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SLAMpeg 2500: April Hunter vs Gia

April takes on a newcomer in Gia for this bout-newcomer to us, but you may know her by a couple of other names from some televised feds.
April takes control early with some basic chain wrestling, settling on a Headlock in the center of the ring. Gia responds with a forearm to the ribs and a Snapmare before quickly locking in a Chinlock.

The two trade submissions throughout the match-up. April gets a seated Surfboard and a modified Dragon Sleeper, while Gia gets a seated Full Nelson. The cattiness comes out when April pulls on Gia's hair! The newcomer answers in kind with a boot choke across the throat in the corner.

As the match comes to its conclusion, a modified Mutalock has one lady screaming in pain and tapping out! Is it Gia walking away with her first big win? Or has April's strength done enough to give her the W?

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12+ min. 381 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2499: Justine Silver vs Leah Von Dutch

Mia Yim dons the stripes for this 1 fall contest. The two wrestlers are well matched in the opening minutes of the bout, exchanging armlocks and Headlocks with some athletic and acrobatic counters and escapes.

Gradually, Leah begins to take hold of the match, mainly due to her frequent rule-bending. Leah plays it smart, cutting enough corners to frequently gain the advantage over Leah, but never going so far as to be disqualified by Mia. Justine endures a Camel Clutch, bodyscissors and more as Leah looks for the submission victory.

For her part, Justine does her best to battle back and almost turns the tide with a straitjacket choke. But as the match proceeds, it is Leah’s tactics that continue to prove more effective. A painful Boston Crab turns out to be the winning move for one of these women, despite a brave attempt to continue from the wrestler locked in the hold.

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13 min. 387 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 2498: Ivelisse vs Kimberly

Ivelisse and Kimberly take some time working out the rules for this submissions-only contest in between fronting over who schooled who the last time around and figuring out which single section of the top rope is suitable to negate a submission hold.
Ivelisse, however, uses trickery to get the drop on Kimberly and doesn’t let up for ages, punishing her legs non-stop with single-leg Boston Crabs, kicks and a hair-assisted submission or two. Eventually, however, an abortive attempt at a Cloverleaf submission allows Kimberly to get her own back as she tortures Ivelisse’s legs with leglocks and vicious blows, bending her slender limbs around the ropes and bouncing them off the mat.

The pain doesn’t let up for Ivelisse as her screams ring out from experiencing everything from ceiling holds that look like they might break her neck to ingenious leg-centric submissions that may well create some serious joint problems later.
A Sharpshooter has one lady tapping desperately while the other basks in a well-earned victory.

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14+ min. 435 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2497: Leah Von Dutch vs Leva & Su Yung

Leah claims she's completely ready for her match against Leva, stating she's got some tricks up her sleeve. We're curious what trick that might be...the trick to get your butt kicked perhaps? Leva is not her usual fun-loving self here. Instead we get her vicious side, and Leva is all over LVD with kneelifts, hairpulling, chokeholds and even a low blow. And since there's no ref, Von Dutch is in a heap of trouble.

After enduring a hairpull-assisted Camel Clutch, Leah has had enough and retaliates with some hairpulling of her own. The comeback is short-lived, however, and Leva takes right back over by ramming Leah's head into all 4 turnbuckles. After a hard Bodyslam, Leva eventually traps her adversary in a Crossface to earn a tapout victory. Unfortunately for Leah, the punishment continues when all of a sudden Su Yung shows up for her 10 minute challenge!

Su picks up where Leva left off, yanking at Leah's hair. A Suplex, Rocking Horse and Tree of Woe leave Leah even more battered and bruised than she already was. Will Su keep pounding on the hapless blonde until there's nothing left, or will Leah hang in there and last the full 10 minutes with Su?

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18+ min. 550 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$18 for non-members
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$15 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2496: Santana vs Tyrannus & CJ O'Doyle

CJ O'Doyle officiates this 1 fall encounter with Tyrannus facing the gorgeous Santana. Tyrannus has a very obvious size and strength advantage, so Santana wisely dodges her gigantic opponent in the beginning. She still manages to get in quite some offense, but from the start it seems CJ is determined to stack the deck against her. Santana is forced to break her Fujiwara Armbar "because this is not jiu-jitsu", she is accused of pulling her (bald) opponent's hair, she is warned not to strike her opponent "because this is not boxing", and so on.

After several deliberate slow counts Santana has had enough and strikes the biased referee. This leads to a vicious doubleteam where CJ and Tyrannus team up on Santana. She gets choked with a ref's shirt, gets her eyes raked, Camel Clutched and much more. Both of these huge guys will find out, however, that there's still a lot of fight in Santana - no matter the odds!

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11 min. 329 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2495: Shazza McKenzie & Su Yung vs Jason Cade

We open on Su, wearing her business attire (OK, it’s her ring gear with glasses!) is discussing the contract for a 2 out 3 falls match between Shazza and Jason. Shazza is happy enough to sign, but Jason is more interested in ring-work than paperwork and blindsides Shazza before signing the document.

This does not sit well with Su, who attempts to intervene. However, Jason quickly despatches her before she can even enter the ring and returns to Shazza. Specifically, Shazza’s back and belly prove to be Jason’s most frequent targets, with Bodyslams, Backbreaker and Stomach Claws all in the mix. The first fall does not take long, and with Shazza temporarily out of action, Jason turns his attention to Su, dishing out much of the same punishment to Su’s belly and back.

By now, the match has developed into something of a 2-on-1 handicap contest, only here it is the tag-team who are seemingly outnumbered by just one wrestler. Jason continues to dominate, scoring falls on both women before a number of big splashes leave both Su and Shazza out cold in the ring… And we don’t think they signed up for that!

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14+ min. 429 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2494: Allysin Kay vs Madison Eagles

The name of the game here is physicality. Two of our hardest hitters square off and the result is exactly what you would expect. Allysin and Madison go at it tooth and nail with neither being able to maintain much of an advantage for long. It's the Aussie who scores the first meaningful offense of the match, pummeling Allysin in the corner and smashing her with a running double knee attack. But Allysin trips her right into the turnbuckle and follows up with a big kick to the chest leading to the first of many near falls.

Fighting as if her life depends on it, Allysin attacks with chokes, hard kicks and mounted punches. Madison counters with her own hard kicks, a jawbreaker and even a bite of Allysin's hand. They square off and lay into each other with forearms until they're both laid out with simultaneous big boots! After a miraculous recovery, the best is yet to come: throat chops, Suplexes and powerful Clotheslines all lead to close pin attempts.
It takes a Brainbuster to push one wrestler past the point of no return.

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16 min. 480 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2493: Jessie Belle vs Nevaeh

Someone call a stylist, stat! We’ve got another hairpulling match on our hands. And it’s Jessie Belle and Nevaeh’s hands that are full in this 1 fall bout… full of each other’s hair! Nevaeh sets the tone when she pulls a reluctant Jessie Belle back into the ring by the hair to start the match as she means to go on.

However, this is not a one-sided affair, as Nevaeh’s hair proves just as effective and painful a target for Jessie to attack. And so the match quickly becomes a battle of the blow drys, as both women use each other’s hair to control, contort and consistently cause considerable pain.

Victory eventually comes for one wrestler when an already excruciating looking Boston Crab is made all the more painful… And we think you can probably guess how!

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11+ min. 351 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2492: Nikki Storm vs Ray Lyn

Some things in life are a good mix. Like strawberries and cream or peanut butter and jelly. And then there are things that don’t mix well. Cats and dogs. Oil and Water. Nikki Storm and perky, friendly wrestlers. Unfortunately for Ray Lyn, it is the latter of those examples that is in full effect for this encounter.

With no referee in the ring, the self-proclaimed ‘greatest in the galaxy’ has nobody to stop her doing whatever she wants to poor Ray. And what Nikki wants to do is to pull Ray’s hair. And choke her on the ropes. And slam her into the wall outside the ring. You’ll probably have noticed a theme developing here.

For Ray, there is no respite in this contest. Indeed, it’s probably not even accurate to call it a contest. Put simply, this is a demolition, ended not with a verbal submission - but instead a forced acknowledgement from the loser of the dominant wrestler’s talent.
Even if that talent is primarily in breaking the rules!

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9 min. 271 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2491: Brandi Wine vs Leah Von Dutch vs Evie vs Jayme Jameson

Jayme, Evie, Brandi and Leah feel each other out for alliances at the start of this wild 4 woman elimination tag match, but there are no takers as all 4 wrestlers go to war on one another on the opening bell.
Distrust rules the ring as partnerships form and break from moment to moment and desperate tag attempts are often denied by a wrestler who would rather watch their opponent take further punishment from the ring apron.

All four grapplers take their lumps in this one. Brandi delivers a devastating Swinging Neckbreaker on Leah, but Von Dutch gets her revenge by using a Headscissors to repeatedly slam Brandi’s face into the canvas. Powerhouse Jayme proves herself to be a dangerous brawler while Evie’s fleet feet are always a threat.

All 4 women toss the rule book and blatant chokes become a mainstay as each wrestler tries to wear down her opponents. A pair of submissions eventually eliminate two combatants and the remaining pair battle back and forth until a devastating cutter puts one wrestler down and out for the 3 count.

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21 min. 631 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$20 for non-members
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$17 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2490: Cherry Bomb vs Thunderkitty

It’s the speed and skill of Cherry Bomb against the sheer power of Thunderkitty in this 1 fall match-up.
Thunderkitty works over Cherry in the early stages of the bout with shoulderblocks in the corner, a rope choke, eye rake along the top rope and slam into the turnbuckles. Cherry fires back with forearms and kicks as well as a foot choke and rope choke on her feline foe.

TK regains momentum by working over Cherry in the corner, including a brutal charge from across the ring that crushes Cherry in the corner. She continues to attack with a Camel Clutch and double axe handle to the back, scoring several 2 counts along the way.

Cherry locks on a half-straightjacket hold, slams TK face-first to the mat, a running knee to the back, a rope choke and a running forearm from across the ring. When Cherry begins loading up the band to deliver Sweet Chin Music, someone will end up out cold on the mat.
Can Cherry connect and steal Kitty’s thunder or can Thunderkitty evade the finisher and find another way to defuse the Bomb?

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14 min. 425 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2489: Evie vs CJ O'Doyle

Evie and Cj kick this one off with some banter about whether or not Evie will be able to execute more than a single one of her much-vaunted kicks. CJ, it would seem, can count very high but feels that these math skills won’t be utilized because Evie won’t manage much of an offense. He turns out to be wrong.
This is quite the back and forth contest, starting with a series of long and grinding Headlocks that soon escalate to far more overtly violent moves. CJ delivers some body punches that has Evie writhing in a corner and follows those up with a monster elevated Bearhug and a spectacular Bodyslam.

Evie, however, manages to bust out some of those vicious kicks she was boasting about, even managing to topple the big man with a series of them. CJ has plenty more stored up though, recovering quickly enough to chop Evie in the traps and put her in an excruciating Bow and Arrow. Control of the match keeps swinging back and forth as the powerful CJ keeps sweeping the smaller athlete up off her feet and tossing her around in brutal slams while Evie’s speed and quick thinking gives CJ some bruises of his own.
The question of who is to come out on top stays an open one right until the final seconds.

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31 min. 940 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2488: Katie Forbes vs Chasyn Rance

Champ Chasyn is posing in the ring with his belt for a photoshoot, clearly nursing a sore back when he passes female champ Katie in the ring showing up for her photoshoot. Chasyn tries to leave, but Katie has her eyes set on his belt.

After introductions, the match is on the way and it isn’t long before Katie shows her dominance. Chasyn’s in a bad way with an injured back and a no-nonsense opponent. OtK Backbreakers, tough blows and stomps, corner work, an elevated Bearhug and a Surfboard have Chasyn wishing he could’ve left after his shoot!

It’s a long Boston Crab that really has our (male) champ reeling, but will it be enough for Katie to claim both titles?

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16 min. 487 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2487: Santana vs Milo Beasley

A frustrated Santana is just looking for someone to vent her recent frustrations on. Who better than the always enthusiastic Milo Beasley? Despite being given fair warning, Milo walks into a one-sided beatdown that he's going to be regretting for a while.

Santana drops Milo with a boot to the gut, which sets the tone for the rest of the match. She rakes, chops, chokes and even handspring elbows the poor guy until he can't fight back. The hair on his head and face are fair game for Santana to use for leverage. On the outside, Santana drops from the apron to clobber Milo. He's Irish whipped into the wall and forced to sit while Santana assaults him with a baseball bat!

A stunning Superkick starts off the finishing sequence: a Dragon Sleeper, low blow and DDT that complete the Milo massacre.

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9 min. 274 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2486: Jayme Jameson vs Luscious Latasha

With guest ref Justine Silver to maintain order, this one features an energetic Latasha and a snarky Jayme. They start with a lock up and Jayme quickly overpowers the smaller wrestler. Trapping her in the corner with chokes and kicks, it looks like it might be a bad day for poor Latasha. A deep Boston Crab has Latasha almost kicking out but she gets to the ropes only to be punished by a Camel Clutch.

Don't despair though, Latasha fires back and takes over on Jayme with a flurry of punches and strikes. Her offense doesn't last for long as she gets taken down with a big Clothesline. She has a lot of fight left though and kicks out after a Suplex.
Jayme hooks on a Bearhug next and it might be lights out for Latasha. She doesn't go out though and that may be a mistake because it just leads to more beating. She gets a second wind and starts working over Jayme's leg. Is it enough to get the win or will Jayme give Latasha more of a beating?

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13+ min. 401 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2485: Jessicka Havok vs Solo Darling

One of the more surprising results in our ring came back on SLAMpeg 2037, where Solo Darling utterly dominated Jessicka Havok. When the two women meet again, Jessicka seems determined not to let the same thing happen again. From the outset, she makes it very clear to a slightly sugar-rushing Solo that “Jessicka Havok does not hug.”

At first, it appears that a typically one-sided beatdown is on the horizon. However, Solo somehow finds a way to battle back. With no referee in the ring, she can be just as aggressive as Jessicka - as a number of Headbutts quickly prove. From this point, the action is a little more back and forth. Indeed, Solo almost manages to put Jessicka out with a Sleeper/scissor combo.

Naturally, Jessicka does not go down easy and a Stretch Muffler to Solo’s leg almost scores a winning submission. In the end it’s a little tough love as a friendly hug leads into an X-Factor that puts one wrestler down for the 1-2-3. But surely Solo can’t beat Havok again… can she?

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14 min. 416 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2484: Nikki Storm vs Tomoka Nakagawa

Glasgow's own Nikki Storm takes on Japanese sensation Tomoka Nakagawa in this highly competitive matchup. For this occasion, Nikki takes care of her own ring introduction. Modest as she is, she announces herself as Nikki Storm, best in the galaxy.

Technical wrestling to start, and both competitors seem pretty evenly matched. It's not until the self-proclaimed 'best in the galaxy' takes some unsportsmanlike shortcuts that she gets the better of Tomoka. A Sleeper is next for Nakagawa, but she is fortunate enough to make it to the ropes. Tomoka is as resilient as they come, but the crafty Nikki is not to be underestimated. Eventually an Enzuigiri sets up a gorgeous Fisherman's Suplex for the win.

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14 min. 427 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2483: Angel Williams vs Su Yung

Kimberly takes charge for this 1 fall match-up. And Su’s typically upbeat mood proves to be a little contagious, with the match subsequently being fought in quite a light-hearted manner.

However, light-hearted does not necessarily mean fair, and for all her smiles, Angel is always in the ring to win - even if that means dishing out the occasional eye poke! For her part, Su unleashes a barrage of chops to Angel’s midsection and throat.

As the action goes back and forth, a lengthy Figure Four Leglock is equally well-balanced, first with Angel dishing out the pain, until a reversal from Su puts her back in the driving seat. But who will be first past the checkered flag in this race to victory?

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13+ min. 413 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2482: April Hunter vs La Rosa Negra

April takes a psychological approach, trying to intimidate La Rosa-unsuccessfuly so as she gets a boot to the gut and some brutal forearms to start things off.

La Rosa is enraged and keeps April in trouble. Once she gets her own boot into the game, La Rosa finds herself trapped in a corner and taking some hard hits. Check out those chops!

La Rosa battles on and soon has April at the mercy of some return chops and a Boston Crab and a long cross-arm breaker. A very unique hold forces one lady into an inescapable folded-up predicament to bring this one to a close.

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10+ min. 322 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2481: Jessicka Havok vs Mia Yim

It’s an extreme clash of styles as powerhouse Jessicka Havok takes on lightning quick Mia Yim.
Jessicka wastes no time, unleashing clubbing forearms, kicks and a boot choke before the opening introductions are over. Mia takes a beating, but a tremendous running Dropkick by Yim sends Havok to the outside and demonstrates just how fast she can strike.

Jessicka regroups and targets Mia’s back, slamming her repeatedly to the ring apron before tossing her back in to deliver shoulder blocks, claws and a deep seated Boston Crab on the ailing Mia. Mia’s offense comes in furious spurts and she rallies with flying kicks, Headscissors takedowns and running boots.
Havok responds with raw power, locking Mia into an elevated Full Nelson, Bow & Arrow stretch and several spine-breaking over-the-knee Backbreaker drops. After the prolonged attack on her back, Mia gets caught in the clutches of the Havok Death Machine with a crushing Bearhug.
Can Mia unleash her Yim-jitsu one last time or will Jessicka put the final squeeze on Mia’s comeback?

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13 min. 386 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2480: Ivelisse vs Santana

Kimberly officiates this 1 fall contest.
The ladies are very wary of each other, but after a quick ref check, the match begins. Go-behind, Wristlock, Headlock and a hard-won takeover-that doesn't quite end up as planned.

Both ladies use some questionable tactics, but nothing so over the line that you couldn't classify this match as clean but mean. No frills, no gimmicks, just a very athletic contest to a very definitive finish.

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14+ min. 437 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2479: Evie & Kellie Skater vs Madison Eagles & Nicole Matthews

Even the opening introductions are out of control in this one and end as all 4 competitors pull out forks and sporks to do battle.
By the time order is restored, the powerhouse team of Matthews and Eagles get the drop on their opponents. Tossing Kellie from the ring, Madison and Nicole go to work on Evie, isolating her in the ring and targeting her leg with kicks and knee slams before clamping on a doubleteam Mutalock.

A desperate Evie manages to escape, hitting a devastating jawbreaker before tagging. Skater rushes in, but out come the sporks! Kellie takes a doubleteam spork attack to the abs as Eagles and Matthews assert their dominance once more.
Despite the doubleteams, outside interference and blatant rule breaking of Nicole and Madison, Evie and Kellie stage a tremendous comeback leading to a wild ending. Everyone unleashes biggest weapons with a DDT, over-the-knee Death Valley Driver, running corner Yakuza Kick and a rolling cutter sending bodies flying until one team emerges victorious after a sporktacular battle.

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14 min. 424 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2478: Amber O'Neal vs Rain

Kimberly sets a rather odd time for this contest. The ladies clash with a display of attack and escape that lets each lady shine.

An overall clean bout with some great holds and lots of energy as both ladies keep on the attack. Hold after hold, escape after reversal, it's anyone's match to be had.

That is until a shocking finish involving some outside interference that sets things up for another great match down the line!

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13+ min. 398 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2477: Lacey vs Sassy Stephie

Sassy is running her mouth about the retired Lacey, little suspecting that Lacey is not only in the building, but more than ready for action!

Lacey quickly and definitively shows Stephie just how vicious she can be with eye raking, face scratching bursts of anger.

And she still knows her moves as well, busting out some Boston Crab and Camel Clutch action between the fists and claws.

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7+ min. 224 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$5 through Paypal

SLAMpeg 2476: Kimberly vs Santana

Kimberly has come to the ring today to have a competitive match with Santana. Santana has come to the ring today to hurt Kimberly. With no referee present, it will come as no surprise which of these two women is going to get her wish.

Santana’s main target to achieve her aim is Kimberly’s hair, and she soon has her hands full of it. Sometimes pulling, sometimes twisting, sometimes tangling it in the ropes, Santana is able to control both the match and her opponent as she pulls Kimberly around by her long locks. Kimberly’s only brief respite comes when Santana decides to add a little choking or closed-fist punching into the mix.

Short of getting a buzz-cut midway through the match, Kimberly’s chances of victory are slim. The question here is less a mystery of who will win, but instead, how Kimberly’s hair will feature into whatever move Santana uses to bring things to an end!

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14+ min. 427 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2475: La Rosa Negra vs Taylor Made

Displaying her championship belt, Taylor Made shows little regard for La Rosa Negra, her opponent in this one-fall bout. Taylor tells her foe, “You’ll never get this belt,” and when La Rosa offers a handshake to start the match, Taylor attacks with punches, a club to the head and a face slam to the mat.

With no respect and no remorse, Taylor mercilessly picks apart La Rosa throughout this one-sided beatdown. Utilizing everything from illegal maneuvers such as hair pulls, eye rakes, foot chokes and rope chokes, to submission maneuvers such as a Boston Crab (with hairpull), double Chickenwing, and a Camel Clutch, to high-impact moves like shoulderblocks face slams to the mat and a brutal DDT, Taylor beats down La Rosa to the point where she doesn’t even bother to score a pinfall or a submission.
With La Rosa flat on her back, Taylor straps on her belt and strikes a victory pose over her prone opponent that shows just how dominant a match she wrestled.

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16+ min. 499 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2474: Angela vs Solo Darling

“This is my opponent? This ten year old?” asks an incredulous Angela at the outset of this spirited contest, refereed by Jayme Jameson.
She’s referring, of course, to the preternaturally perky Solo whose hilarious and continuous attempts to endear herself to Angela include the claim that wrestling is just a way to become best friends with your opponent. She even mistakes Angela’s opening gambit of a test of strength as an opportunity for (hard-to-reach) high fives. Her innocent demeanor does not, however, translate to a lack of aggression. It’s Solo who gets in the first blow in the form of a kick to the abdomen, leaving Angela vulnerable to flying kicks to the back and hair-assisted throws across the ring.

When Solo jumps into Angela’s arms for a hug (that’s actually a prelude to her finisher), the latter quickly gets the upper hand by slamming her back down to the mat, following that up with a Front Facelock, Side Headlocks and some armdrags.

The match keeps going back and forth this way as each athlete exploits lapses on the part of the other. Solo gets in a stint of leg punishment, tying Angela’s lower extremities up in submission holds. Angela unleashes some back and neck assaults. Ultimately, it’s a creative chokehold that leaves one lady unconscious and defeated.

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11+ min. 346 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2473: Justine Silver vs Su Yung

Justine looks to get a head start on this match by sneaking up behind Su to deliver a series of cheap forearm shots to the back. Su laughs off the youngster’s assault and unloads on Justine, dropping her across her knee with a stomach breaker before turning her attention to Silver’s back. Su grinds on Justine’s spine with Rocking Horses, Bow & Arrows, deep Boston Crabs and a brutal Mutalock variation. She beats her down with knee drives, diving Headbutts, Bodyslams and vertical splashes.

Despite the back brutalization, Justine refuses to submit or even apologize for her sneak attack and that’s when Su gets creative. Yung is all smiles as she tortures Justine with Pendulum Swing head smashes into the bottom turnbuckle and a Tree of Woe inverted Surfboard from outside the ring. Silver suffers a thorough beating at Su’s hands until a series of Mexican Ceiling Holds finally puts Justine out.
Denied of a submission victory, Su instead settles for a humiliating debooting of the KOed Justine before leaving her in the center of the ring.

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29+ min. 882 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2472: Evie vs Shazza McKenzie

Shazza is under the impression that Evie flew all the way to America to get away from her. A no-holds barred, "I Quit" Match is the only way to settle the argument.
The opening minutes are fine display of both wrestler's technical acumen and agility. It's Shazza who snaps first, shoving Evie into the corner where she can work her over with hard strikes. She repeatedly drives her knee into Evie's stomach and clobbers her with forearms. Evie responds in kind with thundering kicks to Shazza's back. The physicality in this one reaches dangerous levels.

Evie presses forward with a running kick and a Surfboard stretch, but soon it's Shazza who takes control. Her willingness to get nasty tilts the match in her favor. She chokes Evie with a crutch, whips her into a wall, and bonks her with the bell hammer. Back in the ring, Shazza sinks in some deep submissions, including a Boston Crab and a double Chickenwing, that have Evie on the verge of uttering those two unthinkable words. After a Suplex, a frustrated Shazza goes for the kill with a brutal Camel Clutch.
Can Evie recover or will she quit and admit that Shazza is the best female in Australia?

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29+ min. 883 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$25 through Paypal

$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2471: Kay Lee Ray vs KC Cassidy

Although a great many hairs have pulled upon the canvas of our ring, such a flagrant disregard for the rules of wrestling has rarely occurred in the presence of a referee. However, for this one fall match between KC Cassidy and Kay Lee Ray, guest official Su Yung gives both wrestlers her permission to get pulling!

Naturally it’s an invitation neither wrestler ignores and as the match begins, KC is quick to latch onto Kay Lee’s fiery red mane. Hairmares a’plenty soon follow as Kay Lee is swung around the ring. A hair-assisted Sleeper threatens to bring the match to a swift end as Kay Lee seems out for the count. But she battle back and now it’s KC’s hair being tangled, tousled and twisted.

Kay Lee comes close to scoring a submission with a Surfboard and, of course, hairpulling combo and the match continues with each wrestler looking to ‘pull hair’ way to victory. True to form, it’s a hair/combo hold that finally takes the win – but who celebrates with Su after the bell and who leaves the ring just beaten and bedraggled?

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13+ min. 408 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2470: Leah Von Dutch vs Santana

Your official for this match is Su Yung. We witness some highly athletic technical wrestling with some amazing counters. Leah quickly tosses the rule book out the window and before long Santana finds herself the victim of not only bodyscissors and Surfboards, but also of several chokeholds.

Santana is put through Camel Clutches and modified Boston Crabs, but she doesn't exactly help matters by repeatedly asking Leah if this is her dreaded Dutch Clutch.
A now angry Leah rakes Santana's back and nearly takes her head off with a Clothesline. Santana has significant trouble in gaining an offensive advantage. She scores with a beautiful handspring elbow, but Leah takes right back over after that. After several near falls for both competitors, a well-placed Superkick seals the deal.

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13+ min. 400 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2469: Malia Hosaka vs Tessa Blanchard

Brandi Wine introduces fellow veteran Malia in her match against Tessa and Tessa isn’t so sure she’s gonna get a fair officiating job. It’s clear from the start that our vets don’t like this new blood and there’s clearly friction. Tessa begins her uphill battle locking up with Malia only to have Brandi physically pull her off. Tessa wants to know why she doesn’t get 5 count on the ropes when Malia gets a verrry slow 5 count during a blatant hairpull!

And so it goes for Tessa in this grueling match as Malia refuses to abide by the rules and Brandi refuses to enforce them. Brandi assists in a test of strength, allows eyerakes, neck chops, closed fists, foot choking, and much more from the nefarious Malia. There are some legal holds too! A Camel Clutch (never-mind, with a hairpull), an overhead Bow & Arrow, a Surfboard, but Tessa won’t quit.

Can Tessa overcome the odds? Or this battle one she’ll just be lucky to survive? Watch this one to find out which lady finds herself going nighty-night in a tight Waistscissor/Sleeperhold.

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12 min. 358 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2468: Mia Yim vs Santana

Last Woman Standing Match in a 3 count pin then 10 count to the feet finish.
Both ladies bring a certain confidence to this match. Even a casual fan knows what kind of intensity these ladies are going to bring and they do not disappoint in this one. When Mia starts with the legwork and Santana finds the ropes, she quickly learns this one is also no DQ. Santana responds in turn with a bridging Mutalock that Mia quickly bites herself out of.

Fans of back and forth action will love watching these two out-fox one another back and forth with an arsenal of moves and reversals. Santana takes the first pin with a Superkick and her patented off-the-ropes Moonsault. But Mia is up before the 10 count. Mia responds with a Dragon Sleeperhold. Mia gets 3 armdrops, but pins her for good measure. When Mia goes for the 10 count, Santana is still out cold at 9 and Mia decides she’s not done and pulls up poor Santana!

Mia has her way with a weakened Santana, telling her she should just give up and working over in the corners (and everywhere else). A DDT has Santana out cold for another 1-2-3. Mia starts the 10 count yet again… and yet again, pulls up her poor prey at 9. This is not Santana’s day.

Sleeperholds, Waistscissors, slaps, Suplexes, cocky pins, an over the head Bow & Arrow, cornerwork, rope choking, you name it… Santana has to endure it. Mia pins her many times and always pulls her up before 10. Before it’s all over, new life is breathed into Santana and she gets some moves and some pin attempts on Mia before Mia’s boot and two BRUTAL leghook Piledrivers have Santana out cold for the final pin and 10 count.
For fans of Mia as a heel and Santana as a borderline rag doll, it may not get better than this.

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27+ min. 835 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$25 for non-members
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$25 through Paypal

$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2467: Amazing Kong vs Ivelisse

Ivelisse has to dip, duck, dive, and dodge in this 1 fall match-up with the menacing Amazing Kong. The strategy can only work for so long and soon Kong is bouncing Ivelisse's head off of the turnbuckles!
Utilizing a Bearhug, Sleeper, and bodyscissors, Kong is determined to squeeze every last bit of oxygen from Ivelisse's lungs. The luchadora tries to leave early, but Kong won't let her. She drives Ivelisse into the ringpost, knocking her for a loop. A barely there Ivelisse can only flop in and out of the ring as Kong knocks her around.

Any attempts at resistance are quickly cut off by the dominating Kong. She chokes, chops, and stretches Ivelisse for the majority of the match. A pair of corner splashes and a big body slam are more than enough to put the battling brunette down for good.

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13+ min. 407 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2466: Jayme Jameson vs Xandra Bale

Jayme is in the ring posing and looking pretty impressed with her own physique as she confidently claims Xandra will be no match for her. Bale hits the ring and runs into a buzz saw of forearms and kicks from the powerful brunette brute. Jameson proves herself as a capable brawler, repeatedly sending a stunned Xandra hard to the canvas with solid shots to the head and chest.

Once in control Jayme turns up the pain with a Camel Clutch, rope-entwined Chinlock and devastating Bearhug that ends in a crushing corner splash. Poor Xandra, who hit the ring with such determination, can barely reach her knees and Jayme’s chokes, eye rakes and hairpulling show her no mercy.
The beaten and broken blonde finally submits while being pummeled across Jayme’s shoulders and Jameson celebrates with a humiliating victory pose as she grinds her heel into Xandra’s abs.

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7+ min. 221 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$5 through Paypal

SLAMpeg 2465: Jessicka Havok vs Kathy the Kitten vs Miss Rachel

Ref MsChif announces the terrible trio of Kathy, Havok, and Rachel in a 3 way match of great power.
Kathy takes the brunt first when Havok goes on the offensive. Rachel soon comes in with big blows after Kathy finds herself distracted by a cat toy left at ringside. Havok and Rachel have their differences as well though and it’s a proper 3 way dance. Corner work and Sleepers, pin attempts and double choking, ref commentary, eye raking, ropework, this one’s got it all.

A late test of strength has Havok reeling as Rachel watches on. Kathy may be in trouble as our other two ladies align. But it’s a late betrayal that allows for a Suplex to pin combo to end this one.

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10 min. 303 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2464: Brandi Wine vs Chasyn Rance

This contest between Chasyn and Brandi kicks off with a bit of lively banter relating to nicknames. There’s some speculation about whether the descriptors ‘cocky’ or ‘chiselled’ would be better suited. Brandi chimes in claiming that she’s ‘uncocky’.
All that discussion ceases to matter when Brandi treats him like a weightless rag doll, elevating him for a Bearhug, hoisting him up for repeated vicious Torture Racks as well as over-the-shoulder Backbreakers, interspersing the power moves with some tight Waistscissors.

The entire match is a showcase for Brandi’s impressive strength as Chasyn spends pretty much the entire time lifted into the air, getting his ribs compressed or his back broken. She finishes him off with an extended elevated Bearhug that leaves him gasping on the mat, no longer looking particularly cocky!

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10 min. 295 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2463: Christina Von Eerie vs Leva

Whatever monkey business Leva is up to now, you can be sure that Christina isn't going to stand for it. The first thing she does is rip Leva's ape mask off, much to the cosplay warrior's displeasure. She retaliates by trying to break Christina's arm! A timeout for a shoulder cramp doesn't stop Leva's attack so Christina throws her off by playing around with the discarded mask. The distraction allows her to trap Leva in a Dragon Sleeper.

When it's Leva's turn to go on the attack, she slaps on a bodyscissors and uses her monkey paw to claw at Christina. They eventually wind up in a dueling leglock with neither of them wanting to be the first to let go! Leva takes over with a single leg crab and then a double leg stretch combined with a Guillotine Choke.
The shenanigans continue as Christina plays keep away with Leva's mask, causing Leva to completely lose composure. These two battle until a match ending Cobra Clutch leads to a verbal tap out.

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12+ min. 378 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2462: Kathy the Kitten vs LT Falk

LT Falk is not at all pleased with his opponent for this 1 fall match. He believes that The Kitten does not belong in a wrestling ring with him. In fact, he states that wrestling is a man's business. He's so sure of his victory that he didn't even tape his fists. Well, if LT thinks The Kitten is a pushover who will be beaten in no time he'd better think again.

Falk is forced to take The Kitten seriously after a huge facebuster and an Inverted Atomic Drop. Vicious kicks and chokes have LT reeling and soon he is gasping for air. The end comes when one of these grapplers gets dropped with a DDT and is forced to submit following a crossface.
But is it LT who establishes male dominance in this match, or will The Kitten find a way to end up on top?

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7+ min. 230 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$5 through Paypal

SLAMpeg 2461: Evie & Kay Lee Ray vs Kellie Skater & Tomoka Nakagawa

The tagteam tournament final pits SHIMMER tagteam champions Kellie and Tomoka against the team of upstarts Evie and Kay Lee.
Tomoka and Kay Lee start things off, trading armbars and Headlocks as they try to gain the upper hand. When Kellie and Evie are tagged in simultaneously, they trade forearms and thigh kicks, with neither gaining an advantage until Kellie aims for the midsection, then sends Evie headfirst into the turnbuckles.

The two duos battle back and forth in a tag team match that features plenty of exciting doubleteaming work – such as Kay Lee and Evie’s Double Clothesline off the ropes, and Kellie and Tomoka’s innovative high Dropkick. Both teams score numerous near pinfalls, and Kellie finds herself isolated from her corner for a good portion of the match while she suffers Snapmares, chokes, and a double Suplex, among other attacks.
With quick, creative holds and moves, both teams keep the action to a maximum until a Shining Wizard kick followed by a doubleteam double Enzuigiri finally secures the well-earned 3 count and the tournament victory for one team.

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16+ min. 490 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2460: Saraya vs Sassy Stephie

Saraya and Stephie face off in this battle of the redheads that, technically, is less of a battle and more of a massacre.
Stephie makes some polite comments about the similarity of their hair color and even compliments Saraya’s hairstyle but the latter isn’t having any of it, proceeding to flick her in the eyes, back her into a corner and pull on her hair.

The hair assault quickly becomes Saraya’s motif of choice. There are a couple wrestling holds mixed in there—including a monster hair-assisted Camel Clutch--but we’re not going to pretend this is a traditional wrestling match. Mostly it’s Stephie’s hair being yanked at from various angles to the soundtrack of her pained moans and screams. Saraya thinks up some creative ways to gain leverage on said hair, wrapping it around the ropes, stepping on it and even pulling on it from outside the ring, using the apron as a foothold.
One final hair-assisted submission prompts Stephie to tap desperately, ready for the agony to end.

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8+ min. 260 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$5 through Paypal

SLAMpeg 2459: La Rosa Negra vs Thunderkitty

An extremely talkative La Rosa Negra immediately sets the tone for this brutal, one-sided affair by grabbing Thunderkitty by the hair and throwing her to the mat, starting off a pattern of hair-related punishment that does not let up.
She likes the look of the flower Thunderkitty’s wearing in her hair so she claims it for herself while applying an illegal choke on the ropes. She’s not quite as fond of the fact that, unlike her, TK can boast long hair without needing extensions so she does her best to rip all that hair out over the next several minutes.

The hapless athlete’s locks are knotted and yanked around the ropes, around the turnbuckles, around La Rosa’s feet, through her hands, perpetually accompanied by the victim’s screams. Sometimes the hair assault is combined with vicious kicks and blows. Other times, it’s actual wrestling holds like a cruel neckscissors and a (hair-assisted) Camel Clutch.
A final hair-assisted throw nearly knocks poor Thunderkitty out, leaving her open to a 3 count without having put up a lick of resistance.

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9 min. 270 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 2458: Luscious Latasha vs Santana

Luscious Latasha attacks Santana prior to the initial lockup in this 1 fall match, and that aggressive start is enough to give Latasha an early advantage that she won’t relinquish for a majority of the match.
Working over her taller opponent in the corner, Latasha then sends her to the mat with a Snapmare before slapping on a Chinlock and trying to add a little additional pain with rakes of the face. Rope chokes, face slams to the mat and stomps result in several one and two counts for Latasha, but the crafty and resilient Santana won’t go down quite so easily. Even after a pair of Rear Naked Chinlocks appear to leave Santana unconscious on the mat, she somehow awakens and kicks out twice before Latasha can score a 3 count.

The action spills out of the ring, where Latasha tosses Santana face first into two ring posts, and attacks her with a baseball bat. Santana gets her hand on a metal chain and finally delivers some punishment of her own, but several shots with the baseball bat puts momentum back into Latasha’s corner.
When the battle moves back into the ring, it doesn’t take long before a pair of high-impact moves results in a 3 count for one of these warriors. Can Santana withstand the assault and pull out the win, or was Latasha’s attack simply too much for the veteran to overcome?

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18+ min. 561 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$18 for non-members
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$15 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2457: LeiLani Kai vs Tasha Simone

Tasha tries to talk her way into getting ring legend LeiLani Kai to lay down for her to start this one. LeiLani didn’t build her reputation by laying down for anybody and she isn’t about to start now.
LeiLani uses a harsh hairpull to escape Tasha’s tight Headlock, but Simone responds in kind. Tasha may respect LeiLani, but she’s not about to let herself get steamrolled by her and with the tone set these two old school warriors get to work.

LeiLani staggers Tasha with a shot to the throat and rips into her chest with backhand chops before wringing her out in a kneed Surfboard. Simone staggers LeiLani with Headbutts to the midsection and makes her suffer with a Camel Clutch as both wrestlers work to wear the other down. Neither wrestler is shy about using eyerakes, hairpulls and blatant chokes to their advantage and the war goes back and forth until an inescapable arching double Chickenwing proves too much for one veteran to withstand.

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8+ min. 260 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$5 through Paypal

SLAMpeg 2456: Jessicka Havok vs Shanna

Though their one-fall match-up has a 1 hour time limit, Jessicka Havok warns Shanna that “You’re not gonna last 5 minutes with me.”
Portugal’s Perfect Athlete certainly tries to prove Jessicka wrong, but multiple shoulder blocks have no effect on her much bigger opponent. Shanna can’t knock or lift Jessicka off her feet. And once Jessicka is done letting her try, it’s bad news for Shanna.

Armbars, Full Nelson, Snapmares, rope chokes, Chinlocks and Camel Clutches are in store for Shanna for a majority of the match as Jessicka dominates the bout.
Shanna gets in some offense late in the match, as a leg sweep sets her up to deliver a running Dropkick and several submission holds on the mat. Is it enough, or is Shanna destined to be yet another victim of Jessicka’s devastating Piledriver?

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13+ min. 401 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2454: Amber O'Neal vs Lexie Fyfe
Previously available on LexieFyfe.com as DVD CV-16.

Krissy Vaine refs in this one.
Poor Amber doesn't know this starting out but Krissy and Lexie have a hidden agenda- to beat the crapola out of Amber! This one is an almost total beatdown as Krissy lets Lexie get away with anything. Lots of back work, Camel Clutches including fishhooks, blindman's Sleeper, Cobra Clutch, Bearhugs, legwork, crossface.

Lots of choking and hairpulling and rope use since rules don't seem to apply to Lexie. Contains multiple KOs and submissions before Amber can't get up.

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28+ min. 462 MBs WMV Format, 640 x 480

$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2453: Ivelisse vs Nikki Roxx

Guest referee Kimberly announces this as a special bout with an eternal time limit, so we might be in a for a long match here. The initial chain wrestling sequences don't lead to a clear advantage for either wrestler, until Nikki takes the Huntress over with a Snapmare and locks her in a tight Sleeperhold. Her hand nearly drops three times, but Ivelisse barely escapes after a jawbreaker.

Ivelisse tries for several submissions with an STF, Boston Crab, and Camel Clutch. The resilient Roxx refuses to submit and fires back with a Big Boot, Bodyslams and hard Suplexes.
This one could go either way. In the end, a modified DDT out of nowhere leads to the decisive pinfall.

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18 min. 535 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$18 for non-members
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$18 through Paypal

$15 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2452: Jordynne Grace vs Miss Rachel

We open on Jordynne warming up for her match with Miss Rachel by executing a few gymnastic moves to ‘work on her agility’. However, as Rachel points out after quickly bringing Jordynne down to the canvas with a Headlock, agility may not prove a factor in this contest. And this indeed proves to be the case, as Rachel transitions from the Headlock into a single leg Boston Crab.

This sets the tone for the action to follow, as Rachel’s dominance becomes more akin to a training session, albeit a very painful one for Jordynne. Rachel demonstrates hold after hold, with poor Jordynne as her unwilling victim. Leglocks, a Crossface, Bow & Arrow, Chokeholds and more all form part of Rachel’s painful ‘lesson’.

Finally, Rachel locks on a Triangle Headscissor Choke and promises a fading Jordynne that she might try a few gymnastics herself. But for the KOed Jordynne, there’ll be no more cartwheeling for some time.

Some sound issues with this match.

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9+ min. 281 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2451: Kellie Skater vs Solo Darling

Ref Su Yung introduces Solo and Kellie (and their protein shakes!) in a 30 minute time limit match.
Once things get under way, Solo shows her sassy side with a quick slap to the rear end, but Su allows it. Kellie is less playful and smashes Solo with a bunch of stomps and a Camel Clutch. Solo has a hard time processing how strong Skater is after a Bodyslam and a legdrop. Solo won’t stay down for the 1-2-3 though and bounces back with some stomps of her own and a modified Sharpshooter.

This one goes back and forth, folks and Su enjoys the action as much as we do. Many pin attempts from both parties but neither girl will go down without a fight.
A prolonged Airplane Spin from one competitor has both ladies dizzied and reaching for the wrong protein shake.
An exciting finish as both ladies hulk out and we see a conclusion due to a head-knocking maneuver that has one lady unable to kick out before 3!

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12+ min. 384 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2450: Amanda Rodriguez vs ?

Anytime you're in the ring with April, it's going to be a long day...nothing could prepare Amanda for this one-sided encounter though. She's out of it from the beginning, the victim of a sneaky Sleeper from behind. April proceeds to choke, hairpull, and stretch Amanda until there's nothing left of the poor jobber. At one point, as she's being bent around a ringpost, Amanda cries "Don't break me!"

We might never know why April was dead set on punishing Amanda as the redhead remains eerily silent throughout the match. Instead, she makes her statement with a Surfboard stretch, a thunderous over the knee Backbreaker, and a Camel Clutch.
Throughout the attack, April finds different ways to choke Amanda until she's on the edge of oblivion. Amanda begs for the match to end, but it's only over when April says it's over. And she isn't satisfied until one last cruel inverted Surfboard hold has Amanda sobbing her submission.

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10+ min. 322 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2449: Cherry Bomb vs Jayme Jameson

Two of our no-nonsense grapplers square off in this one and immediately Cherry shows she’s not afraid of breaking the rules, going for Jayme’s dark locks. Jayme doesn’t stand for that and shows Cherry she’s not shy either. Soon Cherry is finding herself in the ropes, in the corners, and basically wiped all over the mat while Jayme chokes and hairpulls all she pleases.

Cherry won’t stay down for a 3 count and won’t submit so Jayme is forced to persist, much to the chagrin of Cherry’s beautiful mane. Jayme gets a little careless, though and the wily Cherry soon returns all the hair-favors Jayme afforded her earlier in the match.

These two do not like one another very much and aren’t very good at hiding it. Fans of the hair-oriented match will love the Hammerlock/hairpull submission from one desperate and sobbing lady.

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9+ min. 292 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2448: Crazy Mary Dobson vs Xandra Bale

Mary and Xandra waste no time tying up after the ref’s introductions and we’re treated to what seems like an equal contest. The two vying for control with Xandra taking the first real advantage with a quick anklelock. Mary might be crazy but she’s no quitter. Mary is soon back on her feet and retaliates with some hairpulling, stomps and a Figure Four Leglock variation. Switching to a Camel Clutch (plus a good ol’ fashioned noogie), Xandra’s in pain but still not gonna quit.

Crazy Mary really tests the ref with her tactics, but Xandra holds strong. She finds a lot of her time is spent in the ropes, as well as Mary’s Sleeperhold attempts and Waistscissors.
Can Xandra find a way back in this? Or will Crazy Mary continue her dominance? A quick roll up pin decides and leaves one angry victor.

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12+ min. 374 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2447: Evie vs Nicole Matthews

Canadian powerhouse Nicole Matthews takes on the fleet feet of Team Kick’s Evie in a Best of 3 Falls match.
The international stars trade early armlocks before Nicole takes control and shows off a deadly combination of power and dexterity as she slams Evie with a Fisherman Suplex, elevates into a perfect corner Dropkick and hits a running Neckbreaker into a devastating DDT. Evie frustrates Nicole as she continues to kick out of pins until a rolling cutter finally gives the Canadian the first fall.

The aggressive Nicole charges at Evie but runs into a boot to the midsection to start the second fall and the quick Kiwi seizes the advantage. Despite her beating she unloads on Nicole, cartwheeling into a flying forearm to the jaw before grinding her opponent down with a tight Camel Clutch. After delivering a satisfying beating of her own, Evie ends the fall with a flurry of kicks to the head, back and midsection to set up the equalizing 3 count.
The final fall is anyone’s to win and the two battle back and forth until a series of devastating backdrops puts one wrestler down for good.

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22+ min. 676 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$20 for non-members
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$20 through Paypal

$17 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2446: Mia Yim vs Tracy Taylor

It begins with a handshake and mutual respect as Mia and Tracy lock up in this 1 fall match-up. Once the bell rings in this submission hold-filled battle, the two take the battle to the mat, trading armbars and reversals as the two attempt to gain an advantage.

Mia attempts to gain momentum after locking on a Bow & Arrow hold, but Tracy grabs the ropes, then comes back with a grinding Headlock, Hammerlock and wrenching leg stretch and Stepover Toehold on the mat.
Mia turns the tide with a Bodyscissors/Sleeper combo, but when she tries to clamp on a Headscissors, Tracy masterfully turns it into a Boston Crab, then locks on an elevated Bearhug. Mia hits a Boston Crab and a double Chickenwing.

With all the submission holds applied, it’s no surprise that there’s an eventual tap-out … but the unique way in which the match ends must be seen to be believed.

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15+ min. 460 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2445: Jessie Belle vs Kimberly

The last time they met, Jessie Belle left Kimberly defeated and hogtied in the middle of the ring. Kimberly comes to the rematch with revenge on her mind.
Determined to redeem herself, Kimberly opens the match aggressively, raining forearms and punches down on Jessie Belle, ramming her head-first into the turnbuckles and the mat, nailing a running Clothesline, and locking on a Camel Clutch.

But Jessie Belle is not about to lay down for Kimberly. She responds with a double Chickenwing, Sleeperhold, face slams into multiple turnbuckles, and even some biting and hair chokes.
Following a match-ending Texas Cloverleaf, one wrestler finds herself bound by the wrists and ankles in a hogtie. Does Kimberly get her long-awaited revenge, or has Jessie Belle earned another notch on her belt?

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14+ min. 426 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2444: Su Yung vs Taylor Made

No referee present for these two wild ladies as they square off with some understated trash talking, but some overstated hairpulling. Su, being the first aggressor lets Taylor know she means business with a Camel Clutch, some hair stomps and an over the knee Surfboard hold. As if Taylor’s locks weren’t target enough, Su then locks her up in the ropes, Hairmares her repeatedly, and even pulls her up for a false pin.

Taylor can’t really get an offense in this one and suffers a Rocking Horse hold, an over the knee Bow & Arrow submission and eventually a hair-assisted leg sweeper that mercifully ends her day with the nefarious Su.

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13 min. 390 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2443: Marti Belle vs Jason Cade

Marti and Jason both begin this match on a confident note, the former insisting she can beat any man and the latter smirking cockily from his perch on the top turnbuckle. Marti's attitude gets wiped immediately as Jason runs her into a corner and subsequently sticks a monster abdominal claw on her. But then it's Jason's turn to have that smirk wiped off his face when Marti nails him with a huge kick to the side of the head, peppers him with more kicks and bounces him off the mat in a huge Bulldog.

The match swings back and forth in this manner as both athletes dole out some serious punishment. Marti suffers through a bone-crushing Bearhug, a murderous Snap Suplex and other high impact moves. Jason gets his brains scrambled with Headbutts, his arms twisted at terrible angles, his back raked viciously and more.
A final submission has one competitor's legs in knots and elicits a frantic tapping out.

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7 min. 213 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

Instant Access

$5 through Paypal

SLAMpeg 2442: Kimber Lee vs CJ O'Doyle

Prior to his 1 fall contest with Kimber, CJ reveals that he has a present for her – A medal for second place, which he intends to award to Kimber after her defeat in their upcoming match. But if CJ had hoped to intimidate Kimber, the opening minutes of this match quickly prove how unsuccessful he was.

Kimber controls CJ from the start, alternating between Headlocks and Armlocks, drawing on her many years of wrestling Intergender bouts to keep CJ on the defensive. Inevitably though, CJ’s size does play a part in proceedings and eventually he is able to battle back with a debilitating Headscissor that Kimber is only able to escape thanks to the ropes.

With CJ’s confidence growing, an overambitious Airplane Spin leaves both wrestlers disorientated and it’s a quick roll up pin that secures the victory for one of these combatants. But who ends up wearing both the loser’s medal and a disappointed frown at the outcome of this match?

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16 min. 476 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2441: Justine Silver vs Solo Darling

In a somewhat unusual buildup to a match, Solo challenges Justine because she's convinced the latter stole her candy. Justine claims she's innocent, but Solo will have none of it. She needs her sugar, or else she gets grumpy!

Solo starts off strong, kicking Justine wherever and whenever she can. There's no reasoning with the furious Darling, as she uses both legal and illegal tactics to punish an over-matched Justine. There's Sleeperholds, Surfboards, Suplexes, Bodyslams, chokeholds and more for Silver...and since there's no ref, Solo gets creative and decides to use her tail to choke her victim.
Justine can't mount any offense and it's only a matter of time before she finds herself choked out and unconscious.

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12+ min. 375 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2440: Ivelisse vs Vanessa Kraven

If there had been a referee present for this match, it probably would have been over very quickly indeed. Unfortunately for Ivelisse however, it quickly becomes apparent that Vanessa has little interesting in winning this contest… just in prolonging it! Even before both women get into the ring, Ivelisse has been slammed into the walls, the ring-posts and a nearby chair.

Once inside the squared circle, Ivelisse’s situation does not improve. Slams, Suplexes and Sleepers are just a fraction of the punishment she suffers at the hands of the thoroughly dominant Vanessa. And naturally, no referee means no limits to what Vanessa can dish out, whether that be twisting Ivelisse’s arm around the ropes or an old fashioned low blow.

If you’re hoping for a heroic comeback from the plucky underdog in this one, you’re going to have a long wait. But if you’re in the mood to see a powerhouse wrestler go to town on an outmatched opponent, then you’ve definitely come to the right place!

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21+ min. 641 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$20 for non-members
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$20 through Paypal

$17 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2439: Shark Solo vs Su Yung

Two of our more theatric combatants square off in this officiated match up. Su shows her exuberance to the camera, while Shark has a little less to with words, but some non-verbal signals. Well, not surprisingly, Su finds herself bitten pretty early in the match while trying to perform a simple test of strength.

Su’s got a lot on her plate here, including a Bearhug/neck bite combo, a Wristlock/hand bite combo, and a Camel Clutch/head bite combo! So she’s gotta contain Shark while she can, she just isn’t that successful until she returns the favor with a Camel Clutch of her own.

A fun match up between two of SL’s theatrical combatants. A wild submission hold ends this one with a frantic tap when an armbar/Headscissor combo has one lady giving up for the day.

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10 min. 294 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2438: LeiLani Kai vs Tracy Taylor

LeiLani takes on Tracy in this 1 fall rematch of their encounter on SLAMpeg 2192. For her part, LeiLani is not thrilled at repeating the match, but resolves to Tracey that “she’ll just have to beat her again”.
That does not prove to be an easy claim to back up, however, as it is Tracy that dominates the opening half of the contest. LeiLani suffers armbars, claws, leglocks and more as Tracy makes a bid to even the score with the veteran grappler.

Naturally, a wrestler of LeiLani’s experience can find an opening in any circumstances and will always exploit them. She battles back and as the match progresses, a more back and forth affair develops. In the end, will it be second time’s a charm for Tracy? Or does LeiLani fulfill her pre-match promise?

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10+ min. 307 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2437: Ivelisee vs Kimberly

For fans of scissorhold submissions, this bout is for you!
After a bit of posing, push-ups, and posturing between Ivelisse and Kimberly, we finally get going in this referee-less match-up. Kimberly rocks Ivelisse's world with a big right hand, then launches a full offensive. She chokes Ivelisse in the corner and stomps a hole in her gut. It all leads to a long, expertly applied bodyscissors. Kimberly even takes the time to get a mini ab workout in!

A Cross Armbreaker and Side Headlock have Ivelisse struggling, but a Headscissors and a backslide turn this bout on its head, with Ivelisse nearly taking home the win! As the match wears on and comes to its conclusion, the choking, posturing, and scissoring continue.
One lady finally picks up the win by KOing her opponent with a tightly locked in Headscissors, before dumping her to the floor to continue the punishment.

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15 min. 452 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2436: Amber O'Neal vs Shanna

Shanna stretches in the ring as Amber enters and confronts her over Shanna’s loose use of ‘Perfect 10’ to describe herself. Always ready for a fight, Shanna doesn’t take well to having her perfection questioned and the argument quickly escalates. Shanna suffers a less than perfect start and soon Amber has Portugal’s Perfect Princess gasping for air while hanging in a rope choke Full Nelson. A running turnbuckle smash give Shanna wobbly legs and Amber capitalizes by unloading on Shanna’s abs with a stomach claw and shoulderblocks before brutalizing her back with vertical splashes, Stretch Muffler variation and an arching double Chickenwing.

O’Neal’s adherence to the rules is far from perfect as she tortures Shanna with chokes, back rakes, eyegouges, hair-stands, constant hairpulls and a turnbuckle mounted face rake that keeps the Portuguese beauty on the defensive. Beaten, berated and left looking decidedly less than perfect, Shanna finally screams a desperate submission to a vicious face rake Camel Clutch before Amber saunters out after a perfect victory.

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11+ min. 335 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2435: Angel Williams & Angela vs Santana

This 3 way bout starts with Angel pondering whether it’s a 3 way dance or a 2 on 1 match, buddying up with Angela and targeting Santana, who questions how fair that idea is. It’s agreed that Santana will first battle Angela and then Williams and all agree.

Santana and Angela have a great series of wrestling and counter wrestling, exchanging Waistlocks, Side Slams, Backbreakers and even a DDT is hit. At this point, Angel breaks her promise of staying out of the match and then joins Angela in attacking Santana!
At various points throughout this match, Santana has her back against the wall and just takes a beating. However, she hits a Fujiwara Armbar on Angela and submits her for a shocking against the odds victory! No rest for her, as Angel immediately jumps into the fray and hits Santana with kicks, punches, slams and even stretches her out on the ropes before hitting a jumping kick for a 3 count, evening the odds.

Santana and Angel then battle in a third fall which seems a spirited comeback from Santana who says I don’t need a partner – hitting a beautiful Springboard Backflip Moonsault onto Angel! Was it enough to pick up another win?

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11 min. 329 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2434: Miss Rachel vs Su Yung

Su is her usual perky and energetic self in the beginning of this match, rolling around the ring and fronting for the camera. Miss Rachel, on the other hand, is implacable, still and decidedly dangerous looking. Su notices this, sobering up a little and commenting on her opponent's imposing appearance. As it turns out, she was right to be intimidated. This one's a one-sided beatdown of the most vicious kind as Ms. Rachel crushes the tiny Su methodically and cruelly.

The first humiliations come when Miss Rachel defeats her one-handed in a test of strength, lifts Su off the mat to break out of a desperately applied submission hold, yanks on her hair, puts her in a Hammerlock. Su jumps on Rachel's back, trying for a Sleeperhold, but only gets crushed into a corner for her troubles.
The match goes on in this manner with Rachel overpowering Su, targeting her knee with cruel submissions and repeatedly lifting her up and slamming her. A final Fisherman's Suplex puts Su out of her misery, leaving her writhing on the mat and grasping her injured knee for dear life.

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11 min. 336 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2433: Leva vs Cruz

The opening bell barely has a time to ring before Cruz attacks. Leva responds quickly with forearm strikes and clubs to the back. Leva goes after her foe with a Camel Clutch, a sitout face slam to the mat, and a thrilling sequence in which she turns a modified Octopus hold into a Hurricanrana.
Cruz goes after Leva with a Full Nelson, rope choke, Bodyslam and a falling elbow drop from the ropes.

With plenty of mat work and quick maneuvers, both grapplers score numerous two-counts with a Crucifix rollover, small package, and schoolboy (and schoolgirl) pin attempts.
One wrestler misses a potential match-ending move, and the would-be victim gets a rollup – and a handful of tights – to score the 3 count … but the loser of the match gets a small measure of revenge after the bell.

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12 min. 359 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2432: Jessie Belle vs Chris Gray

Chris is a mat technician and Jessie seems to play into his hand during the early going as they test each other with joint locks and counters. The southern belle holds her own as the pair exchange Wristlocks, Hammerlocks, Headlocks and neck cranks, but Chris picks up the pace, changing tactics and unleashing a power game with a vertical splash, over-the-knee Backbreaker and kneed Surfboard as he targets Jesse’s back before wrapping her up in a tight Sleeper.

Jesse fights out with a devastating jawbreaker and counters Chris’ power with speed, using Monkey Flips and a well-executed headscissors takedown to send him flying across the ring. Jessie seizes control with a Swinging Neckbreaker and has her opponent on the run with a corner splash followed by a brutal Bulldog, but the Englishman finds a way out of every pin! Equally bruised and frustrated, both wrestlers fight on toward exhaustion until a hard fall leads to a rope-assisted double leg press pin to end this tight contest.

Note: While all the action is captured in this clip there are brief jitters in the video that occur approximately 20 to 30 seconds apart throughout the match, so we're releasing it at a reduced price.

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14 min. 420 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2431: Jessicka Havok vs Tasha Simone

Two of the more intimidating ladies in the game square off in this match. Tasha shows she isn’t afraid of Jessicka’s size as she immediately retaliates a shove from the larger lady with a takedown and we’re off. There’s no shortage of talking in this match up and we see a lot of reversals and solid mat wrestling to accompany it. Headscissors, Hammerlocks, double-toed leglocks, Surfboards, hairpulls, and did we mention trash talking?

Tasha stomps Jessicka’s fingers, Jessicka Headscissors Tasha in the ropes, Tasha anklelocks Jessicka, and back and forth and back and forth. These ladies hold nothing back, but won’t give up any ground. An Argentine leglock has Tasha screaming, just not her submission. These two find themselves at an impasse when one lady suggests they take a mutual break and even a drink. But instead of cheers-ing her opponent, Tasha gives her an eye poke, followed by a top rope Headscissor.

One of the rougher matches, we’ve seen in a while, fans of tough ladies with brutal holds will love this evenly paced match up. Of course neither of these ladies would quit, so it comes down to a brutal power move for the 1-2-3.

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21 min. 631 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$20 for non-members
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$20 through Paypal

$17 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2430: Evie vs Solo Darling

With guest referee Leva making sure all the rules are followed, Evie and Solo open their 1 fall bout by trading karate kicks until Solo starts to succumb to Evie’s feet of fury. After nearly getting a 3 count twice in the early stages of the match, Evie locks on a toehold and turns it into a Boston Crab. Evie continues her onslaught with head slams into the turnbuckle and a running Clothesline in the corner.

Solo takes the brunt of the damage throughout the match, but finds her footing long enough to fire back with a Sharpshooter and numerous kicks to the head and a small package pin attempt.
There are more than a dozen near-falls in this clash, which ends with a thrilling sequence in which a missed charge leads to a leg sweep that sends one grappler face-first into the second turnbuckle. As she struggles to her feet in the corner, she’s hit with a vicious charging boot across the jaw that turns out the lights and allows one wrestler to pick up the hard-fought victory.

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16 min. 484 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2429: Leah Von Dutch vs Malia Hosaka

In what has to be a first in wrestling's rich history, this is a special 1 fall match with a million-minute time limit! At least, that's what ref Solo Darling will have us believe. Talk about an Iron(wo)man Match!

Malia does not have anything positive to say about her opponent, stating that 'unlike T & A over there, I can wrestle'. Of course, Leah takes exception to this and goes to town on Hosaka with knees to the gut and hard shoulderblocks to the midsection. After weathering Leah's initial assault, Malia retaliates with chops, claw holds and (not surprisingly) a great deal of rulebreaking. Leah gets her eyes raked and choked with her own hair on numerous occasions, but she still finds the stamina to fight back against her more experienced foe.

In the end, a prolonged Sleeperhold spells the end for one of these ladies. However, the winner refuses to let go of the hold because she's convinced her victim is 'playing possum'...

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13+ min. 406 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2428: Allysin Kay vs Tommy Taylor

Allysin isn't happy that the referee is such a big fan of Tommy. All she can do is hope that their relationship doesn't affect the match. She starts off by showing Tommy the proper way to apply a Headlock (pinkies up, of course), but Tommy becomes the aggressor shortly after.

A Surfboard stretch, a bodyscissors and an Abdominal Stretch are used to wear Allysin down. Her rallies are cut short by Tommy's dirty tactics including throat chops and eye pokes. Maybe this referee situation stinks after all!
Allysin gets her licks in too, at one point dropping Tommy with a nasty rope-assisted DDT. He survives and goes back to work on Allysin with a Bodyslam, elbow drop, and falling Headbutt. An exchange of school boy attempts (and more referee shenanigans) ends with one wrestler pinned and confused.

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13+ min. 413 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2427: La Rosa Negra vs Tommy Taylor

It's a War of the Roses here as La Rosa faces off with the White Rose Tommy. Your unbiased official for this match is the Scream Queen herself, Daffney!
La Rosa starts with a low Dropkick to take Tommy down, but it's Taylor who gains the first real advantage by working on his opponent's arm. La Rosa regroups and counters with her trademark vicious style and resounding kicks. Tommy does not have an immediate answer and soon finds himself in a painful Camel Clutch.

Taylor eventually exploits his size and strength advantage, hoisting La Rosa over his shoulder and dropping her with Snake Eyes. From there, he tries for a submission with a Boston Crab, Full Nelson and Torture Rack. The resilient Rosa hangs in there and nearly decapitates Tommy with a pair of Clotheslines.
Anyone's ballgame in the end, but after the dust is settled both competitors show good sportsmanship and shake hands.

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13+ min. 414 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2426: KC Cassidy vs Nicole Matthews

Cheerful introductions by ref Su Yung lead into some solid back and forth action. Wringers, Fireman's Carry, Headscissor and facelock are used and pin attempts made.

Lots of reversals and near finishes and escapes before a little tights and hairpulling come into play. Nicole's shortcuts are effective, but Cassidy is resilient.

KC keeps coming back, Nicole keeps getting meaner and eventually a potential finisher is reversed into one tough lady's downfall!

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13+ min. 406 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2425: Jessie Belle vs Sassy Stephie

Stephie wants to wrap this one up quickly, but Jessie warns her adversary that she shouldn't underestimate her. Guest referee Leva oversees the action that includes solid technical wrestling and some very athletic counters. Stephie tests Jessie's flexibility with some painful holds, but while Jessie might bend, she doesn't break. She locks Stephie in a Headscissors that forces her to crawl to the ropes and escape.

Stephie tries for more offense, but the crafty Jessie has an answer for everything. Stephie traps Jessie in a bridging Deathlock until Jessie bites her way out. It's not very sportsmanlike but effective nonetheless! Stephie goes for a Snapmare and a Sleeperhold, but Jessie manages to get out of that with a jawbreaker.
This one could go either way until a sudden backslide ends the bout.

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7+ min. 225 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$5 through Paypal

SLAMpeg 2424: Jessie McKay vs Kellie Skater

Kellie is thrilled to be adding Jessie onto a long list of victories in her camel Clutch Challenge (as seen in SLAMpegs 1850, 1976, 2120). So enthused is Kellie, she even takes a few minutes to ‘warm up’ with an unfortunate Brittney Savage, who is still recovering in the ring from a previous match. With Brittney quickly added to Kellie’s list, Jessie arrives in the ring and the real contest begins.

Jessie dominates the early action but Kellie soon powers her way back into the match and it isn’t long before a potentially match winning Camel Clutch is locked in. But Jessie might just be Kellie’s toughest opponent to date and refuses to give up. Kellie releases the hold, only to administer more back-punishing moves to Jessie before locking the hold in again… and still Jessie holds firm, much to the surprise of referee, Leva.

As the 15 minute time limit approaches, the tide turns and with only minutes to go, Kellie finds herself trapped in her own signature hold? Will the streak finally end here? Or can Kellie keep her clutches on an unblemished string of victories?

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18+ min. 546 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$18 for non-members
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$18 through Paypal

$15 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2423: Fantasia vs Jayme Jameson

This 1 fall match between two powerhouses starts off with both women jockeying for position on the ropes. Jayme is able to take control for a moment, but Fantasia reverses quickly, working Jayme over in the ropes. From here, Fantasia begins to press her advantage, bending and breaking the rules of the ring in order to punish the powerful Jayme.

Fantasia continues the torture, focusing specifically on Jayme's arm. Jayme is forced to endure Fantasia's arsenal of maneuvers, including a unique variation on a Giant Swing! Fantasia seems more concerned with hurting poor Jayme than gaining a submission as she continues her assault on Jayme's arm and back.

It all leads up to a cold and calculated finish, with a devastating slam being the finishing touch for the winner. The pinfall is all too easy. All that's left for the loser to do is to struggle and try to regain her senses!

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11 min. 326 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2422: Ivelisse vs Jessicka Havok

Ivelisse is surprised to step into the ring and see not only her opponent, but also a ring full of weapons. None-too-thrilled with her prospects, Ivelisse attempts to leave the ring, but Jessicka clubs her in the back with a baseball bat.

It never gets any better for Ivelisse in this one-sided beatdown of a match. After repeatedly clubbing and jabbing her smaller opponent with the bat, Jessicka uses a wooden rolling pin and a crutch, then chokes Ivelisse unconscious with a rope. Jessicka revives her foe, then repeatedly turns out Ivelisse’s lights with Sleeperholds, a Sharpshooter-crutch to the face combo, and more good old fashioned chokes.

Jessicka continues to assault Ivelisse, finally ending the match by putting her out using a Camel Clutch and the rope. But not even the bell brings about a break for Ivelisse, as Jessicka prepares to take out the trash and further humiliate her KOed foe.

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13+ min. 411 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2421: Brandi Wine & Malia Hosaka vs Tessa Blanchard & Xandra Bale

Up and coming stars Blanchard and Bale take on Legendary in a wild tag team match.
The youngsters bring their superior athleticism and keep Malia and Brandi on the run, flying around the ring to hit running Clotheslines, Lariats, corner splashes and textbook Dropkicks at a frantic pace. Tessa nearly steals the match with a tight Sunset Flip but Hosaka and Wine counter by grinding down their agile opponents with Surfboards, stomach claws, Bodyslams and Boston Crabs.

Legendary use their experience to their advantage, slowing the rising stars down with eyerakes, hairpulls, chokes, boot scrapes, back rakes, doubleteams and strategic interference as they outwit the referee and keep their opponents on their heels.
All 4 women brawl like roadhouse regulars as both teams desperately fight to seize control of the battle. The match rages back and forth until a Figure Four Leglock with an assist from the outside leads to a final tap out submission.

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14+ min. 439 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2420: Amber O'Neal vs Andrea vs Cherry Bomb

This 3 way bout started with a triple pose down from all three ladies. Andrea eventually noted that it was enough talking and posing and the three competitors engaged in a fierce test of strength. Andrea proved victorious in this particular battle, sending both opponents screaming and to their knees.

Andrea would use her size advantage to put a hurting on the opposition, at different points attempting to choke out Cherry Bomb on the ropes and trying to gain a submission win over Amber with a vicious Rear Chinlock. At one point a triple Chinlock is applied! Cherry Bomb actually mounts a comeback vs. Andrea, bringing the giant to her knees … with a bit of help from O'Neal. Andrea then falls victim to numerous doubleteam moves from her opponents, including a double DDT and a double Dragon Sleeper.

It appears at one point that Andrea was taken out of the match, as Bomb and Amber turn on each other and battle ferociously for minutes. Until of course… Andrea rises from the outside of the ring and has just a bit more fight left in her in this match dubbed a “Take out the Trash” match.

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13+ min. 403 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$15 for non-members
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$15 through Paypal

$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2419: Cherry Layne vs Heidi Lovelace

Heidi immediately starts this match on offense, targeting the arm of Cherry, grabbing a vicious Armbar that almost picked her up a win in record time! Cherry takes over on offense with punches and kicks and beals Heidi halfway across the ring by her hair, making jokes about yanking her hair out in the process.

Heidi soon jumps back on offense with a kick to the rear and a wicked Snap Suplex. She takes over on offense and has Cherry screaming for mercy at several points. Ever the pro, Cherry eventually finds a way to turn the tables and hits Lovelace with a DDT that spelled curtains for her young opponent.

Lower Quality Sample to Preview the Action!

6+ min. 192 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$5 through Paypal

SLAMpeg 2418: Evie vs Saraya

Evie is all ready for her big match with Saraya...but where is she? It turns out she was planning a sneak attack and she brutalizes Evie's leg before the bell even rings. It's a race against time as the referee tries to help her recover in time to compete.

It looks like Evie will be a one-legged woman in an ass kicking contest. That doesn't mean she doesn't do her best to take it to Saraya. Unfortunately, all Saraya has to do is attack the injured leg to stop Evie's momentum. She rips away at the girl's leg with a vicious toehold and were it not for the referee's intervention she might not be able to continue. Evie probably wishes she hadn't after Saraya bends her ankle around the ring ropes at an absurd angle.
Will Evie find a way to steal the match? And even if she does, will she live to regret it?

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11+ min. 334 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

$10 for non-members
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$10 through Paypal

$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 2417: Mia Yim vs Tomoka Nakagawa

Special referee Nikki Storm announces Mia Yim, but has some trouble pronouncing Tomoka Nakagawa's name, instead opting to just call the Japanese superstar 'Tomoka' for the rest of the match. The initial chain wrestling exchange quickly evolves into a test of strength that Tomoka gets the better of. In this true seesaw match-up, lots of submission holds are traded but neither grappler is able to build any sustained momentum.

After exchanging Ceiling Holds, Tomoka scores with a Snapmare and a Dropkick before Mia lands a Bodyslam and hooks a Boston Crab. There's bodyscissors, Camel Clutches, and DDT's, but it's a rollup out of nowhere that scores the win for one of these talented ladies.

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13+ min. 401 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 2416: Angel Williams vs Devyn Nicole

This bout starts with Angel forcing referee Chaysn to check Devyn for any potential “foreign objects”. Devyn is checked but feels that Angel is the shady one.
The early-going of this match sees some strong wrestling and counter wrestling with several standing switches of arm twists, Hammerlocks and Headlocks.

Angel soon gets the upper hand with some nefarious tactics, mostly choking Devyn, either with her boot in the corner, using the ropes or with, of course, a foreign object! Williams continues the beating – applying a brutal crossface before taking Devyn outside the ring and attacking her with a BAT!!!
Devyn makes a comeback toward the end of the bout but ultimately eats a boot from Williams, who just may have dimmed her lights for the 3 count in this match!

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13+ min. 405 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 2415: Nikki Storm vs Solo Darling

Unsurprisingly given the participants, this match between Solo and Nikki kicks off with a good amount of comical banter. Nikki is suspicious about the fact that referee Leva announced Solo's name first, accusing her of being partial and demanding that her Scottish heritage be acknowledged. Leva's attempt at a Scot's accent is meanwhile lauded by the perpetually perky Solo who even gives Leva her own announcement and draws attention to the fact that she isn't wearing her usual pants! When they do get to wrestling, however, these ladies are about as mean as you can possibly get.

They get into the rhythm of things with tie-ups, some mat wrestling, a Front Facelock or two. The stronger Nikki starts to gain a bit of an edge, running Solo into corners and clamping on brutal chokeholds. However, Solo's speed allows her to get her own back, displaying a chokehold of her own and trapping Nikki in a Waistscissors.
Nikki's nasty streak keeps giving her the edge though as she twists poor Solo's neck over the ropes, rakes her back and engages in other less-than-sportsmanlike tactics. Finally, it is the sudden application of one lady's trademark finisher that takes the wind of the other's sails and has her begging for reconstructive surgery!

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14 min. 428 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 2414: Ray Lyn vs Shazza McKenzie

This match starts with trash talking with each saying they would break the other’s arm before a collar and elbow tie up. Shazza immediately works the arm over, with a brilliantly applied Armbar, then takes her down with her leverage and then hits a seated armbar on the mat, as Ray Lyn grimaces and winces in pain.

This match is quite literally an “arm based offensive clinic”. Armbars, cross armbreakers, Hammerlocks, armlocks and more are all exchanged as each competitor favors and tries to gain movement in their arms throughout!
The finish to this one comes with Shazza drives Ray Lyn face down to the mat and just wrenches at her arm in a beautifully applied Hammerlock as Ray Lyn admits defeat and Shazza is victorious, but unable to even lift her own arm after this war!

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13+ min. 408 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 2413: Kay Lee Ray vs La Rosa Negra

To complete the International flavor of this match, Madison Eagles fills the role of guest referee (whose impartiality is only slightly compromised by whichever wrestler promises her the more post-match coffee!)
From the opening bell, this is a back and forth encounter between two extremely athletic and technically adept wrestlers. Equal parts hard hitting and tactical, the action is non-stop as both women seek the slight advantage that could earn them victory. And whilst Madison might sometimes seem to be ever-so-slightly favoring La Rosa, Kay Lee redresses the balance by bending the rules just once or twice.

Even as the match nears its conclusion, no clear cut winner is apparent. Every move is paid back in kind until one wrestler capitalizes on a single opportunity and a backslide pin seals the win. Will it be Hooray for Kay Lee Ray? Or a sweet smelling victory for La Rosa?

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7+ min. 222 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 2412: Amy Love vs Christina Von Eerie

Amy wants to know what happened to Christina's mohawk. It's her own hair that she should be worrying about! The Eerie one targets Love's lovely locks early on in this one and doesn't let up for the duration of the bout.

There is no question who the boss is here. Christina whips Amy around, drags her face along the ropes, and drags her around the ring on all fours. She clamps on a Cobra Clutch that has Amy fading, only to pick her up and knee her in the face! Amy's own hair is used to choke her out in a back bending Camel Clutch, but Christina still isn't done with her.

The action spills to the outside where Christina uses a marker to threaten Amy with a matching green dye job. A Backstabber puts the finishing touches on this one-sided squash.

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13+ min. 396 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 2411: Leah Von Dutch vs Legendary

When Leah complains that she has to referee a match between ‘a Dino and wanna-be Dino’, Thunderkitty gives the self-proclaimed ‘Dinosaur Hunter’ an old school lecture about respect.
Thunderkitty’s tongue lashing does little to improve Leah’s attitude as she taunts the combatants before a fast count pin ends the match prematurely. Leah bolts for the outside, happy to be done with her ref duties but the Legendary team of Brandi Wine and Malia Hosaka block her exit. They demand that Leah apologize for her disrespect and when that doesn’t happen the hapless blonde is dragged into the ring by the hair for a lesson in humility.

Kai and Kitty deliver a brutal beating, crushing Leah with elbow drops, a diving Headbutt and guillotine leg drop and grinding the youngster down with Surfboards, Boston Crabs and a Figure Four Leglock in what turns into a satisfying handicap match.
Legendary take their shots too as Leah finds herself triple- and quadruple-teamed before it’s all over and Von Dutch is left in the center of the ring kayoed by the old school quartet.

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13 min. 392 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 2410: Su Yung vs CJ O'Doyle

Su doesn't start this one on a note of confidence, hiding behind the referee as her opponent CJ O'Doyle glowers at her, all muscle. Su, however, builds up a head of anger when O'Doyle throws his shirt at her, ordering her to fold it and to know her role like a good woman. A hilarious exchange follows in which CJ introduces her to the ring's corners, pointing out which ones will be used for hurting Su and which will be used for him to rest in, while Su vacillates between visible fear and determination. Pigtails and bad breath become conversational topics and plenty of smack talk is unleashed.

Once the violence begins, Su starts on a promising note but soon gets picked up and run right into one of those corners CJ introduced her to in the beginning. He then proceeds to put her in a hair-assisted Camel Clutch. Su, however, has plenty of fight left in her. Control of the match alternates quickly between the two wrestlers. CJ uses his strength, picking Su up and tossing her around. Su uses her speed, avoiding the slower man's offensive moves and unleashing counters like neckscissors and an extended Figure Four Leglock not to mention one of the most epic kicks to the crotch you'll ever see.
In the end, a high impact finisher has one athlete down for the count and regretting the early show of bragging.

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15 min. 450 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 2408: Nicole Matthews vs Chasyn Rance

This one starts with an amicable handshake, but who can tell with these two… with no ref to keep them straight, they have a constant dialogue about what’s fair and what isn’t… and spend most of the time in the center of the ring, tied up reversing back and forth.

A quick match with a lot of armwork and chain wrestling, some pin attempts and neck-wrenching.
This one goes until a out of nowhere Stunner has one combatant down for the 1-2-3.

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5 min. 153 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$5 through Paypal

SLAMpeg 2407: Brandi Wine & Jessicka Havok vs Milo Beasley

The masked Milo enters this contest thinking it’s a 3-way match, but Jessicka and Brandi have other ideas as Havok buries a boot in his midsection and Brandi unloads with chops to the neck to announce that this will be a 2 on 1 handicap match.
Jessicka and Brandi might not seem like an obvious pairing, but Milo will certainly attest to their effectiveness as both wrestlers hit him with a constant barrage of kicks, punches, throat thrusts and hard boots. Beasley suffers through multiple doubleteams as the partners stretch him in a tandem Surfboard and Jessicka works a Dragon Sleeper while Brandi applies a tortuous abdominal claw.

Powerhouse Jessicka brings the heavy artillery, impaling the masked Milo with an over-the-knee Backbreaker drop and Brandi continues to attack his back with brutal knee drives into his ailing spine. Tenderized beyond recovery, Milo takes a double dose of Piledriver from Jessicka before Brandi wraps her legs around him for a knockout Headscissors and unceremonious unmasking.

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8 min. 235 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 2406: Angel Williams vs Shantelle Taylor

Hold on to your seats, because this one is going to be a bumpy ride! An Atomic Drop by Shantelle followed by a Clothesline put Angelina on her butt, setting the stage for a match full of rear end abuse.

Atomic Drops are the story of the day, with both blonde knockouts getting their hits in. Over and over again, the wrestlers are elevated up into the air and unceremoniously dropped onto their opponent's knee. Even referee Leva gets in on the action, helping to deliver a double team Atomic Drop to both Angel and Shantelle. There are so many bum-based attacks that you can be sure the wrestlers will be walking funny after.
One competitor manages to string together a chain of atomic drops before clamping on a Bodyscissors and ending the match with some painful rump slams.

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13 min. 386 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 2405: Allysin Kay vs Rain

We fade in on Allysin and Rain stretching on the side of the ring, each lecturing the other on the importance of doing so and fronting about who's better at yoga. Carried away by their smack talk and enthusiasm to do each other some damage, they spontaneously decide to wrestle their title match outside the ring.
They kick things off by matching levels of strength in an extended collar-and-elbow tie-up that finds its way to both the ring apron and the floor before the realization hits that they're evenly matched. That is followed up by more stretches, a couple of Hammerlocks and another extended contest of strength in which both ladies clamp long reverse Bearhugs on each other, even lifting each other off of the ground.

Still unable to get a clear edge over one another, they switch to Front Facelocks, a very long and engaged test of strength and even a Camel Clutch. Finally, it's a tight Neckscissors that has one lady tapping out and then proceeding to be a rather bad loser, claiming that she didn't want the cheap looking title belt anyway!

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14 min. 415 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 2404: Angel Williams vs Rain

Right off the bat, Angel has problems with special guest ref Kimberly's seeming favor towards Rain. Maybe her instincts are right...
As our two veterans lock up, it's pretty obvious who our ref's preference lies with. But that doesn't slow Angel down as she lays into Rain with blows and cornerwork. A brutal Hammerlock after a pin attempt really puts Angel into the category of aggressor as we wait for Rain to mount some offense. We don't have to wait too long before Rain lands a blow to Angel's abdomen and changes the tide.

Rain is more than happy to work offensively on Angel's abdomen while the "unbiased" ref cheers on. It's all cornerwork and stomps for poor Angel as Rain works her magic unfettered. The action even spills outside the ring, but unshockingly, the ref lets it go. Angel starts to mount a comeback late in the game, though with a crossface... but the ref isn't too happy about it. Rain won't submit so this one goes on until a nasty power move to one combatant's abdomen and a quick pinfall ends the day for one lady.

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15+ min. 455 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 2403: Angel Williams vs Rain

Rain and Angel are set to face off, but when referee Shawn Spears asks if they’re ready Angel claims she is not! The limping Angel complains that she was injured by Rain previously, but her protests fall on deaf ears and the callous Shawn calls for the bell.

The veteran brunette goes right for the injury but Angel fends her off with forearm smashes and boot choke in the corner before tossing Rain from the ring. Rain seizes control by tripping Angel from the outside and slamming her injured ankle on the ring apron.
Rain takes full advantage of the injury, working Angel over with anklelocks, a leg trap Bow and Arrow, single leg Boston Crab and a series of stomps, slams, kicks and elbow grinds into the tender joint.

After a thorough beating that includes slamming Angel’s leg against the corner post, a textbook Anklelock has Angel pounding out her submission. The match may be over but Rain isn’t done and poor Angel is debooted and hung in a Tree of Woe before the vicious brunette unloads with a steel chair to her injured limb!

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17+ min. 522 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 2402: Angel Williams vs Rain

These two have wrestled each other so many times, you think there would be a respect there. They make an agreement not to pull each other's hair...an agreement which is broken in seconds by the radiant Rain. That moment of hesitation proves costly for Angel who is on the backfoot for the remainder of this contest.

Angel's blonde locks are wrapped around the ropes, stomped on, and used for leverage whenever Rain wants to add extra pain to her moves. She stretches Angel with a Camel Clutch and bends her back with a Dragon Sleeper. It is total domination as Rain keeps her opponent grounded with hard stomps and a kick to the stomach. Whenever Angel even thinks of fighting up, Rain is ready with a dastardly hairpull that drains what is left of her resolve. Rain traps Angel's legs, giving her free rein to yank Angel's hair from her head. A hair-assisted Neckbreaker on the ropes leads to a dominant pin for Rain.

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14+ min. 429 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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SLAMpeg 2401: Angel Williams vs Rain

This match takes a minute or two to get started thanks to some shared annoyance on the wrestlers’ part over the referee’s shortcomings as an announcer. As it happens, he misses the ‘Radiant’ in ‘Radiant Rain’ and the ‘Williams’ in ‘Angel Williams.’ After correcting him and doing some impressive flexing, the two ladies tear into each other with a viciousness that mere inaccurate announcing can hardly explain.

After locking up and backing each other into corners, the ladies really get into it with kicks, Front Facelocks and Waistlocks, taking the action down to the mat, tying their opponent up in the ropes and generally proving difficult. After a few initial exchanges, Angel takes control by focusing some cruel punishment on Rain’s leg, bouncing it off the mat and bending it every which way with varied leglocks and submission holds.

Eventually they reach an impasse when each lady maintains a vice grip on the leg of the other. Unfortunately for Rain, Angel tricks her into letting go and continues taking it to her leg, mixing in some hairpulling while she’s at it. Later, she switches things up to a combination Waistscissors/Sleeperhold that looks to be dimming the Radiant One’s lights.
Will the brunette muster up hidden reserves or will the cruel blond maintain her grip through to victory?

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15 min. 450 MBs WMV Format, 1280 x 720

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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

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