
SLAMpeg 5600: Leva vs Roxi
Previously available as Member Match 131.
Leva turns a test of strength into a Hammerlock and takes down Roxi for an early 2 count. Roxi works it into a double Chickenwing on the mat and a bodyscissors, then nearly pins Leva with a Backslide and a Sunset Flip.
Roxi brings Leva back to the mat with a Front Facelock, but Leva rolls out and attacks Roxi’s arm with kneedrops to her left shoulder followed by a judo armbar on the mat. Roxi rolls it into a 2 count, but Leva maintains the armbar and works it into a Camel Clutch.
Roxi scores another near fall after a side leg sweep, and Leva responds with punches and kicks in the corner. She hits Leva with a Swinging Neckbreaker for another 2 count. The decisive 3 count is imminent now, but is it Roxi who’s about to put away Leva, or does Miss Bates have a couple tricks–and high-impact moves–up her sleeve?
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8 min 282 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 5599: Jennifer Blake vs Sin-D
Previously available as Member Match 130.
Ring veteran Sin-D tries to get inside Jennifer Blake’s head by complaining about her ring gear. Blake takes the criticism in stride, tripping up her opponent at the opening lockup before rolling her over into a Shapshooter! Sin-D holds out and finally manages to turn the tide with a face rake that puts the Canadian on the defensive. Sin-D slows her opponent down with rope and boot chokes before hanging the limp Jennifer in the ropes to deliver forearm shivers and brutal shoulder blocks.
With Jennifer sufficiently throttled, Sin-D clamps on a tight bodyscissors and Dragon Sleeper to drain the energy from her young opponent. Blake battles out of the hold and Sin-D whips Jennifer hard into the corner, but a missed splash turns the tide once more! Girl Dynamite becomes a frenzied blur, sailing over the ropes and nearly stealing a win with a Sunset Flip before leveling the veteran with running Clotheslines and back elbows that repeatedly send Sin-D crashing to the canvas.
Can Sin-D use Jennifer’s explosive energy against her, or will Blake’s speed and power overwhelm the cagey veteran and secure the win?
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7+ min 269 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 5598: Amy Love vs Tracy Taylor
Previously available as Member Match 129.
Both Amy and Tracy are all business from the outset and the initial tie up sees both attempting to target the other’s arm. When Tracy proves slightly more successful Amy turns up the tempo and Tracy starts to hint rules aren’t really for her.
What starts small with a tug of the hair in a Headlock soon escalates into biting and choking and whatever else the hapless ref won’t stop her doing. With momentum on her side the offense gets cleaner though still with a hint of cruelty including a perfectly placed elbow drop. A big drop toehold leads to Tracy hanging 10 and Amy left valiantly swimming to the ropes.
Amy finally has enough and starts fighting fire with fire while Tracy never stops as submissions remain cruel down the stretch, and X Factor and jawbreaker are traded and one wrestler is left eating defeat.
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9 min 327 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5597: Betsy vs Sumie Sakai
Previously available as Member Match 128.
Sumie makes the mistake of locking up and matching power vs power with Betsy in this 1 Fall match-up … and promptly finds herself hurled backward and onto the mat. Undeterred, Sumie gets up and attacks again, grabbing Betsy from behind … only to find herself literally swung off. And when Sumie launches herself off the ropes to hit Betsy with a running Dropkick, Betsy roars it off.
Another launch off the ropes and Sumie finally makes a dent in Betsy’s armor, ducking a Clothesline and hitting a solid Dropkick followed by a frenzy of forearm strikes. But Betsy’s too powerful to whip across the ring, and one handful of hair later, Sumie is slammed backward onto the mat once more.
Betsy brings the power with a Bodyslam and a massive elbow drop for a 2 count. A two-handed choke on the mat is followed by a foot choke in the corner. In a thrilling sequence, Sumie ducks a short-arm Clothesline but is unable to get Betsy down with a Crucifix and Sunset Flip.
For her efforts, Sumie eats a Headbutt, a Suplex for another 2 count, and a Sidewalk Slam. Sumie battles back with a couple Dropkicks and a running face slam to the mat. But when Betsy catches Sumie’s crossbody attempt off the ropes and plants her on the mat, Betsy ascends to the middle rope. Does Sumie have anything left to pull this one out, or is she about to feel the full force of Betsy’s splash?
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7 min 258 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5596: Desiree Petersen vs Mercedes Martinez
Previously available as Member Match 127.
Petersen is on the offensive first, hitting a shot to the gut and a couple of Snapmares before settling in a Chinlock. Desiree then immediately sets the tone by biting Martinez on the head! She follows up with knees and clubs to the back, a Bodyslam, and a splash for a near fall. Mercedes fires back with several shots to the face for a near fall, while Desiree earns a near fall of her own with a jackknife pin. Mercedes fires back with several shots to the face for yet another near fall.
Desiree controls the pace after a Headlock takedown, distracting the ref so she can choke away at Martinez. Petersen continues to bend and break the rules to her advantage, even pushing the ref away and actually chopping him! But rather than chop the official, Desiree would be wise to keep an eye on Mercedes instead, who nails a Dropkick for a 2 count. Mercedes then takes a page out of Desiree's playbook, locking in a Camel Clutch and raking her adversary's face at the same time, along with some hairpulling. Mercedes is on the offensive with knees to the back, forearms, and kicks, but Petersen almost scores the win with a Sunset Flip. Things could go either way in this one, but in the end a Bodyslam leads to the 1-2-3 - albeit with the tights being pulled for some illegal leverage.
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9+ min 347 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5595: Jessie McKay vs Rain
Previously available as Member Match 126.
It's a tightly contested affair throughout, with Jessie impressing with classic wrestling techniques and Rain countering with some classic wrestling shortcuts.
Rain has one goal: Victory. And she'll stop at nothing to get it. She rakes Jessie's eyes and just starts putting the boots to her, then escapes a cross-arm Surfboard by biting Jessie's hand! Yeowch! Jessie hardly has a moment to think as Rain runs her face into the turnbuckles and puts the boots to her. She claws Jessie's belly, drops her with a double-knee facebuster, and tosses her across the ring with a Hairmare. Jessie manages to avoid being pinned, but just barely. Finally, Jessie rallies, smacking Rain with a Bodyslam and an elbow drop, but she still has a lot of catching up to do. Both fight to the end until a powerful DDT gives us an emphatic finish.
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7+ min 278 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5594: Alex Gracia vs Kimber Lee
Kimber likes Alex, so she warns her that this match might be too much for her. But even after Kimber boasts of her submission skills, Alex tells her that she's really good at not quitting and the challenge is laid down: If Alex can last 10 minutes without giving up to Kimber's holds, she wins the match.
In seconds, Kimber has Alex stuck in an armbar and she bends her fingers back looking for a quick submission. Alex resists and even fights back, but her attempt at offense doesn't last long. The strong Kimber takes her time working long submissions, stretching Alex out with a half Crab (which quickly turns into a FULL Boston Crab), an agonizing toehold, and a leglock nelson. Somehow, Alex finds the strength not to give in, which means Kimber has to really turn it up! Alex is squeezed in a bodyscissors as Kimber adds a Chinlock for good measure, then she has her neck and shoulder turned inside out by a torturous gator hold. Kimber pulls out all the stops to get the win and once she has Alex locked in an inescapable STF, it looks doubtful that the "Pink Dream" will beat the clock...
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13- min 558 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 5593: Heather Monroe vs Zoey Skye
Heather and Zoey are supposed to be the stars of this show, but referee Rocky Radley makes sure that her presences is felt throughout. It looks like there might be some bias towards Heather, as Heather seems to get away with some not-so-fair fighting moves, including eyegouges, boot chokes, and hairpulls. When Zoey returns the favor, Rocky is suddenly in much more of a hurry to intervene...
Zoey fights through the questionable calls, putting it on Heather with hard stomps, shoulder thrusts in the corner, and a tight Rear Naked Choke. Heather battles back by landing stinging chops, pulling Zoey's throat across the ropes, and slamming her with a Backbreaker. All the while, Rocky makes it clear that Heather has a lot more leeway to employ dirty tricks than Zoey does. A late flurry by Zoey puts her firmly in control and it appears that she has the match won when she locks in a Dragon Sleeper. However, Rocky's fishy officiating rears its head one more time, leading to a truly surprising victor.
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12+ min 580 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5592: Amber Nova vs Lindsay Snow
Amber makes a crack about ‘choking’ to Lindsay, who responds with a strike and stomp to the back of Amber’s head before hauling her up for a Torture Rack! Amber insists she was just kidding, but Lindsay clearly isn’t in a joking mood as she hauls Nova up for another torture session. Snow plows through Amber with pure power, driving her to the canvas with repeated Bodyslams, impaling her on her knee with an over-the-knee Backbreaker drop and brutalizing her spine with repeated overhead Bow & Arrow stretches.
Lindsay cranks up the pressure, improvising back stretching Bow & Arrow holds across the top turnbuckle and the corner post as Amber screams in pain. Lindsay pulls Amber to the outside, driving her face-first into the door and corner post that leaves her wiped out on the floor. Amber can’t beat the standing 10 count to continue the battle, but Lindsay seems fine with continuing the beatdown on the outside!
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8 min 507 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5591: Ivelisse vs Jeyla Jey
It’s not often that Ivelisse is completely dominated in a 1-on-1 match-up. Of course, it’s not often that Ivelisse squares off against a force of nature like Jeyla Jey.
After foolishly offering a test of strength to the much bigger, much more powerful Jeyla, Ivelisse is quickly and painfully backed into a corner … literally. Not for long though, as Jeyla clubs Ivelisse with a few forearms before grabbing Ivelisse by the head and launching her across the ring.
Jeyla rakes Ivelisse across the belly, clubs her over the back repeatedly, and throws Ivelisse into the corner, then follows it up with a running splash against the turnbuckles. Jeyla continues the non-stop assault, hitting Ivelisse with more running splashes in the corner, Clotheslines, nerve pinches, and one brutal sequence in which Jeyla lifts Ivelisse off the mat and into the air and then unceremoniously dumps her back to the canvas.
A few Headbutts and slams in the corner, and Jeyla nails Ivelisse with a final running Clothesline that leaves Ivelisse motionless on the mat. There’s no pinfall, but there’s none needed to declare the winner of this one-way beatdown.
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13 min 599 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 5590: Rocky Radley vs Hadar
No ref for this 1 Fall contest where Hadar has the clear strength advantage. He opens by effortlessly pushing Rocky into the corner after the initial lockup, leading him to question whether Radley is really ready to face him. But judging from the lightning-quick roll-up by Rocky, Hadar can't get overconfident.
Rocky rattles Hadar with forearms and knees before executing a perfect Hurricanrana, but Hadar cuts her off again with a Clothesline and follows up with a ground and pound and a boot choke. He rains a couple of straight right hands down on Rocky, taking her back to the mat. But Rocky is not out of this fight yet, coming back from a hard Irish Whip with a Suplex for a near fall and lighting Hadar up with chops.
But Rocky is unable to sustain the offense. Hadar comes back with a Suplex and slows the pace down with a Chinlock. Rocky finally rallies, earning several near falls after a couple of Clotheslines, a Superkick, Spear, and even Shattered Dreams! Good thing there's no ref...
Both grapplers are evenly matched and it shows in the final stages. Hadar and Rocky both earn near falls and there's Superkicks for everyone! Both wrestlers are exhausted by the end, and eventually a small package gets one of them the 1-2-3.
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12+ min 527 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5589: Amber Nova vs Lady Frost
With no referee to officiate this 1 Fall match, it's Amber that offers Lady Frost a polite welcome to the ring before we head straight into the action. The early going is cautious, as both wrestlers attempt to gain the early advantage. Lady Frost makes the first significant headway, but it isn't long before Amber starts to make her own mark.
The action remains evenly balanced until a kick to the head drops Amber to the canvas and looks to have sealed the deal for Frost. However, a little too long spent showboating to camera gives Amber time to recover and she kicks out of Frost's pin at two. Now on the offensive, Amber is able to score a few near falls of her own, but the winning pin continues to elude both wrestlers.
In the end, it's someone's head being driven into the turnbuckle that seals the deal for this back-and-forth contest. After a hard fought battle, all that is left is for the loser to exit the ring and for our winner to stand tall.
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10+ min 569 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5588: Kellie Morga vs Tesha Price
Kellie is in the middle of some pretty brash boasting when Tesha interrupts her unable to take anymore and ready to put the rookie in her place. A test of strength looks like a bad idea against the lanky Morga but there is method to the madness.
Tesha gets off to the stronger start and eventually settles on Kellie’s toned abs as her primary target. With no ref to be found her especially sharp nails are put to good use in a variety of claws in precarious positions including the ropes, corner and an Abdominal Stretch. But the youngster proves resilient and it isn’t long before overconfidence and Kellie’s length come back to haunt Price. Taking a page out of Tesha’s book it’s her abs that are now targeted with the height difference making the Abdominal Stretch that much more effective.
Tesha’s not about to surrender her ring that easily as momentum swings down to the wire but does the rookie back up her boasts or is the Price right in this one?
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9+ min 418 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5587: Chelsea Durden vs Chico Adams
Chico is proud of this title belt that declares him the Wrestling Submissions Champion of the World. Chelsea thinks she’d look pretty good with a belt to go along with her ring gear. Chico agrees to put the title on the line, and instantly regrets it as he receives a kick to the gut, Hiptoss, and Side Headlock, suddenly finding himself on the mat and in Chelsea’s grasp. Chelsea sends Chico into the turnbuckles, then wrenches his arms around the ropes. A DDT plants Chico, and Chelsea applies a crosslegged double Chickenwing on the prone Chico. She then traps him in a Camel Clutch, double Chickenwing, and a Boston Crab.
Chelsea stomps Chico in the corner, chokes him against the ropes, and applies a bodyscissors with a Full Nelson, then transitions it to a seared double Chickenwing with her knee firmly in Chico’s back. When Chelsea locks in a hold that Chico simply can’t escape from, he taps out, and is rewarded by watching Chelsea grab her new belt and stand straddling him with the belt held overhead in victory.
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17+ min 755 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$15 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5586: Ava Everett vs Kimber Lee
Kimber is elated to have a match with Ava, but Everett is visibly upset. Ava declares herself the greatest blonde professional wrestler while Kimber questions whether her hair color even qualifies as blonde at all. Lee takes a wicked throat strike and is soon trapped in a Camel Clutch as Ava chokes her with a chain!
Kimber is unprepared for yellow-haired Ava’s wrath as she unloads on the blonde as though she’s facing off against whoever made the store-bought box dye that’s been giving her so many problems. Kimber suffers a boot choke and a rope-hung Chinlock before Ava sends her crashing to the outside. The rage-filled Everett drives Kimber face first into the ring apron before using the ropes for better leverage on a vicious hairpull. Lee is down and out as Ava comes at her with a broom to further torture her foe. Kimber is a veteran fighter but will she be able to turn the tide against Ava’s rage-fueled onslaught?
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6+ min 271 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 5585: Lindsay Snow vs Vipress
Ever see a Last Woman Standing Match end after about 11 seconds? There’s a good chance Lindsay Snow hadn’t either, but when Vipress nailed an unsuspecting Lindsay with a Superkick just as the bell rung, she found herself down and out on the mat for the 10 count.
Regaining her senses, Lindsay demands a rematch, while the victorious Vipress just wants to take her win and leave. Lindsay hops out of the ring to chase down Vipress and bring her back in the ring for Round 2. It lasts only slightly longer than the first fall, as Lindsay works Vipress over in the corner, grabs her in a Front Facelock, and delivers a DDT that turns out the lights on Vipress for the 10 count.
Lindsay stomps Vipress back to reality, stands her up in the corner, and delivers a running knee to the face, followed by a baseball slide kick to the now-prone Vipress. A bodyscissors and rear chokehold puts Vipress down for the 10 count once more. Lindsay continues to pick up the falls, with a Superkick and a Musclebuster picking her up two more 10 counts. Vipress ends the match out cold on the mat, as does the referee as Lindsay ensures that she, and only she, is the Last Woman Standing.
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9+ min 550 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 5584: Ivelisse vs Layne Rosario
We open in the ring, where Layne is still recovering from her previous match. She is promptly told not to leave the ring, as she still has one further fight on the card. And this next match will be a Latina Steet Fight vs Ivelisse, who makes herself known to Layne with a low blow from behind.
Ivelisse continues in kind, delivering further low blows, eye rakes, Hairmares and more. Despite the onslaught, Layne bides her time and when the opportunity presents itself, she turns the tables on Ivelisse with a low blow of her own. Layne even takes things to the next level, with an Atomic Drop and crotching Ivelisse on the top rope.
The match ends with one wrestler underfoot and grudgingly conceding the authenticity of her victorious opponent. But is it Ivelisse calling the shots here? Or does Layne have what it takes when the gloves (and the boots!) are off?
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9+ min 393 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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SLAMpeg 5583: Bashley Bones vs Jason Cade
Bashley didn’t enjoy a previous encounter back when Cade had a bit less ink and a lot more hair and is in no mood for more of his antics and the sentiment on his shirt is mutual.
Within moments Cade is looking for a ref as Bashley is all over him. She executes a picture perfect standing splash while standing on Cade himself, but forgetting the lack of a ref forgets to count, or just wants an excuse to punish Cade some more. A Full Nelson is one of the few textbook moves you’ll see nestled among a flurry of corner abuse, rope chokes and just pummeling Jason on the mat.
Not sure what Cade did to deserve this kind of treatment but he’s not about to go down to a Sleeper, at least not without a long fight!
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7 min 292 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5582: Lady Frost vs Lexi Gomez
Frost and Gomez flex their respective muscles before the bell. No ref for this one, and after a shoving match Lady Frost ends up down on the mat. Unfortunately for her, it's pretty much going to stay that way for the remainder of this squash. At the start, Frost gets taken to all 4 corners and finds herself involuntarily introduced to the turnbuckles face-first. If she's not dizzy after that, leave it to Lexi to choke her victim on the ring ropes. There's no ref to stop it either, so Frost is on her own here.
Gomez proceeds to lock in a Sleeper on Frost, rendering her unconscious. This does not mean Frost is done for the day, as Gomez keeps stomping on her while she's down. She then locks in a straitjacket choke, taking her out again. Frost needs the support of the ring ropes to even stand up after that, while Lexi keeps kicking and chopping away at her. Gomez connects with a facebuster before hooking a Dragon Sleeper, and Frost is out yet again. This goes on for a good while, with Lexi putting her adversary through a Crossface, Camel Clutch, and Full Nelson before locking in one final Sleeperhold to end this absolute beatdown.
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10 min 513 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5581: Kiera Hogan vs Chico Adams
Kiera and Chico get right to it in this match, trading armwringers and Headlocks before Chico nearly gets the win with a couple of cheeky pin maneuvers. That puts him on Kiera's bad side, so she makes him pay with a serious slap to the face! She doesn't let up from there, laying into Chico with bruising kicks, repeatedly putting a boot to his neck, and choking him on the ropes. A dazed Chico is defenseless to stop Kiera from crashing into him with a corner Clothesline and knocking him silly with a running kick to the jaw.
Chico puts up a good fight, but Kiera is one step ahead of him. He's crumbled by a DDT and put flat on his back by a crisp back elbow. Kiera is fully in control, choking Chico on the ropes and telling him he should just give up. There's plenty of bending of the rules from Kiera, though her most vicious tactic might be the legal (and painful!) chops she lands on Chico's chest. Chico is close to being put to bed by a Sleeper, but manages to rally and make this a match. In the end, a Suplex is countered into a cradle pin, with the winner using a speedy count to claim the victory.
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9+ min 452 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5580: Ivelisse vs Violet Payne
We open with Violet proclaiming she's back, stating how she is a force to be reckoned with and how she plans on showing everyone who she truly is. That's when Ivelisse enters, surprised at Violet's challenge. Violet seems very confident, saying 'when' she beats Ivelisse it's going to establish her reputation.
Payne dominates the opening stages of the match by stomping Ivelisse down, choking her with her own hair, and wrapping her hair around the ropes. Which isn't a problem by the way, because there is no referee. Violet follows up with a Camel Clutch/hairpull combo. After some nasty knees to the back, Violet goes back to hairpulling until Ivelisse has finally had enough and counters with a sudden low blow! Ivelisse takes over, ramming Violet's head into the turnbuckles and choking away at her in the corner. Ivelisse tosses Violet around by the hair and puts her through much of the same punishment she had to endure earlier on. Violet soon finds herself on the wrong end of an STF and a Rocking Horse submission, which is surely not the welcome she was expecting after coming back. Can she hold on and get back in the fight?
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9 min 436 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5579: Heather Monroe vs Salina de la Renta
When Heather assures Salina that she's only looking to have a fair, fight, it feels like it's simply a matter of when Heather will go back on her word, rather than if. And sure enough, just a few minutes into this 1 Fall bout, Heather has Salina's legged wrapped around the bottom rope.
Unfortunately for Heather, breaking the rules goes both ways. And now Salina knows that Heather's promises of fair play were hollow, she has no reason to hold back either. A fact Heather quickly discovers when Salina launches into a flurry of offense, culminating in a painful submission that almost scores her the win.
The action rages on until a sudden Eat Defeat out of nowhere puts someone down for the easy 1-2-3. But who walks away with the bragging rights after this one?
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11 min 459 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5578: Diamante vs Katalina Perez
Katalina and Diamante scrimmage with a little trash talk before locking up. The pair prove to be well-matched as each struggles to get inside the defenses of her adversary. Diamante breaks through with a stunning elbow strike that puts Perez on the canvas before a basement Dropkick sends her to the outside. Diamante controls the ringside action, sending Katalina face-first into the corner post before rolling her into the ring for a Camel Clutch.
Diamante devastates Katalina with knees to the spine, a running forearm to the jaw and a vicious inverted cutter! Perez takes Diamante’s best shots and comes back at her with a running Lariat in the corner, decapitating Clothelines and a brutal DDT before mounting the dazed Diamante in the corner for a series of punches to the head. Both wrestlers give their all until a stunning turn leaves one battler out on the canvas for the 3 count to end this close contest.
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14 min 586 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5577: Mila Moore vs Mike Reed
Mike mocks Mila’s name before offering a handshake to start this Best of 5 Falls contest. Mila puts down her defenses only to have Reed pull her into his clutches. Moore is quickly trapped in a back-mounted Sleeper that eventually brings the statuesque beauty to the canvas in a limp-limbed heap.
With his opponent knocked out, Mike Reed picks up the First Fall with ease and Mila eventually wakes in shocked disbelief. Mike continues to play mind games, spiting in his own hand to add insult to a face rake and nose pull. Moore struggles to keep pace as Mike buries her under shoulderblocks and delivers a devastating fist drop to Mila’s forehead before putting her out once more.
Down a pair of falls, Mila tries to hide in the ropes to slow things down, but Reed just uses the ropes for leverage on hairpulls and Chinlocks to press his advantage. Mike cuts corners with chokes of every variety before delivering a series of bodysplashes to the drained brunette. Moore is nearly out as Mike cinches in another deadly Sleeper to close out this one-sided beatdown.
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13 min 552 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5576: Amber Nova vs Ori Gold
This fun matchup between Amber and Ori features a race to 5 Pedigree finishes, with 10 count pinfalls and plenty of references to one of wrestling's most famous tagteams. Let's just say there's plenty of crotch chopping and even a little "sweet chin music" to look forward to.
Amber strikes first with a low blow, leading to the first Pedigree pin of the match. But Ori recovers and soon Amber gets dropped by a DDT and then Pedigreed to even the score. This might be Ori's first visit, but he fights like a seasoned vet, wearing Amber down with a Suplex, a Neckbreaker, and a Superkick to set her up for the infamous finishing maneuver.
Poor Amber spends a lot of time in this match staring up at the lights for 10 seconds. It's not enough for Ori to just use classic wrestling moves, as he also shows a mighty right hand and even attacks Amber with her own wrench! It all comes down to those Pedigrees though, and Amber takes the full five en route to Ori celebrating a spectacular victory. This is one guy who definitely knows how to play "The Game."
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8 min 395 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5575: Jeyla Jey vs Rylee Rockett
Rylee is laying outside the ring in pain when Jeyla approaches the ring. After unceremoniously picking up Rylee and tossing her into the ring, Jey follows and starts a relentless beatdown on the already beaten-down Rylee.
Jeyla tosses Rylee across the ring like a ragdoll, pulls at Rylee’s hair, spams her face-first into the mat and the turnbuckles, and continues to demand that Rylee answer the question, “Who’s the best pro wrestler in the world?” Jeyla continues to overpower Rylee, wrapping her hair around the ropes and pulling, slamming her into the mat and the turnbuckles, squeezing Rylee in a Headscissors.
After a few more minutes of forearms, hairpulls, and refusals to answer Jeyla’s question, Rylee finally relents and declares that Jeyla is the best wrestler. Her reward for that acknowledgment? A forearm blow to the head from Jeyla that leaves Rylee out cold on her back.
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9 min 464 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5574: Miss Rachel vs Rylee Rockett
When Miss Rachel decides she wants to wrestle you “No” isn’t an option. When she decides that either you quit the business you love or have every last hair in your head ripped out again she doesn’t take no for an answer. Thus the predicament Rylee finds herself in as she, much the worse for wear, is thrown into the ring, possibly for the last time!
Rylee protests she isn’t scheduled to wrestle Rachel, who freely admits it’s not a scheduled match hence the lack of an annoying ref, but the threats to her young career and her scalp are very real. The latter is targeted relentlessly, and not your run-of-the-mill hairpulling either. Rachel expertly multitasks often choking Rockett with the very hair she’s pulling while also making exceptional use of her size giving her victim zero leverage. Creativity abounds in the cruel combos Rylee is subjected to with no hope of countering and a not so friendly reminder that there is no crying in wrestling! A Bow & Arrow variant proves particularly punishing.
Rylee’s determination to continue her career meets its match thanks to some unwelcome help from the ropes and the quitter is unceremoniously ejected from Rachel’s ring, barring a technicality, forever?
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9 min 453 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5573: Cami Fields vs Kiera Hogan
Cami’s Class Action Wrestling Championship is on the line in an unusual Double Standards Match where the Champion must fight clean but anything goes for the challenger Kiera.
Hogan doesn’t initially let go of her good girl tendencies but gold has a funny effect on challengers and it isn’t long before the fists are closed and the ropes and corners are not Cami’s friends. The Girl on Fire gets on quite a hot streak in the corner and chokes Cami out on the ropes for what seems like forever. The Champion struggles to keep her retaliation clean drawing an admonishment or 2 from the ref only for Kiera to turn the tables to no protests at all save Cami’s.
A very illegal maneuver plays a pivotal role in the outcome of this one but was it the challenger exercising her right to do whatever she wants or did the Champ get away with one on her way to retaining?
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7+ min 378 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5572: Leva vs Madison Eagles
Previously available as Members Match 124.
Madison has a decided height advantage over Leva in this classic match-up. After locking up and shoving Leva backward with ease, it’s apparent that she has a strength advantage as well. So Leva uses her speed, rolling away from Madison’s attempts to lock up or grab hold. When Leva finds herself behind Madison, she wraps her up, but Madison backs her forcefully into the corner, then Snapmares her into the center of the ring and applies a grinding Headlock.
Leva escapes by trapping Madison in a Headscissors, but Madison slips out and again slaps on a seated Front Facelock. Back on their feet, the two trade Hammerlocks before Leva gains momentum with a few forearm shots followed by running Clotheslines off the ropes that earn leva a couple near falls. A running boot to the face leads to a massive Sitdown Powerbomb from one grappler, who secures the easy 3 count to put a decisive end to this match.
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7- min 305 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5571: April Hunter vs Lexie Fyfe
Previously available as Members Match 124.
Referee Malia Hosaka gives some questionable instructions at the beginning of this one but the make perfect sense to Lexie who is happy to take advantage of them at April’s expense.
Knowing all too well her powerhouse opponent is at her best vertical, Lexie does her best to keep April on the mat and her best is pretty darn good. April struggles in bodyscissors before her legs and knees start taking the brunt of Lexie’s offence. Various leglocks, some vicious use of the ropes and apron and a Romero Set not to mention a bunch of stuff Malia seems happy to let slide all leave April in a bad way.
Hunter perseveres as best she can waiting for a mistake that Lexie is too good to make before succumbing to a legendary finisher.
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8+ min 497 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5570: Genni Right vs Sumie Sakai
Previously available as Members Match 123.
The opening handshake does not go as expected for Genni as the not-so-honorable Sumie greets her with kick to the belly. A fired-up Genni responds by hitting Sumie with a series of Hiptosses, letting her know that she's not going to be pushed around. Sumie connects with a knee to the stomach and then settles into a double-toed leglock with hairpulling and biting. These two really go at it!
Sumie tries to stomp Genni through the mat, then she throws on a tight bodyscissors. Genni breaks out a slick Backslide pin to steal a win, but Sumie won't go down that easily. It's not long before she's back to pulling hair while bending Genni in a Camel Clutch. Sumie expertly executes a half Crab and a Bodyslam, but Genni will not stay down, which causes a frustrated Sumie to start strangling her! When it's Genni's turn to fight back, she hits Sumie with a powerful Dropkick and a Suplex, coming oh so close to snagging a 3-count.
Sumie has one more dirty trick up her sleeve. Will it be enough to claim victory or is Genni the better wrestler on this day?
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8 min 379 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5569: Josie vs Lexie Fyfe
Previously available as Members Match 122.
A glimpse into days gone by for this 1 Fall contest between Josie and Lexie. Our match official is Lorelei Lee and with quick introductions in the bag, we get straight to the action. The opening portion of the match is a well-balanced affair, both wrestlers cautious as armlocks and Headlocks are applied, countered and reversed.
Inevitably, it isn't long before Lexie starts to be quite... Lexie. Digging into her usual playbook, Lexie dishes out a little hairpulling and a little choking in the ropes. Fortunately, Lorelei is on hand to keep things in check, even spotting Lexie's use of the ropes during one pin attempt.
But can Lorelei do enough to ensure this stays a fair fight? In the end, it's a quick roll-up that scores the W here. Is it a win for Lexie's whatever-it-takes attitude? Or does Josie prove that the only thing a good wrestler needs is quick technique and sharp instincts?
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7+ min 293 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5568: Allison Danger vs Amy Love
Previously available as Members Match 121.
The Supermodel is her usual pleasant self at the start of the match, pointing at Allison's ring gear and exclaiming she's not going to wrestle a Puerto Rican! But Amy doesn't have much of a choice in the matter, and the two lock up regardless. Some technical wrestling to start, with Danger focusing on Love's arm. But there's only so much of that Amy is going to take, yanking Allison's hair and taking her down to the mat for the illegal advantage.
Amy follows up with a Bodyslam and legdrop to gain a near fall, then rams Allison's head into the turnbuckle and chokes away at her. But Danger is a resilient one and she resourcefully counters a Suplex attempt into a Russian Leg Sweep. Allison fires up with a couple of Clotheslines and a DDT for a near fall of her own. But Amy regains some momentum with a Neckbreaker. She then makes the mistake of arguing with the ref, leaving an opportunity for Allison to hook a Backslide for a close 3 count.
In the end, both wrestlers exchange roll-ups until one of them gets the 1-2-3, albeit at the cost of injuring herself in the process.
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6 min 267 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5567: Amber O'Neal vs Lorelei Lee
Previously available as Members Match 120.
Guest referee Venus tells both wrestlers to play by the rules, specifically warning Amber who obviously has a reputation. Amber offers a handshake to start, naturally pulling back when Lorelei approaches and mocking her for being a rookie. Amber quickly secures control of the opening stages of the match with a yank of the hair, following up with a Chinlock, Surfboard, and Lotus Lock. Amber earns a couple of near falls before settling in a double Chickenwing. But Lorelei still has too much fight in her to submit, so Amber adds a few knees to Lee's head and back.
Lorelei does a good job of keeping Amber on her toes, scoring a near fall with a sudden Sunset Flip. Amber soon regains the advantage, trapping her opponent in a camel clutch, adding in some biting and hairpulling for good measure. Once again Lorelei surprises O'Neal, this time with a Crossbody and Magistral Cradle for consecutive 2 counts. But despite Lorelei's efforts, Amber stays in the driver's seat for much of this match, nearly getting a submission from Lorelei with a bridging double Chickenwing. That is, until Lorelei rallies with a Clothesline, reverse elbow, and Dropkick for another 2 count. Lorelei tries to push forward, setting Amber up for a Suplex. Can she pull off an upset, or is it too little, too late?
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7 min 356 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5566: Jennifer Blake vs Tracy Taylor
Previously available as Members Match 119.
Girl Dynamite, Jennifer Blake takes on powerful Hawaiian Tracy Taylor in a closely fought 1 Fall contest. Tracy wastes little time dipping into her bag of tricks, using a hairpull to corral the smaller Jennifer into the corner. The pair exchange Waistlocks, armlocks and Headlocks as they both seek an advantage. Blake breaks through and turns into a blonde blur as she ups the pace with a running shoulderblock, armdrag series and leaping Lariat that sends Taylor repeatedly crashing to the canvas.
Tracy slams on the breaks with a jawbreaker and and snaps Jen's head back with a vicious European Uppercut before putting the energetic Jennifer to the grindstone. Tracy works to drain the energy from her blonde opponent with a boot choke and wears her down with a kneed Chinlock as she maintains control of the match. A weakened Jennifer is forced to fight from underneath as she lashes out with back elbows to escape Tracy’s clutches.
The pair battle back and forth until a running Lariat in the corner and follow up Bulldog puts one wrestler down and out for a decisive 3 count.
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5 min 227 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5565: Amazing Kong vs Trenesha
Previously available as Members Match 118.
When describing many of Amazing Kong's matches here, certain phrases often recur; "One-Sided"; "Total Destruction"; "Sheer Dominance". However, for this 1 Fall contest vs Trenesha, a much rarer description would be a better fit; "back and forth".
From the outset, Kong acknowledges she is facing an opponent of similar stature. And whilst Kong does control the opening moments, it isn't long before Trenesha is fighting back and has even taken Kong down to the canvas for the first of multiple near falls. Kong responds in typically aggressive fashion, earning a few counts of her own - although these are 5 counts from the referee, whilst she blatantly breaks the rules.
In the end, a simple but powerful move puts one wrestler down for the 1-2-3. But has Trenesha beaten the odds and scored a historic win? Or does Kong prove that even against the toughest of opponents, her victory is inevitable?
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8 min 357 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5564: Jessica Troy vs Miss Rachel
After making Vegemite out of Frankie B (SLAMpeg 5463) Miss Rachel is pleasantly surprised to see another Aussie has bravely answered her “Squash Rules Challenge” and even more surprising Jessica seems happy about it!
Surprises aren’t over for Rachel as the “Arm Collector” actually tries to go on the offensive with Rachel fending off the resourceful Aussie until she literally backs her into a corner. With Troy’s offense disarmed for the moment Rachel wastes little time getting down to the squash portion of the challenge with an implant buster scoring a decisive 3 count. Of course she still needs a 5 and a 10 and Jessica seems determined to prolong her own agony leaving Rachel somewhat perplexed. But during a grueling stomach claw Jessica lets it slip the Aussie’s have a bet for the ultimate prize…free Denny’s and even if they all lose, one of them wins. This hijacking of her “Squash Rules Challenge” does not sit well with Rachel but she also seems to have a soft spot for Troy, stretching out the 2nd fall with several punishing submissions before a Tombstone secures the 5 count.
Knowing now Shazza is still to come and she can end this one pretty much at any time Rachel seems keen on giving Jessica a fighting chance at the bet. Can Jessica hang on long enough to win the bet before Rachel puts the squash in “Squash Rules Challenge”?
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14+ min 601 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5563: Kellie Morga vs Renee Michelle
Ray Lyn wears the stripes for this 1 Fall Match with Kellie going up against Renee. Right away the guest ref displays partiality in favor of Renee, which means Kellie has an uphill battle ahead of her. Renee doesn't help matters when she falsely accuses Kellie of hairpulling, prompting Ray Lyn to admonish her. With the official in her pocket, Renee dominates the opening stages of the match. She works on Kellie's knee and ankle, but doesn't shy away from some illegal choking either. Kellie counters into a Headscissors, but it doesn't take long before she has to tap out to one of Renee's leglocks. Ray Lyn gladly ignores Kellie's tapping for a while before making it a 2 Out of 3 Falls Match, possibly prolonging Kellie's misery.
But that's not the way things turn out, as Kellie locks in a modified Sharpshooter to make Renee submit and even the score at 1 fall apiece. Kellie pushes the advantage, even trying to take a few shortcuts as well despite the biased official threatening her with a DQ. But there's only so much Kellie can do in what is essentially a 2 on 1 situation. Ray Lyn physically helps out Renee when she can, with the latter eventually locking in a Camel Clutch and Texas Cloverleaf. Can Kellie hold on?
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16 min 694 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5562: Heather Monroe vs Leila Grey
Leila is out cold, flat on her back in the ring. The referee slowly revives her and gets her back to her feet. Before she can regain her senses, Leila is laid out by a spear from Heather Monroe. The bell to start the match is rung, and the referee lifts Leila’s limp arm and drops it 3 times … then 10 times.
Heather pulls Leila to her knees, wakes her up, and immediately turns out the lights again with a vicious Chokeslam. Once again, the ref lifts her arm 10 times, with no reaction from a motionless Leila.
Heather wakes her up again, drags her into the middle of the ring, lifts her up, then clocks her with a closed fist to the face. Heather rolls up Leila for a 3 count that could easily have been a 20 count. Heather rolls Leila’s unconscious body out of the ring and unceremoniously dumps her to the floor before departing the ring victorious.
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6 min 261 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5561: Miss Rachel vs Shazza McKenzie
Shazza is the third and final competitor in the Miss Rachel Open Challenge, where a 10 count is needed to attain victory. But Rachel is somewhat offended that the challenge is in fact also a bet between Shazza and her friends to see who gets bought dinner at Denny's. Shazza defends the bet and Denny's before trying to surprise Rachel with a kick. Bad mistake, as Rachel pulls Shazza into a painful-looking split. It's the start of an extended squash, with Rachel dominating throughout the match.
Rachel works over McKenzie's back and midsection, beating her from pillar to post in the process. Shazza endures kicks, Headbutts, chokeholds, and more before Miss Rachel stands on her chest! After a Bodyslam and an earthquake splash, Shazza miraculously kicks out, shocking Rachel. But all Shazza does is delay the inevitable. Rachel follows up with a double-arm facebuster, yet another splash, and a Tombstone Piledriver that still only earns her a count of 5. Shazza's neck is in bad shape after that, so Rachel is kind enough to do some chiropractic cracks on her. Not sure if a neck is supposed to bend that way, but it's a nice gesture nonetheless.
At this point Shazza is pulling herself up by the ring ropes, but Rachel is not done just yet. She spikes McKenzie into the mat with a Piledriver before nailing her with no less than 4 Banzai Drops, one from each corner! The 10 count is academic now, and while Shazza doesn't look like much of a winner after this onslaught, she still gets treated to Denny's afterward as fellow Aussies Jessica Troy and Frankie B pick her off the mat.
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17+ min 739 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
$18 for non-members
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$15 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5560: Heather Monroe vs Kiera Hogan
Hogan can’t help but feel a bit disrespected when Heather changes a 2 Out of 3 Falls Match into 3 Falls where apparently Kiera only needs to win one. Midsection strikes in lieu of lock-ups continue the disrespectful tone accompanied by relentless taunting as Monroe takes firm control of the 1st Fall.
Hogan’s back takes the brunt of the abuse highlighted by Backbreaker and Bow & Arrow stretches. That a somewhat basic move claims the first fall is testament to the surgical precision with which Monroe decimated Hogan’s back, bruising her ego in the process. Sadly there is no rest for the weary as Heather and her mouth are all over Kiera to start the 2nd Fall. Some dirty tactics are something of an interlude before Hogan’s back again feels Monroe’s wrath. Once again a move you don’t expect to claim a fall does just that as Kiera’s back lets her down again.
By all rights the match should be over but Monroe is rather enjoying herself and technically Kiera still can come back. She’d love nothing more than to shut Heather up in the process, otherwise the taunting might never end.
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13+ min 548 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5559: Alex Gracia vs Zoey Skye
Zoey has a proposal for Alex. She suggests that 1 fall isn't enough to settle their differences. Alex counters by offering that they not only go Best 2 Out of 3, but make it so that you have to win by 10 count off of a DDT. That's right up Zoey's alley...or at least it is until Alex scores with a DDT and gets a point just seconds into the match! Before Zoey can recover, she is hit with a double-knee facebuster and then a second straight DDT that adds another fall to Alex's tally. Is this just one big squash?
One more is all Alex needs, but Zoey counters an acrobatic maneuver and takes charge. The tables turn completely as now it's Alex's turn to be tossed around. Zoey attacks with a Fisherman's Suplex, a double-knee facebuster, and a pair of DDTs that tie the score at 2 falls apiece. In a surprise twist, a title belt comes into play and you know someone's head is going to get DDT'd into it. But is it Alex or Zoey who suffers this grim fate and loses the match?
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7+ min 315 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5558: Ivelisse vs Kelsey Raegan
Mila Moore is here to officiate this 1 fall contest between Ivelisse and Kelsey-with the added incentive of a $500 payout for the winner of the match, paid for by the loser! But a confident Kelsey wants to up the bet and suggests another $50 should be paid by the loser for every submission scored after the first fall.
Against any wrestler, this might seem like a bold move. But against a submission technician such as Ivelisse, we have to wonder just what Kelsey is thinking. To her credit, Kelsey holds her own for the early stages of the match. However, it isn't long before Ivelisse is dishing out a submission masterclass, tying up Kelsey's arms and legs in a variety of agonizing ways.
Unsurprisingly, Ivelisse takes the victory-but now Kelsey's ill-judged plan is about to have consequences for both her budget and her body! Ivelisse continues to make Kelsey tap out, putting her in one painful hold after another. A final Boston Crab brings an end to the match, as Ivelisse looks forward to her big payday!
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16 min 668 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5557: Amber Nova vs Chasyn Rance
Whether he’s “Chiseled”, “Chunky” or “Cheater” Chasyn is no one to take lightly least of all by longtime rival Amber who appoints herself Ref as well in some rather stylish stripes.
To say these two are familiar with each other doesn’t do it justice and when you know what your opponent wants to do before they themselves seem to you get some pretty fantastic creativity. While the first moves tend to be impressive it’s the counters that really steal the show, or they would if not for the counters to those. Just some of the holds and moves exchanged include a Northern Lights Suplex, Gut Buster, Backbreaker, Octopus Hold, Torture Rack, Cross Armbreaker, Japanese Armdrag, and a Tune Up with just a little biting to keep “referee” Amber engaged.
Beating Amber at her own game is almost as important as beating her at all thus Chasyn falls back on the power when he needs it but tries to rely on his speed and conditioning. Does “Chiseled” Chasyn keep up with Amber or will “Chunky” show up, fall behind and leave Ref Amber on the lookout for the “Cheater”?
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12+ min 562 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5556: Frankie B vs Vipress
Frankie proudly proclaims that she wants to be the best and that starts with becoming the Camel Clutch Champion. Current champ Vipress answers the challenge... by clobbering Frankie from behind with her belt!
Vipress immediately gives Frankie a taste of the infamous hold, bending her back outside the ring. The Aussie challenger is plenty stretched out before the match has even properly started, though probably not in the way she'd expected. She bravely rolls into the ring to face Vipress, only to be flattened by a Suplex and multiple legdrops. Another Camel Clutch follows, but Frankie won't tap!
That's fine for Vipress, who is happy to trap Frankie in the corner and unleash more offense, capped off by another big legdrop. Vipress traps Frankie's arm and leg in a body-twisting maneuver, but it all comes down to that dreaded Camel Clutch. A DDT and more legdrops set up an agonizing finish that forces Frankie to finally tap out. But Vipress isn't done and Frankie submits one more time to the Camel Clutch before being put to sleep.
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8+ min 356 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5555: Ivelisse vs Katalina Perez vs Mila Moore
Kelsey Raegan officiates for this unique Triple Threat Match. The first competitor to score 3 falls wins the bout. Right from the start, it seems like Ivelisse is in for a long day when Katalina and Mila form an alliance and team up against the Sicaria. Ivelisse takes the fight to both of them, sending both opponents crashing into each other. Still, it's only so long before the numbers catch up to her and she runs into a stiff Clothesline from Mila. The momentum has now shifted to the duo of Perez and Moore, taking turns stomping on Ivelisse and hitting her with leg DDTs. This way, it's not long before both of them have scored a fall at Ivelisse's expense. She tries to fight back, but is cut off each time.
Katalina takes her score to two falls with a Russian Legsweep, then Mila does the same after a DDT. The relentless doubleteaming is taking a serious toll on Ivelisse, but there's not much the ref can do about it. Or is there? Raegan shockingly intervenes with a Superkick to Katalina, then a knee to the back of Mila. Ivelisse follows up by pinning both of her fallen adversaries, taking her score to 2 falls as well! This is when the Sicaria shows us her unique definition of gratitude...
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10+ min 433 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5554: Katalina Perez vs Trixie
Trixie and Katalina compliment each other’s hair, nails and make up before Trixie changes her tone and explains that she’s not there to be nice. She challenges the pink-haired Puerto Rican to a 10 count pins match. Katalina agrees and Trixie makes good on her words, punching Katalina in the face, raking her eyes, choking her on the ropes and generally not being at all nice while doing it. Trixie tortures Katalina with repeated finger separations and hand stomps as she looks to break her nails. Buried in the corner, things look bleak for poor Katalina until she gets a boot up to catch Trixie charging for a splash!
Perez elevates to the top rope for a flying Headscissors, but Trixie puts on the breaks and delivers a devastating Powerbomb that rattles the ring and Katalina’s spine! Trixie returns to torturing Katalina with illegal chokes, backrakes and a throat stand before crashing her to the canvas once more with a Suplex. Perez shows her resiliency by repeatedly kicking out, but Trixie drains the fight from her with a tight Sleeper, leaving the kayoed Katrina unable to recover from a 10 count knockout.
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13+ min 562 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5553: Kimber Lee vs Hadar
Hadar is feeling confident about wrestling Kimber-until he's reminded that a past meeting between the two did not go well for him. Maybe Kimber should have let his ego run wild, because he gives her a heck of a fight in this one. He uses some slick wrestling to throw Kimber off early on, but the blonde battler lays in some hard strikes to let him know that she's not messing around. Hadar definitely needs a time out after Kimber jams his elbow with a mighty stomp.
She's too quick for his tricks and nearly ends the match with a roll-up when he tries to catch her with a surprise kick. Hadar eats a chop, gets sent head over heels with a fantastic flying Headscissors, and then Kimber rocks him with a Big Boot. Once she has him cornered, Kimber threatens to knock the hair off of Hadar's chest with a few stunning high kicks. Hadar finally finds an opening to fight back and he answers with kicks of his own, plenty of choking on the ropes, and even a few solid right hands to the face! Might he pull out a win after all? Kimber has to fight out of a tight Rear Chinlock just to stay in it, but Hadar doesn't let up. He continues to batter Kimber with powerful punches and forearms. This is a back-and-forth battle with some serious swings in momentum and it isn't until one wrestler lands an explosive Chokeslam that we have our winner.
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13 min 550 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5552: Tesha Price vs Jay Sky
As Jay is warming up in the ring, Tesha sees an opportunity to steal a quick victory with a surprise Piggyback Sleeper. Unfortunately for Tesha, her only surprise is how ineffective the hold proves to be. Which cannot be said for the painful Torture Rack that Jay then applies on Tesha, actually going so far as to knock her out from the pain.
Forgoing an easy pin, Jay waits until Tesha regains consciousness before applying an equally tortuous single shoulder Backbreaker which again renders Tesha down and out. Still not done, Jay continues to punish the now defenseless Tesha's back, eventually returning to the Torture Rack that began this one-sided beatdown.
A huge Powerbomb puts Tesha down once again and this time, Jay does count the pin for a comprehensive victory. However, he is not quote finished and a second Powerbomb into the turnbuckle leaves Tesha out for a second 10 count pin, which leaves her sleeping in the ring-perhaps dreaming of a match where her own Sleeper had worked!
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6+ min 280 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
$10 for non-members
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SLAMpeg 5551: Ava Everett vs Kiera Hogan
We open with Kiera on the phone, loudly boasting about setting up several matches for Ava Everett. One problem though: Ava overheard everything...oops. Everett is obviously not amused, claiming she now has a bald spot because of Kiera's actions! She proceeds to attack Hogan outside the ring, with Kiera trying to defend herself by saying she was talking about another Ava. Everett will have none of it, ramming Kiera's head into the ringpost and even wrapping her hair around it.
Back inside the ring, things don't get much better for Kiera. Ava stands on her hair, seemingly determined to cause a bald spot of her own. Ava locks in a Camel Clutch while raking Kiera's face, then wraps her hair around the ropes and smashes her face into the turnbuckle. Kiera eventually apologizes to Ava, but a mere 'sorry' simply won't do here. Ava forces Hogan to tap out to a single-leg Boston Crab, then finally knocks out her tormentor with a straight right hand!
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9 min 421 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5550: Bashley Bones vs The Convict
Bashley has two words when she sees her opponent in this intergender match-up … the masked, prison suit-clad opponent known only as The Convict: “For real?”
But The Convict is for real, as he proves early by locking Bashley in a Chinlock Surfboard, which he rolls over into an early 2 count. He lifts her into an elevated Bearhug, then backs her into the corner. An over-the-knee submission later, and Bashley knows this guy is most certainly for real.
The Convict gets another 2 count, then hits Bashley with a falling Headbutt to the gut and knees to the back. He delivers her face first into the turnbuckles, then Bodyslams her. But Bashley won’t stay down, and kicks out at a 2 count.
The Convict grabs Bashley by the hair and sets her up in the corner. But when he misses a charge into the corner, Bashley gets her opportunity to steal the match. Does she have enough left to lock up a win, or is The Convict about to serve as judge, jury, and executioner?
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10 min 428 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5549: Heather Monroe vs Zoey Skye
Heather delivers a few backhanded compliments to Zoey and her impressive abs before telling her to prove they’re more than just for show. Zoey accepts the challenge only to walk into a solid kick to the midsection as Heather takes aim at those abdominals. Monroe blasts Zoey with repeated shoulderblocks in the corner, trying to punch a hole through her midsection, before stretching her in a rope-hung Surfboard. Skye fights back with desperate punches and forearms, but gets shut down with a brutal kneelift as Heather continues her targeted assault.
Monroe demonstrates her power, repeatedly driving Zoey across her knee with gutwrench stomach breaker drops and an over-the-knee Backbreaker drop complete with abdominal claw! Skye refuses to submit to Heather’s torture, so Monroe turns up the pressure with double legdrops, leaping ab stomps off the ropes, and an elevated Bearhug. Finally Heather unleashes her fingernails on Zoey’s bruised midsection, shredding her taught abs until Skye is forced to tap out her desperate submission. Satisfied with her work, Heather leaves Zoey writhing on the canvas clutching her devastated midsection.
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14 min 587 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5548: Rocky Radley vs Ori Gold
After a very even exchange Ori locks in a nasty kneeling hammerlock armbar combo leaving him quite proud of himself, but anything he can do she can do better or at least just as well as Rocky punishes him in the same hold.
Ori’s speed seems to be the youngster’s trump card but a bad crash and burn gives Rocky a fresh deck and an unusual advantage in an intergender match, his hair, and boy does she exploit it. A rather vicious streak including some creative holds in the ropes, scintillating strikes and some nasty holds including a Rings of Saturn leave Ori in a world of trouble. But Rocky isn’t concerned by kick outs as she rather enjoys dishing it out but an ego is a mutual weakness and when Ori hits the big strike he missed earlier it’s a whole new match.
They go strike for strike and near fall for near fall as what moments ago looked like a sure thing for Rocky is very much in doubt. They both strike up the band and it must be playing anything you can do I can do better but it’s a finisher you won’t see coming that the loser probably still hasn’t that ends this one.
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12+ min 532 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5547: Candi Divine vs Holly Blossom
Previously available as Members Match 231.
There’s a reason why Candi Divine is a legend, and she shows it as she makes quick work of Holly in this one-sided beatdown classic.
Candi opens with a pair of armdrags. Holly rolls her over into a quick 2 count, but the wily veteran won’t be fooled so easily, then takes over with a club to the back and a whip off the ropes. Holly uses a Sunset Flip, but Candi responds with a Side Headlock takedown into a face slam to the mat and a bodyscissors (with a little hairpulling for good measure).
Releasing the hold, Candi gets up and stands on Holly’s belly, then chokes her with a foot in the corner, chokes her against the ropes, then chokes her with two hands on the mat. Candi lifts Holly off the mat and tries to whip her into the corner. Holly reverses, but runs right into Candi’s boot, and that’s all The Divine One needs (well … that and a bit of help from the ropes) to score the pinfall.
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5+ min 221 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5546: Kristin Astara vs Lacey
Previously available as Members Match 230.
Both wrestlers are looking bad in black but Kristin probably paid a little too much attention to referee Leva’s instruction to be nice, whereas Lacey flat out ignores her!
Kristin holds her own in a technical exchange with her arm coming out a little worse for wear but soon Lacey tires of the fair play and strikes rain down in a Front Facelock pulling Astara to the mat. Leva’s 4 count gets quite the workout as Kristin’s throat endures all manner of choking followed by come corner pummeling and finally a legal albeit painful Surfboard. Then it’s back to the regularly scheduled programming of Leva counting while Lacey does horrible things to Kristin!
Lacey finally decides to fight fair but a spine jarring Backbreaker and claw to the same spot are hardly nice. Tired of hearing the ref count its submissions all the way for Lacey who leaves little doubt she was the baddest in black in this one!
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9+ min 396 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5545: Jennifer Blake vs Rain
Previously available as Members Match 229.
Jennifer is in the ring, stretching while chatting up the referee, preparing for a championship match later in the night. From behind, Rain clubs Jen over the back and chokes her over the second rope. After slamming Jen face-first into the top turnbuckle, The Radiant One begins a focused attack on Jen’s left leg, wrapping it around the ropes and wrenching, kicking her left thigh, and locking on a leg scissors on the mat.
Jen can do little except shriek in pain as Rain drapes her leg over the bottom rope, then drops to the floor to yank on Jen’s damaged limb. Rain returns to the ring with a cookie sheet, which she slams against Jen’s knee and ankle. Then then introduces a baseball bat, clubbing Jen’s ankle, then applying a one-legged Boston Crab utilizing the bat.
Jen is wailing as Rain continues the assault, taking another swing for the fences connecting with Jen’s ankle. Rain then grabs a chair and slams it multiple times over Jen’s foot and ankle. Satisfied with her handiwork, Rain exits the ring, leaving Jen in agony on the mat. While there was no pinfall or tapout, and no one’s hand was raised in victory, it’s not difficult to tell who won this clash and who lost.
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7 min 294 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5544: Erica D'Erico vs Lorelei Lee
Previously available as Members Match 228.
Lorelei and Erica have got a lot to say ahead of their upcoming match. And it's also going to take them both a little time to remove their robes. And so, before the physical battle even begins, the two wage a verbal battle that takes us past the 10 minute mark.
Finally, it's Lorelei who ups the ante, bringing a baseball bat into the discussion. The match that follows is more of a brawl, with brute force trumping technique. And even without a baseball bat in her arsenal, Erica proves she can still pack a powerful wallop as she puts Lorelei down for a 10 count, slowly counting the knockout herself with her foot on Lorelei's chest.
As comprehensive a victory this is, Erica is still not entirely satisfied. Instead, she subjects Lorelei to a fish-pulling/face-clawing Camel Clutch until Lorelei concedes that Erica is the best (and prettiest!) wrestler
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20 min 830 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5543: Candi Divine vs Josie
Previously available as Members Match 227.
LT Falk wears the stripes and makes the introductions for this 1 Fall Match between Candi and Josie. The match begins and we begin with a classic collar and elbow lock-up, as befits the wrestler's classic attire. And it isn't long before Candi is playing the classic heel, as an offer of a handshake leads to a knee to Josie's gut.
Josie fights back until a rake to the eyes puts Candi back in control and a long held bodyscissors on Josie takes its toll. Josie fights back, but the more experienced Candi always has an extra trick up her sleeve that allows her to regain control whenever Josie seems to be gaining steam.
Soon, one wrestler is able to mount a flurry of offense that allows her to put her opponent's shoulders to the mat for the one-two-three. However, if those shoulders would have been so easily pinned without the aid of someone's foot on the ropes, we shall never know!
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7+ min 322 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5542: Kimberly vs Mickie Knuckles
Previously available as Members Match 226.
Kimberly is ready to knuckle up, which might not be the best call given who she's facing on this day. The larger Mickie easily overpowers Kimberly to start, making a statement by launching Kimberly towards the turnbuckles and the ropes. Kimberly isn't intimidated and actually ramps up her attempts to aggravate Mickie by making fun of her red hair. Mickie's response? A Clothesline that puts Kimberly on her back!
A nice trip by Kimberly puts her in the driver's seat, but soon Mickie uses a handful of hair to surprise Kimberly and trap her in a bodyscissors. Mickie shows off her flexibility by applying a leglock nelson, then picks up Kimberly to go for the kill. There's still some fight left in Kimberly though and the battle continues until one wrestler connects with a devastating Pumphandle Bomb for the 3 count.
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5 min 220 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5541: Jayme Jameson vs Santana
Previously available as Members Match 225.
Jayme and Santana face off for an evenly matched submissions only contest focused on grinding their opponent down and breaking their will to achieve victory. Jayme is more known for her power, and the submissions stipulation fits her skill set well, but flyer Santana is fighting on her opponent’s turf and will need to lean into her technical skills to pull out a win. The pair search for opening with Waistlocks and Headlocks before Jayme clamps on a tight Headscissors that leaves Santana suffering.
She refuses to give, and insults Jayme’s ‘fat thighs’ that only leads to more pressure from the irate brunette. Santana finally manages to find a back door and executes a few agonizing locks of her own, draining Jayme with a Full Nelson, bodyscissors and Boston Crab. Jameson uses her power advantage to leverage her way out of Santana’s grip and works her athletic opponent over with double-toed Chinlocks and a brutal elevated Bearhug!
The wrestlers battle back and forth in search of a submission, working each other’s joints to cause endless agony but which one will be the first to find the perfect hold to secure the submission victory?
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9+ min 402 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5540: Jessica James vs Shantelle Taylor
Previously available as Members Match 224.
Jessica and Shantelle waste no time before going to war with James laying into Shantelle with a kneelift and a straight punch to the blonde’s jaw that puts her on her heels. Jessica comes out on fire, laying into Taylor with shoulderblocks before driving her knee into her spine for a kneed Chinlock!
Jessica demonstrates an uncharacteristic disregard for the rules, pulling Shantelle’s hair and raking her back all while taunting her opponent along with the referee. James stays on the offensive with elbow drops, double-toed Surfboards and a running Senton that leaves Shantelle writhing on the mat. Despite a constant barrage of offense from Jessica, Shantelle refuses to be kept down for the 3 count.
Having toyed with her opponent enough, Jessica delivers a devastating DDT that leaves poor Shantelle down and out for the no doubt 3 count as she secures a convincing victory.
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6 min 255 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5539: Ava Everett vs Kimber Lee
Following the events of REDEEM 6, Ava is granted a match with Kimber, with the winner given a chance to challenge the Redeem champion to a match in the future.
Despite the bell ringing, Ava and Kimber continue to argue about their previous match until Kimber shuts Ava’s mouth with a chinbreaker. Dominating the match and never letting up, Kimber wears down Ava’s leg with an Anklelock, then stomps Ava’s knee into the mat. She stomps on Ava’s back and walks over the back of her prone opponent. Back to the legs, Kimber traps Ava in a Figure Four Leglock twice, then hits her with several over-the-knee Backbreakers and a couple Bow & Arrow submission holds on the mat.
Kimber hits a couple Suplexes, then a belly-to-back Suplex. A Swinging Neckbreaker quickly turns into a crossface, then Kimber goes for the kill with a Piledriver. Ava somehow kicks up at 2, but another Piledriver and a bridging cover results in an easy 3 count for Kimber. But even though she may have lost the match and the title opportunity, there’s still a silver lining for Ava in the form of a very special note waiting for her after the match.
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16- min 688 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5538: Alex Gracia, Eliza Haze, Heather Monroe, Kimber Lee, Rocky Radley & Zoey Skye
Alex is excited for the chance to rectify a poor showing in her REDEEM debut and has a new fan who may or may not have an ulterior motive. Gracia opens against Eliza who was snubbed for the last match and takes her frustrations out before the bell even sounds. All indicators including multiple DDT’s, point to another short night for someone and but maybe not who you’d think!
A banged up Zoey draws 3rd and Alex has payback on her mind with somewhat out of character offense. Far from 100% Skye struggles with the unexpected tactics and Alex locks in a signature submission that leaves her incredibly venerable just as entrant #4 Rocky hits the ring and she takes full advantage! It’s déjà vu for Rocky who once again divides and conquers only this time it’s Zoey she sees as the bigger threat and Alex who she hangs out to dry to finish off later. Only problem with that plan is entrant 5 the REDEEM Champion Kimber Lee!
Cinderella runs are nothing new to REDEEMS but this one has a bit more pink in it, nonetheless Kimber is determined that a Belt she had to wait over a year to regain is going to be hers long past midnight. An unlikely fairy godmother may just have something to say about that but is she really a wicked step mother determined to ruin a Pink Dream fairy tale ending?
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23+ min 0.99 GB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
$25 for non-members
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$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5537: Ivelisse vs Tesha Price
Rising star Tesha locks up with veteran Ivelisse in a Best of 3 Falls Match. Tesha bends Ivelisse backwards in an initial fingerlock, but the experienced Puerto Rican returns the favor before booting Tesha in the chest and sending her crashing into the ring ropes. Ivelisse unleashes an assault on the overwhelmed Price before catching her in a tight bodyscissors and Dragon Sleeper combination.
Tesha holds on, refusing to give up as Ivelisse locks in a painful Lotus Lock to drain her energy. Tesha’s resilience pays off as she manages to escape and gets her revenge with a Camel Clutch, straightjacket Surfboard and tight Sleeper!
Ivelisse roars back into the match, burying Tesha in the corner with shoulderblocks, standing on her neck for a rope choke and planting her in the canvas with a DDT! The back and forth war leave both wrestles tied at a fall a piece and charging aggressively at each other to take the Final Fall. In the end, a devastating roundhouse kick and follow-up leaping bulldog seals the victory and leaves the victim out on the canvas.
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12+ min 543 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5536: Bashley Bones vs LT Falk
Bashley has no time for LT’s mind games but that won’t stop him after a somewhat lopsided opening exchange has him in the ropes demanding she back off.
But class is in session and it isn’t long before he’s teaching some pretty effective moves, some the youngster is countering while other’s including a nasty Guillotine combo leave her quite humbled. After some nasty neck work including a nerve pinch the youngster starts fighting back including some pretty obvious choking as she can take it and dish it out whereas LT struggles with the former. A big kick spills LT to the floor and she’s right after him as he eats the apron and a table before barely beating the ref’s count but now he has the high ground and the Vet makes the most of it.
Things are going downhill quickly for Bashley until a missed strike opens up a new weak point for her to exploit. Again the rule book doesn’t matter much to her either but turnabout is unfair play for LT who returns the favors. The rookie makes plenty of mistakes but will the vet finally make her pay for one so he won’t have to learn her name?
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12+ min 516 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5535: Amber Nova vs Salina de la Renta
When Amber arrives she's upset to find a crushed 6 pack in the ring. Then it dawns upon her as she looks down at her own impressive abs... crushed 6 pack?!? Sure enough, the litter was left as a warning by the sinister Salina de la Renta, who makes her presence known by driving a chair into Amber's stomach. She takes the fight out of Amber early, clawing her belly and delivering a nasty Banzai Drop on the apron. Amber is ripe for the pickings and Salina takes full advantage, planting a knee on her abs and wiping her out with a big splash.
Salina traps Amber in the dreaded Abdominal Stretch multiple times, including a nasty variation in the ropes that leaves her free to dig her fingers into Amber's tummy. The harder Amber tries to fight back, the worse this match gets, and soon she's suffering in a Bow & Arrow stretch, a Tree of Woe, and a top turnbuckle-assisted Backbreaker. When Amber can't even walk across the ring without her ab injuries slowing her, you know this one is over. A Tombstone leaves Amber helpless in the corner, where she is splattered by multiple Banzai Drops! Salina treats herself to a 10 count pin to cap off the "6 Pack Challenge."
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14+ min 594 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5534: Leila Grey vs Tesha Price
The fierce and fiery Tesha takes down Leila to open this 1 Fall Match and works her over on the canvas with Side Headlocks and armbars. Leila fires back and sends Tesha into the corner, then whips her across the ring and nails her with a running knee to the gut, then slaps on a Camel Clutch. Tesha escapes and gets Leila off-balance first forearm strikes, then sends her face first into several turnbuckles. But she charges and runs into a Leila elbow, who follows with a whip into the opposite corner and a running knee to the face.
One wrestler works her way out of a Full Nelson and scores the 3 count with a double underhook DDT, then lifts her defeated opponent to deliver one more DDT to put an exclamation mark on the victory.
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7- min 295 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5533: Ava Everett & Zoey Skye vs Salina de la Renta
In her infinite generosity, Salina stops by to give Ava and Zoey some, uh, blunt career advice and it's fair to say that her words of wisdom are NOT appreciated. Shockingly, the pair aren't amused by some of Salina's criticisms and they decide to respond with force.
Ava delivers a bonk on the head to Salina, which sets the stage for the lesson to come. They take turns, with one pulling Salina's hair and choking her over the top rope to keep her in place and the other firing off free shots to the body. Ava (who Salina referred to as the "dumber" one) lands several body shots, while Zoey drops Salina with a double axe handle to the back. There's plenty of hairpulling and punching in this match, which is fitting retribution for Salina's taunts. Ava rakes Salina's back and eyes, while Zoey chokes her with a boot in the corner. Salina's hair is yanked every which way and soon her body is too with Ava and Zoey trapping her in a Boston Crab/Camel Clutch combo. The double submission knocks Salina out for good, though it remains to be seen whether she learned anything herself...
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11 min 456 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5532: Cherry Stephens vs Vipress
Cherry’s really excited to make her debut and can’t hide how new to the business she is proudly displaying her special wrestling book of moves which thanks to Vipress promptly ends up on the floor. If Cherry thought that was rude she hasn’t seen anything yet.
Vipress looks like she’s going to make short work of her with rather uncivilized offense that has Cherry looking for a ref. But she takes pity on the Aussie rookie and agrees to lock up and Stephens acquits herself quite well, but the moment she pats herself on the back Vipress is back to her old tricks. A nice stepover hold builds confidence only for a crossface to take it away but after some nice striking she tries it again ending with an innovative Trailer Hitch. A quick check of the book isn’t quick enough as Vipress rallies with Surfboards but some dazzling athleticism that may remind you of another Aussie brunette gets Cherry back in the match.
Inexperience unfortunately rues its ugly head again in the form of a jawbreaker and DDT as Vipress decides to literally take a page out of Cherry’s special wrestling book followed by something that most certainly is not in there!
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11+ min 470 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5531: Salina de la Renta vs Chasyn Rance
It takes barely a minute of action before Salina goes off the ropes and Chasyn catches her and nails her with a devastating Pedigree.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t get any better for Salina. Within minutes, she’s writing in pain in a Camel Clutch, blasted with a sit-out facebuster, then eats another Pedigree. She has enough sense left to grab the ropes to break the pin attempt after a 1 count.
But that’s not necessarily a good thing for Salina. Chasyn applies another Full Nelson and transitions it into another sit-out facebuster. He picks her up and puts her back down with another Pedigree. Toying with his helpless opponent, Chasyn drills Salina with a couple more Pedigrees before ending the match via submission.
Don’t worry though, there’s 1 more Pedigree reserved for Salina before Chasyn is ready to leave the ring.
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13 min 566 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5530: Marina Tucker vs Kellie Morga & Tesha Price
This match is quite the gamble as Sofia and Tesha make a wager on whether Marina can submit Kellie with a Canadian Backbreaker. Sofia says she can, Tesha says she can't, and we're off after Marina ambushes Kellie. Marina's strategy sees her wearing Kellie's back down with stomps, multiple Suplexes, and a Camel Clutch, while Sofia and Tesha scream and shout at ringside.
Marina couldn't care less about the bet and she makes multiple pin attempts, only to have Kellie valiantly kick out. More back punishment follows, including the all-important Canadian Backbreaker, but to the delight of Tesha, Kellie doesn't tap to the deadly maneuver. Once Marina finishes Kellie off with another back-stretching submission, she turns her attention to the crowing Tesha. In the "double or nothing" segment of the match, Marina pummels Tesha with foreign objects and pretty much uses the entire room to tear Tesha apart.
Tesha takes a Torture Rack along with much of the same back attacks that Kellie endured, but unlike Kellie she makes it very clear that she wants out! Marina isn't done until she makes Tesha give up to a Canadian Backbreaker, proving once and for all that the Price IS WRONG.
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18 min 752 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
$18 for non-members
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$15 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5529: Jessica Troy vs Shazza McKenzie
Jessica and Shazza square off in a 2 out of 3 Falls match. Good sportsmanship is shown when things start off with a mutual handshake. Good clean technical wrestling in the opening stages, with the absolute fastest exchange of numerous Hammerlocks you will ever see. A test of strength is next, and Jessica manages to stomp on Shazza's fingers. Shazza comes back with a Headscissors and a leglock before both competitors trade near falls with a roll-up and a small package.
Jessica counters a straitjacket choke and seems to have things going her way for a while, until she gets trapped in a sudden Sleeperhold by Shazza, leading to a tapout and a 1-0 score. Troy takes things up a notch in the Second Fall, going back and forth with McKenzie with forearms and kicks, hitting Shazza with double knees to the back and getting her to tapout after a Fujiwara Armbar to tie the score at 1-1. Good sportsmanship goes out the window in the deciding fall, with one athlete inadvertently knocking out referee Frankie Gastineau, while the other capitalizes on the accident by grabbing some brass knuckles! That's not enough for the victory just yet, but a final Dragon Sleeper does it in the end.
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13 min 542 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5528: Chelsea Durden vs Heather Monroe
Heather is happily snapping some selfies when Chelsea smacks her with a baseball bat out of nowhere! She scoops Heather up in her arms and repeatedly smashes her spine-first into the ring posts and wall. Once in the ring, Chelsea mounts Heather and punches way at the supposed diva and then attacks her selfie-taking arm. Chelsea is going to make sure her message is received.
She brutalizes Heather with multiple Bodyslams and long grueling holds that give her plenty of time to lecture Heather and accuse her of emphasizing beauty over wrestling ability. Heather flails helplessly as she's yanked back in a Chinlock and mercilessly bounced over Chelsea's knee while trapped in Backbreakers over and over again.
You'll watch in awe as Chelsea repeatedly carries Heather around the ring before slamming her down. There's plenty of lift-and-carry action here to show Chelsea's dominance. Heather is overwhelmed and KO'd, but that doesn't stop Chelsea from picking her trophy up over her shoulders and carrying her around some more. Finally, she ends this ridiculously one-sided beatdown with a devastating Implant Buster. All that's left is for Chelsea to put Heather up on her shoulders one more time and help her out of the building...
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17 min 739 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5527: Miss Rachel vs The Convict
This highly unusual match is scheduled for 1 Fall. Miss Rachel squares off against the masked and mysterious Convict. He does remind of someone, but he never unmasks so any guessing is pointless. The Convict gets checked for illegal objects before the match, which is probably for the best given his track record.
The Convict shows some excellent technical wrestling expertise early on, going toe to toe with Miss Rachel. He must have picked up some serious skills in jail! But Rachel is as determined as she is strong. The Convict tries several times, but can't knock Rachel down with shoulder tackles. Rachel on the other hand manages to drop her criminal opponent with a tackle of her own. She proceeds to drop a leg on his arm, but Convict counters into an armbar. Rachel briefly battles back after an exchange of forearms, until Convict boots Rachel in the face and drops her with a huge Clothesline for a close 2 count.
The Convict presses his advantage with a sidekick and a kneelift until Miss Rachel turns the tables with a very, very low Headbutt. Rachel is lucky the ref is lenient or this would have been an obvious DQ. The Convict shows toughness by getting back in the fight, but is in jeopardy when he misses a second-rope fistdrop. That's when Rachel strikes, even managing to Suplex the big Convict! In the end, a Sleeperhold renders one of these competitors unconscious for the win.
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13- min 537 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5526: Zoey Skye vs Chico Adams
SpiderZoey is perched atop the corner turnbuckles as Chico threatens that ‘playtime is over’ from inside the ring below. Zoey unleashes a frenzied attack with leaping Dropkicks, jumping DDTs and Monkey Flips that send the cocky Chico flying across the ring! SpiderZoey plants Adams in the canvas with a Bulldog, blasts him with a Lungblower and lands a devastating Frog Splash but can’t seem to put the brute down for the 3 count.
Chico overcomes SpiderZoey’s web shooters, charging at her like a Rhino with a running Clothesline, crushing her in a Bearhug and impaling her on his knee with a backbreaker drop! SpiderZoe demonstrates heroic stamina as Chico delivers haymaker punches, Powerslams, Chokeslams and Spinebusters to break both her body and spirit.
Despite the methodical battering she takes at Chico’s hands, SpiderZoey refuses to give up and lashes out with a series of kicks, stunning the villain before laying him out with an Enzuigiri that sends him crashing to the canvas! Can SpiderZoey fight her way to victory or will the treacherous Chico prove too strong a nemesis?
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27+ min 1.16 GB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
$25 for non-members
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$22 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5525: Ivelisse vs Mila Moore
In a match against a submission specialist like Ivelisse, a little extra height can be a distinct advantage when it comes to reaching the ropes. Albeit, assuming that Ivelisse will be obliged to release a hold in the absence of a referee. Which is something Mila will discover in this 1 Fall contest.
True to form, Ivelisse is quick to look for a submission victory, attempting to put Mila in a variety of painful holds. However, this close quarters grappling allows Mila to utilise her long legs to her advantage, trapping Ivelisse in various scissorholds as the match continues. Indeed, Mila even begins to dominate the action in the latter half of the match and it seems like an upset may be on the cards.
Of course, long limbs can also be a disadvantage against a wrestler who knows exactly how to tie them up into the most painful of holds. Will Mila legs prove to be the source of triumph? Or of her undoing?
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14 min 590 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5524: Jessica Troy vs Jason Cade
For the first few minutes of this 1 Fall international contest, the action is evenly matched and back-and-forth. However, when Jason is able to deliver the first (but not the last) Pedigree of this match, it becomes a considerably more one-sided affair.
Aside from multiple Pedigrees, Jessica also finds herself slammed face-first into the canvas (and on one occasion, the turnbuckle). Jason doesn't restrict himself to power moves though, also working a few submission holds into the mix. To Jessica's credit she kicks out time and time again, though this only serves to prolong her punishment.
As the match continues, Jason even incorporates the ring bell and a pair of boxing gloves into his arsenal, all before one final Pedigree (onto said boxing gloves!) brings about the inevitable fall of Troy.
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13- min 538 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5523: Kingsley vs Vipress
Vipress opens this 1 Fall Match against Kinglsey by grabbing an early pin attempt for a 1 count. Kingsley tries to get back up and gets Hiptossed to the mat. Kingsley maneuvers into a Headscissors, and when Vipress escapes, she slaps Kingsley across the face. Kingsley happily, and viciously, returns the slap.
What follows is a hard-hitting power contest between the two. Kingsley nails Vipress with a pair of reverse Atomic Drops, then the two trade off reverse Atomic Drops over and over until both grapplers are on the mat, struggling to get back to their feet and stand up straight.
The two warriors go back and forth, with Kingsley raining down fists and forearms, kicks, and kneelifts. Kingsley bridges back after a snap suplex but can only score a 2 count.
Vipress strikes with a low blow, face slam to the mat, and a rope choke. Kingsley gets back to her feet and hits Vipress with another reverse Atomic Drop, Clothesline, and a massive double legdrop. Is that enough to score a 3 count, or does Vipress have enough left in the tank to pull this one out?
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13- min 536 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5522: Leila Grey vs Chico Adams
Chico tries to intimidate referee Charlie Evans and Leila with his machismo, while Leila suggests that he forfeit the match to save himself the embarrassment of losing. Leila starts strong, surprising Chico with a Hammerlock and grinding him down with a Side Headlock, but soon Adams brings his size and strength into play, leveling Grey with a shoulderblock and torturing her with finger rakes, boot scrapes and rope chokes.
A devastating DDT puts Leila down and out. Chico insists on a ten-count pin, but pulls his opponent up to make her pay for her arrogant attitude! Adams batters Leila with shoulderblocks in the corner and delivers a double underhook facebuster that gets a 9 count! His frustrations boil over as Grey kicks out again after a DDT and Piledriver! Fearful that his 10 count pin request will come back to haunt him, Adams unleashes a Cobra Clutch variation on Leila that finally knocks out his over-matched foe.
Chico collects a humiliating 10 count pin on the unconscious Leila and inexplicably turns his rage on Charlie, leaving her kayoed on the canvas before finally exiting the ring.
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9+ min 416 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
$10 for non-members
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5521: Trixie vs Christian Pierce
Christian is all talk to start this one while Trixie is more action shutting him up with several Side Headlock takedowns. Christian’s bravado continues with flashy counters but Trixie keeps things basic and simple and most importantly in control.
An Indian Deathlock variant leaves Trixie venerable near the ropes and Christian stats walking the walk he’s been taking since before the bell. Even with glasses Ref Layne Rosario still misses her fair share but Trixie still manages to turn the tide and a couple of bicycle kicks in the corner leave Pierce reeling. Her boots remain great assets and she one ups an earlier Rear Naked Choke she endured by adding bodyscissors that ends in a very close call.
This serves as a wake-up call to Christian who starts fighting dirty, something Trixie is more than capable of doing and finally in her element with a ref that probably needs a new eye prescription can Christian stop her?
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9 min 386 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5520: Heather Monroe vs Kellie Morga
Heather is shown telling us she wants a rematch and a shot at redemption against Ava Everett. But most importantly, she wants her title back! That's when Ava shows up, who tells Heather that Kellie deserves a chance at redemption as well. Heather seems less than thrilled with that idea, but the choice is taken out of her hands when Kellie shows up anyway. Heather goes to work right away, slamming Kellie's head into a wall, then the ring apron. A painful legdrop on the apron is next, while Ava dons a referee's shirt.
Heather steamrolls Kellie in this one. She chokes away at her tall opponent with her boot, then drops her with a Neckbreaker before hitting a handspring elbow in the corner and a DDT. Heather complains about Everett's officiating before choking Morga some more. She drops Kellie with a Pedigree, then squeezes a submission out of her with a bridging Chinlock. After the match, Monroe demands that Ava raise her hand in victory. Ava does just that, albeit reluctantly, before taking a Pedigree from Heather as a Thank You.
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8+ min 359 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5519: Ivelisse vs Leva & Santana
Ivelisse gets to the ring to see Leva waiting for her wearing a Kylo Ren mask and wielding a lightsaber. She also spies Santana on the ring apron, also waiting for her and setting the odds decidedly against Ivelisse. But Ivelisse wants revenge against both, so she attempts to take on Leva one-on-one while Santana watches from the outside.
You can probably guess where this is going.
Santana distracts Ivelisse as Leva nails her with the lightsaber, then Leva chokes Ivelisse on the ropes while Santana pulls from the outside. Ivelisse is forced to endure endless doubleteams, distractions, and foreign objects throughout the match, not to mention having Leva dump her outside of the ring only for Santana to continue the beatdown outside the ring.
When Santana steps into the ring to let Leva “rest,” the doubleteaming doesn’t let up. Inside and outside of the ring, choked and doubleteamed, Ivelisse battles valiantly, but can’t overcome the power of the Dark Side. When Santana delivers her already-potent Headbutts with the aid of a foreign object, there’s no way Ivelisse can avoid ending up flat on her back for the 3 count.
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17+ min 741 MB MP4 Format, 1280 x 720
$18 for non-members
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$15 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5518: Dynamite Didi vs Kellie Morga
When Didi and Kellie meet in the ring for this 1 Fall Match, Kelli has support at ringside from Heather. And it soon seems like she might need it as Didi quickly begins to dominate the action, particularly targeting Kellie's knees with various strikes and leglocks.
Despite encouragement from Heather, Kellie can do nothing to stop Didi's onslaught, which eventually escalates into Kellie's leg being slammed against the turnbuckle. Such is Kellie's suffering, when Didi brings a chair into the ring, Kellie submits before Didi has an opportunity to use it.
All that remains is for Heather to help Kellie from the ring. But as is often the case, friendships here can be fickle. And it seems that Kellie's knee may not escape the embrace of the chair after all. Nor may Didi be working alone when she comes back to dish out more punishment.
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12+ min 581 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5517: Marina Tucker vs Rocky Radley
There's no referee in attendance for this 1 Fall Match. However, in a rarity here, it seems as though both wrestlers will be doing things by the book... for now.
Right from the offset, there is very little to separate these two women as various exchanges of lock-ups, Hammerlocks, armlocks, Headscissors and Headlocks result in a stalemate. With the match on a knife-edge, both women continue to vie for that one opportunity to take control.
Rocky almost finds that chance with a backslide pin, but Marina easily escapes. And in the resulting aftermath, someone's previous fair play all goes out of the window as they use a hand on the ropes to secure a pinfall and the victory. But who gets the win here? Is it plain sailing for Marina? Or will it be a landslide for Rocky?
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8+ min 377 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5516: Kiah Dream vs Jay Sky
Kiah doesn’t take kindly to Jay rolling thru a lock-up attempt and tries to take that agility away with a single leglock, only for him to counter with a grapevine of her leg leaving both hobbling right off the bat.
A clever roll thru of a crucifix attempt actually works against Kiah as Jay cinches in a Boston Crab and starts really taking it to Miss Dream. Hard Stomps, rope choking and a running elbow in the corner rock Kiah. A stomp to her funny bone is a precursor to a nasty combination armlock that is far from amusing which she makes clear with a series of forearms but her wounded wing remains a prime target.
Jay’s in the driver’s seat but objects in the mirror are closer than they appear and Kiah roars into the lead with a vengeance. Her sleepers pretty good but is it good enough to put Jay out while she’s screaming?
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7+ min 319 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5515: Diamante vs Rat Daddy
Diamante is not familiar with her opponent, and when she finds out who she will be facing she wonders where the name 'Rat Daddy' comes from. After clarifying that it was his mom who chose the name, the two square off. Diamante tries to neutralize Rat Daddy's size advantage but it's not enough to avoid getting caught in the Rat Trap! Diamante eventually gets out of her predicament but Rat Daddy pushes the advantage with hard shots to the midsection and an elbow to the neck.
That's when Diamante takes a different approach to the match, nailing her foe with a low blow! She proceeds to lock in a Camel Clutch, but Rat Daddy is still too strong. Diamante takes a hard Irish Whip to the corner, then runs into a side Backbreaker. Diamante tries to fight back after a Camel Clutch and an armbar, but Rat Daddy cuts her off each time. That's until she finally hits a kick to the head for a near fall, then a DDT and a tornado DDT for a very close 2 count. In the end, a straight Superkick earns of these wrestlers the win.
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13+ min 598 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5514: Ava Everett vs Zoey Skye
The Icon on Canvas, Ava has recently returned from a tour of Europe and is eager to try out the more technical moves she learned there on the diminutive Zoey. Zoey is a veteran who is certainly game for Ava’s challenge, promising that she’ll make Ava tap.
The pair lock up in a tightly contested exchange of holds, impressing each other through armwringers, Waistlocks, and Headlocks like two chess players looking for an advantage. Zoey scores points with a leg trip, grinding Ava in a Front Facelock and keeping a step ahead of her counters to frustrate the artist further.
Ava manages to seize the momentum with a leg trip of her own, slowing Skye down with a tight anklelock before draining her in a bodyscissors. Both wrestlers use the ropes to their advantage, strategically seeking them out when desperate to escape their opponent’s tight clutches and the battle stays even and fair as both opponents respect the rules.
Will Zoey keep her promise and make Ava tap, or will Ava’s newly discovered technical skills win the day?
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11 min 460 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5513: Aja Perera vs Kiera Hogan
Aja defends her Southern Spirit Championship against Kiera who finds herself battling the crowd who are solidly on the side of the champion. Aja seizes on Kiera’s hesitation with a leg trip, rocking the diminutive battler with straight punches to the face before sending her through the ropes to the unforgiving concrete below.
Hogan’s return to the ring is met with a pair of vicious slaps to the face and a running boot to the side of the head as Aja looks to insult as well as injure her challenger. Hogan counters with straight punches of her own, peppering Aja’s chest and connecting with a Savate Kick. Aja counters with a rope-hung Chinlock, Boston Crab and Dragon Sleeper to assert her dominance in the ring. Kiera won’t go down easily and the pair light each other up with vicious back hand chops to the chest.
Can Kiera dethrone the popular champion, or will the crowd help carry the Aja to victory once again?
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11 min 462 MB MP4 Format, 1280 x 720
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5512: Amy Love vs Sumie Sakai
Previously available as Members Match 191.
She’s so tiny, she’s so tall are accurate observations made by each about the other, even kneeling Amy is almost eye level with Sumie and if a contrast in styles wasn’t likely enough, well, Sumie bites too.
Amy struggles with Sumie’s low center of gravity and it isn’t long before her height advantage is nullified by her being on the mat and Sumie doing her best to tie her long legs in knots. Sukai shows an unexpected vicious side with more biting, hairpulling and general cruelty that you’d never expect. The technical acumen is on point though including a tight Figure Four Headscissors and forcing Amy to lift a shoulder allowing her to leverage into a Boston Crab.
Amy kicks out over and over prompting Sumie to lay in strike after strike and on top of the hairpulling, scratching and biting a Supermodel can only take so much but can she dish out enough to avoid a kiss of death?
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9+ min 406 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5511: Fantasia vs Rain
Previously available as Members Match 190.
Fantasia stuffs an early takedown attempt by Rain, then makes her pay for it by biting her! That's just one of the cheap tricks Fantasia uses in this match, along with stretching Rain's arms over the ropes and hairpulling (and did we mention the biting?).
Rain absorbs heavy punches to the stomach, a painful Surfboard stretch, and knees driven right into her hamstrings. This match has "squash" written all over it until a headbutt gone wrong gives Rain an opening. She returns fire and even attempts a pin, but Fantasia isn't staying down easy. Rain takes the action to another level with a double knee facebuster, but Fantasia has juuuuuuust enough reach to rope break herself out of a pin.
Both wrestlers seek their signature finishers with time winding down and only one of them succeeds. The loser is left flat on their back with no chance of beating a 3 count.
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10- min 410 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5510: Miss Rachel vs Nemesis
Previously available as Members Match 189.
LT Falk officiates for this 1 Fall match. The latter mentions before the match starts how she's been working out, and displays her new guns. And what better way to test those new guns than to lock up in a test of strength. These are two absolute powerhouses, and momentum shifts both ways. Nemesis impresses by powering the mighty Rachel to a knee, but Rachel powers up and returns the favor.
Miss Rachel takes the advantage with forearm shots, a Clothesline, Bodyslam, stomach claw, and a Headbutt to the abdomen. She proceeds to choke Nemesis on the ropes, but Nemesis comes back with a double axe handle off the ropes. She then locks Rachel in an anklelock and proceeds to keep the focus on the leg with a Spinning Toehold.
Nemesis keeps fighting, but is in significant trouble when Rachel locks her in a Boston Crab. She misses a charge in the corner, then walks straight into Rachel for a Bearhug. That doesn't end the match, but a devastating Fisherman's Suplex eventually earns one of these wrestlers the 1-2-3.
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9+ min 401 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5509: Angel Orsini vs She Nay Nay
Previously available as Members Match 188.
Powerhouse Angel takes on Canadian She Nay Nay in a clash of styles and cultures. She Nay Nay is quick to lock on a tight Waistlock, but Angel fights her way out with a Hip Attack before wrenching her opponent to the canvas. The wrestlers exchange Hammerlocks, facelocks, armwringers and Headlocks as they try in vain to maintain control.
Angel’s superior size has her nearly taking She Nay Nay’s arms off as she locks in a spine-grinding kneed Surfboard. Orsini relentlessly pounds on her smaller foe, sending her to the canvas repeatedly with mat slams, Bodyslams, and Suplexes before driving her across her knee with a brutal over-the-knee Backbreaker! She Nay Nay fights her way back into the match and has Orsini in trouble with a series of roll ups and backslides that nearly pull the 3 count.
After a wild, back and forth match, a swing over facebuster puts one battler down for the 3 count to end this international ring war.
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6+ min 270 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5508: Christina Von Eerie vs Saraya
Previously available as Members Match 187.
Already a highly skilled, well-travelled and extremely experienced wrestler, Sweet Saraya's 'casual' relationship with the rules of wrestling make her an intimidating prospect for any opponent. Which is a fact that Christina Von Eerie is well aware of, going into this 1 Fall Match.
From the opening bell, Saraya controls much of the action, alternating between a master class in technical wrestling and the occasional low blow or choke on the ropes when the occasion requires it. Which is not to say this is a one-way street. Christina takes every chance she can get and rocks Saraya more than once as the match progresses.
In the end, and after a period of sustained pressure from one of these wrestlers (including a Bodyslam, legdrops and a painful armbar), it's a smartly executed roll-up that scores the 1-2-3 here.
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11 min 463 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5507: Britani Knight vs Kimberly
Previously available as Members Match 186.
Kimberly locks up with Britani Knight. There's no ref to officiate, but aside from some occasional hairpulling, this match is kept surprisingly clean. Britani opens with some Headscissors, which Kimberly counters into a single-leg Boston Crab. So begins a series of holds and counterholds, where neither competitor is able to sustain the advantage very long. Britani does damage with knees to the back, a Sleeperhold, and a Boston Crab among others, while Kimberly has Knight in some trouble with a toehold, leglocks, and bodyscissors.
Both women earn some near falls as well. Britani delivers a La Magistral Cradle, but it doesn't get the job done. Kimberly nails a Fisherman's Suplex for a 2 count, and displays tremendous strength when she counters Britani's armbar attempt by lifting her adversary clean off the mat and dropping her back down. There's dueling leglocks and both wrestlers spend a significant amount of time focusing on their opponent's legs, but in the end an expertly applied americana armbar earns one of these grapplers the submission victory in this competitive match.
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9+ min 404 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5506: Kellie Skater vs Tenille
Previously available as Members Match 185.
Tenille starts this match well enough, matching Kellie move for move and scoring the first major point of the match with a slick toehold that aggravates her opponent. She presses her advantage and rocks Kellie with a beautiful Suplex, followed by a Dropkick to a seated Kellie that earns her a near fall.
Always willing to do anything to win, Kellie trips Tenille so that she lands throat-first on the ropes and from there it's all "Rate Tank." She pummels Tenille with body shots, drills her with a running forearm in the corner, and then stretches her out in a nasty Camel Clutch. Kellie REALLY seems to enjoy bending Tenille back in the clutch, one of her signature holds. Tenille refuses to quit and doesn't let Kellie get away with a cocky pin either, throwing her shoulder up emphatically. Kellie tries to put Tenille to sleep with a Rear Naked Choke, but Tenille fights out of that too. This is a fiercely contested match and it doesn't end until a powerful Headscissors forces a tapout.
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6 min 261 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5505: Erica D'Erico vs Kristin Astara
Previously available as Members Match 184.
We're stepping into the archives for this belly bashing battle. It's straight into the action here and Kristin and Erica have only one thing in mind - to target each other's stomachs in any ways they can.
Punches, kicks, Belly Claws and elbows are drilled into midsections as both wrestlers look to knock the wind out of each other. And trapping an opponent in the corner also proves to be an effective way of dishing out more gut grinding punishment.
The action remains finely balanced until someone is hoisted from the canvas and dropped belly-first over someone's knee. A 3 count follows and one winded but triumphant wrestler stands tall in victory.
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7 min 294 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5504: Charli Evans vs Heather Monroe
Sometimes 1 fall isn’t enough. And sometimes a 3 count isn’t enough, either. When Charli squares off against Heather, the Best of 3 Fall match-up can only end via 10 count pinfall.
Charli overwhelms Heather early with powerful strikes and foot chokes in the corners as well as rope chokes and Wristlocks. A German Suplex is enough to keep Heather’s shoulders on the mat for 10 seconds as Charli takes the First Fall.
Charli attacks early in the Second Fall, but Heather reverses a double Wristlock and works over Charli in the corner. A rollup nets a 2 count, an over-the-knee Backbreaker earns a 7 count. And when Heather reverses a whip into the corner and nails a running elbow, Bulldog, and a sit-out face slam, Charli’s lights go out for the 10 count.
Heather goes for the classic moves in the deciding fall with a boot rake to the eyes and an Atomic Drop. A Spear gets Heather a 9 count. She has Charli in her sights for a second Spear, but Charli still has some fight left in her. In the end, it’s a Spinebuster that secures the decisive 10 count, and when the losing wrestler complains that her opponent cheated, she’s locked into a crossface and forced to tap out just to add a little insult to injury.
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10 min 441 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5503: Ava Everett vs Marina Tucker
As Ava explains to Marina the meaning behind her "lucky coin", one has to wonder if all her talking is intended as nothing more than a diversionary tactic. However, if that was Ava's plan, it is not a successful one as Ava's attempted surprise kick is easily avoided and countered into a Lungblower by the savvy Marina.
Marina continues to control the action, targeting her attacks on Ava's back and even using the turnbuckle as a means to stretch Ava further. Refusing to yield, Ava fights back with a cutter that puts Marina down... but not enough for a pinfall.
This short match reaches its conclusion when a Barbie Crusher puts one of these women down for the 1-2-3. But is the No.1 contender only second best in this encounter? Or does Marina end up completely out of contention?
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8- min 339 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
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$7 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5502: Rocky Radley vs Vanity
Rocky stretches while contemplating an upcoming title shot but standing in her way or rather a rung on the ladder that’s about to be stomped on is Vanity. Vanity is also stretching, while on the floor, and that’s where the Rocky starts going thru her by trying to put her thru the ring apron and the post!
Being back in the ring does little to curtail Rocky’s quite illegal onslaught as no ref is in sight and choking and ropes use abound. But Rocky must think she’ll need to practice the legal stuff for the title shot and shows off a mounted stranglehold, crossface, STF variant and a Backbreaker. A Boston Crab doesn’t quite go according to plan as Vanity refuses to just roll over but Rocky takes it as a mild inconvenience and gets on with her task at hand.
If the Champion thought she had chosen a roadblock to Rocky she ended up with a speed bump at best that ends up just as flat as the rest of the road to her title shot.
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13+ min 588 MB MP4 Format, 1920 x 1080
$15 for non-members
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$12 for SLAMminLadies Members

SLAMpeg 5501: Kellie Morga vs Sofia Castillo vs Tesha Price
It’s triple threat tag time as rising stars Sofia, Kellie and Tesha go to war.
Morga and Price share a strategy session out of earshot of their opponent before Castillo charges at them only to take a double Clothesline to start things off. Kellie and Tesha’s alliance doesn’t even survive the subsequent pin attempt as they trade blows in a battle over the cover. Sophia lights up her opponents with a bicycle kick and running knees to the face and all 3 wrestlers find themselves on the receiving end of doubleteams including Boston Crabs, back elbows and corner Lariats leading to a three-way brawl.
Tesha tries to put Kellie down with a straightjacket Surfboard, but finds herself caught in a tight Sleeper from Sophia that nearly does her in! A double Superkick puts one fighter down, leaving 2 foes to battle over the carcass. The victor is one step ahead, laying her opponent out with a Savate Kick to collect the 3 count in this wild three-way match.
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