: Members Matches 399-402

Another in our line of Members Match Compilations, these are matches previously only released to members of SLAMminLadies.com. 4 matches sent to you enveloped in a handy Zip file!

399) Mercedes Martinez vs Nikki Storm
400) Brandi Wine vs Su Yung
401) Brittney Savage vs Spider-Leva
402) Amazing Kong vs Leah Von Dutch

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32 min. 953 MB WMV 1280 x 720 delivered in a Zip file

$25 for non-members
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$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4221: Members Matches 395-398

Another in our line of Members Match Compilations, these are matches previously only released to members of SLAMminLadies.com. 4 matches sent to you enveloped in a handy Zip file!

395) Christina Von Eerie vs Jazz
396) Cherry Layne vs Evie
397) Shantelle Taylor vs Su Yung
398) La Rosa Negra vs Marti Belle

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30 min. 876 MB WMV 1280 x 720 delivered in a Zip file

$25 for non-members
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$25 through Paypal
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$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4220: Members Matches 300-303

Another in our line of Members Match Compilations, these are matches previously only released to members of SLAMminLadies.com. 4 matches sent to you enveloped in a handy Zip file!

300) Angel Williams vs Divina
301) Kimberly vs Leva
302) Christina Von Eerie vs Rachel Summerlyn
303) LeiLani Kai vs Sara del Rey

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32+ min. 978 MB WMV 1280 x 720 delivered in a Zip file

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$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4219: April Hunter vs Miss Rachel

We open on April praising the guest starring Marti Belle and then asking her to watch as she and Rachel have a match.
The match begin with an armlocking clinic with some Nelsoning and scissoring as well. Then it's back to the arm twisting, trying to dislocate shoulders and bend in painful ways.

No fancy flying here, just grappling with chokes, escapes, leg-bending holds and breath-sapping scissoring. A Sleeper and more arm work all leads to a Masterlock of a Full Nelson that brings this demo to a close.
Has Marti been paying attention?

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17+ min. 751 MB MP4 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4218: Cami Fields vs Devyn Nicole

Former champion Cami is out to regain her title against current champ in this 1 fall, 10-minute time limit matchup.
Showing how desperately she wants her belt back, Cami attacks from Devyn from the opening bell and never lets up. She hits the champ with punches, kicks and double axe-handle chops. She locks on a Camel Clutch-like chinlock and resorts to numerous rope and two-handed chokes to wear down Devyn.

Cami nearly gets the victory with a Rear Naked Choke, but Devyn is somehow able to muster the strength to power out. But a Headbutt in the corner followed by an Irish Whip into a nasty Clothesline has the champion in serious trouble on the mat.
Does Cami have enough time left to put the finishing touches on the match and reclaim her title? Or will Devyn manage to survive? It’s an ending you won’t see coming. But who ends up holding the belt?

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8 min. 345 MB MP4 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4217: Miss Rachel vs Sin-D

This was not Sin-D's best day. What is scheduled to be a 1 fall match turns into a full-on beatdown, courtesy of Rachel. She is in full bully mode, twisting Sin-D's wrist on the opening handshake and not letting up from there. Brutal knees to the belly and an eye rake drop Sin-D to the mat and Rachel pounces with a blatant choke and a suffocating Chinlock that has Sin-D helplessly kicking the canvas.

We don't know what Sin-D's neck did to Rachel, but it's obvious Rachel is out to pulverize the sensitive area, driving her fingers into it every chance she gets. That's not all though. Rachel also shows off her raw strength, scooping Rachel up and slamming her! She buries Sin-D in the corner with a foot to the throat and shoulder charges, and continually finds new ways (both legal and illegal) to cut off Sin-D's air supply. By the time Rachel is casually belly splashing Sin-D, you know this one is all but over. A nasty-looking nerve pinch finally forces Sin-D to submit.

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10+ min. 459 MB MP4 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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SLAMpeg 4216: Dementia D'Rose vs Miss Rachel

This is a Bearhug challenge, Dementia and Miss Rachel will alternate applying Bearhugs to each over for a 10 count, and if a submission isn’t achieved by 10 they must relinquish the hold.
Dementia draws opening honors and shows her power off, Rachel won’t quit but she takes her time shaking it off after the 10 count. Miss Rachel shows a little more technique in her opening gambit going more for Dementia’s lower back, she doesn’t get the submission but the 10 count took a lot out of Dementia. Round 2 sees Dementia again showing off her raw power and Rachel needs to stretch a bit before she can take her turn, again going low and focusing on D’Rose’s lower back.

Round 3 sees Rachel really feeling the effects of Dementia’s power and opting for a mat based approach for her 3rd attempt which the youngster foolishly grants dropping to her knees and taking a heck of a squeeze from the powerful Brit.
Back up to a vertical base for Round 4 and Dementia once again does a number on Miss Rachel but how much did it cost her to do so? Does she have enough left to endure the veteran’s retribution?

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10+ min. 457 MB MP4 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4215: Aja Perera vs Kiera Hogan

Aja and Kiera do battle in a unique ‘Escape Artist’ rules match. Kiera has the benefit of being the attacker and she can score points by making Aja submit to whatever hold she chooses within a 5 second count. As the defender Aja must hold out during the 5 count or escape Keira’s submission attempts in order to secure her points.

Keira works over Aja with Headlocks, armbars, Boston Crabs (single and double-leg), Chinlocks, Hammerlocks, a Camel Clutch, kneed Chinlock, Front Facelock and Waistlock as she works to secure her submissions. Perera is a strong defender and is quick to escape Hogan’s early attempts using leverage and her superior power. As Kiera’s constant assault takes its toll on Aja’s joints, her defenses become more brittle and her escapes and counters less easy to execute.
In the end will the powerful defender escape with a win or will the tactful attacker overwhelm her foe? Pride will be on the line as the loser will be forced to raise the victor’s arm at the conclusion of this unusual match.

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7 min. 327 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4214: Clara Sinclaire vs CJ O'Doyle

Clara begins the video with some words about just how good she is, but CJ soon enters and is having none of it. His Camel Clutch Championship is on the line!
Clara lashes out with a kick to the gut , some forearms and even whips CJ with his jacket. The Championship sure seems in danger of changing hands until the tables are turned. Headbutts, Side Slams, rope chokes and, of course, Camel Clutches come fast and furiously.

Back and forth goes the action with plenty of hard holds and stretching tortures until one wrestler has been softened up sufficiently to have their back at the mercy of one final Camel Clutch for the loss.

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13+ min. 545 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4213: Santana vs Jason Cade

It's simple: Jason is entering this match with a couple of fancy championship belts. Santana wants them. With that, they're off! Santana is as agile as ever, looking to steal the match early with pins while Jason does his best to ground her with a surfboard stretch and an Atomic Drop. Jason lays into Santana with chops and stomps and takes advantage of their being no referee by trapping Santana in a rope-assisted Camel Clutch. However, she wants those belts bad and soon it's Jason on the receiving end of a bridging Chinlock.

Jason gets back on offense, dropping Santana face first onto the turnbuckle, leveling her with a Superkick, and bouncing her off the turnbuckles with a hard Irish Whip. Santana refuses to stay down, kicking out with authority, until it's her turn to land a Superkick after thrilling series of counters in the corner. This gives her an opening to steal Jason's headband, which really charges her up. She knocks Jason on his butt, lands a Russian leg sweep, and then goes for her Shining Star Press that Jason narrowly avoids. The closing moments see the wrestlers break out a stunner, DDT, and a Powerslam in an all-out effort to score the decisive 3 count.

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13 min. 549 MB MP4 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4212: Su Yung vs Chico Adams

A 1 fall match. Our guest official for this contest is the UK's own Zoe Lucas and she is called into action straight from the opening bell as it seems Chico is in an especially aggressive mood.
Within a matter of minutes, Chico has choked Su against the turnbuckle, raked her eyes and used the ropes to his advantage. Zoe does her best to keep control but even within the confines of the rules, Chico continues to dominate Su until a painful leglock causes her to tap out and and gives Chico the win.

But Chico still isn't quite finished and Zoe is suddenly in the wrong place at the wrong time. Chico applies another leglock, but this time it isn't to Su. Instead, it's Zoe desperately tapping out, in a match that she wasn't even wrestling in!

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8 min. 286 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4211: Tesha Price vs Joseph Schwartz

Not sure what Joseph did to piss his opponent off, but he sure has a hard time defending against the assault of an unusually hyper-aggressive Tesha.
Tesha fires away with vicious kicks, punches, and chops, and for quite some time all Joseph can really do is weather the storm. At one point he does manage to trap Tesha in a Figure Four Leglock, but it doesn't get the submission. Worse yet: it only angers Tesha even more, to the point where she will hit any part of Joseph she can get to. This leads to Schwartz getting his toes stomped, his kneecaps kicked, and he even suffers a low blow!

Joseph tries his best to battle back, but there's only so much he can do after getting his nose pulled, his hair wrapped around the ring ropes, and getting choked mercilessly. He eventually manages to lock in a Camel Clutch, but it doesn't take Tesha much time to fight her way out of it. It seems to be only a matter of time before Tesha walks away with the win in this one...

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13 min. 553 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4210: Rain vs Chris Gray

Previously available on Rain's website.

A unique match as they both agree to a 30 minute training session to see who can score the most pins and submissions.
These are two experienced foes with strong fundamentals who know each other’s moves inside and out. Every lockup is a mind game as they plot their openings and counters in unison. Once in control, both wrestlers focus on joint locks, maximizing their opponent’s suffering and working their way toward a submission.

Rain grinds Chris down with a Stretch Muffler, inverted Full Nelson, single-leg Boston Crabs and crucifix arm bars while holding her own against his size advantage. Chris counters with anklelocks, a modified Cobra Clutch and brutal armbar hyper-extensions that take their toll on poor Rain. At the halfway point both wrestlers stand tied at 2 falls apiece, but as the action heats up so does the pace of submissions as both wrestlers must battle exhaustion as well as their opponent.
The wrestlers are drenched in sweat as time expires with a total of 13 falls tallied and the victor celebrates a hard earned win in a contest both wrestlers can be proud of.

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32+ min. 1.34 GB MP4 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$25 through Paypal
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$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4209: Amber O'Neal, GeeStar, Krissy Vaine & Lexie Fyfe

Previously available on DVD SLAM 10.
Referee Lexie Fyfe is trying to keep peace between the arguing Amber and Krissy when GeeStar enters and immediately unloads on Amber with forearms and a Clothesline off the ropes. Krissy adds a belly claw while Gee locks in a Full Nelson on Amber. Even our “impartial” ref gets in on the action with a slap to Amber’s belly.

Gee wraps on an ankle lock, followed by Krissy maneuvering Amber into a Boston Crab. Amber taps … to no avail … and Gee takes over with the Boston Crab. Lexie then applies a Camel Clutch, Krissy and Gee hit doubleteam double-leglocks, then G nails Amber with a sitout face slam.
After a few more minutes of taking a three-way beatdown, Amber finds herself at the bottom of a dogpile and helpless to escape the inevitable 3 count. But the beatdown continues until a Krissy DDT leaves Amber out cold in the ring.

The three wrestlers left standing shake hands to celebrate the victory. But little does anyone know, Gee is not finished, and she’s got one of the other two remaining wrestlers in her sights. How many other bodies will join Amber’s as motionless heaps on the mat?

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12+ min. 526 MB MP4 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4208: Candi Divine vs Traci Brooks

Previously available on DVD SLAM 10.
Lexie Fyfe wears the stripes for this 1 fall contest. Although she's facing a legend in Candi, how much respect Traci has for her veteran opponent is called into question as the match begins.
The two wrestlers are well matched and the early action is back and forth. Gradually though, Traci begins to seek alternative ways to gain control and neither hairpulling or even biting are off limits, despite the warnings of the ref.

Candi is not so easily defeated though and remains in contention, at least until a big splash from the turnbuckle misses its target and Candi hits nothing but canvas. Even this is not enough for Traci to nail the 1-2-3 though and the action continues until a Sunset Flip expertly puts one wrestlers shoulder down for the pin and for the win!

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8 min. 338 MB MP4 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4207: Little Jeanne vs Lexie Fyfe

Previously available on LexieFyfe.com.
Lady Victoria is your guest referee for this 1 fall contest. Little Jeanne opens well with headscissors, a Surfboard, bodyscissors, and a Sleeperhold. Lexie tries to fight back, but Jeanne is tenacious and we're 8 minutes into the match before Lexie finally builds some sustained momentum after some illegal choking. Still, even then Jeanne is able to come back and return the favor.

Lexie has a hard time with Jeanne, who puts Fyfe through a Figure Four Leglock, Full Nelson, Boston Crab, and headscissors among others. Lexie resorts to biting and blatant choking in order to escape her predicaments. Meanwhile, Jeanne herself is no saint either and both these ladies are fairly well-matched in their viciousness and their willingness to take shortcuts. A final Sleeperhold ends this match, with the winner opting to pin her victim instead of accepting the KO victory.

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32+ min. 1.33 GB MP4 1280 x 720

$20 for non-members
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$17 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4206: Amy Love & Lexie Fyfe vs Malia Hosaka & Vanessa Harding

Previously available as DVD CV-9 on LexieFyfe.com.
Tag action from the earliest days of the site with Lexie and Malia starting things off. Malia is plenty aggressive and her team is the first to bend the rules with doubleteams in the corner. A missed splash is Lexie's chance to tag in the still-fresh Amy who is quick with her attacks and even gets a little corner payback for her partner. Vanessa takes quite a beating and costs her team the first fall.

Vanessa surprisingly starts Fall 2 and seems to be back in the game. Soon it is Amy that is isolated and worked over for the entirety of Fall 2. The mayhem continues as Amy and Vanessa battle it out for the final fall. It goes on until the vets get tagged in and then all hell breaks loose with everyone in the ring at once until the winners are declared!

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34 min. 1.41 GB MP4 1280 x 720

$20 for non-members
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$20 through Paypal
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$17 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4205: Fantasy vs Lexie Fyfe

Filmed in 2005 for Wild West Wrestling.
We're dipping into the vaults for this classic contest for the Internet Title. Fantasy is the current title holder, but can she overcome the challenge of Lexie?
The match seems evenly matched in the early stages with the advantage shifting rapidly between the 2 women. As time passes, Lexie begins to take control, primarily thanks to her questionable tactics. Even under the watchful gaze of the referee, Lexie makes the most of every 5 count to punish Fantasy by any means possible.

Fantasy should not be written off quite yet though and she battles back. A facebuster from the turnbuckle almost scores her the win. In the end, it's a pin out of nowhere that settles this one. But who ends up holding the gold? Is this the real Fyfe? Is this just Fantasy?

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11 min. 462 MB MP4 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4204: Ivelisse vs Jenna Van Muscles

Ivelisse licks her lips at the chance to get her hands on another newcomer in Jenna. Jenna flashes a quick flex of her biceps before driving a boot into the red-head’s midsection to start the match. Powerful straight punches to the jaw has Ivelisse on wobbly legs early. The veteran counters with a devastating low blow followed by an eyegouge, double face rake, and rope burn to Jenna’s eyes!

Jenna may be a newcomer, but she knows how to fight and Van Muscles gives Ivelisse’s tactics right back to her, pulling hair in a Camel Clutch, raking her eyes and setting Ivelisse up for a devastating shattered dreams low blow! This is less a wrestling match than a brawl and that suits both women just fine. Ivelisse unloads with roundhouse kicks, a low blow mule kick and back mounted hair choke. Jenna nearly decapitates Ivelisse with Lariats, buckles her knees with running punches to the face and has her howling after repeated Atomic Drops! Both women suffer several Shattered Dreams in this thunderous battle until a final low blow kick puts one wrestler down for a decisive 10 count pin.

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10+ min. 449 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4203: Allison Danger vs GeeStar

Previously available on DVD SLAM 70.
From so deep in the vault it not only predates the SLAM Shack, it predates letterbox, comes this classic encounter. Allison and GeeStar feel each other out early but a couple sneaky forearms to the back off of tie ups may foreshadow a weakness and at the least is irritating. One grappler’s scientific knowledge shines thru with several clever takedowns, counters and pinning predicaments but they prove more flashy than substantial and soon she’s on the wrong end of a momentum swing.

That back comes into play as a Chinlock with a knee buried in it and a surfboard with her face down do a number on it. Resilience breeds frustration as where technical wrestling failed choking and closed fists become the order of the day. But just when it looks bleak a desperation DDT makes it anyone’s match! An innovative neckbreaker and huge avalanche give both wrestlers chances down the stretch but when you’re as good as these Site pioneers are it just takes 1 big mistake to cost you a match!

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8 min. 338 MB MP4 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 4202: Red Velvett vs Chasyn Rance

Despite Chasyn’s best attempts, Red shows no signs of intimidation as she clamps a tight Side Headlock on her cocky opponent. The wily veteran soon escapes though, catching a kick from Velvett and hauling her up for a devastating Atomic Drop! Even before the shock wave finishes traveling up Velvett’s spine, Rance has her up once more for another Atomic Drop!

Red struggles to her feet and tries to fight back, but every missed punch and errant kick makes her an easy victim for another devastating drop on her tailbone. Soon Chasyn is having his way with his opponent, hauling her up to the top of the Slam Shack and spinning her in the air before ending her dizzying ride by driving her down on his knee again and again. ‘Atomic Man’ executes eleven Atomic Drops, chiseling poor Red’s spine into dust before effortlessly clamping her shoulders to the mat with a backslide pin. Red Velvett doesn’t even get a chance to clear the cobwebs before a guest arrives to greet the newbie herself. Red takes a final doubleteam Atomic Drop before the pair grab a set of ringside scissors to shorten Velvett’s hair.

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5+ min. 204 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

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$5 through Paypal
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SLAMpeg 4201: Amber O'Neal vs Karlee Perez

Guest referee Jessie Belle gives a big hug to Amber as we fade in. This can’t be a good sign for Amber’s opponent. But once the bell rings, Jessie remains fairly impartial. Sure, she misses a couple of Amber’s two-handed chokes and eye pokes to Karlee, and she does drag Amber to the ropes to help her break free from a double Chickenwing submission hold, but she also allows for Karlee to choke Amber against the ropes and get in a few closed fist strikes.

A back-and-forth contest, Karlee scores some near falls with rollups and Backslides, while Amber gets some 2 counts following face slams to the mat and some clever reversals on the mat.
Can Jessie be counted upon to make a fair 3 count in either direction? Only one way to find out who sneaks away with the win in this hotly contested battle.

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11 min. 458 MB MP4 1920 x 1080

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

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